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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. 61 pages of random nonsense garbage with no point, no conclusion, but a bijillion "strange stuff goin on, don't have time now" and the subjects never are consistent, the posts are pointless, no conclusion, and I just couldn't care less. It means nothing. I wonder if it's a bot or something. maybe someday something might MEAN SOMETHING? I just can't care about 61 pages of nothing.
  2. smallER. China Russia the only two that are bigger. Your sissy graph doesn't stop there. I'm not worrying about your gender, I just wonder why you are so non-genderish that you can't even figure it out. Way stupid and screwed up. And your retorts are dimwitted. Perhaps you really are woodypeckerhead II.
  3. smaller in defense budgets. You were comparing our defense budget vs theirs. As far as land area, which has little or nothing to do with the subject, twinkletoes, only russia and china are larger. and I SAID SMALLER. Not small. SMALLER. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2013/01/16/here-are-the-23-executive-orders-on-gun-safety-signed-today-by-the-president/#341d225a2312 # Country Area (Km²) Area (mi²) % of world landmass 1 Russia 16,376,870 6,323,142 10.996 % 2 China 9,388,211 3,624,807 6.303 % 3 United States 9,147,420 3,531,837 6.142 % 4 Canada 9,093,510 3,511,022 6.105 % 5 Brazil 8,358,140 3,227,095 5.612 % 6 Australia 7,682,300 2,966,151 5.158 % 7 India 2,973,190 1,147,955 1.996 % 8 Argentina 2,736,690 1,056,641 1.837 % 9 Kazakhstan 2,699,700 1,042,360 1.813 % 10 Algeria 2,381,740 919,595 1.599 % 11 DR Congo 2,267,050 875,313 1.522 % 12 Saudi Arabia 2,149,690 830,000 1.443 % 13 Mexico 1,943,950 750,563 1.305 % 14 Indonesia 1,811,570 699,451 1.216 % 15 Sudan 1,765,048 681,489 1.185 % 16 Libya 1,759,540 679,362 1.181 % 17 Iran 1,628,550 628,786 1.093 % 18 Mongolia 1,553,560 599,833 1.043 % 19 Peru 1,280,000 494,211 0.859 % 20 Niger 1,266,700 489,075 0.850 % 21 Chad 1,259,200 486,180 0.845 % 22 Angola 1,246,700 481,353 0.837 % 23 Mali 1,220,190 471,118 0.819 % 24 South Africa 1,213,090 468,376 0.814 % 25 Colombia 1,109,500 428,380 0.745 % 26 Bolivia 1,083,300 418,264 0.727 % 27 Mauritania 1,030,700 397,955 0.692 % 28 Ethiopia 1,000,000 386,102 0.671 % 29 Egypt 995,450 384,345 0.668 % 30 Nigeria 910,770 351,650 0.612 % 31 Tanzania 885,800 342,009 0.595 % 32 Venezuela 882,050 340,561 0.592 % 33 Namibia 823,290 317,874 0.553 % 34 Mozambique 786,380 303,623 0.528 % 35 Pakistan 770,880 297,638 0.518 % 36 Turkey 769,630 297,156 0.517 % 37 Chile 743,532 287,079 0.499 % 38 Zambia 743,390 287,024 0.499 % 39 Myanmar 653,290 252,237 0.439 % 40 Afghanistan 652,860 252,071 0.438 % 41 Somalia 627,340 242,217 0.421 % 42 Central African Republic 622,980 240,534 0.418 % 43 South Sudan 610,952 235,890 0.410 % 44 Madagascar 581,795 224,632 0.391 % 45 Ukraine 579,320 223,677 0.389 % 46 Kenya 569,140 219,746 0.382 % 47 Botswana 566,730 218,816 0.381 % 48 France 547,557 211,413 0.368 % 49 Yemen 527,970 203,850 0.354 % 50 Thailand 510,890 197,256 0.343 % 51 Spain 498,800 192,588 0.335 % 52 Cameroon 472,710 182,514 0.317 % 53 Turkmenistan 469,930 181,441 0.316 % 54 Papua New Guinea 452,860 174,850 0.304 % 55 Morocco 446,300 172,317 0.300 % 56 Iraq 434,320 167,692 0.292 % 57 Uzbekistan 425,400 164,248 0.286 % 58 Greenland 410,450 158,476 0.276 % 59 Sweden 410,340 158,433 0.276 % 60 Paraguay 397,300 153,398 0.267 % 61 Zimbabwe 386,850 149,364 0.260 % 62 Norway 365,268 141,031 0.245 % 63 Japan 364,555 140,755 0.245 %
  4. I was making a point, asswhole. We are the leader of the entire free world. It doesn't matter how much other smaller countries pay/don't pay, weasel brain. Freedom is not free, and you don't understand anything. Have you figured out your gender YET ?
