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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. oh, Thanks but no - we don't drink, don't like the taste of any of that. Didn't try rum in Jamaica, even. When I was a kid, we had pheasants all over Ohio. that was some great food to put on the table. I think it was 77 and/or78 that a bad winter froze them all out. we have wild turkey now though. I plan to go turkey hunting this fall, too. I might try a good recommended wine to cook canadian goose next year, though, I guess it has greasy/"wild" too much in the flavor. Well, and wild turkey is "gamey" too. although, I would certainly try it if someone else fixed it with rum....šŸ˜Ž btw: I think I already mentioned the last book I read: "Hiking Through" by Paul V. Stutzman and two books on edible wild plants I picked up this year: "The Prepper's Guide to Foraging" and "The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants" (Dept of the Army) very cool stuff. LIke, I always wondered if people could eat mayapples. They smell really good when yellow and ripe. Turns out the rind is inedible, the seeds are poison, but we can eat the flesh of the fruit. huh. and tree bark... (the soft part between the outer bark and the tree..) the Army one has plants from all sorts of arid regions. Both books taught me a LOT. P.S. http://mentalfloss.com/article/22597/tree-bark-eating-beginners A classic meal of human desperation, tree bark has become a must-have during periods of scarcity. But you don't have to eat it al dente the way termites and beavers do. Inhabitants of the Lapland in Finland, for example, are known to make bread with ground tree bark during cruel winter months, and several Native American groups use tree bark as a dietary supplement. In fact, the Adirondack Mountains derive their name from a derisive term for the Algonquin Indians that means "tree eaters." Not all bark is equally edible, so you'll have to experiment with your neighborhood flora. Some popular favorites include aspen, birch, willow, maple, and pineā€”trees common in cities and forests alike. So sharpen your teeth and dig in!
  2. I've never had dewberries, will have to try them. When we took our trip to Texas, to MO. and back here to Ohio, we stopped at Mammoth Cave Nat Park. I couldn't take my gun into the buildings or into the caves, no matter. Wild berrry jam rocks. Adding it to baked tender chicken breasts is just awesome. https://www.thehighroad.org/index.php?threads/what-is-the-deepest-penetrating-9mm-loading.407195/ https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/best-9mm-ammo-self-defense-here-what-we-picked-57107?page=0%2C1
  3. btw, if you are ever at a garage sale or flea market, and can spend 5 bucks on a crank jobbie that deseeds berries etc... you should buy it. It takes all the seeds out of the wild blackberries. Old time tool, different sized screens, works awesomely. anyways, about pistols vs bears: https://www.ammoland.com/2019/08/handgun-or-pistol-defense-against-bear-attack-73-cases-96-effective/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=f2c508ccc4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-f2c508ccc4-20770865#axzz5wUjq7Wv2
  4. and it goes far deeper than that. All legal hell is going to break loose. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/durham-and-graham-obtained-deposition-of-clinton-dirt-tipster-joseph-mifsud Solomon told Hannity that Durhamā€™s team ā€œobtained an audiotaped deposition of Joseph Mifsud, where he describes his work, why he targeted Papadopoulos, who directed him to do that, what directions he was given, and why he set that entire process of introducing George Papadopoulos to Russia in motion in March of 2016.ā€ ************************************ DiGenova and Toensing: The FBI Set up a Sting Operation Against ... https://amgreatness.com/.../digenova-and-toensing-the-fbi-set-up-a-sting-o... May 9, 2019 - DiGenova and Toensing: The FBI Set up a Sting Operation Against Papadopoulos Using a Suitcase Full of $10,000 in Cash. By Debra Heine| ... During the show, Toensing, an attorney who partners with her husband at the Washington DC law firm diGenova & Toensing, accused the FBI of trying to frame Papadopoulos with a suitcase full of cash in the summer of 2017. According to Toensing, Papa-D was vacationing with his then-fiance, Simona Mangiante, in Greece when he was approached by someone who was supposedly impressed with his credentials, and said he wanted to do business with him. The individual allegedly talked the then-29-year-old into traveling to Israel to make a deal, and invited him to his hotel room. ā€œAnd there on the bed, is $10,000 in cash in a suitcase,ā€ she continued. Papadopoulos took the money and gave it to his lawyer, who has it still. Toensing said when Papadopoulos returned to the United States, he was greeted by FBI agents at Dulles Airport and they started searching through everything that he had ā€œthe second he landed.ā€ She added, ā€œin fact, they already had his baggage from the plane. He couldnā€™t believe they had his baggage.ā€ ā€œIt was a set up!ā€ exclaimed Gorka. ā€œIt was a complete set up,ā€ agreed Toensing. DiGenova explained that the Feds already knew that he hadnā€™t declared that he had $10,000 and were expecting to find the undeclared cash so they could arrest him and ā€œput the thumbscrews on and make him squeal,ā€ as Gorka put it
