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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. TRUMP IS BEING A GREAT REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT. so there ya go. Amazing how dangerously wide the swamp is.
  2. you allege lying, but frankly, I've heard that, and Trump was correct. your new hero michael cohen - just as corrupt as the rest of the deep state. He was a democrat most of his life. Trump should never have trusted him. But then, Trump never knew he was going to run for president. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Cohen_(lawyer) https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/a-brief-history-of-michael-cohens-criminal-ties-628875/ How Michael Cohen, Trump's Fixer, Built a Shadowy Business Empire ... https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/05/business/michael-cohen-lawyer-trump.html Michael Cohen's ventures spanned taxis, a casino boat, real estate and ethanol. Many had links to the former Soviet Union. Now a federal ... Why the Revelations About Michael Cohen's Business Dealings Could ... https://www.newyorker.com/current/michael-cohen-essential-consulting Why the Revelations About Michael Cohen's Business Dealings Could Be a Very Big Deal. Last updated on May 8th, 6:19 PM. By Eric Lach. May 8th, 6:19 PM.
  3. because you don't understand anything? just emotie smokie ?
  4. the whole obamao bunch are corrupt pieces of garbage'. if they were investigating Page long before he joined up with the Trump campaign.... why the hell didn't they go to Trump and warn him? every honest American knows why.
  5. that is the key - SELF-SUFFICIENCY. We live in the world, but the left wants us to be beholden/dependent on the global new world order. It's a mental aberration, I think. Open borders, all dependent on the global economy, UN interference in a nation's sovereignty...(see the EU).. sick stuff. Especially because, we are AMERICA. They hate that. and so does the left.
  6. I understand the idea that raising interest rates stop an economy from crashing into runaway inflation. But as soon as a republican gets into office, and the economy starts to really grow? at the signs of significant inflation, it adjusts to work against it. Or, it can keep a president from seeing success in growing the economy. When it costs companies a whole lot more in interest, it's tougher to get expansion loans, raw material loans...at least cost-effectively. I never liked economics. Worse than boring. and world history - don't care much, except in the middle east - that was fascinating, and WWII. and art appreciation. Monet/Manet, Van Gogh (starry starry night), etc etc etc. I like outdoor art, I like realism. I couldn't care less about cubism, blah blah, can't tell what the hell the "artist" is painting.... oh, but getting back to boring economics - demand-pull inflation... and cost-push inflation? interest rates can control both. too much money in circulation, and too costly money, less money... whatever. don't like economics.
  7. https://www.ammoland.com/2018/02/defense-against-bears-with-pistols-97-success-rate-37-incidents-by-caliber/#axzz5LcWJijDv Interesting. btw, was reading about the soft pulp layer inside of the bark of pine trees. You can eat it - fiber, nutrition, and I wonder if it would be good with some blackberries or rasberries mushed onto it..... and, soon I will be getting some wild chickory and dandelion roots to make coffee. We'll see how that works out. and those fricking burdock weeds. Has medicinal value. might get some roots of those, too.
  8. absolutely true. It got woodpecker "haha"s and a few others. Trouble is, "big serious trouble" has come to the forefront, been found out, testified about in front of Congress. Let's post the definition of "deep state" deep state noun noun: deep state; plural noun: deep states a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. "the deep state and its policy of allowing extremist ideologies to flourish may be the actual issues of concern" Seriously. That is EXACTLY what we have now, and even now that they have obstructed for months, it's been exposed, and we keep getting more and more glaring evidence of it.
  9. wow. just.....wow. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/exposed-peter-strzok-grew-up-in-iran-worked-as-obama-and-brennans-envoy-to-iranian-regime/
  10. now,, consider this: from the previous link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_O._Brennan In 1996, he was CIA station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, when the Khobar Towers bombing killed 19 U.S. servicemen.[6] dirty corrupt john brennan is an incompetent anti-American, plain and simple.
