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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. UPDATE: My target area is finished. Drilled the post holes, planted the two posts, nailed in the 4 x 8 5/8 exterior plywood, 2' off the ground, put in two rows of old big cottonwood chunks at the gap in the bottom, put in three rows of old hay bales on the front and back, up to the top of the plywood. Should be safe enough... shoots into a hillside about 8 yrds behind it, and trees. I'll place a thin 4x8 sheet of something behind it later to see if anything came through. lol. But I did finally shoot my new Walther. It's awesome. I taught our friends' kids how to shoot years ago...they are adults now. safety safety x 100, and she wanted to come out to shoot with me. This 9mm is awesome. The new design - a chamber that dissipates the gases from firing a round, works brilliantly. My ccw instructor is going to come out and give me some advanced training, hence the big target jobbie. My SCCP 9mm kicked a lot - didn't fit my hand, and everybody who shot it didn't like it, including our close friends' daughter who just graduated from college who came out again this time. But she loves to shoot this Walther ccp. The only gripe she had, was the texture on the Walther grip - it was a bit rough.I shot the first eight rounds, and it was amazing how much less recoil there is. It's said to be about 25% percent less. I believe it. She shot three straight mags with it, and had great fun. She and I agreed, that we could probably easily shoot this ccp m2 with either hand by itself. I'm not going to try that yet. After she shot it a few times, she said she was just gripping so hard - bracing for the kick that she expected, but never got. She said the grip texture was fine. She loved it, kept shooting. We shot 72 rounds in about 15 minutes, and you could tell that the chamber area just in front of the trigger guard, was starting to get uncomfortably warm. That is one drawback? to this new design - it will heat up after a while - (sooner than other guns?) but the recoil is much less - I could rapid fire and stay close on target with each shot. With my friend's 40..or 45, pistol, it was like a civil war cannon going off. This 9mm is great. Can't wait to try shooting it with one hand - what if you had an injured arm, or had a bear chomping on your other arm? Saw a great little gun some weeks ago. A Taurus? .22 semi-automatic for 210 bucks. Load the clip, breech load one into the chamber, and you are ready to semi-auto all shots. I want one. Maybe preferably .22 magnum.
  2. oh, the so-called "palestinians" could have had their own state. they didn't want the Jews to have THEIR own state. The "Palestinians" wanted all of it, and put violence on the Jews immediately. read and learn the facts. and, the emotionally knee jerk false narratives need to go away. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=18&ved=2ahUKEwiEldO4s7vdAhWByIMKHR-WCCQ4ChAWMAd6BAgDEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwarwick.ac.uk%2Ffac%2Farts%2Fhistory%2Fstudents%2Fmodules%2Fhi173%2Fclassesandreading%2Fwarsof1948%2Fweek_7_lecture_on_israel.pptx&usg=AOvVaw2WAamaXkURgfLgMhOUwBsN
  3. exactly. The "palestinians" could have had their own country a long, long time ago, but they hated Jews so much, they refused to have their country share borders with them. freaking haters thrive on the hate. Just sick. Iranian gov is the same. Been going on for centuries. It's their culture. and it's true - that is what influenced the nazis to hate Jews. They learned from the arabic haters, to project their need for absolute power, on and because of, a group that isn't them. The Jews. And Americans.
  4. the whole business is the "Big Serious Trouble" i kept referring to for years... except I never could quite figure out just what the trouble was going to be. Now, it's exploding. Grand Jury on Mccabe. The truth out about Orr and his wife who worked for fusion gps, the dirty dealings of strzok, page, mueller, mueller's little hitman corrupt prosecutor Weissman, Rosenstein, Comey, Sally Yates, rosenstein's wife, clapper, brennan, steelelk, lynch, holder, obaMao, and you just wait til the FISA "applications" come out. Meanwhile, I wonder about the FISA judge who was referred to by Strzok as "we have a judge/friend"... was that judge complicit in the fraud? I'm probably even missing names on the list.... Uranium One, folks. The mystery of Benghazi. They let them get overrun and be murdered, and refused to help them. Soros donation of 100,000 to mccain's "foundation" Blow the lid off all the way. The American People deserve to know what has been going on for decades. Now, I think some of this stuff might be accurate: who knows? http://theglobalelite.org/globalists/ NOTE: " On 19 February 1961, President John F. Kennedy issued a Statement abolishing the Operations Coordinating Board. " and, obviously, JFK was murdered in Nov 63. and Reagan was an ardent America nationalist. He was also shot - attempted murder. Now the deep state globalists hate Trump. Big serious trouble if they get to overturn our election and all of us.
