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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Wyoming officials kill two Yellowstone-area grizzlies after fatal bear ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../2018/.../officials-kill-two-grizzlies-after-fatal-attack-... Sep 18, 2018 - A hunting guide was killed Friday by grizzly bears in the wilderness east of Grand Teton National Park, according to Wyoming wildlife authorities, who said they later located and killed a mother and cub that they believe carried out the attack. ... “So this was a particularly ...
  2. well, you think I should wait for it to be written about on cnn.com? moveon.org?
  3. More stories for this fall, 2018. Even bagging game can be dangerous. Bear spray isn't dependable. https://www.ammoland.com/2018/10/a-flurry-of-bear-attacks-fall-2018/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=43b3eb55e5-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-43b3eb55e5-20770865#axzz5U0uTZ2Ki
  4. that's exactly what I use for practice ! I have my Remington hollow points - but have never shot them.
  5. btw, my instructor says that Sig Saurer ammo is not very expensive, but is really accurate and dependable. I'm going to try some out with my Walther. I might try shooting my .22 semi-auto with a nice scope on it, to be sure I can hit a squirrel where I want to, at a longer shot.
  6. since the left isn't in the majority - they go full litmus test. if they ever get a majority again - it will be "THERE HAD BETTER BE NO LITMUS TESTS". That is how ginsburg, sotomeyor and whatsername got on the court. When the left can't get more power and intimidation via our Constitution or elections... they will go to leftwing courts. They just have to make more leftwing courts.
  7. I believe the turning point will be at the midterm elections -whether or not the left loonies get repudiated at the voting booths.
  8. Clintons Agree To Reimburse 27 Gift Givers - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2001/02/03/.../clintons-agree-to-reimburse-27-gift-givers.html Feb 3, 2001 - The moves came as Mr. Clinton stepped up his defense of his pardon ... of the 27 donors whose gifts the Clintons took with them as they left the ... Memo shows Bill Clinton's wealth was tied to Clinton Foundation https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/...bill-clintons...clinton.../92842822/ Oct 27, 2016 - A memo and emails from one of Bill Clinton's top aides released Wednesday ... donors also paid Clinton to speak and provide consulting services. ... by 3 cgi (Clinton Global Initiative) sponsors, gets many expensive gifts from them, ... and the Clinton's personal financiers — they all get blurred,” Trump said. 4 experts make the case that the Clinton Foundation's fundraising was ... https://www.vox.com/2016/8/25/12615340/hillary-clinton-foundation Aug 25, 2016 - Saudi Arabia gave the foundation up to $25 million, and Clinton signed ... Foundation donors were transactionally rewarded for their gifts. ... Why it sure looks like foundation donors got easier access to the State Department.
  9. as usual... Aug 29, 2016 - The mountains of money that came into the Clinton Foundation, some of it offered by otherwise heartless men, apparently got the donors ... Hacked emails show extent of foreign government donations to ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/...donations...clinton.../ce871a82-9319-11e6-a6a3-d... Oct 16, 2016 - A newly disclosed internal email about a potential $1 million gift from the country of Qatar to the Clinton Foundation is shedding light on how the ... Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State ... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-foundation-idUSKBN12Z2SL Nov 4, 2016 - The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar ... to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to ... Qatari officials received their requested meeting with Bill Clinton.
  10. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nikki-haley-resigns-today-2018-10-09-live-updates/
  11. any attack reason will work for the dems. TRAVEL? well, they were friends. they saved our Gov money. I don't see travel as a tangible gift. But the dems, like in California, that isn't news because dems are above the law. http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-gift-limits-20180303-story.html
  12. This is what the terms "traitor"... and "sedition" are for. Time to stop the mess before we completely lose control of our gov. Oh, wait, it's being stopped - we elected a great PRESIDENT for a change, and he is MAGA ! (just wait til he can put Barrett on the Supreme Court). Folks, we could have a violent turn of events by the left. Not that crazy a possibility anymore.
