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Posts posted by calfoxwc

  1. major takeaway from Horowitz testimony -

    he admitted he didn't have the power to get a search warrant or convene a grand jury, so he didn't

    have access to strzok/page/etc etc etc etc PHONE and emails.

    how convenient. Dirty rosenstein won't call for a independent prosecutor, and sessions is worthless.

    what a mess. Only republicans in congress are grilling them for the most part, the dirty dems are grandstanding

    for poltical advantage.

    dems are corrupt to the core. They are hopeless.

  2. I see the thread is fixed so it doesn't scroll for 30 secs after opening. cool.

    Merkel - who hell IS this person? why ruin Germany?

    Why? because:


    " Merkel was born in Hamburg in then-West Germany and moved to East Germany as an infant when her father, a Lutheran clergyman, received a pastorate in Perleberg. She obtained a doctorate in quantum chemistry in 1986 and worked as a research scientist until 1989. Merkel entered politics in the wake of the Revolutions of 1989, and briefly served as a deputy spokesperson for the first democratically elected East German Government headed by Lothar de Maizière in 1990. "



    In 1968, Merkel joined the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth movement sponsored by the ruling Marxist–Leninist Socialist Unity Party of Germany.[23][24][25] Membership was nominally voluntary, but those who did not join found it difficult to gain admission to higher education.[26] She did not participate in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, however, which was common in East Germany. Instead, she was confirmed.[27] During this time, she participated in several compulsory courses on Marxism-Leninism with her grades only being regarded as "sufficient".[28]

    Later, at the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of its FDJ secretariat. According to her former colleagues, she openly propagated Marxism as the secretary for "Agitation and Propaganda"."

      And you look at her policies after the reunification, and the EU....marxism is her disaster. She grew up a communist. and she adored obaMao, who also grew up the same.


  3. interesting - their map is a bit wrong - there are black bears in Ohio, not common...



    Historically, black bears roamed the Buckeye State. Unfortunately, unregulated hunting and habitat loss rendered bears extirpated from Ohio by 1850. Today, Ohio is again home to a small but growing population of black bears. Ohio's bear population is estimated to be anywhere from 50-100 individual bears.

  4. well, RGIII DID have a higher wonderlic score.....


    Since a score of 13 would fall in the 13th percentile – the average janitor scores a 14 according to wonderlictestsample.com – some teams may wonder about Jackson’s ability to absorb an NFL playbook and/or the amount of effort he expended on the Wonderlic. 


    • Haha 1
  5. this is stupid. Finally decided to check into this stupid thread -

    it took 21 seconds for it to finally stop scrolling to the bottom of the page.

    and, "sex scandal" "Iran" " "armenia" "Culture garden"

    and on and on and on, stories unrelated to each other,

    no central point being made, just a mountain of bs about

    everything under the sun.

       I'm gone again. bleah.

  6. 8 hours ago, The Gipper said:

    I have been to every state...and to  48 of them on more than one occasion  (Alaska and South Dakota...only once).   I have been to the 100 largest cities in the USA....but not to #101...which is Spokane Wash.   I have been to 52 of the 59 US National Parks (of the 7....5 are in Alaska reachable only be float plane.....one is in Samoa...and the other one is in Calif.....but it is fairly new).  There are 417 National Park units.  I have been to 335 of these....and plan to get to 4 more here the first week of April.  Plus one in June...plus another 3 in August.

    I have been to all of the Canadian Provinces...except Nunavut....and I have been to all of the major Canadian cities.  (depending on what you consider "major")

    But I have not done that much international travel as others have.  Only non-US nations I have been to are Canada, Mexico, Ireland, UK, and France.  Also...Cayman Islands...but that is actually a UK possession.

    Where is your "out west" trip to you are planning?

    Generally, we want to go to Yellowstone. Details aren't researched much yet.

  7. zeka....ebola...non-citizens voted.....freezing assets.....NRA......

    a gigantic bunch of non-related bits of stuff that just makes it long.



    but somehow, it's superduper secret meaningful. Nope. It's nothing. except for being very long.

    My mouse gets tired of scrolling by itself.  Just one meaningful conclusion.

    as in, WTF are you babbling about, and WTF do you think it  all means?

    wait, it means nothing but a whole bunch of rambling somethings.

    something like that.

    back on ignore again.

    • Upvote 1
  8. can't read a thousand pages of stuff - just to be confused by

    the complete lack of relevancy from one to another.

    so, generally, what IS the impact?

    If A <> B, and B<>C, and C<>D, ........

    but H is related to G and it means something...why post all the previous letters?

    just scatterstuff nonsense collectively, it seems.

    I did scan and find where Kerry, the dirtbag fake deep state puppet, okayed

    those russians.

    Like the russian lawyer woman - they set it all up in case they lost the election.

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