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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Big serious trouble is here, really. Deep state corrupt officials at the highest levels of our gov gone wild to cya to keep from being on the lam. All hell could break loose in the next three years. I haven't seen the memo released yet...
  2. what is really a disgrace, is that they interviewed higgardly NOT under oath, while knowing she was always going to be found innocent of any illegal acts, even before they started investigating. They were part of the deep state - our gov is fighting a war with organized crime deep state gov. not good.
  3. Say, we are close to Canton Mike - we could all get together for a hike in our woods....bonfire... let us know later on. Would be cool if we got to meet.
  4. came across this - the author researched and found several stories, with links, about bear attacks and bear spray/pistols of various calibers. Pretty interesting. We are going to go out west with friends late summer this year or late spring the year after. I"m not thinkin my 9mm would hack it if you had a bear or mountain lion spring at somebody in your group. https://www.ammoland.com/2018/01/pistols-for-defense-against-bears-failures-are-rare/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=cd41cd9acb-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-cd41cd9acb-20770865#axzz54S67BzYh
  5. oi. I quit scanning over all that stuff. He's still doing it??? "There's stuff happening all over the world" "well, what does it mean?" "There is stuff happening all over the world, but I don't know" "So, it doesn't mean anything, just a bunch of unrelated stuff?" "Here's more stuff, and more stuff, and maybe it's all completely unrelated..." "Wait... if it's all unrelated...why the heck is it all being put up here?" "Here's more stuff, too much, things are serious if it means anything" "Like what?" "Here's even more, and ..."
  6. or, you can fry up a couple of packages of Jimmy Dean sage sausage, brown it well, take out the grease, and cook it up with chopped up sausage. Salt/pepper. Simple.
  7. well, jblew IS a blockhead, and woodpecker pecks wood.... I'm unseeing that as I type....
  8. Bowl Mania has always been fun. The first year we played it, I think, was when Dad and I did it - I was still working at the time, we were very busy, and my Dad made all the picks. I didn't change anything. We won. The next couple of years, we did great, but didn't win, seriously, because I changed a few of his picks. It's true. We really laughed over that. Sure miss you, Dad.
  9. baby parts sold by planned commiehood and nukes in nk... anybody see a connection there? crap. back on ignore.
  10. Here is the problem with your nonsense. It is data, some? false data. It's scattered and there is a ton of it. But data is meaningless. Completely. INFORMATION is what is derived/concluded from/deducted from.... THAT is the only stuff that is meaningful in any way. Let's say it another way: OIUYG ?>JPO POYU)P( P:JJU BNS LUOND. That is code. It means nothing because there is no understanding of what it all means.I could be smug about how important it is, how super secret special it is...but it's worthless drivel. I could continue posting a thousand lines of it, and it is still worthless. WHO CARES about worthless drivel? what is the POINT ? There is no meaning to be gleaned from all the stuff you are posting. Post a bijillion lines of meaningless crap, and it doesn't change anything. So, what do....you....think.....?....this ..................all .............means? seriously. What do you conclude, to put all the stuff into context? What is the underlying message to it, if any? All this stuff is scattershot happenings that are random, not associated with anything else....but if you could go back and point out how it all fits in with your grand conclusion of meaning of it...I'd be interested to see if it makes any sense. SO... in conclusion: DATA <> INFORMATION RAW DATA = NO MEANING (VALID CONCLUSIONS FROM DATA) = MEANING
  11. I'm really impressed. It is tough as hell to pick that many correctly.
  12. a tree limb broke off in our woods. that means something globally conspiratorial, I suppose, because a rock flew up off the highway, and hit the windshield of a friend in this weather. More news later..... Maybe means alien insects from the planet rockycrocky are going to invade earth on the Ides of March..... stay tuned. boo..
  13. I am just really proud of my bowl mania picks - I'm nowhere near the bottom, and I'm ahead of zombo. Moral victory.
  14. okay, starting to sound maniacal like the joker from a batman movie, and a bit Q from the star trek movie..... you haven't tied ANYTHING to ANYTHING. just vague spooky doo weirdness. what a waste. going on ignore - my mouse wheel may give out.
  15. now missing children are in the same thread as missing children as Orin Hatch retiring .... come on. stop already. Hatch is 83 - he just can't or doesn't want to hang in there any longer. The basic retirement ages are 62 and 65. He's gone on past 65, for eighteen years. And you want to use that news, to try to paint it as some devasting part of some unmentioned super secret fantasy hidden who knows what the hell agenda? seriously? Here's a fact. I read Glenn Beck's novel, "agenda 21". It was really stupid. about some super far reach is the way, way distant future, about some mother telling her daughter she needs to go because she has been picked to have a government child or some stupid nonsense. I threw the ignorant book away before I got to chapter five. This helter skelter nonsense about everything fantasized and everything going on... you seriously think everything is related to some super duper secret conspiracy? I mean, seriously ?
  16. Actually, I would love to have Lamaar Jackson on my team...just not at qb. lost to ND, and USF. crap. lol
  17. there are problems with taking all this CRAP seriously. You are posting a blithering withering avalanche of crap - some outright false, some not false, then after all that, you infer that it all connects together into some form of super secret fantastical scooby doo conpirarcy, which you never define. If you can't/won't define the connection with all this alleged conspiracy crap, then perhaps there is none, and you are wasting your time, and all the scrolling down while ignoring your crap. Do you have any kind of conclusion to all this crap? Then out with it, or just keep pretending you have a point when you don't. It's that simple.
  18. and, with Mayfield being flu bug sick? this week, will Roquan Smith be on him like bark on a tree? Does Brown, his left tackle, have quick enough feet to stop Roquan Smith? I don't think so. Is Mayfield experienced and smart enough to handle that? yep. Who has the better defense? GEORGIA. Who has the MOST? dynamic rb tandem in college this year? Georgia. maybe I could change... NOPE. dammit
  19. I WILL NOT CHANGE MY PICK FROM AUBURN TO UCF I WILL NOT CHANGE MY PICK FROM AUBURN TO UCF I... dammit. maybe. Nope. well...maybe... NOPE. dammit. lol
  20. picking several games just because the large majority did also does. dammit.
  21. Benkert had a dismal game. So did Drew Lock for Missouri - he did make one outstanding throw downfield, big time. But Missouri was just run over on both sides of the ball. Maybe Thorson of Northwestern will have a great game....
  22. now, seriously? AGAIN? 83 percent "picked S. Methodist"...and they lost 1-10. omg. lol. dammit. Louisiana Tech Bulldogs7-6 51 S. Methodist Mustangs7-6 10 17% 83% 26 pts
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