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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Sorry, Gip. There are six of us - we have to rent a van, with all our gear, etc. Although, we could rough it and pitch our tent in the living room. hmmm. I don't know how to access my messages anymore. "der" Can't find em to delete em. Very odd.
  2. no, working on finding a rental condo type deal. or a cabin. something like that.
  3. I have done the same - it's a very short list.
  4. any better idea than flying in to Salt Lake City? It's a bit of a drive from there, and annoying to leave and have friends drop us off at a different time...
  5. So, our basic date to go with friends in NC, to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons is the end of May. We'll rent a condo for a week. Like sight-seeing, easy hiking, animal watching.... maybe some fishing for supper etc, a little safe adventure? stuff about this trip that folks know is "can't miss" ? Thanks.
  6. well, considering Cloward-Piven, and the socialist/commies of America want another dirtbag anti-Constitution leftwing sombeitch president and want the senate too.... back to survival - our economy crashes well after Pres Trump has been saving it. or, maybe we go to war. Or, a gigantic earthquake across half of America...or the poles flip around backassackwards...or more prominently, our grid goes entirely on the skids... it makes sense, even if only for a blizzard of all blizzards - to have a back up plan. Food/medicine/water/heat/protection for your families. I've been dehydrating stuff. Vidalia onions chopped up, navy beans, fruit... it occurred to us that our original purchased supplies we stored for some emergency had been in buckets for a good while. Turns out, 3.5 years. So, here's what we learned. The water bottles we bought? what can go wrong with water? The small bottles of water tasted terrible. Some weird slight acidic taste. From the bottles? from the bucket? had to pour all those out. Found cans of tomato sauce - threw em out - acidy stuff can degrade the inner lining of the cans, degrade... didn't even taste it. Just tossed em out. Now, the dehydrated potato slices and milk/cheese power in meals vacuum sealed - were perfect. I cooked some up. Really good. Several cans of Bush's beans - just as old - haven't checked it all out yet. So, even though we knew to rotate our stored emergency stuff - we forgot all about it. Got to check out your canned goods, some go nasty if not bad for you. We like garage sales - I bought an army camo poncho liner - also good and big to line a sleeping bag, etc... for 3 bucks. Saw them the other day for $25 at a gun show. Wife got me two double really cool camping hammocks - this is the stuff that goes into my bug out bag. Also known as a "get home bag because you maybe got yer car stolen in a remote location on your vacation to Yellowstone and the Grand Teton mountains". whatever. Three ways to start a fire, stuff to make a shelter different ways, water filtratrion in the wild, two fixed blade knifes, two compasses, flashlights, etc etc etc. It's getting heavy. May have to lighten it up a bit for hiking. Wife also got me two terrific books - "The Happy Camper" which is really great - the author and Wife and friends have years of back country primitive camping experience. It's also entertaining, well written. The other book - by Creek Stewart, survivalist - book is called "Survival Hacks - Over 200 ways to use everyday items for wilderness survival". A bunch of really cool ideas. So, I cooked up a bunch of navy beans, and now I'm dehydrating them. They take a long time to cook, except cooked and dried, on the trail/camping - they will rehydrate and cook up fast. I found out about coffee. After finding a nice drip maker at a garage sale, I figure the coffee has been okay. But I really miss the days when I'd be home on leave, and my Dad would make me coffee with his old stainless perc coffee maker. I was watching Kent Rollins on youtube, making "Cowboy Coffee". He said you have to perc/boil your coffee, even for six minutes, to get the full balanced coffee flavor. He says he cooks all over the country, and people always ask why the coffee isn't acidic and upsetting them. Apparently, drip makers make coffee - but it's acidic - boiling it makes for a full flavored mellow great coffee flavor. So, I tried it in my old camp special coffee outfit/cooker - just 3 cups water, a bit less than a 1/4 cup of coffee, let it boil.He says some cold water around the top sinks the grounds, but I use a filter. The different is AMAZING. Learn somethin every day.Meanwhile, I'm working on making some survival bracelets and stuff out of 550 line for the fun of it. Haven't sent my adventure novel in to have an official copyright - and have started developing the outline for a sequel.btw, I dehydrate say, apple slices, or pineapple, etc etc, and vacuum pack them in bags. In the fridge they will last for many months. Two tentative trips in planning stage - to Tennessee/Kentucky, and to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons. I never did go out back and nab a few squirrels for squirrel and dumplings, but eventually I"ll try it.