  5. Does she get her manuscript copyrighted before she sends it to the publisher? I assume she does...?
  6. new simple recipe ! We made it just this week ! chicken breasts - cooked to very tender salt-pepper lightly homemade wild blackberry jam (btw, blackberries are getting ripe, I have frozen about 8 lbs so far) scalloped potatoes store bought Rhodes rolls iced tea with mango sweetener (that's if I'm out of root beer) ********************************** or some great bbq ribs with carolina sweet bbq sauce, but that's too much work usually.
  7. same here. and fiction books with cats. Does this book have cats in it? lol
  8. the federal judge...was appointed by jimmy carter. figures. https://www.theblaze.com/news/heres-why-a-federal-judge-tossed-nick-sandmanns-250m-defamation-lawsuit-against-the-washington-post
  9. so, it's wild blackberry season. Here in Ohio - the first few are getting black, I tried the first one I found, but it was still sour. Later on, a few weeks? I can go out and pick 20some lbs of wild blackberries. Last year, I simply froze them, then later on, I got them out, rinsed them (don't rinse em prior to freezing), and made a bunch of jars of wild blackberry jam and wild blackberry pancake syrup. The taste of the wild blackberries is spectacular. A friend gave me a pint of rhubarb jam, made with strawberry jello. I was amazed how good it was. and blackberries are very nutrional. They are everywhere this year, with all the rain, it's a great crop. You can also collect the leaves and make blackberry tea, and can cook some up and put them over some good vanilla ice cream. Just part of a program to know how to use natural resources to make stuff, create stuff, in case the worst happens, like a major blackout hits, some major catastrophe happens...., you know, if the SHTF one day. Like another hobby - I'm going to start making hiking sticks.
  10. and if you get seasick, a room on a lower deck rocks less...
  11. We've been on three cruises - western and eastern caribbean and the Inside Passage cruise up along Alaska. Cruises - hope you all have great weather. Don't know where all you are going - a young married couple got killed years ago, ...they rented one of those scooters on Cozumel and got hit. The cab drivers drive crazy. Not fun. I don't believe they have any traffic laws. Cozumel has a beautiful national park - a beach protected by reefs. I would not go to mainland mexico, that's just me. On Jamaica - we were all told NEVER go outside of the approved area - the town square. and NEVER get into a cab that is not an official government cab. Way too much crime. back then, years ago, cruise ships stopped landing at Kingston - way too much violent crime. They switched to Ocho Rios on the other side of the island. A gal from Jamaica told me NEVER try to go sight seeing. And never go into Blue Mountain coffee areas - you could die, as in be murdered. Jamaica looks like a little island West Virginia.... Grand Cayman - kinda rich touristy and boring. A bunch of us went on an adventure tour. It was snorkeling over 15' of water over an ancient boat wreck. within swimming distance of the dock. St. Thomas/St. John - Really nice places, great for shopping - it might be pretty safe for touring. Trunk Bay is so freaking beautiful. The water was crystal clear. Puerto Rico - saw the dire poverty back then, saw the rain forest. Went up a lookout tower. not impressed. Things have surely changed a lot from many years ago. Don't drink and lean over the railing, or you could dive. I hope none of you gets seasick in rough waters. On a big ship, you should be fine unless it really gets rough. Cabins we've seen tend to be pretty small. I hope at least one night you have slight ocean swells while you try to get to sleep. That is fun, to a point. The food is magnificent. Fancy stuff - if you don't like an entree' - just order something else. I ordered frog legs one time, and all our friends, including my Wife, were laughing - they came steamed, white, with the flippers on, and attached at the hip. egad. I wouldn't touch those with a fork. More than anything else - stay SAFE. Watch out for