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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. all the rumors and hints are annoying. Why not just report real stuff? Outside of that, most of it is a waste of time with no point.
  2. It's a soft coup, alright - this is far more "big, serious, trouble" than I bargained for, or imagined.
  3. this whole dirtybag business is going to blow up in their faces. If they get away with it, we lose our country.
  4. THANK YOU for posting this ! We watched the whole thing - and he is right on the whole opening. Btw, notice how quiet the mouthy traitors are now - higgardly, obamao, lynch, holder, brennan, clapper, comey, rosenstein, strzok.....etc etc. very quiet.
  5. eh, must have hit the wrong key I was really typing fast... put back in "texsag's higgardly asswhole clinton, mccabe, sally yates, dirty steele, dirty john mccain, and dirty Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the latter being an expert on russia, spoke russian and worked to have Bruce ohr give the higgardly team paid for smear fake dossier to the FBI. something like that - I actually remembered a few, had to look them up and added em. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/fusion-gps-contractor-nellie-ohr-wife-of-doj-official-bruce-ohr-to-testify-to-congress-this-week
  6. etc etc ad nauseum. The point is, the left is overtly ALL IN on owning our government. They thought they had it, but Real America made President Trump our MAGA hero. But the left is all in on demanding to own our government. Look at the crook traitors - mad maxine waters, comey, brennan, clapper, obaMao, van Jones, page, rice, holder, lynch. mueller, put bull weisman, rosentein, strzok, the list goes on and on....all sorts of radical dems in congress - all these corrupt bitches and more, wanted to seal the deal and keep control over everything about America. They lost, and have been fighting to stop us for two years. Gun control is just another attempted "stick in the eye" of all political opponents. The same thing with abortion extremes, family values destroyed, God taken out of schools, defying our Constitution at every chance, lies, fake narratives, fake mmgw claims, eliminate cows, hamburgers, jets, cars, whatever they can think of to stab us in the eye with.... headed toward a very bad, tough place in our history.
  7. the fault lies with the left. Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in ... https://www.wsj.com/.../democrats-plan-to-pursue-most-aggressive-gun-control-legislati... Nov 9, 2018 - Democrats say they will pass the most aggressive gun-control ... I want gun control, and I hope to God nobody sends me anymore prayers.”. Survey: Majority of Democrats want to ban semi-automatics, half want ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/survey-majority-of-democrats-want-to-ban-se... Mar 2, 2018 - When pro-gun control advocates tell you they don't want to take your guns ... Eighty-two percent of surveyed Democrats say they favor a ban on .. Bearing F's From the N.R.A., Some Democrats Are Campaigning ... https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/04/us/politics/gun-control-candidates-election.html Nov 4, 2018 - Jason Crow, the Democratic candidate for Colorado's 6th ... This year, however, Jason Crow — an Army veteran who wants to ban assault weapons, restrict ... At the same time, 61 percent of Americans want stricter gun laws, ... Quotes: Politicians on Gun Confiscation - Ammo.com https://ammo.com/articles/gun-grabbers-quotes Favorite quotes from some of the most infamous gun confiscators in history – a reminder of the ... Gun Grabbers: Quotes on Gun Confiscation from Politicians. NRA-ILA | U.S. Politicians Cheer New Zealand Gun Confiscation https://www.nraila.org/articles/.../us-politicians-cheer-new-zealand-gun-confiscation 3 days ago - American gun owners have once again been reminded that the ultimate goal of U.S. gun control advocates is firearms bans and confiscation. Has any democratic candidate ever really said they are going to ... https://www.quora.com/Has-any-democratic-candidate-ever-really-said-they-are-goin... Not just candidates, but executives, legislators, and judges. Excerpted from Nobody wants to take your guns? “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale ... Dem congressman: Force gun owners to get rid of assault weapons https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/.../dem-congressman-force-gun-owners-sell-assault-... May 3, 2018 - In a major departure from prior gun control proposals, Rep. ... proposals that could be interpreted as “gun confiscation,” a concept gun rights groups ... While politicians and activists, including President Barack Obama, have cited ... Campaign, which advocates against gun violence, told NBC News in March.
