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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. 2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

    I find it odd that all the schools will be closed for the next two weeks.  Something is going on.  Something.

    It's all so secret super duper conspiratorial - yesterday, a giant flock of sparrows showed up in our field...

    were they the deep state laying over on their way to arrest Trump and throw him into the ocean?


  2. JAF - I have a silly brother-in-law who was into all that stuff.

    but thousands of spooky conspiracy connections, where there are none, with thousands of false

    statements... and rambling subject changes of miscellaneous bits and pieces...

      most of all that is nonsense - it just paints the picture of a madman posting alleged spooky stuff.

    There are reasons why we are headed/in big, serious trouble , but look at what's real. leave out all

    the super duper secret nonsense. Please. I can't scroll down fast enough to ignore it all.

  3. yep. George Soros , the corrupt global underminer of nations that don't play the world gov game. Mccain, clintons, obamao, etc etc

    etc etc... follow the dirty money. and the dirty money is the deep state, and they hate the control that Americans still have at theballot box.

    NK can get all the biowweapon stuff from the soviets, who back in the day, had an agreement signed to stop

    all offensive bioweapon research, but immediately invested giant $$$$$$$$$$ secretly to underground secret labs to...development that offensive bioweapon research for advantage.

  4. well, it's being established that there IS a deep state of power controllers in our gov.

    letting Baltiwhore go to violence is a way of saying "look, we HAVE to take total control over Balt"

    trouble is, balt is a major democrat city, major gun control, now the violence is out of control, and they

    wonder why? they let it happen. and, obamao/holder/lynch/comey/higgardly...etc etc etc want that power.

    They have armed mexican drug cartels, and invited them to spread out all over our country. They have

    invited terrorists to come here with their immigration programs.

    They "NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE". So, they encourage crises to happen, and they can move in.

    They thought they fixed the primary for higgardly etc...and they did. Trouble is, they tried to fix the election,

    but failed and Trump won. They are po'd now. Now Balt, next chicago? new york? an entire state?

    Big serious trouble is here, and part of that is the fascist/marxist deep state. See george soros money.

  5. I was amazed that the bushes came out swinging at Trump...only after eight years

    of staying very, very quiet and never criticizing obamao etc.

    you have to fear soros and co...or they will spend hundreds of millions to

    ruin you. or, left-handedly help fund a fake dossier if the American people go ahead and vote

    the opposition into office.




  6. I've been watching Victoria on Fox News. I'll bet she hasn't been invited to show up on cbs, cnn, msnbc, etc.

    It's dramatic - I didn't know he was battling cancer - you can bet his life is in serious danger from being

    assassinated - what he knows is the depth of corruption of the obamao/clinton "mafia" - and a lot of the deep state players. It's going to be the calm before the storm - and I'm thinking it would send a lot of famous democratic names

    into the slammer and in the meantime, soros is putting billions into undermining America.

    Big serious trouble is here, and it's heading to being "worse, big, serious trouble"

  7. http://www.theblaze.com/podcasts/listen-north-koreas-doomsday-weapon-the-mainstream-media-never-talks-about/

    what if we WERE hit with an EMP weapon? and most of our entire grid went out? no electricity in cities? no water running? no electric heat, nor gas heat for long....no refrigeration after a few days? No grocery stores open?

    I suppose cell phones wouldn't work. cars won't start, etc etc etc. Reminds me to look into a solar jobbie for the fireplace insert fan...I think I'll go squirrel hunting in the morning. and I just went and got my ccw license renewed - really easy - they fingerprint again, take a new pic again, and replace your license after a background check again... I'm good for another 5 years.


  8. LOL ! Yes, she was a book learned? novice? Great points, TexAg. She went to a bit of smart to go make her oatmeal?

    away from her campsite. A bear has a very keen sense of smell, can smell stuff from well over a mile away....

    Not sure if bears eat oatmeal, whatever it was. But later, she cooks her FISH right next

    to her camp over the fire ! LOL  She didn't think of moving a bit of her fire well away from her camp, and cook the fish THERE.

       all that dead bark around, and she never banked her fire and laid a piece of bark over it.... and camping near widowmakers,

    not good. But it was interesting. Wonder how she wore that Canadian flag while bathing in the river. :)

  9. interesting. I'll have to check into making bread in the wilderness. Plenty of grass grains, etc. Not sure I would leave the

    little camp shelter so open. Some crabbapple or hawthorn branches most of the way around would seem to be

    a lot safer. and a gun. Probably a common location for this outing, meaning bears etc would tend to avoid the area. hopefully.


  10. ah. Never fired a .357.... .have fired a 40 or was it a .45. I think it was one of the latter that seems like it was a

    cannon going off... after having a black bear step on our tent near our heads in N. Ontario on our hs graduation...

    we had our food tied up 12' off the ground and 10 yards away, all we had was my hunting knife, like that would have

    done us much good if that bear had decided to rip the tent and us apart. Tent camping in Yellowstone doesn't seem

    like a good idea. I think we should rent/buy a camper for that trip.

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