  5. the idea of "anon.." is the stir up trouble inside of Trump's admin. That is my thought on it. Maybe it's Trump's chef that can't figure out how to make American Toast. We were out with friends for breakfast in N.C....and I ordered two pieces of American Toast. The waitress frowned at me and asked what that was. I explained that you take a piece of sliced bread, and you dip it in egg and fry it. She says that is called "French Toast"> I just frowned back and said "That is in France..." So, she grinned and ordered my American Toast. Sometimes, you just have to be patient with people.....
  6. lol. Nope, no disability. Check into it in about 15 years or so....
  7. Father-in-law was in the Navy - got about 1400-1800 a month to help pay for the new digs from a VA program.
  8. Yep. except for the skydiving. Only people who do that have screws loose. Like dancing in front of a black mamba or something - "yeah, it's a thrill, man, and I've done it x amount ot times so it's safe" until you get bit one day. anyways, I always have told my Wife, if anything ever happens to me, and I need to be in a nursing home/assisted living, don't ever put me in one. Just put me in a tent in the woods so I can watch the squirrels, preferably at the edge of a big fishing pond and let me go.
  9. I have to be careful with the work. I still got it, and showing off for my wonderful cute Wife just comes naturally. although, I've gotten banged up a few times. One time, I was taking out a wall, at a flip house, and was hammering studs off the framing, and popped those 2 x 4's like I was still 35. I got to the last one, and for good measure, I really slammed it with the sledge, and ended up on the floor. The top of the stupid stud wasn't nailed in like all the others, and the top swung around and down and hit me in the head. Okay, that isn't funny, dammit. Some years ago, I showed her that I still had it , I could STILL "work ALL day long" - and it was ten PM, I was working in the garden....but I had to quit because it started to rain. But as I left the garden, I slipped in some mud, and fell directly on my elbow, and completely tore a rotator cuff ligment. So, I got inside, and tried to stay quiet and not let her know. But, she came in fast from her computer, and even before she came around the corner, she was asking how I got hurt. Amazing. She said she knew I was hurt because I was so quiet. So, had surgery to put it back together again, and I can still throw hay bales. Life is wonderful.
  10. you need edumatcated. You are talking about "flop house". A flip house is when you buy a fixer-upper, and completely redo it - take out walls, empty the entire kitchen, replace with all new design, same thing with bathrooms, lights, add a big deck, new doors, new garage doors, etc etc etc. It's a lot of work.
  11. yes, I should. But the Wifie is still in Texas til Sat, and I'm working at the flip house taking down walls, etc etc etc, driving 45 mins a few times to pickup fancy doors and a tub surround outfit in our pickup, and there isn't any air conditioning in the house yet, and it's only 89 degrees so far today, was 95 or so, and I am trying to go get some trees out of our old farmer friend's field for him with our tractor/front end loader, dehydrating more cherry tomatoes, etc etc etc. But the bale jobbie needs to get done later today.
  12. Is that the Ruger lc9? Nice little gun. and I couldn't read what the second one was, but it looks bigtime classy.
  13. The cherry tomatoes, dehydrated...I snack on them over the winter, rehydrate them and put em in salads. Dad and I spent many years learning the very best varieties to grow. I grow sunsugar cherry tomatoes. Those were the best seller at the farmer's market by far, even to kids who don't like tomatoes. Sungold are really good, too, but they tend to crack a lot if you get a huge rain, after being in the sun for days. Tried a new one - sunpeach - which is also excellent. and the good old sweet millions, which reminds me, I need to go save seed. Sliced whole tomatoes - yep - you can rehydrate them and make salsa, add them to chili in the winter, add them to soups, salads, but they don't keep their texture to put them on sandwiches.
