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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, blind dingbat Tex - you get a clue from my post above: Obama wary of generals, admirals commanding in war - Washington ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/.../president-obama-wary-of-generals-admirals-com... Sep 18, 2016 - Armed forces chiefs confirm sense of Obama distrust ... Fire Power: Standard issue weapons in the US Army ... The president maintains a wary approach in dealing with the four-star generals and admirals who direct his wars. and this one you conveniently ignored: Carly Fiorina claims military generals 'retired early' after being frank ... https://www.politifact.com/truth.../carly-fiorina-claims-military-generals-retired-ear/ Dec 16, 2015 - Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things ... of the command shuffle that took place after Obama fired McChrystal.
  2. Chief Justice John Roberts' lesbian cousin and the future of gay ... theweek.com/articles/.../chief-justice-john-roberts-lesbian-cousin-future-gay-marriage Mar 25, 2013 - Roberts is aware Podrasky will be there, but she reserved the seats by emailing Roberts' sister, who put her in contact with the chief justice's ... From gay marriage to polygamy? - Chicago Tribune https://www.chicagotribune.com/.../ct-polygamy-gay-marriage-supreme-court-perspec... Jul 1, 2015 - After the Supreme Court decision in favor of gay marriage, conservative critics spotted sister wives on the horizon. "Polygamy, here we come!
  3. A. He has outstanding legal minds advising him. They are Constitution based, not liberal gay sister george "puke dirty money" soros. B. Were you instantly politically bigoted on those "diagnostic treatment" teams? Perhaps you should diagnose yerself. C. A lot of people are intimidated by the dirty vicious left. Pres Trump isn't. Sessions and Roberts were. Kavanaugh, thank GOD, was NOT. But they tried desperately to destroy him falsely. It sets the warning to anyone who doesn't play their dirty game and let the deep state run them. D. New secret revelations, eh? Kavanaugh style? or brennan/clapper asassination style? what "revelations" Get a clue: Try lefty and hating wishing in one hand, and crapping in the other, and see which one gets full the quickest.
  4. Roberts was a bad pick - his sister was gay, so he votes gay marriage, instead of the Constitution. He's a hack, now he's going after Trump publicly too. Typical leftwing - no leftwinger is independent - they all perform like circus clowns to the leftwing big spenders. Soros rules them like the wicked witch of the east.
  5. this dumb spooky doo conspiracy worship-Q thread is the worst long thread ever. I gave up on it a long while back.
  6. most of our Allies are caught up in the progressive globalist EU. We are not. WE ARE AMERICA FIRST DAMMIT and I don't care if "leaders" of other countries don't like it. They are vested in making $$$$$$$$$ off of us, they don't like "America First" and fair trade agreements. They liked us much better when we had stupid presidents giving so much of our wealth away.
  7. Obama wary of generals, admirals commanding in war - Washington ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/.../president-obama-wary-of-generals-admirals-com... Sep 18, 2016 - Armed forces chiefs confirm sense of Obama distrust ... Fire Power: Standard issue weapons in the US Army ... The president maintains a wary approach in dealing with the four-star generals and admirals who direct his wars. Carly Fiorina claims military generals 'retired early' after being frank ... https://www.politifact.com/truth.../carly-fiorina-claims-military-generals-retired-ear/ Dec 16, 2015 - Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things ... of the command shuffle that took place after Obama fired McChrystal.
  8. this is a war of the deep state/globalists for complete power over our country, Tex. vs, the rest of us, who elected OUR Real American president. Why do you think obamao did that? He was consolidating the deep states' power. Half our gov is at war with OUR HALF. Real American presidents - super popular with the American people - JFK and Reagan - both shot. Super popular leaders MLK Jr, and Robert Kennedy. Shot. The deep state is very real, Tex. Ignore it at America's peril, libs. Obamao and the deep state put the deep states/globalists ALL OVER OUR GOV. big, serious, trouble is here. IT could get a lot worse, but we elected a GREAT REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT. ok, so he wasn't a Real Great American entertainer/businessman. He's being a REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT. admit it. ECONOMY. REAL AMERICANS PUT ON THE SUPREME COURT. ETC ETC ETC LIKE HE PROMISED.
