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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Politics WOKE MARCHING ORDERS: Military will soon focus on 'underserved communities' to satisfy 'equity' demands
  2. CRISIS COMES TO THE CAPITAL Yet another migrant bus arrives in DC near Biden's doorstep
  3. That is the best reason not to do it, you're always wrong!
  4. UNREST IN THE STREETS Protests continue over fatal police shooting of Black man The Grand Rapids officer pulled Lyoya over because his license plate didn't match his car, according to police. Lyoya got out of the car and began to leave the scene during the exchange, video released by the city's police department on Wednesday showed. Patrick Lyoya, a 26-year-old man from the Democratic Republic of Congo, was shot and killed by an officer on April 4. (Grand Rapids Police Department) After a brief foot chase, the officer grabbed Lyoya and the two grappled for about two and a half minutes, eventually struggling over the cop's Taser. The officer shot Lyoya once in the head, killing him, according to Grand Rapids police. After struggling over a Taser, the officer pulled his handgun and shot Patrick Lyoya once in the head. (Grand Rapids Police Department) Just what MSM wanted a black man killed by a white cop, this they will report... https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/15/us/patrick-lyoya-shooting-witness/index.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/patrick-lyoya-shooting-grand-rapids-michigan-police-video/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2022/apr/15/patrick-lyoya-footage-shows-fatal-us-police-shooting-of-black-man-video
  5. There are enough gun laws already you need the people in place to enforce them, get rid of no cash bail and get rid of Soros paid for prosecutors that don't lock up criminals. They also need to quit letting criminals out of prison just to keep the population low. California is releasing 76K inmates early, including violent felons https://ktla.com/news/california/california-will-release-76k-inmates-early-including-violent-felons/ No-cash bail law a bust, NY voters demand changes https://nypost.com/2022/03/28/no-cash-bail-law-a-bust-ny-voters-demand-changes-poll/ States with the Strictest Gun Laws https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state California is the state with the strictest gun laws, and it also has the seventh-lowest rate of deaths by gun violence. In addition to regulation on who can purchase a gun and what kinds of firearms may be legally obtained, California gun laws allow for funding to community programs that have reduced gun-related violence. Other states with strict gun laws include Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Maryland, and Massachusetts. Some of these states require background checks and a waiting period before someone is allowed to purchase a gun; some require that they undergo training first. States with the Least Strict Gun Laws The states with the most lenient gun laws are New Hampshire, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Texas, Montana, West Virginia, Alabama, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Alaska, Kansas, South Dakota, Arizona, Kentucky, Missouri, Idaho, Wyoming, and Mississippi. Many states are trying to enact legislation to promote gun safety, as gun violence continues to be a leading cause of death throughout the country. New York City crime wave continues into 2022 as city rolls out safety plan https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/05/us/new-york-city-crime-wave-2022/index.html The city recorded a 41% increase in overall major crime through the first months of 2022 compared to the same period last year, including a nearly 54% increase in robberies, a 56% increase in grand larceny incidents and a 22% increase in rape reports, the data shows. New Crime Stats Revealed: Homicides in Los Angeles Soared in 2021 https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/new-crime-stats-revealed-homicides-in-los-angeles-soared-in-2021/
  6. Media59 mins ago Biden has had a record number of migrants die under his watch, he's not doing a single thing: Tom Homan Biden administration ain't gone fix this. The Biden administration has been in power for 14, 15 months. They haven't done a single thing to slow the flow. Nothing. They've done nothing to secure the border. Everything they've done is how quickly can we process migrants and release them? Right now, they're looking at $900 million to build soft sided facilities for the surge that's coming, so they can process and release quicker. And when you process and release quicker, that just brings more. And your point about inhumane policy? Let me make one point… the Biden administration keeps saying the Trump policies are inhumane. Let me be clear on this. More migrants have died under the first year of Joe Biden on U.S. soil than any year I can remember. A record number - more migrants are dying under Joe Biden, and over 100,000 Americans have died over overdose deaths of fentanyl comes across that southwest border. His policies are inhumane and they're killing people.
  7. Get democrats out of office... Media Melugin investigates the effects of LA district attorney's 'criminal friendly' policies
  8. U.S.59 mins ago 'JOIN IN ON THE FUN': University hosts 'Drag Queen Story Hour' for kids as young as 2
  9. BIDEN BACKTRACKS White House will resume oil, gas leases on federal lands as gas prices surge
  10. Groomer your hero is napping in the White House and the Democrats have control of both the Senate and Congress and have been in office over a year why haven't they done anything to help US citizens?
  11. From your groomer's own link... https://www.businessinsider.com/how-the-world-views-biden-trump-us-gallup-world-polls-2022-4?utm_source=reddit.com But Biden's honeymoon appears to have ended during the US' chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Some changes in approval could also be due to surveying methods, Gallup said. . The firm used phone and in-person interviews with nationally representative samples among people 15-years-old or older. You groomers do like the children!
  12. Politics55 mins ago Biden admin grants Cameroon nationals in US protection from deportation, can apply for work permits
  13. How many peckers can woody peck when woody starts pecking peckers?
  14. CRISIS HITS HOME Third migrant bus from Texas arrives near Biden's doorstep
  15. Don't forget about the groomers and Blue-anons and the black supremacists.
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