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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. RFK Jr

    When I was a kid, my family loved JFK and RFK. Everybody did. I was in the sixth grade, and when they announced JFK was murdered, a lot of the kids in class cried - most of the girls did. That is true.

    They both were great men.

    Jr is so much more like Ted Kennedy.

    NOT great men.

    Sadly, Jr. fell apart into drugs after RFK was murdered. He has never

    been the same person after that. Voting for him is like buying a pig in a poke.

    Pig in a poke


    A pig in a poke is a thing that is bought without first being inspected, and thus of unknown authenticity or quality. The idiom is attested in 1555: A "poke" is a sack, so the image is of a concealed item being sold. Starting in the 19th century, this idiom was explained as a confidence trick where a farmer would substitute a cat for a suckling pig when bringing it to market.

  2. Thanks for the warning - I don't mind the enemy being north koreans, communist chinese, russians, zombies, terrorists...

    but hillbillies?  They never were like that in "The Beverly Hillbillies". There were never like that on "Mayberry RFD".

    Ernest T. Bass was nothing like that.

    I'm good never seeing that movie.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Axe said:

    I disagree.. The ccc#nts of the world are awaiting their talking points today. They will show up later with excuses and bizarre reasoning for why Biden won.

    Well, you are surely correct, I should have clarified it to be honest Americans....

    and the media immediately tried to say he had a cold.

    Does he have a cold 24x7 ??? his entire life? lol

  4. I guess they didn't give him what they gave him at the State of the Union speech.

    Maybe they gave him a caffeine pill and it started to wear off on the way there.

    But he did stand all that time like he was frozen a lot....


  5. 2 hours ago, Bob806 said:

    My goodness why would Jill Biden allow her husband to go on live TV like that? Love him or hate him, nobody deserves to be put out there like that. 

    To Trump's credit, he stayed away from the "cognitive bashing."

    What's the Guinness Book of World Record for most "self-praising" in a 90 minute span? I think DJT broke it 

    true - but when you have a mumbly mentally-locked-in-to telling lies opponent - it puts you on the path to defend against the lies. I don't believe anyone thinks biden won for one second.

  6. dammit, I should have raised the volume earlier. I heard Trump just fine - every word.


    This May Be the Most Incoherent Biden Moment of the Debate


    Joe Biden said we have a thousand trillionaires in the country. Guy’s brain is mush: pic.twitter.com/KnU7jxcqwx

    — Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) June 28, 2024

    BIDEN: "I ask anyone out there in the audience..."

    (There is no audience, Joe) pic.twitter.com/dcujRjIyWJ

    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 28, 2024"


  7. yikes - I had to turn up the volume because biden's mumbling was barely intelligible.

    I can't wait to read the reports on this:


    While Biden Thinks Women Are Being Impregnated by Their in-Laws, Trump Nails Him on 'Biden Migrant Crime'


    But, instead of a full-throated appeal to so-called women's rights, Biden bizarrely claimed that lots of American women are being raped by their in-laws and their brothers and sisters. 

    Biden said:

    But here's the deal, a lot of young women are being raped by their in-laws, by their spouses, by their brothers and sisters."

  8. Well, I watched it all. The moderators were surprisingly fair I thought - but they should have asked biden about leaving Afghanistan with all that equipment left behind. The next debate? I'm sure they will ask Trump about the classified docs - but they won't ask biden about the classified docs - and he was NOT even president when HE did it.

    There is something very mentally wrong with biden. His history of telling lies showed up in his mumbly rambling.

    "The Five" on Fox News- they had a bingo card on the debate. LOL

    I wished we had had time to see if we could print our a copy.

    I honestly didn't think Trump said a lie - but biden's knee jerk response was - that is a lie no matter what point Trump made.

    biden lost - but didn't fall asleep, and started to mutter half sentences Maybe I didn't hear right - but I thought biden referred to his son as having died in battle in Iraq again....

    and biden lied about the fake "Charlottesville nazis are good people" bared face lie....

    At this point, biden should be in a memory care home. He isn't mentally all there.

    biden has refused to take a cognitive test for good reason.

    My guess is, nobody will honestly believe biden won.

  9. On 6/25/2024 at 12:02 PM, MLD Woody said:

    But I'm really curious to know what I've said that's worse than "almost every female movie star you think is hot is actually a guy"...

    ... Please, enlighten me. 

    when you said "boo, illegals" or something pretty close, about the women and the young 12 yr old girl who was raped and murdered by your "people who just want a better life".

    apologize, because that is far sicker than anything JAFBF has ever said.

  10. 3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    Fucking hilarious you believe that

    (And then the pizza gate reference, Christ)

    you laugh at fake stuff all the time. Pres Trump was a terrific president. Have you ever said any of the names of women and young ladies who have been raped and murdered by your illegal people?

    ever? or you just laugh about that?

    and I never said anything about pizza gate. Go back and actually read posts.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Jax said:

    I'd like to point out on the Chinese though, the difference is we aren't sending thousands of agents in undetected across an open border with no checks blending in with millions of other illegals.

    the trouble is, ibb seems to be inferring that we do. I wouldn't mind if he and ccc/woodpecker wanted to go invade communist china.

    I'm sure china wouldn't have to worry about them raping and murdering women and young girls over there.

    But the illegals are not immigrants.  They are illegals - they don't come here to be here permanently, they come here for

    crimes, and to abuse our welfare system, our SS, our medicare and medicaid. If they get caught committing crimes, they will be happy to leave.

  12. what will they do THIS election? They have already tried fake prosecutions - Most of America sees the corruption now.


    Deep State Exposed: New Congressional Report Shows All the Players Colluding for the 2020 Election

    'The way this collusion played out — between the CIA, FBI, Biden Campaign, and the press — is essentially the Deep State laid bare. The sad truth and depth of this is seen in the massive difficulty in bringing anything approaching accountability to bear for any of this for anyone involved. This is a massive example of manipulating an election result, but all of those shown as guilty are the same players today, bleating about the threats to our democracy. '

  13. Nov 14, 2023Officials are looking into allegations of possible voter fraud in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and NBC10 Boston has obtained video footage from a man's home that appears to show a woman removing ballots from his mailbox. The man, who did not want to be identified, said he went to vote in
  14. Jun 11, 2024Four Connecticut Dems are charged after video showed them stuffing a ballot box and triggering a new mayoral election. The incident triggered a challenge to the primary results, prompting a judge ...
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