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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Economy PRICED OUT: New home sales crash as mortgage rates, building costs spike
  2. MULTIPLE PRIOR ARRESTS NYPD search for suspect in broad daylight shooting of subway rider
  3. Gay Community Most Vulnerable to Monkeypox Threat, Vaccines Available Soon: CDC https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-05-23/gay-community-most-vulnerable-to-monkeypox-threat-vaccines-available-soon-cdc Anyone can get monkeypox, but CDC warns LGBTQ community about 'greater chance' of exposure now https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/23/health/monkeypox-lgbtq/index.html
  4. FUELING THE FIRE Biden appears to praise ballooning gas prices as 'incredible transition' Americans must go through "Here’s the situation. And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over," Biden said, seeming to justify or praise those sky-high prices Americans face at the pump.
  5. Assignment that depicts Barack Obama next to monkeys prompts https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/michigan-teacher-leave-assignment-depicts-barack-obama-monkeys-rcna29798
  6. Media 'LIKE A CREEPY NEIGHBOR': Major insurance company pushing LBGT, gender fluidity books on kids
  7. JUST PEACHY Mainstream media admits early voting 'surging' in red state after claiming law would suppress votes
  8. Where all do we have troops? Are we so spread out there are not enough to defend the homeland? Biden has a knack for creating shortages in the USA!
  9. We just sent $54 billion to Ukraine, dig deep your taxes will soon be raised to send Taiwan Billions...
  10. Health 'THIS ISN'T A GAME': Transsexual pioneer torches modern trans movement, warns kids facing 'indoctrination'
  11. RADICAL EDUCATION 7 books that reveal 'woke' curriculum pushed on kids in America's biggest city
  12. That was always fun watching the return guys, some of the most exciting plays.
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bud-grant-nfl-toughen-up-reduce-fair-catches-kneeldowns Grant apparently believes the NFL has gotten too soft And Grant did in fact speak — specifically about the rules as they relate to quarterback kneeldowns and the kicking game. Basically, he thinks it’s all gotten too soft. So he would like to see the league find a way to reduce kneeldowns and touchbacks, and yes, even fair catches. "I would complain to people about the idea that when the trailing team was out of timeouts, the quarterback starts kneeling down and the fans are leaving," Grant told the Minneapolis Star Tribune, adding that the answer was always, ‘There’s nothing that can be done about it.’ I kept thinking about it and decided, ‘Yes, there is. The team on offense has to make a yard — 1 yard — or the clock stops. A few things can happen when trying to make a yard. You can get stuffed. You can fumble. You can get a penalty. And you keep the fans interested."... ... "I attended enough meetings to know the NFL wants to avoid admitting Canadian football has a better idea about anything. Yet, they should follow Canada and take away the fair catch," Grant said. "There’s no fair catch in Canada, but the coverage also has to give the returner 5 yards. NFL people hear this and they’ll say, ‘It will increase injuries.’ The 5-yard cushion makes all the difference. My opinion is there won’t be a real increase in injuries, and the punt would become an interesting play." And don’t even get him started on players kneeling in the end zone on kickoffs. "Why bother, if your goal is to make the kickoff the most-nothing play in football? They say it’s about safety. Injuries happen on every play," Grant said. "They have made several changes on the way you can block on the kickoff. They can keep those. But you wait three minutes through a timeout, they come back, kick off, walk the ball out to 25." "It’s ridiculous," he added. "Move the kickoff back 5 yards [to the 30], and if you don’t bring it out, you don’t get rewarded with the 25. You get the ball at the 15." Grant’s ideas are actually pretty decent. But he’s probably right about the NFL not be willing to listen and make things more enjoyable for the fans. After all, the NFL thinks it always knows best. Forget the fact Grant has been around about as long as it has.
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-post-columnist-warns-biden-make-blunder-china Biden administration is facing pressure from the officials at the Treasury Department, Wall Street, and the business community to remove the tariffs. However, national security officials worry that would give away too much leverage to China. "The internal administration battle has now spilled out into public view, with the Treasury Department in favor of removing some tariffs, and parts of the National Security Council and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative opposed. Biden is expected to decide soon."
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