  13. Real America is correcting having been off course for eight corrupt obaMao years, and just steered back on our AMERICAN course. I fear that Ginsburg will be made into a cyborg in the near future, to keep her on the Court forever. But today, history was made, a great history. And honor, justice, and decency prevailed, and Real America WON AGAIN. R
  14. I admire Bongino. On Fox News, they said he won't be actually sworn in until Mon or Tues. It's actually brilliant - Amy Comey Barrett would not have cleared this Congress - but she will the next Congress. REASON: Real America saw the filthy, lethal smear by all the dems and activists who came forware to lie. They saw Feinstern's bs in holding the Ford letter right up until the perfect point to delay the proceedings and throw a giant wrench into them. Then, they demanded a LATE FBI investigation, more stalling, then they turn on that investigation en mass. But the fake humiliation and character assassination they put on JUSTICE KAVANAUGH... is the hurt that was heard around the world. No less than a banana republic ruthless dicktatership is the marxist lowblow political cult, formerly named the "Democratic Party". Real America has stood up and demanded honesty, and they got it today from all the Congressfolks who gave a double-barreled middle finger to the lethal fraud - and voted to put an outstanding Judge onto our Supreme Court. The left is now being seen for what it always was. A dangerously corrupt cultish revolutionary group in our gov.
  15. that sound was TexAg missing the point on purpose...
  16. yep. Too bad. Politically infected by hate, elitism, and malaria.
  17. https://sentinelksmo.org/saudi-billionaire-busted-for-corruption-helped-obama-get-into-harvard/ If Obama had been a Republican, someone at the station would have rushed this tape to the networks before you could say “47 percent.” After all, a respected black political figure had just announced that a whack job anti-Semite, backed by an ambitious Saudi billionaire, had been guiding and possibly financing Obama’s career perhaps for the last twenty years. If this wasn’t news, what was? No matter, the video interview stayed on the shelf for nearly six more months.
  18. he lost me at "martial law"... meaning no Constitutional rights for any of us. 1st/2nd Amendment. bs.
  19. The left always gets out of hand, if they get the chance. They demand all the power, and the power to keep it. It has happened all over the world, throughout history. They happily destroyed an excellent American's reputation, based on "testimony" that has zero facts behind it, is not corroborated in any way at all - by a person who didn't understand those lie detector thingies. And that is her field. and that is exactly what nazis did to Jewish people - SAGE Reference - Character Assassination - SAGE Knowledge sk.sagepub.com/reference/the-sage-encyclopedia-of-corporate-reputation/i2195.xml Items 1 - 22 of 22 - For example, collective character assassination, as a form of summary punishment, was practiced by the Nazi regime to discredit the Jewish ... Big serious trouble is here. Had advanced tactical gun self-defense training today, fairly basic. My instructor says the local town police had to come out - security system false alarm - and the officer sent his wife to his ccw class, and says times are changing - and everybody should carry a gun - they can never be there in time, every place. That is the same thing told to me by the country sheriff dept years ago now. He shot my new 9mm, was really impressed by how it shoots. He still carries a .45.
  20. do your own "research". 36 years later - nothing can be proven. Man up and go listen to harry reid happily letting us know - yes, it was a lie, but it worked. this is your dem socialist party now. The end justifies the means. The FBI doesn't investigate without evidence. There is no evidence. It was 36 years ago, she never told her close friends about it, the intitial report said FOUR MEN, not ONE. They were all drinking/drunk/happy sluts, she yanked her hs yearbook offline, albeit too late. Your feinstein frankenstein had this info SINCE FREAKIN JULY. and in ALL the days of testimony/circus grilling of Kavanaugh by the dems...it never came up once. Now, the references have been found that it was planned. And it was only released as a last resort hail mary delay/harrassment/character assassination to force Kavannaugh to withdraw, or not be confirmed. You don't want to know the truth, sorry, you just read it.
  21. A. Bullship. B. You had since July to have your fake investigation. It's a fraud. C. Justice Thomas. D. Harry Reid smiling about his lies about Romney that worked "He didn't win, did he." E. This is simply a last minute ploy to derail Kavannaugh from getting to the Supreme Court. The dems demand to own SCOTUS, and they have lost their chance for decades if Kavannaugh gets in. F. Sad to see you support any and all of this leftwing character assassination. What if it happened to YOU? G. "selected solely for...". You are losing cred here bigly. You have no reason to even pretend to think this. Look at his credentials, stop being a leftwing emotional knee jerking talking puppet. H. All the lefties who want to screw up everything about America to get their way - are themselves very screwed up in the head.
  22. many, many pages were worthless drivel. Nobody, not even you, knew what it had to do with. No consistent theme, no conclusions, but just blather from around whereever, with no message except some kind of scooby do secret conspiracy something something...48 pages and you don't have a point. Not impressed I am.
  23. https://www.ammoland.com/2018/09/bear-spray-failure-at-mark-uptain-fatal-grizzly-attack/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=fb31fb011c-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-fb31fb011c-20770865#axzz5RNi588t0
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