  8. Amazon.com: Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science ... https://www.amazon.com/Outrage-Inc-Liberal-Journalism...ebook/.../B073B2GXJT Editorial Reviews. Review. “Derek Hunter takes a scalpel to the liberal outrage culture ... liberal great, and everything great, liberal. Progressives love to attack conservatives as anti-science, wallowing in fake news, and culturally backwards. The Democrats' Fake Outrage - WSJ https://www.wsj.com › Opinion › Wonder Land 5 days ago - Then on cue came more liberal outrage after the accusations against Mr. Fairfax, who is black, and again after Mr. Herring's confession. Liberals outrage at President Trump is fake, dangerous | San Luis ... https://www.sanluisobispo.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article214029904.html Jun 28, 2018 - This fake outrage is just another gimmick by liberals to try to make Trump look bad after failing with all other attempts, such as the Russian hoax ...
  9. texsag = ccc mz the pussy = fake victimhood "outrage"
  10. ok, geez, here is the op I posted after being noticeably gone from the poli board for a few weeks (mostly a public service announcement - we got a great education on a close call - she is going GREAT after two weeks - you'd hardly know she had surgery two weeks ago Wed. She will be able to fly in a few months, or less.) "Some weeks ago, my Wonderful Cute Wife and I visited our family dr., she was going to visit her Dad, 96, down in Texas, bought plane tickets, and just figured to get some anti-biotics to get over her bit of bronchitis before she left. Our Dr frowned, said she heard her heart murmur loud, nothing like the very slight one over the years. She arranged an Electro-cardiogram some days later, etc, and by the time we got home from that, after stopping at the grocery store, Dr. office called and said she had to see a heart specialist right away, as in, the next morning. So, we did. He explained that she had a Critical Aortic Stenosis. Never heard of that, but it's a drastic narrowing of the aortic heart valve. He said she needed heart surgery sooner rather than later - he seriously said " I wouldn't wait even six weeks, folks". Three days later, they did a heart catheter, and her heart was strong and clear. A very high level surgeon met with us after that, and discussed a few surgical options. He said our family Dr. was right on the money - the "red line" for critical aortic stenosis is .8 centimeter. Hers was even smaller - .6. They explained that the valve is supposed to be the size of about a quarter - and hers was only as wide as a pencil eraser. With zero symptom overt, they arranged a meeting early the next week to meet with the prominent surgeons to discuss options. then, the saturday night before.. she calmly came to me, a bit before midnight, and said she felt a weird, slight pressure on her chest, like one of our cats was laying on her chest. We found out later, that women don't have the same symptoms as men with heart problems occurring. With zero pain, etc, I drove her to emergency. They said she did not have any heart attack, but that the weird feeling with zero pain was considered a kind of pain, as in, a preliminary warning to worse and far more dangerous symptoms. So, with her stabilized, they said they wanted to send her up to the main hospital, pronto, and joked that I did a good job getting her there, but me driving her up to the main hospital wasn't an option, and yeah, we were both fine with that. The paramedics got her up to the main hospital, and she was quickly admitted to the heart floor. They did not want her going back home to wait for surgery - it was dangerous. I stayed with her the first two nights, in a recliner chair the nurses brought to me, in her room, without sleeping - the surgeon stopped in, joked that he hadn't expected to see her again so soon. He said their plan was to expedite surgery to about the end of the week. On monday, he said their surgical team met, and her surgery was wednesday. We discussed options again, got an amazing education, made the perfect decision. It helps that before the emergency trip, my longtime best friend's brother was a longtime heart-lung machine expert/research fellow, who gave us a great understanding of it all, and a great reference for the surgical team. Last Wednesday, she had open heart surgery, to replace the bad valve with a new bio-engineered valve. I stayed with her all the day and all night, in the chair... With the incredible advanced tech they have, she came home five days later, and she was carefully walking around the house like she never had surgery. We are so very fortunate - she could have been flying when symptoms hit, etc. She's my best friend, always and forever, and I am so much one of the luckiest guys ever, It's great to have such wonderful friends - we are so fortunate and blessed. Everybody take care.