  9. you must like the taste of bs, Tex. About 584,000 results (0.38 seconds) Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years | Investor's ... https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/197-military-officers-purged-by-obama/ Oct 29, 2013 - Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired ..
  10. I did. I did call him a circus barker. It's like a pro wrastler - fake personas. There was one, years ago - Pampero firpo something or another. Wild man from some jungle. Yeah - he was actually a school teacher who spoke several languages fluently. That doesn't mean he's a crappy teacher. Doesn't mean that Pres Trump isn't doing great things for our country. Look at the economy. The good things he is ACTUALLY DOING for America. Two pro-Constitution outstanding Real American Judges. Praise those, don't deny them. and admit your higgardly and ObaMao did destructive crap. All that money to iran. Pres Trump FIXED that. They traded five? dangerous terrorists for a fraud of a soldier - a traitor/deserter. Now, all five went back to being terrorists. UNEMPLOYMENT is down, historically, in several categories.. The economy quit booming as much, because the Fed knee jerked again, only with a republican president, by raising the base interest rates. Super low rates of your obaMao, higher rates after Pres Trump got the economy BOOMING. America first, or we end up last.https://www.bdtonline.com/opinion/columns/it-is-amazing-what-president-trump-has-done-for-the/article_b490090e-0b4b-58fb-a1f3-14ab72f4a776.html The media won't admit it, but President Trump has had a great 2018 ... https://thehill.com/.../389964-the-media-wont-admit-it-but-president-trump-has-had-a... May 31, 2018 - President Donald J. Trump has had a great 2018 but you would not .... This is a president who has accomplished much so far this year, yet you ... James Pethokoukis: Has Donald Trump really made America ... https://www.nbcnews.com/.../has-donald-trump-really-made-america-economically-gr... Jun 25, 2018 - President Trump, at a Cabinet meeting last week, finally does have his own ... from the Atlanta Fed is a better estimate of how things are shaping up. ... Trump has already made America pretty darn great again — at least as ...
  11. People who don't have the skills to survive outdoors can find themselves hopelessly outdoors. It doesn't take much loss of body temp to be dangerously affected. People who have never been to the outdoors can be in danger. Couples go hiking in a desert area, then start to head back, and they are totally lost. etc etc. Driving after making a wrong turn and the whole family is stuck in a nowhere place in winter. Like my story being in Hawaii and going for one last swim while the in-laws and my Wife sat on the beach. I was following a large sea turtle - and unknowingly swam with an ocean current until the bottom of the ocean dropped into nothing. I was accidentally way, way out off the shore of Maui. I wasn't thinking - just having an amazing quick swim before we left in a half hour. Never thought about sharks until I stopped and swam back diagonally vs the slight ocean current. No problem for me- but there could have been. Just not smart, not aware. At least everybody knew where I was. Things can happen. Most folks are used to everything being the same old way, you venture out, and some way or another, you're lost...hurt...grabbed by an undertow...people have been grabbed by mountain lions, fall into a whitewater creek after a few miles of hiking to get some pictures, break an ankle/hip... Btw, I'm sure you have it - the ability to filter water...like "Lifestraw" etc, and make fire. and maybe at least a small first aid kit.In my bug out bag- I'm going to add a couple of bags of organic vegetable pea protein and some kind of lightweight carbs.I know eventually I should find ways to lower the weight of my pack. Two fixed-blade knifes aren't the lightest....
