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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Politics Biden: US using billions in tax dollars to make military vehicles 'climate-friendly'
  2. Politics READ IT AND WEEP: Florida exposes 4 examples of CRT in textbooks rejected for public schools
  3. U.S. EXCLUSIVE:Mom's suspected killer has been in US illegally, sources say
  4. Ron DeSantis Published April 22, 2022 3:46pm EDT DeSantis signs bill stripping Disney of self governing status Disney held the self governing status for more than 50 years https://www.foxnews.com/politics/desantis-signs-bill-stripping-disney-self-governing-status
  5. Push me Shove you...It's about time Conservatives get a set as Abbot is as well busing Illegal to DC.
  6. The way to bring the cost of tuition down is stop using the product (the college) and go to trade schools, apprenticeships etc... when they start losing money they will need to either lower cost or fold. Supply and Demand.
  7. Some of those I've never heard of...we had game rooms, pool halls, drive-ins, the beach and sandlots. lol
  8. The money spent here could have made a payment or two or three!
  9. Politics Biden gets 3 Pinocchios for saying 'congressional Republicans' want middle class tax hike
  10. They could always take the military route get the college bonuses and save money for school.
  11. If the student doesn't pay their student loan the government should take it from their Social Security payments the student is due later. Instead of teaching kids CRT, gender studies, gay pride, boys can be girls and girls can be boys etc...they should be learning math and accounting, money management, calculating loans and interest,economics, responsibilities etc...
  12. After Hunter abandoned the laptop, it became the repairman's property so he was going through his own laptop and when he found perverted illegal pornographic material that showed Joe Biden and his son Hunter were complicit in unlawful activities he reported it ti the authorities. a·ban·doned /əˈband(ə)nd/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: abandoned 1. having been deserted or cast off. Personal property is generally considered to be abandoned when it is found in a place where the property’s true owner intended to leave it, but is in such a condition that it is apparent that the owner has no intention of returning to claim the property. Some states maintain statutes which determine that specific types of abandoned personal property escheat; or, they become property of the estate. Some of the most common examples of such property include cars, wrecked ships, and wrecked aircraft. https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/abandoned-personal-property.html
  13. https://www.facebook.com/resistthedonkey/videos/552753215907896/ click above link to watch video...
  14. The laptop’s journey begins John Paul Mac Isaac, the owner of the Wilmington repair shop, has said he received the 13-inch MacBook Pro on April 12, 2019, when Hunter Biden asked him to recover data from the computer because it had been damaged by liquid. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/
  15. IN THE CLOUDS Air Force justifies creation of ‘safe space’ program for airmen
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