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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. oh, now this is the first I've heard about this ! mueller is in deep crap, closed his offices, and now they are hiding from being investigated by reps in Congress. Can't wait til Barr and the rest of the honest DOJ gets results in.
  2. no, I only used possum once, for an annoying neighbor, a lot like you.... I sure wasn't going to try it.😎
  3. I'll be taking this to Canton Mike's for a big away game watch. https://duckcommander.com/recipes/boiled-squirrels-and-dumplings
  4. you may come back, but you won't be gloating., just squealer annoying.
  5. Seems they FEEL terrified that their whole false narrative is going to backfire and hit them in the arse. My opinion - whatever liberals do, ends up with them accomplishing the opposite. The examples are many over the years. Their fake solutions are nothing more than reinforcing their twisted emotions. Like banning guns... obaMaodoesn'tcare, unlimited abortion, weak military, "great society",. easy permanent welfare, easy welfare to unwed mothers (example - they just have the fathers live in without being married, or the fathers just split)... Going all in to take all the power permanently in our government. They got OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP and ALL OF US REAL AMERICANS INSTEAD. MAGA.
  6. Another bear story - no big pistol because it's leftwing canada - bear spray didn't work. https://www.ammoland.com/2019/05/advantage-of-handguns-for-defensive-use-against-bears-the-bear-is-usually-killed/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=e0cfeec360-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-e0cfeec360-20770865#axzz5pdHVcTGC
  7. nah, comparing them won't change his feelings for his three rivers scumbags - it will just make him happy they are being talked about here on the BROWNS BOARD.
  8. ok, I have twenty cousins who used to be serious liberals, until they saw texsag's obaMao and higgardly cook the deep state into a Real American threat. Now? they all wear MAGA hats. and one time, "in band camp", they ran texsag's pants up a flagpole and put poison ivy in his bunk... you betcha, bunch of bs.
  9. it makes it easier to have their head up their....
  10. bad timing, that, since our Browns finally have their act together and headed towards a superbowl for sure this coming season. (that's a goofy Greedy Williams reference)
  11. yep., what Steve said. ( I ran out of "reactions" again. lol
  12. crap. I hope I don't offend anybody with this.... lol
  13. this is dumb. "Vote third party" to have Pres Trump lose the elction. Seriously? The trade deficit with China was way over 300 billion...a YEAR: ACtually, now that I brought his over - it is 500 billion a YEAR. A HALF TRILLION a YEAR. They talked about this on Fox news - on Ingram's show - One reason for the trade war is that Trump views the trade deficit as a scorecard, and he believes tariffs will reduce our $500 billion deficit with China (that's over 2 percent of gross domestic product; our China goods deficit was $540 billion last year, offset by a $40 billion surplus in services) for just the third quarter: According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the United States' current account deficit totaled $124.8 billion in the third quarter of 2018, an increase from the second quarter of the same year. This means the U.S. continues to spend more on its imports than it is on its exports. Clinton, Bush and obaMao talked about how they were going to fix it. But they took the easy political CYA way out. The only way to fix the problem, after the Chinese gov promised Pres Trump they'd stop the stealing of our tech, help fix the deficit, etc etc.... - they completely reneged on that promise. They left Pres Trump "holding the bag" for their broken promises, so he is trying to get them to come to the table and really fix the problems. And the dems are terrified he will succeed, and they will lose their chance to win the presidency, so they are fighting him over it. Seriously? Laura Ingrahm had to CEO's on her show - one CEO staunchly defended Pres Trump - saying it's the only way to fix the unfair, extremely costly deal for America. The other CEO, was of the American Apparel and Footwear Association. He said they lost 38,000 bucks because of the tariffs. The stupid thing is - he would rather continue the deficit because they can send their contracts over to China, and have them made so much cheaper, and have a chance? of making money on the sales back over here. The trouble is, a half trillion a YEAR? over ALL THESE YEARS? we can NOT continue like that. Pres Trump has the courage to solve the problem, if possible, but he has the corrupt dems fighting him, etc. Which encourages the Chinese to continue the problems, given the political pressure Pres Trump lives with his entire presidency so far - Yes, the tariffs are tough on some of our industries in the short term. But in the long term, once the problems are fixed, the benefit will be outstanding. But the chinese do NOT want to lose their advantage, and apparently the dirty corrupt dems and their hacks won't want the chinese to relent and actually solve the problems. Like poverty - the corrupt dems do NOT want it fixed so they can fight a false fight vs Pres Trump on dirty political bases.
  14. Hi, Gip - seriously, if you are ever in the Canton area on your travels...let me know if you'd like to stop by - we met at a tailgate once, when I was with Canton Mike.
  15. that's makes it - texsag is one of ObaMao's Zombie corpse men? in all of 57 states he'd been to?
  16. I say again, you point about "history" is not outlandish, but when there is a bandwidth problem.... your thread contains a mountain of nonsense that doesn't have to be there.
  17. JAFBF - I deleted my huge political cartoon thread - I'll just keep it to the last two cartoons....perhaps you would like to recreate your huge thread with only the last few pages. Just a thought....
  18. all hell is going to break loose now - look at how terrified the dems in congress are - lashing out desperately at Barr and anybody else they can try to go after with their fake news garbage attacks. It's a serious marxist move towards power that they don't ever have to give up.
  19. That is so ignorant and corrupt/dangerously mean spirited...surely even their base has to be appalled.... ?
  20. yep, get rid of as much of the swamp as we can find. It's really dangerous - these dirtbags think they run America.
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