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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. One time, at my Mom's old home place up on Fayette Mnt, WV, my cousin and I, about the third grade?..were sitting in their corn crib in some shade, flicking pieces of dried corn to the other side. All of a sudden, a big mouse ran across the corn in between us at high speed. We laughed and then wondered what he was running from. We got the heck out of there, my Dad borrowed Grannie's rifle and shot it - a big copperhead was about 7 feet from where we had been sitting. But sure, some of these are creatures let go by morons. An alligator is obvious - but not so much a rattlesnake - the are known to be in SW ohio, along with a few? wild boars. Wild animals travel, like the mountain lion that one night just 9 miles out of Cambridge. Our neighbord was telling me three coyotes ran in our field past him as he hid behind his bee hives, and that he also saw a bobcat. The outdoors can be unpredictable. So, last night we went to Lowe's, and I came across a tactical flashlight - 700 lumens. My other two are 320. For 22 bucks on sale. Lit up the back yard last night, and near our house was a big skunk. Time to do some night hunting. If Tex wasn't so far away, I'd invite him out to do some groundhog skeet.
  2. well, I'll bet that Gipper has never been here: https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/conrad-maldives-underwater-villa lol. question - some friends called, asked if we would be interested in the four of us going to Yellowstone, etc. Never been out west. What all is out that way that we won't want to miss?
  3. so, I went to the grocery store, glanced at the local paper. Check this out. btw, I once found a 42" copperhead in the mountains of WV, that had been killed by raccoons. My parents were impressed.... but here in Ohio, about an hour drive away - Tappan Lake. They found a 57" Timber Rattler. what the...hell.the article I read said that was unusual - it was 100 miles north of their usual northness in Ohio? what...the....hell? Where there's one, there's more of em? Okay. I'm going to get a .22 to add to my ccw outdoors list. Three years in my youth, living on 147 beautiful acres farm, way, way out in the country all alone, and though I explored pretty much every inch of it - the only snake I ever saw was a beautiful green snake under some plywood when we first moved there. 57" ??? that is 3 inches shy of being 5 feet. That is 15" longer than the copperhead I found as a kid. What....the....hell? 57-inch timber rattlesnake found near Tappan Lake - News - Akron ... https://www.ohio.com/news/20181031/57-inch-timber-rattlesnake-found...tappan.../2 1 day ago - The snake was struck by a vehicle on Oct. 24 on Harrison County Road 55 (Deersville ... 57-inch timber rattlesnake found near Tappan Lake .
  4. when we teach kids how to ride an ATV... handle a gun... always with parents' okay - it's all about safety. I emulate Mr. Miyagi - it's about safety, "wax on wax off" a lot until they truly get it, and then we can teach them how to shoot. They nearly get blue in the face, but they take it in stride. Our friend's son grew up, and went ATV riding at southern ohio with some buddies. One of his buddies wanted to do something high speed way out back - they tried to talk him out of it, told him it was not safe - but the kid did it anyways. Wrecked so badly he was months learning to walk again. One of his friends in Michigan was being really stupidly unsafe with his 4x4 truck on a back muddy trail.. he died in the rollover. Safety is everything while you have fun, so the fun never ends in tragedy.
  5. LOOK at those crowds. I don't understand how liberals can figure they are the absolute majority of Americans. weird.
  6. Tex, are you ever going to explain the nonsense you post? post ANY reason that you ...feel...a certain bad way towards Pres Trump?
  7. not deflection - you are politically motivated to ignore the dangerous faults of your political favorites, while you project what you SHOULD have been saying about your dems, onto Trump. and you don't have any evidence at all, you don't have any supportive reasons for saying what you say.
  8. how is stopping the flood of illegals into our country "dangerous" or "destructive" ??? that's so stupid; How is getting our economy roaring again, "dangerous" or "destructive" that is also SO stupid. since when is orange a color that is worthy of character assassination and endless HATE? that is WORSE that stupid. Tex should consider giving it a rest - it's just pro obaMao, pro higgardly "whaaaa we lost the election" pouty-pouty.