  5. ccc translation: "but...but...it's not fairrrrrrr.... we shouldn't pay more for our military than brazil, becaus we want to feed, house and clothe all the illegals who come here and vote liberal giveaway party, so we can dance our gay dance"
  6. the list goes on. I LOVE most of what Pres Trump is doing. The "wall" was in response to woodypeckerhead's dissing of any source I used, so I started posting a whole bunch of sources on the same subject. of course, he bitched about that, too. which sums it up - he's an ignorant bitcher.
  7. Yo - the main sissy woodypeckerhead on this board whined about complaints about obaMao. Except I did NOT make stuff up. Benghazi - REAL. The flippity-floppedy on REAL MARRIAGE, was REAL. The dissing of our Constitution was REAL. His gov investment = Solyndra? REAL. His social pervert engineering on our military was REAL. His cuts to our MILITARY WERE REAL. How Obama Shrank the Military - WSJ - Wall Street Journal https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-obama-shrank-the-military-1438551147 Aug 2, 2015 - News last month of the U.S. Army's decision to cut 40,000 active-duty soldiers, shrinking to 450,000 by 2017, drew fusillades inside the Beltway. ED FEULNER: Obama deep cuts to defense leaves U.S. vulnerable ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/.../ed-feulner-obama-deep-cuts-to-defense-leaves-u... Mar 14, 2016 - Obama's deep cuts could lead to a U.S. military defeat ... President Barack Obama speaks before a performance by the cast of the Broadway ...
  8. woodpeCCCker translation: "I licked obaMao's toes for eight years"
  9. how convenient to "have a moral compass to judge a president by" Tex, only AFTER EIGHT YEARS of corruption and scandal of your higgardly and obaMao. right on liberal wingnut cue.
  10. Nazism and the Wehrmacht - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism_and_the_Wehrmacht The relationship between the Wehrmacht, the regular armed forces of Nazi Germany, and the .... The three officers openly admitted to Nazi Party membership, and used as their defence the claim that the Nazi ..... They are the embodiment of the infernal, of the personified insane hatred of everything that is noble in humanity.
  11. stupid look, stupid retorts... higgardly advisor - blech.
  12. yo, Tex, my 500,000 TRUMP your one guy who made a video. Stick a fork in your hatred of Trump - it's done. American Psychiatric Association, statement: "We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books or social media. Armchair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical. ... A proper psychiatric evaluation requires more than a review of television appearances, tweets and public comments."
  13. yet, even now, you SAY he displays them, but that is extremely subjective offhand. The "suspected" is politically motivated. Mouthing off about it on this board.... what do you think that accomlishes, eh? Pretty unprofessional, imho, and anyway you explain talking about it on the internet is political angst over losing the election. So you are SAYING he displays "symptoms" without an examination, when I have you own org, the American Psychiatric Association, agreeing with me. American Psychiatric Association, statement: "We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books or social media. Armchair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical. ... A proper psychiatric evaluation requires more than a review of television appearances, tweets and public comments."
  14. "Trump is x". You declare stuff about Pres Trump all the time, you have no idea how to interpret symptoms as you say it... because you haven't examined him. He's being extremely successful, Tex - I don't that is mental illness just because you are a hardcore liberal. **************************** your wild claims are nothing but hateful antagonism towards a man who is being a great president. that sounds crazy to me, but that is just me. American Psychiatric Association, statement: "We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books or social media. Armchair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical. ... A proper psychiatric evaluation requires more than a review of television appearances, tweets and public comments."