  7. Democrats were for a wall before they were against it - The ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../democrats...wall...against.../9d114048-14f1-11e9-9... 2 days ago - President Trump released a video Dec. 13, saying Democrats have always supported "fences, walls and partitions," but they don't want to ...
  8. nobody with any sense understands it. Especially with dems having called for a wall over the years.
  9. the Memorial list of Americans murdered, raped... by illegals. http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp
  10. Families of Americans killed by illegal immigrants take issue with claim ... https://www.foxnews.com/.../families-of-americans-killed-by-illegal-immigrants-take-od... 2 days ago - Families of Americans killed by illegal immigrants take issue with claim .... “For those who refuse to compromise in the name of border security, ... Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial - Ohio Jobs and Justice PAC (OJJPAC) www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp MEMORIAL. In honor of the thousands of American citizens killed each year by Illegal Aliens. ~ (Please scroll down) ~. List of Victims. Pierce Corcoran, 22. Serious Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens | FAIRus.org fairus.org/issue/illegal-immigration/examples-serious-crimes-illegal-aliens On April 27, 2002, Ronald da Silva was standing with a friend in his driveway when he was shot and killed by an illegal alien who had been previously deported. My son was murdered by an illegal immigrant - USA Today https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2018/08/.../illegal.../1074055002/ Aug 23, 2018 - The fact that my son, Mollie, Kate Steinle, Sarah Root and many more whose names never made the headlines are dead is all the more reason
  11. so the deep state, via deep staters in obamao's corrupt regime, arranged for this russian lawyer to REGAIN, AGAIN, open permission to come here, and to come here to show up in Trump Tower. set up. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/did-the-obama-doj-let-russian-lawyer-natalia-veselnitskaya-into-the-u-s/ "The U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York granted Veselnitskaya immigration parole in October 2015, setting an expiration date of January 7, 2016, DOJ attorneys later told the court. On January 4, Veselnitskaya's request to extend her parole was denied, according to a declaration filed in U.S. District Court on January 5. In that filing, Veselnitskaya asked the judge to allow her to remain in the U.S. to defend Katsyv. She added she had "been harassed by the Government despite being paroled into the United States" when trying to return from a trip to London that November. On January 6, 2016, Judge Thomas P. Griesa of the Southern District of New York heard arguments over Veselnitskaya's request to remain in the U.S. According to a court transcript, he asked the government's attorney, Paul Monteleoni, if the Justice Department would agree to grant a one-week extension of Veselnitskaya's immigration parole status. Monteleoni replied that he did not "have the final say but I will certainly pass the request along to those in the government who do, and I think for an extension of that length I'm optimistic." It is unclear under whether the DOJ granted Veselnitskaya another extension to continue her work in the U.S., but records of the case make no further mention of an extension being granted beyond January 14, 2016. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to questions about whether Veselnitskaya was granted immigration parole after January 14 and, if not, how she was permitted entrance to the U.S. for the meeting in Trump Tower."
  12. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/did-the-obama-doj-let-russian-lawyer-natalia-veselnitskaya-into-the-u-s/ The U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York granted Veselnitskaya immigration parole in October 2015, setting an expiration date of January 7, 2016, DOJ attorneys later told the court. On January 4, Veselnitskaya's request to extend her parole was denied, according to a declaration filed in U.S. District Court on January 5. In that filing, Veselnitskaya asked the judge to allow her to remain in the U.S. to defend Katsyv. She added she had "been harassed by the Government despite being paroled into the United States" when trying to return from a trip to London that November. On January 6, 2016, Judge Thomas P. Griesa of the Southern District of New York heard arguments over Veselnitskaya's request to remain in the U.S. According to a court transcript, he asked the government's attorney, Paul Monteleoni, if the Justice Department would agree to grant a one-week extension of Veselnitskaya's immigration parole status. Monteleoni replied that he did not "have the final say but I will certainly pass the request along to those in the government who do, and I think for an extension of that length I'm optimistic." It is unclear under whether the DOJ granted Veselnitskaya another extension to continue her work in the U.S., but records of the case make no further mention of an extension being granted beyond January 14, 2016. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to questions about whether Veselnitskaya was granted immigration parole after January 14 and, if not, how she was permitted entrance to the U.S. for the meeting in Trump Tower.