  9. Hillary's disorder: Why is no one admitting the obvious? https://www.americanthinker.com/.../hillarys_disorder_why_is_no_one_admitting_the... Sep 14, 2017 - As Hillary Clinton makes the rounds to sell her book on any television ... Two additional traits are that the things a narcissist most desires are ... The Incredible Narcissism of Hillary and Comey - Canada Free Press https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-incredible-narcissism-of-hillary-and-comey May 15, 2018 - The Incredible Narcissism of Hillary and Comey Hillary Clinton is 5'4. Former FBI boss James Comey is 6'8. But they have one important thing ... Clinton is narcissist and they never accept defeat: Analyst - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l6UrpQFpyM Sep 17, 2017 - Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is a narcissist and they never accept defeat, says Myles Hoenig, an American political ... TAMMY BRUCE: Hillary Clinton, a case-study in narcissism ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/.../tammy-bruce-hillary-clinton-case-study-narcissis... Nov 2, 2015 - After the Benghazi hearing, Hillary's sycophantic mainstream media launched into mission mode declaring her the "winner" and the ...
  10. Tex's obamao, Tex's higgardly - also narcissists, but he won't admit it. they are DEMOCRATS - his favorite party by far.psycologytoday.com/us/blog/genius.../hillary-clinton-deranged-narcissis... Is Hillary deranged? No. Is she a narcissist? Doubtful. There may be a little entitlement there, as one often finds in narcissists, but anyone with the audacity to run ... PressTV-'Clinton a narcissist - they never accept defeat' https://www.presstv.com/Detail/.../Clinton-is-narcissist-and-they-never-accept-defeat Sep 16, 2017 - Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is a narcissist and they never accept defeat, says Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist. ... She said the fake news played a part in her defeat to Republican candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential ...
  11. Mebbe Tex ought to get honest about his obaMao. or, go review his textbooks again... David Cameron thought Barack Obama was a narcissist, says ex-aide ... https://www.telegraph.co.uk › News Jan 9, 2018 - "As for Obama, all I can tell you is my old boss, former British prime minister David Cameron, thought Obama was one of the most narcissistic, ... Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Is Narcissistic | National Review https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/03/barack-obamas-foreign-policy-narcissistic/ Mar 19, 2016 - Russia announces the withdrawal of its forces from Syria. The decision is a surprise — President Obama is shocked. This is a feeling he ... Krauthammer: Obama 'narcissist' - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/story/.../charles-krauthammer-barack-obama-narcissist-1109... Sep 15, 2014 - But let me just say as a layman, without invoking any expertise, Obama is clearly a narcissist in the non-scientific use of the word. He is so ...
  12. anita hill - apparent LIAR. Christine "killer car" liar Ford - Mccasskil sp? of mo. ADMITTED LIAR. odd, Tex knows liars only when it's about who beat his higgardly to beome president. fancy that.
  13. yeah. I just wish we could get Tex's expertise on lyin bill and Tex's fave, higgardly beeatch clinton, and the congress scum guy who lied about being a hero in Vietnam, Blumenthal, and eliz "batsheet crazy horse" warren, and harry reid who smugly said, about his open lies about Romney "hasn't paid his taxes in ten years", and smiled and said "he didn't win, did he?" and how Tex's obaMao commie betrayed America when he broke his promises.. Pres Trump wasn't a prominent saint in his earlier years - but he has KEPT HIS PROMISES AS PRESIDENT _ KEPT his PROMISES to the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
  14. More and more to the story about the corrupt leftist demoquack party and their mafia type moves to get power. Every day is closer and closer to blockbuster disclosure to we, the American people. The deep state is in dangerous doo doo at this point. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/10/15/carter-page-is-finally-taking-action-against-the-dnc-and-its-serious
  15. to anybody who desperately loves and believes warren's stupid fake claim: it's so stupid, it figures. the expert did NOT EVEN USE ANY NATIVE AMERICAN DNA in testing warren. LOL. https://dailycaller.com/2018/10/15/warren-mexican-native-american-dna/ The Scientist Warren Used Didn’t Test Native American DNA lefties must really think every dem voter is a moron. They are not. But they are driven and manipulated by emotion to the ignoring of reality. Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor, used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to attempt to calculate how much Native American ancestry is in Warren’s DNA. “To make up for the dearth of Native American DNA, Bustamante used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to stand in for Native American. That’s because scientists believe that the groups Americans refer to as Native American came to this land via the Bering Strait about 12,000 years ago and settled in what’s now America but also migrated further south,” the Boston Globe explained. According to the American Indian and Alaska Native Genetics Resource Center, no DNA test can “prove” that someone is American Indian because there are no unique genes for American Indian ancestry.