  15. Political abuse of psychiatry - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry Political abuse of psychiatry is the misuse of psychiatry, including diagnosis, detention, and ... Psychiatric diagnoses such as the diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia" in political dissidents in the USSR were used for political purposes. .... In accordance with Chinese law that contains the concept of "political harm to society" ... Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry_in_the_Soviet_Union There was systematic political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, based on the ..... According to Snezhnevsky, patients with sluggish schizophrenia could present .... the Soviet state) and 190-1 (dissemination of false fabrications defaming the ..... The psychiatrists claim the need to treat not society but the dissidents and ...
  16. more stinkin baloney. You are calliing for an exam simply because you are mad because your higgardly and your obaMao's legacy is trashed and not worth spitting on, dude. Like the attack on Kavanaugh - it's poltiical hate attacks with no reason to back it up at all. Symptoms? what symptons? he doesn't give our free Trumphones? I got yers symptoms right here: Trump was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT about the EU and the PARIS ACCORD. or would you rather us be like France: You love Macron? He's "so sane" ? https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7817676/police-bombarded-with-fireworks-fight-back-with-tear-gas-as-mass-riots-turn-paris-into-warzone/
  17. baloney. stinkie, digested and expulsed baloney. A. You have never given one legit reason for your political hackjob "diagnosis". Your "70" think a mental health exam is in order.] Your "professional diagnosis" is with NO EXAM ??? that's worse that dumb - it's dishonest. B. Here ya go: https://psychcentral.com/lib/mental-health-professionals-us-statistics/ older data - but even back in 2010/2011 - there were 552,000 mental health professionals in the United States, Tex. So, I'LL TRUMP YOUR 70 with my 550,000. 550,000 > liberal bitchie 70 ! your sickly 70 is 1.27xxxxxxx percent of reality. Have a nice day. Don't make "diagnosis" with no legit evidence from which you draw conclusions. Said evidence should be the result of an actual evaluation. Your politics make me wonder about you - why you so mad, bro ?
  18. "when this happen" ??? LOL. Are you using a speech to English translator, idiot? obamao was more paranoid that Richard Nixon - obamao was paranoid over military leaders who didn't kiss his dirty rear end and helped him look like a moron. ps. Biden helped them do it. Obama Relationship With Military Generals - Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../obama.../military-generals-commander-of-us-forc... One of President Obama’s earliest actions during his administration was relieving Army Gen. David McKiernan as the commander of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, the first of many changes in military leadership. ... President Obama had been in office for only five months when he ..
  19. blah blah. What you are supposed to do, IS HAVE LEGIT REASONS FOR YOUR LONELY "DIAGNOSIS". You have none. If you had a team, they would have none. All the stuff you blabber vs Pres Trump - is bs because you have no reasons to back up what you are saying.
  20. Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/11/slung-rifle-too-slow-to-stop-grizzly-attack-in-montana/#ixzz5XgHYcgor Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook Slung Rifle too Slow to Stop Grizzly Attack in Montana Slung Rifle too Slow to Stop Grizzly Attack in Montana
  21. so obaMao the commie - your hero, fired/forced out all those military people - and put in pro-gay members of the deep state every corner of our military he could. It was ALL about socially changing our country into a deep state globalist country with permanent legal control by liberals. My point was, on the "diagnosing" aspect - you never have any stated reasons to back up your "diagnosing" claims, and I don't believe the teams you were on worked like that. So, so far, your political hatred is not "diagnosing" via your career experience. Therefore, either put up, or go have a second helping of turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberries (I prefer the whole berry type), and too much homemade pumpkin pie with plenty of coffee.
  22. Hey, Tex - here's another one I posted: Obama's Military Coup Purges 197 Officers In Five Years | Investor's ... https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/197-military-officers-purged-by-obama/ Oct 29, 2013 - Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the Obama administration this year, leading to speculation by active and retired ...
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