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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. 'SOMEBODY HELP ME' Video shows individual holding woman on train as passengers watch in horror
  2. Nope you did not...the intent wasn't meant for you, I didn't convey my point right. Sorry didn't mean to offend you.
  3. So the guy that made that gun made it just to kill kids!
  4. Good thing they don't try to ban ALCOHOL, those drunk drivers kill more people than school shooters.
  5. DEADLY DELAY Investigators reveal why Border Patrol didn't immediately enter Uvalde school
  6. Temporary patch won't last very long, you're not solving anything you're just giving yourself a temporary good feeling I did something. Which in the end could be worse it gives a sense of false security and people let down their guard and then BOOM!
  7. Economy RUNNING HOT: Key inflation measure rose in April to a near 40-year high
  8. Politics Could Israeli school security methods serve as model for US schools? Israel uses a multi-layered approach to school security and goes to great lengths to identify potential assailants through behavioral profiling
  9. U.S. 'LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE': Retired fed agent may have had advanced notice about Buffalo shooter’s plans
  10. 'DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING' Parkland victim's dad blasts Dems' focus on gun control Dad devastated after Schumer blocks GOP school safety bill named after son
  11. True woody you're a special type of STUPID! No one can compare.
  12. Population of Australia is 26,059,789 as of Thursday, May 26, 2022 329.5 million ‎ - 26 million = 303.5 million more people not as easy to confiscate guns as it would be in Australia or Canada Population elsewhere United States 329.5 million ‎(2020)
  13. An Examination of School Shootings and Mental Health: A Comparative Case Study https://digitalworks.union.edu/theses/1684/ School shootings have become more relevant in our society over the past few decades, yet the debate over the cause of these shootings never seems to reach a conclusion. The current study looks at the connection between mental illness and school shootings, as well as the roles that media, gun control, violence, and masculinity play in the common phenomena. Prior literature has debated over the main causes of school shootings, but many researchers state differing opinions regarding the motivations for perpetrators. This study found that severe mental illness is the main cause of school shootings, and while mental illness may be the main explanation, a lack of social capital, alongside male pressure to conform to societal stereotypes, play significant parts as well. 96% of shooters are male, and when addressing the notion of male stereotypes, it is important to note that men, specifically men with mental illnesses, are socialized to not seek help. Other aspects that pertain to the possible causes of school shootings are the immense lack of gun control in the United States and the sensationalization of perpetrators in the media. The combination of all of these factors, with mental illness as the most prominent, contribute to the overwhelmingly sizable problem that has become school shootings. The rate of school shootings only seems to be increasing, and while school shootings may never cease to exist, the United States can certainly decrease the rate at which shootings occur through increased mental health resources in schools. Recommended Citation Kaufman, Emily, "An Examination of School Shootings and Mental Health: A Comparative Case Study" (2018). Honors Theses. 1684. https://digitalworks.union.edu/theses/1684
  14. Social-emotional learning can help prevent school shootings https://edsource.org/2021/social-emotional-learning-can-help-prevent-school-shootings/652876 Many U.S. Mass Shooters Had Untreated Mental Illness: Study https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-06-15/many-us-mass-shooters-had-untreated-mental-illness-study
  15. U.S. Texas police reportedly arrest four males, including two students, in connection to threats against school
  16. Uvalde, Texas shooter entered school undisrupted through unlocked door, DPS official says The Texas Department of Public Safety official also said that it's believed the door Ramos entered at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde was unlocked https://www.foxnews.com/us/uvalde-texas-shooter-entered-school-undisrupted-unlocked-door
  17. You are not giving solutions....You need to explain how your ideas are going to work.
  18. Politics Pennsylvania Democrat uses Texas school shooting to fundraise for Senate campaign
  19. DANGEROUS POLITICS Schumer blocks Republicans' school safety bill days after mass shooting
  20. When I went to school there were still guns and laxer gun laws but you never heard of school shootings so what has changed what is causing these kids to want to shoot up schools...this is the long term key to solving this.
  21. We sent $54 billion Ukraine and millions for museums and bailing out Dem cities who mis-spent money etc...we should use that money to put better security / armed guards around schools as they do politicians. Get rid of Soros prosecutors and bail reform. Actually use the laws on the books red flag laws. Don't brush off signs of people needing help with their mental state. Keep violent offender locked up for their full terms. Just a couple to think about.
  22. This is the assault weapon that killed all those children... What type of control can be passed on these? Without these lunatics a gun is just a tool!
  23. SWIFT BACKLASH Obama clobbered for linking school shooting to George Floyd's murder
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