  16. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/10/15/cherokee-nation-calls-elizabeth-warrens-dna-test-useless-in-scathing-statement After Sen. Elizabeth Warren released DNA test results showing a distant Native American heritage, the Cherokee Nation dismissed the idea that such a test could determine her tribal affiliation, The Oklahoman reported. Warren has claimed connection to the Cherokee and Delaware tribes, but the Cherokee Nation says Warren’s claims are “undermining tribal interests.” Special: Your biggest investment deserves a great agent “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong,” the statement from Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. read. “Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage,” the statement also said. What’s the story? In response to President Donald Trump’s mockery of her claims of Native American heritage, Warren was enlisted Stanford genetics professor Carlos Bustamante to give her a DNA test. The result was that a “great majority of [Warren’s] identifiable ancestry is European” but the test “also identified five genetic segments as Native American in origin at high confidence.” “The facts suggest that you absolutely have a Native American ancestor in your pedigree,” Bustamante told Warren in a video. The Cherokee Nation, however, was not convinced or approving of this test. Here’s the full statement: “A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America. Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well-documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.” Warren responded on Twitter, saying she never tried to claim tribal affiliation or citizenship.
  17. https://www.nratv.com/videos/we-are-the-cure "We cured the ills they brought to our country, so come this November, don't let their disease make America weak again." —NRA President LtCol Oliver North NRATV story of the week American Values Are the Cure To Leftism Leaves and Flag "Donald Trump isn't the cause; he's a symptom." Prominent leftists across the country parrot that statement often, but it's most recently been championed by former President Barack Obama. A little over a month ago, Obama took the podium at the University of Illinois and echoed that exact sentiment to a crowd of sheep—that Trump is merely a symptom of the divide in our country, not the cause of it. The audience responded with mindless applause. Little did they know, Obama implicated himself, his party, and his ideology as the plague on our society. Barack Obama Stairs Obama's assertion, then, begs the question: Who is the cause? And what exactly is Donald Trump a symptom of? Radical leftists have long spent their days seeking control over individuals' lives, pocket books, and freedoms, but since the turn of the 21st century, radical leftism in the United States has accelerated into the mainstream of the Democrat party and is looking to systematically dismantle the rights and values Americans have held since the colonists declared their independence. Beginning in 2008, we experienced an Obama presidency that enabled leftism to sink into every facet of our lives. Political correctness and left-wing ideology infected governmental philosophy and the halls of Congress for generations previous. Radical rhetoric festered inside Washington, D.C., but rarely did it extend so far that it planted its roots so deeply into our daily lives. White House Gradually, we saw sporting events, the National Anthem, TV shows, and music take a downward turn toward the extreme left. Traditional values and American principles were scoffed at, and so-called “progressives” treated those who held said values with disdain, calling them bigots, xenophobes and homophobes. Leftists saw Heartland Americans—people found in Hillary's basket of deplorables—as little more than ignorant rubes who clung to their god and their guns. The left spread lethal lies and deadly rhetoric about law enforcement. They were disrespected as a whole, and children were raised to mistrust them, which gave rise to radical groups like Black Lives Matter and paved the way for a massacre of Dallas police officers. Police Car Trump is undoubtedly a symptom as well, but he's not a symptom that indicates how far our country has fallen. Donald Trump is a symptom of