each other, keep kids with you at all times. One cruise - there were teenagers graduated from hs next door to us. They tended to be loud. and party. One evening, I got out of the shower, we were all going to go to dinner, my Wife and the other Wives were at bingo.... and three of the hs graduate ladies next door had gotten drunk. I know that because I heard laughing at our door, then knocking on our door, trying to open our door with their key. I wrapped a towel around myself and cracked it open, and one of the gals who was really drunk had been leaning on the door, it flew open, she landed in my arms, and her two friends were laughing, one sat to the floor, laughing because I lost my towel. They were wondering why their pass key wouldn't unlock "their door". Yes, they had the wrong room. So, the gal I caught pretty much passed out, I sat her in a nearby chair until I threw on some shorts, and I carried her to her room. Her two friends were still laughing when they hugged me and thanked me. Everybody at our dinner table had a great time laughing when I was telling the story. dammit, that was before they brought me the frog legs. Oh - on our cruises, we tipped the person who cleaned our room, etc. Tipped the waiter. etc. This tipping takes a good bit of cash. I hope you are instructed to not tip - it's much simpler that way. Never take your safety for granted on ship, or on shore. Never ever. Have fun, but stay alert to your surroundings and people who approach you.
  12. guess the deep state has a lot of sick baggage that holds them all together. figures mueller, and clintons are at the major part of it.
  13. mythical/science fiction/fantasy. Pretty neat idea. I still have to figure out how to get my adventure novel copyrighted, and start on the second of the series.
  14. all 87 pages? Wow, that's pretty good. lol https://www.rainforestcruises.com/jungle-blog/how-bad-are-bugs-in-the-amazon
  15. This whole thread, except for a few instances I've noticed, is a bunch of scatter-brained crap. There is no central point, just far too many pages of too many subjects, most of it having nothing to do with anything. I'm guessing attention deficit or something? Seriously - I rarely open this thread anymore. Ebola? then jump to the legit scandal with dirty corrupt brennan, clapper, then jump to how msnbc is losing viewers bigtime and there's a shakeup there.... maybe you could jump to bugs in the Amazon rainforests..., or the latest news about the ... never mind. But I do like to read up on the deep state scandal that is going to break open soon - all hell is going to hit on the deep state. Sources say... a DEA agent - crimes, FBI agent(s) - crimes, DOJ officials - crimes... it gets worse and more serious by the week? I think.
  16. another bear attack story - the bears I've seen in the wild - they run. Except, for that one in N. Georgia at the ...Black Hills campground. It had no fear, I was lucky it didn't charge me. But if they have no fear of people - plenty of stories about being stalked and attacked by bears. https://www.ammoland.com/2019/06/woman-bit-by-bear-exemplifies-how-useful-a-handgun-could-have-been/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=88a7170538-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-88a7170538-20770865#axzz5qknCklT1
  17. Actually, Canton Mike told me the same thing - and I put em on our truck. The deer whistles didn't work - A week later, I got run over by a deer. I was kinda mad at Canton Mike over that, but it's kinda my fault - the truck was parked at the house, and I was hiking way out back in the woods at the time....
  18. more bear stories. One question - what on earth was the woman doing with a child in a wilderness setting... especially unarmed? what is the.... https://www.ammoland.com/2019/06/could-a-pistol-have-made-a-difference-in-the-fatal-bear-attack-on-mother-and-child/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=a3d71aead4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-a3d71aead4-20770865#axzz5qDDvODfH
  19. vag is too late for April Fools. He is that slow.....
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