  14. sure, got it in two days - cleaned it the other night - brilliant engineering on the breakdown. I already had a blackhawk holster that will work. Might order a custom holster later. Haven't shot it yet - been too busy. I love the laser jobbie, but in pitch black darkness, you can't see the target without a flashlight. Interesting. lol The laser pinpoints into darkness, I chuckled at that. Can't wait to take it out back. I have 50 old bales of hay to make a training area, goin to do that tomorrow. Wife is in Texas - helping move her Dad into a brand new assisted living place. It is state of the art beautiful. Has it's own movie theater, chef, etc. I'm keeping pretty busy dehydrating cherry tomatoes, etc.
  15. I just can't believe sessions doesn't order a special prosecutor to look at all this orr and his wife, fusion,higgardly, mueller, comey, clapper, lerner, rice, strzok, page, etc etc etc etc etc brennan, rosenstein, etc etc etc etc etc.... all this garbage. oh, yeah. Rosenstein's WIFE - attorney for higgardly, etc etc etc etc. Sure as hell we know now, that there IS a dangerous deep state. It' s looking more and more like the bad guys on the show "Shooter"
  16. this thread is going stupid and worthless again. a gigantic bunch of nonsense with some interesting points happening once in a while. weird, endless vague scooby do mystery questions with no answers. I give it up. again.
  17. I don't get him. My guess is, still, that he fears the deep state, and the left. He doesn't want to play politics, so he is letting the deep state try to destroy our country with THEIR politics. Fire him, or fire dirty asswhole rosenstein and replace him. Trey Gowdy. ?
  18. not while your higgardly, susan rice, lynch/holder/obaMao, clapper, brennan, sally yates, strzok, page, Orr and his wife, rosenstein and his wife, mueller and his little band of politically immoral cheapshot pitweasel sombeitches, (did I miss some? probably) are still slithering around.
  19. It's a very dangerous game these bastards are playing. To dare to take down a duly elected president any way they can possibly find? with a fake dossier paid for by the dnc and higgardly AND the fbi, a fake investigation that for months and months gets NOTHING about collusion? Who the hell evades taxes, etc, and has his wife and daughter handcuffed in an early morning raid at the point of guns, then manafort gets thrown into SOLITARY CONFINEMENT? That is how desperate they are to cover and protect the deep state from losing their power - and how desperate they are to only allow a deep state friendly president to ever be elected. And that's a scary fact, jack.
  20. dangerous dirty deep state tricks on America. Thank God all this came to be known.
  21. My instructor was really impressed with it, can't wait to shoot it. Finally found and bought my perfect ccw.
  22. A couple of days. He works with a company closely - my hunch is, it's also veteran owned - they only have 75 of the new ones, and a lot of them are going out, he got one for me - it'll get here in about two days. 4.5 years in Special Forces, he has connections. I wasn't going to get the built in laser, but it was only 40 bucks, compared to 119 or so to buy it later. and it is easily removable, if I wanted to. I've read great reviews over that Mark III. When I went to pay for my gun to be ordered, he showed me in his little shop a gun he had for sale. He didn't use to have any. It's a Taurus semi-auto 22lr pistol. You don't rack it, you flip the switch, the barrel turns down and you put a shell in. Then you close it back up, and put your mag in. I think I'm getting that for my Wifie - it's a neat little gun. She can fire a 45, but doesn't like it. I think I already told the story about teaching her how to shoot my .22 magnum rifle before we were married...
  23. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/08/19/study-demand-for-concealed-carry-weapons-permits-skyrocketing-despite-anti-gun-campaigning
  24. I got it for $452 including tax. My CCW instructor has a small business selling guns, etc, so he got me a deal...the earlier version with the stupid special takedown tool just feels excellent in my hand - the diversion chamber for the output gas lowers the recoil, and you don't need as strong a spring. The takedown on the new one is outstanding and easy. I love the gun. To buy that laser separately easily runs $100 +. The 3.5" barrel is the size I wanted. Seems that the 3.1 of the M&P shield is just a bit too short. We'll see how it goes when I start shooting it in advance training. Has a fixed barrel - is extremely accurate. The red laser ...not so much in bright daylight. I hear green does better, but is far more expensive to build, bigger all around. I have about 50 bales of bad hay (looks like straw), to make a long fancy shooting range out back.
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