our recovery. He's a symptom that demonstrates America—the America the Founders envisioned—is beginning to wake up. He's the sign that there is a cure to toxic liberalism. NRA President LtCol Oliver North has found the cure. The cure to the ills Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have inflicted upon our country is the Constitution. The cure is an American people who respect law and order, who cling to their god and their guns, who view America as the greatest country on the face of the earth. Constitution The cure is people like Mark Robinson, a law-abiding citizen who stood for the Second Amendment. This is a man who had never owned a firearm, never was never a member of the NRA, yet he saw a fundamental right being chipped away and refuse to be silent. The cure to mob rule and the violent left is people like Stephen Willeford, who responsibly own and bear arms for the defense of themselves, their families and their communities. The cure to extreme leftism and socialist policies is people like Roozbeh Farahanipour, who experienced extremist tyranny first-hand and led a student revolt against the Iranian government. It's people like Roozbeh who know what authoritarianism looks like and have stared it in the face, willing to be tortured and imprisoned if it means protecting their rights. The cure to governmental overreach is people like Lucretia Hughes, who recognize that our inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are given by our Creator and that they cannot and must not be taken away from us. After eight years of an America under the weather, we've found the cure. We are the cure.
  18. this time, bear spray saved the day. I'd carry it every time, too. is all that better than just the Ammo land link, DH ? Bear Spray Saves the Day in Yellowstone Bear Attack - Yellowstone ... https://yellowstoneinsider.com › Issues › Bears Aug 23, 2018 - This is why you carry bear spray when hiking: A Yellowstone bear attack could have been much worse had a family not purchased and used ...
  19. Wyoming hunting guide fatally mauled by grizzly bears | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/us/wyoming-hunting-guide-fatally-mauled-by-grizzly-bears Sep 17, 2018 - A Wyoming hunting guide was fatally mauled and his client was injured when a pair of grizzly bears attacked them Friday, officials said. Park ranger survives gruesome grizzly bear attack - New York Post https://nypost.com/2018/07/10/park-ranger-survives-gruesome-grizzly-bear-attack/ July 10, 2018 | 3:00pm ... A Canadian park ranger fought off and survived a grizzly bear attack — even after the animal chomped down on his head and ripped ... Video: Black bear attacks Naples man - Naples Daily News https://www.naplesnews.com/videos/news/local/2018/09/...bear-attacks.../109403840/ ▶ 0:52 Sep 1, 2018 While letting his dogs outside in a routine all too familiar Andrew Meunier was attacked by a black bear in ...
  20. Man camping in the woods attacked by grizzly bear | Watch News ... https://globalnews.ca/video/.../man-camping-in-the-woods-attacked-by-grizzly-bear ▶ 1:45 Jun 30, 2018 Watch Man camping in the woods attacked by grizzly bear Video Online, on GlobalNews.ca. ... June 30 2018
  21. https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/nation/2018/08/24/grizzly-bear-attacks-10-year-old-boy/37596187/ https://www.adn.com/tag/bear-attacks/ bear attack - Topical coverage at The Spokesman-Review www.spokesman.com/tags/bear-attack/ UPDATED: Thu., June 21, 2018, 5:35 p.m.. Bear researcher attacked by grizzly to stay on career path. A grizzly bear researcher who was attacked by a grizzly ... bear attacks – The Denver Post https://www.denverpost.com/tag/bear-attacks/ PUBLISHED: October 01, 2018, 11:28 am | UPDATED: October 01, 2018, 12:17 ... Reported bear attack in park near Golden didn't happen, wildlife officials say. Video: Grizzly bear attacks its cell after release | Miami Herald https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article217652205.html Aug 31, 2018 - Grizzly bear biologists with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks captured two adult male grizzly bears in Northwest Montana in August 2018.
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America
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