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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/08/19/study-demand-for-concealed-carry-weapons-permits-skyrocketing-despite-anti-gun-campaigning
  2. I got it for $452 including tax. My CCW instructor has a small business selling guns, etc, so he got me a deal...the earlier version with the stupid special takedown tool just feels excellent in my hand - the diversion chamber for the output gas lowers the recoil, and you don't need as strong a spring. The takedown on the new one is outstanding and easy. I love the gun. To buy that laser separately easily runs $100 +. The 3.5" barrel is the size I wanted. Seems that the 3.1 of the M&P shield is just a bit too short. We'll see how it goes when I start shooting it in advance training. Has a fixed barrel - is extremely accurate. The red laser ...not so much in bright daylight. I hear green does better, but is far more expensive to build, bigger all around. I have about 50 bales of bad hay (looks like straw), to make a long fancy shooting range out back.
  3. I actually bought it, but the special tool to break in down was dumb and didn't work when I kept trying it, so I returned it the next day - the original CCP. Now on order: Walther CCP M2 with built in Viridian Laser. This gun is amazing, and I haven't even shot one yet. The sights are crap, but I can fix those, or order some fancy new ones. https://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/products2.cfm/ID/204762/5080300vrl/walther-ccp-9mm-conceal-carry-pistol-with-viridian-red-laser
  4. "and,and Trump knows that some of obamao's heads of depts are really aliens a distant galazy, so Trump is trying to ruin the aliens ability to make peace in the world by keeping them from being allowed to know what is going on... and and...uh....flying saucers are spinning around in my head"
  5. you are grabbing at invisible straws again. it isn't "enemies list". It's "having enemies list to use the IRS, etc, to harrass and ruin them". as in politically arming depts in gov. Like, using the IRS to target conservative political groups. Sound familiar? Like, using obamao's heads of the cia and fbi and doj to target and ruin anybody around Trump because he WON the presidency. yeah. Like that. I reckon that is why you didn't post the link. It would backfire on you. Read the list, and then think of obaMao and his corrupt cronies all over our gov. Stop false emotionally-spawned false narratives and come live in Real America. Ever notice - REALity...."REALAmerica? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon's_Enemies_List
  6. woo hoo ! 60 brennan loyalist deep state helper wonks out of 22,206 (2013 number) why...that is .3 of one percent ! holy crapola, whackman ! Personnel numbers - http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g... According to this document, the number of personnel for FY 2013 for the CIA is 22,206
  7. ah, the dirty corrupt name of louis learner comes up again, finally. obamao had dirty players everywhere.
  8. the deep state knows who they are, and they are like a gov career power cult. stand in their way, and it turns into a real life drama like the TV show "Shooter". I love that show, and it's starting to mimic the deep state a whole lot. That isn't good.
  9. Hey, Texie, did you listen to at least ONE of those walk-a-way videos?
  10. because he was supposed to ruin/get Pres Trump...not workin. now, on the second day of the manafort trial...the prosecution made fools of themselves by concentrating on manaforts expensive clothes. yep. he has nothing to get Trump with.
  11. bs. if your boss tells you you should let the gal next to your cubby punch you in the nose, would you do it? You know, that reminds me of a story. At AF tech school...had a msgt tell our squadron we should not go to military sponsored church retreat weekends anymore. But we went. He started harrassing guys who went, and they quit going. But I was dating a real pretty gal, and I went again. and then, he got po'd and warned us we should not go anymore. But I was the only one who went anyways, ...I was datin a real pretty gal. He threatened to ruin my life, ruin my career, and promised he was going to "GET" me. So, I calmly saluted him, waited....and waited for him to return my salute, he turned red, finally did, and I walked out. Then the next month, he put me on second shift late thurs., so I would be at tech training when the bus left. "Should" is advice. It's up to you to take your bosses advice. Let me know if you want to know the rest of the story. I won bigly.
  12. lol. You should know better. See? that was NOT AN ORDER. just more liberal twisting of definitions to deliberately misuse words in a fit of habitual emotional knee-jerkie. worse than booze. worse than nicotine. habitual emotional knee jerkie - a plague of emotional zombie-ism. Just another example of TAD. Talk to a close friend who will tell you the truth. We are Making America Great Again. We brought the deep state corruption out into the open. We are Real Americans, hear us roar. lol
  13. then wake up and have some breakfast. Awake reality awaits you ! PRESIDENT TRUMP IS OUR GREAT PRESIDENT ! MAGA !
  14. "Tex likes to read girlie books, Tex likes to read girlie books" lol
  15. I finished my adventure novel ! Don't know how to get it copyrighted yet. Leaves the door open to become a series. My brother in law is going to print up some copies for me. Caught a few mistakes in proofreading, some character development adjustments...
  16. learned yesterday, that one of the tapes so far, was heavily edited, the white noise and silence was a quick giveaway. the feds may not have the original. dirtier and dirtier the dangerous deep state is getting.
  17. yeah, the EU retreated, and wants to actually work with us on FAIR TRADE. but all the details haven't even started, but ridicule Trump's negotiating..... that is just an emotional knee jerk, like the wailing and belligerent claims of "sky is going to fall" earlier on. what a bunch of hooey.
  18. now the progressive marxist corrupt stalinist left, all the liberals, will feel like they are possessed, their heads spinning and puking at PRESIDENT TRUMP's successful negotiating.
  19. Our U.S.A. got rid of our paper tiger sissy marxist coward in our WH.
  20. Here's a question. After URANIUM ONE, that libs won't talk about at all, so far... why the heck wouldn't Putin want higgardly to win? I believe Putin respects an adversary that says what they mean. and nobody respects higgardly, plain and simple.
  21. no ignoring. charles manson could claim Trump was from the planet Mars, and you would be all over this board "knowing" that Trump was from Mars. The narrative changed because Trump mis-spoke. Given that the left jumps and twists anything ever said, I couldn't care less that they edited the video. It isn't evidence in a court proceeding, Tex. Nothing illegal there. Have a nice day with Rachel Maddow being your heroine. LOL
  22. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/alan-dershowitz-michael-cohen-could-be-in-trouble-over-leaked-trump-tape
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