  12. So, which is it, you're a great guy, outdoorsman, smart Real American,... or you are a drunken, stinking politically wingwing apt to emulate Charles Manson family Pres Trump hater ? Make up yer mind, dammit. It's confusing.🙄
  13. We watched a show about a hiker that got lost on the Appalachian Trail. Found in her sleeping bag two years later. I went and found the article - really tragic. Some people hike, run out of water, and leave the trail to try to find a creek, or maybe a lake they see in the far distance. But distance can be badly deceiving. Then you get too exhausted to keep trying for that lake, try to get back to the trail, and can't find the trail. Or you are fishing, your motor stalls, won't run. A huge storm's wind takes you far to the other side of a large wilderness lake. You don't know how to start a fire, make shelter, purify water, and have no food with you. Not knowing how to keep warm on a suddenly chilly night, could be fatal. When I was kid, there was a story about two hunters hunting some big public lands in the winter. The one hunter broke his leg in a fall, and hurt his back. Big snow country - the other hunter was sent to go get help. No survival equipment - the hunter that was hurt was hopelessly leaned up against a tree. The other hunter followed their tracks a long, long hike back to the truck - kept calling for help on his cb, help got here. But by the time they got back to the first hunter, he had died from exposure. I always greatly appreciated Dad teaching me so much about the outdoors all those years. So, it isn't just "silly stuff" about apocalypses, it could be a hike in a national park, a car breakdown way out in the middle of nowhere, a wrong turn in a fishing boat - going back to camp when you can't find it could be an overnight stay somewhere. I think I'll look for some new different books on the subject, to add to my library. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/27/us/missing-hiker-geraldine-largay-appalachian-trail-maine.html
  14. I really want to own a Henry one of these days.
  15. ok, made pine tea. Pretty good, in a strange way, with a tsp of sugar.... not bad at all.
  16. ou can drink it every day or every other day. Avoid drinking too much, however, as it contains 4 to 5 times more vitamin C than orange juice as well as a high amount of vitamin A. Remember, too much of a good thing, including vitamins, can quickly become a bad thing.
  17. of course, you always have to research for WHICH plants/leaves/pines to use... " Most pine trees are safe to make pine needle tea. Some varieties of them are poisonous though, like Yew (Taxus), Norfolk Island Pine (Araucana heterophylla) and Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa). So check the variety carefully before picking up any needles. " I'll be using white pines.
  18. so, just read a neat article about pine. Learn something every day. Pine needles are diuretic and contain both vitamins A and C.My kindergarten school picture is the first documented evidence of my lifelong love affair with trees, and with pine in particular. My dad once planted a little grove of white pine trees (Pinus strobus) in our backyard. I spent my afternoons playing in their whorled branches, unwittingly collecting resin in my locks while leaning my head against their sturdy trunks. My mom cut out the sticky parts, resulting in a hairstyle that could only be rivaled by the likes of Pippi Longstocking. There are more than 100 pine species worldwide, and most have recorded medicinal uses. Cultures around the globe have used the needles, inner bark, and resin to treat various ailments. Internally, pine is a traditional remedy for coughs, colds, allergies, and even urinary tract infections. Topically, pine is used to address skin infections and to lessen joint inflammation in arthritic conditions. Along with its myriad medicinal applications, pine is a source of lumber, food, essential oil, and incense. A few species of pine in North America and a handful in Eurasia yield the familiar edible pine nuts. Pine is indispensable commercially for its lumber and its pulp, which is used to make paper and related products. Many species of pine are considered cornerstone species, playing a central role in their ecological community. Finally, many species are planted ornamentally for their evergreen foliage and winter beauty. Medicinal Use of Pines Pine needles: Fresh pine needles and buds, picked in springtime, are sometimes referred to as “pine tops.” These needles are diuretic and contain both vitamins A and C. When boiled in water, the resulting tea can be consumed to treat fevers, coughs, and colds. Pine needle tea is one of the most important historical medicines of the southeastern United States, especially given pines’ abundance in the region. Renowned Alabama herbalist Tommie Bass reported that “the country people used to drink pine top tea every spring and fall to prevent colds.” Bass also used the needles in a steam inhalation to break up tenacious phlegm in the lungs. I combine pine needles with sprigs of fresh thyme (Thymus spp.) and bee balm (Monarda spp.) for this purpose.I enjoy the needles — fresh or dry — as a fragrant and warming wintertime tea. They pair well with cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum verum) and cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum). Pine offers relief in sinus and lung congestion through its stimulating expectorant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory qualities. Pine bark: The inner bark of the pine tree contains more resin and is more astringent than the needles. Historically, it has been used as an antimicrobial poultice and infused in bathwater for muscle aches and pains. It’s also commonly boiled in water and ingested as a remedy for coughs and colds. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the knotty wood from several species of pine is infused in wine and used for joint pain. I try to reserve the bark for topical applications, since the needles are easy to harvest and more pleasant in taste.