  13. now THAT is relevant ! check it out - the obamao doj went out of bounds to make sure this russian lawyer got back into the U.S..... and had a friend of a friend arrange her to meet at Trump Tower. Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump ... https://thehill.com/.../341788-exclusive-doj-let-russian-lawyer-into-us-before-she-met-... Jul 12, 2017 - The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump's inner circle was ... This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that ... Missing: reenter ‎| ‎Must include: ‎reenter Why did Obama's DOJ let Natalia Veselnitskaya into U.S.? - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/.../did-the-obama-doj-let-russian-lawyer-natalia-veselnitska... Jul 16, 2017 - Trump Jr. released emails this week showing a series of communications with a publicist promising damaging information about Hillary Clinton, that would ostensibly be provided by Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. ... He then seemed to blame the Obama administration for allowing ... Missing: arranged ‎| ‎Must include: ‎arranged How did Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya get into U.S. for Trump Tower ... https://www.reuters.com/...us.../how-did-russian-lawyer-veselnitskaya-get-into-u-s-for... Nov 6, 2017 - The Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya resurfaced in news headlines ... reconsider a law sanctioning Russia if Trump won the presidency. ... Veselnitskaya's request that the Justice Department authorize her trip ... Fox pinned responsibility for the Russian lawyer's admission into the U.S. on the Obama ...
  14. FREAKING FINALLY - a link with serious relevant meat to what is going on. That would explain Robert's siding with the deep state dems. he was hacked. That would explain the FISA judge (also black like Obamao commie's favorite people) who accepted bs to sign on to the asked for warrant. Somewhere, btw,. Peter Strzok said that they had a friendly judge on the FISA court.... It's how corrupt deep staters work. bigger, more dangerous trouble than most folks thought possible. Our gov is in crisis.
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/offbeat/new-species-of-frog-discovered-in-unexplored-andes-area/ar-BBRLglf
  16. What do you think would happen if you found out half out gov (obviously the leftwing dem sombeitches) were actually lizard people. spooky. That's all the time I have for now.....more later...... BOO ! Conspiracy craze: why 12 million Americans believe alien lizards rule us https://www.theguardian.com/.../conspiracy-theory-paranoia-aliens-illuminati-beyonce... Apr 7, 2016 - According to a Public Policy Polling survey, around 12 million people in the US believe that interstellar lizards in people suits rule our country.
  17. apparently most everything jaf posts means nothing - except the possibility that someday a point could be made in conclusion...about ...something... or something.
  18. That's tough - for years I missed our 147 acres way out past Cambridge Oh, our old farm. Now, with our over 35 acres, we explore, shoot, hunt, hike. Do hayrides once in a while. The most famous one, was on a warm still night, the whole bunch of kids were on the haywagon, my Wife driving the tractor, and stopped out back, in front of the woods. I was out in our woods with a 5' tube from a friends leaf blower, and I made the most hideous howl/bigfoot noise, and the screaming of the kids was priceless. Then later, they were talking about how they were so scared, and I walked up to the bonfire and said "did it sound like this?" and did it a little bit again. They all LOL'd. Owning your own woods is priceless. I'm still waiting for Steve to come out and do some groundhog skeet with me, but he's too smart for that. dammit. lol
  19. EGAD. That is mental illness. These nuts seem energized to act out by the likes of buttock, moochelle, and all the rest, like Mad Maxine Waters, who seems a lot like that sicko behind the counter. I wish the guy had called the police.
  20. Wife got me some special southern self-rising soft-wheat flour. Made bisquits, and finally, I know how to make the best bisquits ever. I'll make sausage gravy, and I'll have breakfast during the game. I won't have to go to Bob Evans for a long time now.
  21. Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret - CBS News https://www.cbsnews.com/.../obama-administration-spent-36m-on-records-lawsuits-las... Mar 14, 2017 - Overall, in the final year of Obama's administration, people who asked for records last year under the ... Actress Sondra Locke dead at age 74.
  22. and now for the rest of the story.... The Unfaithful Departed: Meet The People Who Bailed On The Obama ... https://www.zerohedge.com/.../unfaithful-departed-meet-people-who-bailed-obama-a... May 31, 2014 - Friday's latest resignation of yet another former Obama administration faithful - that of White House press secretary Jay Carney - got us thinking: ... Obama administration resignations and firings - CNN.com https://www.cnn.com/2014/10/01/politics/gallery/obama-administration.../index.html Oct 2, 2015 - ... © 2018 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network. Terms of .
  23. the dems are now the new communist party in America.
  24. emotional corrupt character assassination works with emotional knee jerk liberals... especially in cities. so they are all in to continue.
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