  11. egad, no wonder our CIA has failed time and time again. bay of pigs....9/11..... https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/01/03/the-ten-biggest-american-intelligence-failures/
  12. yep. john brennan is a leftwing operator. inside our CIA. This dirty anti-American should go to hell. ********************************************************** https://spectator.org/john-brennan-misses-communist-russia/ At the height of the Cold War, he was rooting for the Reds, casting his vote in 1976 for Gus Hall, the American Communist Party’s presidential candidate. If anyone is adept at serving as a dupe for the Russians, it is John Brennan. To paraphrase John Kerry, he was for them before he was against them. What changed? How could Brennan support the Soviet Union, even to the point of voting for one of its puppets, but then hysterically denounce any diplomacy toward Putin’s Russia? The answer lies in Russia’s shedding of communism. Brennan, who refused to take his oath as CIA director on the Bible, misses the days of atheistic Marxism and fears the revival of a Christian Russia (Brennan, while walking the halls of the CIA festooned with LGBT buttons, would rant to colleagues about Putin’s refusal to allow gay pride parades in Moscow.) Brennan deplored Reagan’s description of the Soviet Union as an evil empire and joined other leftists in demanding that he pursue détente with Marxist thugs who make Putin look like a piker. Were Russia still collectivist, he would be using his Twitter account, which boasts his belief in the “collective future,” to praise, not trash, diplomatic gestures. Anybody familiar with Brennan’s past, which includes not only supporting the evil empire of the Soviets but also the evil empire of radical Islam (his time as Obama’s CIA director was marked by apologetics for the thugs of the Muslim Brotherhood, ludicrous attempts to sanitize the concept of jihad, and nonstop whitewashing of the problem of Islamic terrorism), can only laugh at his anti-Trump antics. That the media gives this fulminating fool and fraud a platform is a measure of its own lack of seriousness and absurdly sudden hawkishness. The outrage about the Trump-Putin meeting is empty noise, generated by the America Last crowd to hurt an America First president. It won’t work. From Hillary to Pelosi to Brennan, they are the little lefties who cried wolf — after decades of feeding wolves. Their credibility is nil; their counsel is immature and reckless.
  13. ah. no wonder obaMao and john brennan are two peas in a pod https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/15/politics/john-brennan-cia-communist-vote/index.html
  14. so, where is the proof of this, or is "harold finch" just blowing smoke?
  15. It's a giant deep state conspiracy - they've tried stonewalling it for months and months. It did NOT HAPPEN. If we hadn't elected Trump...our gov would be corrupt, out of our countrol. These deep state dirtbags are right out of a movie about dirty corrupt people in our gov.
  16. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/15/investigative-report-brennan-used-fbi-agent-peter-strzok-as-author-for-intelligence-community-assessment-and-placed-dossier-material-into-obamas-daily-briefing/ Investigative Report: Brennan Used FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Author For Intelligence Community Assessment and Placed Dossier Material into Obama’s Daily Briefing… Posted on May 15, 2018 by sundance Some major reporting today from Paul Sperry includes very interesting details about how President Obama’s intelligence community structured their Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) about Russian interference in the 2016 election – SEE HERE – In essence by following-up with various people involved in the construct of the ICA, journalist Paul Sperry outlines how CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, subverted their own intelligence guidelines in assembling the int While much of the background parallels our prior research, there are two very interesting aspects outlined by those with direct knowledge of the construct. First, that Brennan positioned FBI Agent Peter Strzok as the contact between the CIA analysis and the information flow to FBI Director James Comey: […] A source close to the House investigation said Brennan himself selected the CIA and FBI analysts who worked on the ICA, and that they included former FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok. “Strzok was the intermediary between Brennan and [former FBI Director James] Comey, and he was one of the authors of the ICA,” according to the source. (link) This structure is interesting because it highlights an increasingly obvious intention of the participating group to control the content of intelligence, and the information flow therein. There are several instances which highlight the level of a strategic effort undertaken to keep James Comey out of the loop on details within the 2016 operation(s). Their approach creates the “I don’t know” and “that was not my understanding” defense as deployed heavily by James Comey during his book tour and media interviews. This approach also creates an unusual set of contradictions. Former FBI Director James Comey repeatedly says the work on the Clinton and Trump investigations was kept inside a very “tight group” of DOJ and FBI people; yet Comey repeatedly claims to have no knowledge of their activity when questioned about specific events. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe keeping Director Comey in the dark on the Huma Abedin laptop issues for four weeks (Sept. 28th through October 26th) is a clear example of Comey’s ‘willful blindness’. There are also numerous examples in the Page/Strzok text messaging or working around Comey within the FBI small group (Andrew McCabe, James Baker, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and Michael Kortan), as Andrew McCarthy finally realized when he sat down to read the content last weekend: “I am bleary-eyed from a weekend of reading about half of them. Even in their heavily redacted form, they are a goldmine of insight.” I digress. A second interesting aspect revealed in Paul Sperry’s reporting is something we discussed at great length surrounding the President Obama daily briefing material (PDB): […] “Brennan put some of the dossier material into the PDB [presidential daily briefing] for Obama and described it as coming from a ‘credible source,’ which is how they viewed Steele,” said the source familiar with the House investigation. “But they never corroborated his sources.” (read more) So with another confirmation that Brennan was putting FBI Counterintelligence Investigation findings into President Obama’s PDB, let’s revisit the statements in April 2017 from President Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice. As relayed in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrew Mitchell: However, right there Susan Rice is confirming the “unmasking” request(s) which can be pinned upon her, are directly related to her need to understand -on behalf of President Obama- intelligence for the President’s Daily Briefing (the PDB). This was a previous question now answered. This is EXPLOSIVE, and here’s why. Remember, the President’s Daily Brief under President Obama went to almost everyone at top levels in his administration. Regarding the Obama PDB: […] But while through most of its history the document has been marked “For the President’s Eyes Only,” the PDB has never gone to the president alone. The most restricted dissemination was in the early 1970s, when the book went only to President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, who was dual-hatted as national security adviser and secretary of state. In other administrations, the circle of readers has also included the vice president, the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, along with additional White House staffers. By 2013, Obama’s PDB was making its way to more than 30 recipients, including the president’s top strategic communications aide and speechwriter, and deputy secretaries of national security departments. (link) Pay attention to that last part. According to the Washington Post outline Obama’s PDB’s were going to: “Deputy Secretaries of national security departments”, and his speechwriter, Ben Rhodes. Susan Rice defined the Obama national security departments to include: “State” – “Defense” (Pentagon includes NSA) and “CIA”…. So under Obama’s watch Deputy Asst. Secretaries of Defense, via their connection to their immediate supervisor, had likely daily access to the content within the PDB. And who was an Obama Deputy Secretary of Defense?
  17. dirty obaMao put dirty obaMaonazis all over our government. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/newly-revealed-strzok-text-messages-raise-questions-about-john-brennan-harry-reid-denis-mcdonough Newly revealed Strzok text messages raise questions about John Brennan, Harry Reid, Denis McDonough Newly discovered text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page “strongly suggest” that there was an effort of coordination, including members of the White House, CIA, FBI, and Justice Department, according to Fox News. Names brought up in the report include former President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and former CIA Director John Brennan. investigators argue this would “contradict” what the Obama administration has publicly maintained concerning their role in the investigation, which is seeking to determine if the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin during the 2016 election. However, they cautioned that they had not yet reached a conclusion and said they were only raising concern at the timeline of events. “We are not making conclusions. What we are saying is that the timeline is concerning enough to warrant the appointment of an independent investigator to look at whether or not the Obama White House was involved [in the Trump-Russia investigation],” a GOP congressional source told Fox News. Strzok was removed from special counsel Robert Muller’s team, which is leading the Russia probe, in August and moved to a human resources position after it was revealed he and Page exchanged text messages during the Hillary Clinton email investigation and 2016 campaign season, during which they expressed anti-Trump sentiments.
  18. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-11/brennan-strzok-and-kerry-allegedly-set-espionage-traps-trump-team-hunt-fbi-mole Brennan, Strzok And Kerry Allegedly Set "Spy Traps" For Trump Team; Hunt For FBI Mole Intensifies
  19. I would love to try quail. Wildlife - depends on how you process some of this stuff. Everybody has their own tastes. Froglegs are also really good, like squirrel. I hear Canadian goose is good, but you have to brine it overnight, something like that. Never tried duck. I really, really want to try rattlesnake. My cousin was in special forces in laos and cambodia. One day, back in the 80's...Dad and I went down to WV to my uncle's funeral. Their homeplace was 250 acres - you can see the skyline drive from their back porch. I tried to get my cousin to with me - but he wouldn't go rattlesnake hunting with me at night, up on the mountain. picky, picky, picky. So I didn't go, either.
  20. Here is a great cookbook - got it at a garage sale for a dollar: River Road Recipes million copies Louisiana they went all along River Road, getting recipes. that's from Baton Rouge along the Mississippi River to New Orleans. 259 pages. by the Junior League of Baton Rouge
  21. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Ohio Wildlife Council has approved regulations for the state's 2018-19 hunting season. The deer archery season will run from Sept. 29 to Feb. 3. The youth deer gun season will be Nov. 17-18. The deer gun season will run from Nov. 26 to Dec. 2 and Dec. 15-16.May 19, 2018 I spend a lot of time in the woods, we don't allow hunting. I've had a couple of neighbors ask permission during archery season, to got on our land and get a deer that kept running for another 20 yards or so. I respect them - said "sure". They brought a nice tray of venison and venison gravy. If one day we need food, that would be great dinners. Squirrel - I grew up hunting squirrel and pheasant. Ah, pheasant is outstanding - but they froze out in the blizzard in...76 and 78? I'd love to go wild turkey hunting someday. and wild boar. Always wondered how good the bacon would be.
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