  19. what we have, is Sessions not wanting to wade into politics, and he has no choice with the dems taking the house and demanding that he do just that. So, he resigned. EXCELLENT ! this whole fake narrative about how Trump fired Comey to stop the mueller smeller fake investigation - too many leftwing tools out there are smoking weed. This political attempt to get Trump "investigation" has been going on for nearly two freaking years and they leftwing America haters don't have diddley to show for it. Mueller will simply continue the fake crap for another two years.
  20. Powers of the House and Senate. Each house of Congress has the power to introduce legislation on any subject except revenue bills, which must originate in the House of Representatives. ... The Senate has the sole power to try impeachment cases and to find officials guilty or not guilty. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/07/us/politics/house-senate-difference-control.html George Washington is said to have explained the purpose of the Senate as to be more deliberative than the House: “We pour legislation into the Senate saucer to cool it.” The Constitution gives the Senate the power to approve presidential nominations, including Supreme Court justices. Senators are also tasked with approving treaties with foreign countries. The Senate has a long history of closely watched investigative hearings. A Senate committee investigated the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, for example, as well as allegations of sexual harassment against Justice Clarence Thomas in the 1990s. Though impeachment proceedings begin in the House, the matter is then sent to the Senate, whose chambers act as a courtroom for the trial. The Senate has the sole power to conduct impeachment trials, essentially serving as the jury, as it did when it acquitted President Bill Clinton in 1999. At least two-thirds of senators have to find the president guilty in order to remove him from office. Which body has more power? Although the Senate and the House have a similar responsibilities to provide government oversight, the founding fathers gave them certain specialties, said Mr. Baker, the Rutgers professor. ”They have very distinct and separate functions to play,” he said. “In the Senate, it’s nominations and treaties, and in the House, it’s taxes and spending.” Although the Senate and the House have a similar responsibilities to provide government oversight, the founding fathers gave them certain specialties, said Mr. Baker, the Rutgers professor. ”They have very distinct and separate functions to play,” he said. “In the Senate, it’s nominations and treaties, and in the House, it’s taxes and spending.”
  21. LOL. yeah. the marxist leftwing scum are going to investigate what Trump has for breakfast, every word he says, every trip he makes, now many times he goes to the bathroom in a week, how he walks on the White House lawn and murders blades of grass...... how he is committing genocide over mmgw by not giving America to the United Nations, how he won't open our borders to a one world government, it should be an interesting farce to watch for a few years. Then the party will be over. Then they'll impeach him for not letting illegals vote.... a lot like a sick scary movie - the shock and raw contest with themselves.
  22. whatever sicko crazy irrational crap you just spewed, crazy cleve, go kiss your charles manson poster.
  23. Friends had one, they said never again. Meanwhile... https://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/2018/11/3/nra-gun-of-the-week-walther-ccp-m2-pistol/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=insider&utm_campaign=1118 It's amazing to shoot.
  24. heck, no. groundhogs can really be vicious. I'll give Tex some gloves. I have to be the skeet shooter. I just need a big dumm...I mean, a good brave liberal to feel good about it and be my groundhog slingshot
  25. I can't believe cottonmouths could last up here in the cold. I know that when a buddy and I went wading for frogs out in a swamp on the back of WP AFB, we heard to watch out for the small massasauga rattler. Never saw any, though. I know there are copperheads in Oh, but the Timber rattler thing just shocks me. I'm really starting to wonder what the hell is actually out in our 2 acre wetlands area out back. Here in town, I found this last year: it was a harmless milk snake. I was wondering if it would grow up to be a boa constrictor or something lol. But Fish and Wildlife expert looked at the pic I sent, and she said it was a milk snake for sure. So, I let it go in our woods. Check this out: http://oplin.org/snake/fact pages/rattlesnake_e_mass/rattlesnake_e_mass.html Sure, I knew the little (milk) snake I caught didn't have rattles. But the second pic is a Massasauga rattlesnake. Egad. Mebbe I need snake boots when I go out to explore the wetlands out back when it dries up......
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