  11. no, we had to cancel plans - you'll have to go read my post about "...close call" on the political board as to why. I guess we'll try again next year. On page two, Feb 20
  12. even barr agrees: Roseanne Barr: Pelosi Is a 'Reptile' and a 'Criminal' and We Need to ... https://www.theblaze.com/.../roseanne-barr-pelosi-is-a-reptile-and-a-criminal-and-we-... Jun 18, 2012 - She continued to say, "Pelosi is a reptile -watch their eyes" and "reptile ... To lizards," and "Our government isn't as smart as reptiles but they do ..
  13. of course, but it's far less likely. It's a bit of a safe assumption that with age comes experiences and understandings about life and the world around us. Yet, some don't glean wisdom from experiences and understandings - they rely on their own feelings for hurling stones at the world around them.
  14. you act like a woodpecker, that's on you. My insults are deserved - also on you. you haven't lived long enough to be so arrogant and ignorant at the same time. you ridicule pretty much anything, any subject. or any poster that is Christian or conservative. just snowflakish, in a birdbrain kinda way.
  15. actually, it's a sign of mental illness to believe that one is a woodpecker. and no, DH did not joke about you licking ObaMao's toes. I actually got that from from something said on Dr Phil's show once. so, you are wrong, you can't speak intelligently about nearly any subject, and I am fine with conversations - it's just that you ruin them with your birdbrain woodypeckerhead drivel. Why you think that makes you look like a legit contributor, I have no idea. Is it possible for birds to develop mental problems? - The Great ... https://outdoors.stackexchange.com/.../is-it-possible-for-birds-to-develop-mental-prob... 2 answers May 3, 2018 - As a general rule, all evolved beings (the ones with a brain) can end up with mental health issues. There are multiple resources which
  16. but woody would lick obaMao's toes if it had happened during obaMao worship years.
  17. I just have to find a place to pan for gold wherever we do end up going. We decided to go to Yellowstone next year - most any place we could find to stay within reason, was already booked. It'll take more planning well ahead. Meanwhile, we are going together somewhere. Probably Smokies? don't know. Acadia in Maine? don't know.
  18. I learned of my new game day coffee. No more drippy coffee makers. Make Cowboy Coffee. about a quart of water in a pan, let the water warm up good, add 1/4 cup of your favorite coffee, and rolling boil it up for a few minutes. The grounds settle on the bottom, after a few minutes - or Kent Rollins says you can pour just a bit of cold water around the top edge... it's amazing. That is why I have missed the old perc coffee makers. Next auction/garage sale item to find - old stainless steel perc coffee pot.
  19. our plans are coming along - we do want to do some easier hiking - no serious killer stuff. But a few hikes well back into the park, to see a pristine lake - I may have to jump in and swim in it just to know i did. I found out that Yellowstone Park has it's own fishing licenses - no other one needed. We aren't much on tourist traps - just beautiful scenery, some adventure. Like our trip to Tenn - we went horseback riding, white water rafting (safe, family rafting on Ocoee river)) and hiking.I know out there, I'll have my backpack set up for first aid, emergencies etc. Interesting - the #1 item to take with you out there, is a bear bell. I wonder how many snakes are out in Yellowstone? I read where someone used double thick cardboard and made snake guards for below their knees... that seems silly.
  20. lol. No, our friends don't camp. They rented a cabin we all stayed in the last big vacation, in Tennessee - they upgraded us to an octagonal beautiful wrap around picture windows across the overlook, up on the mountaintop. We had a blast. They are dear longtime friends. Now, my Wife and I love tent camping - but backpacking camping is going to happen with her, lol, so - everybody has their limits. Gotta have hot showers. I think I'm going to be working on this all evening. If I call one more rental car place, and talk to one more foreign person who has an accent that I can't quite understand while they jibber jabber so fast... I'm not going to be very nice. Interesting - I called AAA, and this guy was an expert, found different solutions in about one minute. He's been doing it for 30 years. Said about a place to stay - go to Vacations Rentals by Owner. He has friends who use it a lot - they swear by it. https://www.vrbo.com/home
  21. nope ! Thankis ! We're laughing over their getting there from NC and us getting there from OH, near to the same time, can't find a van to rent? They want to fly non-stop, so it's Salt Lake City, though we could fly in from Cleveland to Billings... But we're having fun planning.
  22. Thanks Gip ! We are researching a lot this week. I wonder how much snow there might be in May?
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