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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Media Biden skewered for admitting ‘God knows what else’ is in Inflation Reduction Act
  2. NFLPA backs off notion of an injunction that would let Deshaun Watson play in Week One https://sports.yahoo.com/nflpa-backs-off-notion-injunction-001453655.html
  3. So you're part of the f**k future generations". All talk no action! You're one of the yahoo's who want others to sacrifice while you don't how pathetic!
  4. "Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate," Trump said. "It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don't want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-mar-a-lago-home-florida-siege-fbi-agents
  5. Do they test for alcohol? How are the posts being moved where did they start?
  6. We don't know because there is no TEST for it! Hello McFly...
  7. PERSONAL FOUL NFL teams reportedly up-in-arms over embattled player's 'rigged' contract
  8. OFF THE DEEP END YMCA bans 80-year-old after she objects to 'strange' trans in locker room
  9. Do you drive an electric car? Your house use solar panels for light and heating? If not you're part of the"we got ours, f**k future generations".
  10. i agree If the same testing standards are in place sure.
  11. Is that where Biden got his cancer and infected with covid twice in a few weeks!
  12. Media School proposes controversial curriculum that includes gender identity
  13. How many birds die to windmills a year? Adjusting for this industry growth, we can project that approximately 538,000 wind turbine-caused bird deaths occur in the U.S. each year.Jan 26, 2021 How Many Birds Are Killed by Wind Turbines? | ABC Why do birds get killed by wind turbines? Birds perceive areas traveled by spinning blades as open space, unaware that blade tips are moving at up to 180 mph. Many are focused on prey. These factors make wind turbines “ecological death traps,” wherever they are located. Windfarms kill 10-20 times more than previously thought
  14. She's so stupid the Democrats actually hate her but she is doing their dirty work, as soon as they don't need her they will go back to hating her and her war mongering father.
  15. Or the can be the cannibals that you and the Democrats have become...eating aborted babies when will you open your abortion clinic / restaurant? You Democrats are either grooming children or killing and eating them...you sick neonazi Bidendomocratism...
  16. Maybe once they can test levels as they do for drinking, pot is addictive and slows reaction time immensely. They named it dope for a reason.
  17. During the speech, Biden made a number of gaffes. He mispronounced the name of Rep. Jake Auchincloss, D-Mass., and then asked, "Where is she?" In addition, he mentioned "Glasgow, England," misstating the country, Scotland, where the city is actually located. And also said, "that’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer." Biden pledges to mobilize presidency and combat issue that is 'code red for humanity'
  18. TURN THE TIDE Liberal outlet pressures Biden to declare emergency over left's top priority The board complained that he has not imposed enough regulations to force the country to transition to cleaner sources of energy and said, "It’s time Biden adopted an all-hands-on-deck approach to this spiraling catastrophe."
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