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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Yep. I think... the idea was to really go after em on defense, but their offensive line - pretty freakin good - trap blocked the Browns into open holes? Do I have that right? I believe the defensive coaches won't make THAT mistake again. And I haven't found fault with Freddie's playcalling - until last night. You have Bosa and co - what happened to quick slants? I think they miss Njoku on slants, where did those plays go? The Browns oline couldn't hold up long enough for wr's to run any fancy route. I believe Bitonio got bowled over trying desperately to reach out left and help helpless Robinson. Seriously? The Browns defense can match up with ...almost, any team in the NFL. They really missed Ward and Greedy tonight. And Whitehead trying to cover their TE? Didn't he hit the big TE above the hips? I mean, right at his point of power? I'll bet that hurt. The upside - the Browns will learn a TON from that loss. No huge deal. Pharaoh Brown. Needs to work on not being a regular one or two really bad timing mistakes/penalties a game. He seems not to have the agility to block a bosa, etc. Has a lot to learn and isn't really good at it, maybe. ***************************************** and note to the grade school ratskunk fan who showed up - we beat your team. at your stinking place. You aren't very smart. Probably having trouble with 6th grade art class. lol 09/29/2019 Cleveland Browns 40 @ Baltimore Ravens 25
  2. Tex just thrives on emotion. If he'd just look at the times I posted, they were just a few minutes from each other. On a Sunday. I had time, Wife is in Texas. Last week, I heard Dan Bongino, on Fox News, say that just ONE of the things coming out, is that the higgardly/deep state corrupt camp had "russian collusion" etc etc etc... talked about... to use against John Mccain. IMHO, that explains why dirty McCain refused to criticize ObaMao, why Sarah Palin was muzzled and kept quiet of saying anything about obaMao and all the garbage going on... in effect...they didn't really campaign to win. Mccain had every reason to fear the deep state. When he turned his vile towards Sarah Palin in the media, saying "he regretted putting her on his ticket".... a lot of folks ONLY voted for him because of her. His corrupt ploy was to use her to get the Tea Party crowd voting for him. So, the Deep state didn't have to go nuclear on mccain - he nuked his own chances. But they had plots set up for later use. Against President Trump. just another serious note? http://dcgazette.com/2016/dan-bongino-secret-service/
  3. The lefties left this board because it's all coming down - all the corruption - so deep it cannot be defended. Did anybody else know, that the secret FISA court NEVER HELD discussions/deliberations over those faked FISA docs? All hell is going to break loose, you betcha.
  4. Author: Sandy Fitzgerald The Horowitz Report is Coming, and Hell’s Coming With it ... https://dbdailyupdate.com/index.php/2018/04/14/the... Apr 14, 2018 · To paraphrase Kurt Russell in the great western Tombstone, the Horowitz report is coming, and hell’s coming with it. Just another day in the Horowitz report is coming, and hell’s coming with it America. That is all. Follow me on Twitter at ... Michael Horowitz: Latest News, Top Stories ... - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/michael-horowitz Michael Horowitz. News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO. ... Post-Mueller report likely to target Russia dossier author Steele. By NATASHA BERTRAND. 04/17/2019 … Hannity: The Horowitz Report Is Done and It’s “Devastating ... https://welovetrump.com/2019/05/17/hannity-the... My friend Dan Bongino had more to report:. Fox News host Sean Hannity said his sources tell him that Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has completed his investigation into alleged FISA abuse and “it’s devastating.”. Speaking last night with his guests, former Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz and Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, Hannity said, “I have ... Author: Noah
  5. Why The IG Report On FISA Abuse Will Unleash Barr’s ... thefederalist.com/2019/06/07/ig-report-fisa-abuse-will-unleash-barrs-investigation-spygate/
  6. and just wait til the rest of the story comes out. Like, the Horowitz report. This JW report is just the very beginning of all legal hell breaking loose. ObaMao put so many hard core corrupt deep staters in place...in every branch of government. NEver before in our American history, have we a bunch of corrupt, powerful, dangerous power brokers - the deep state - openly trying to go all out to protect themselves from losing careers, retirements, and ...power. The power to dishonestly destroy any and all political opposition. and dirty players in Australia (socialist gov), Ukraine, etc etc , willing to assist for favors later. Our national debt is skyrocketing because the deep state doesn't want to have itself constrained, or made smaller. Our nation is nearing a crisis - unelected long term profession bigshots inherent in our gov are now, along with corrupt deep staters in Congress, including those who are just fearful... going helter-skelter to stop Pres Trump and all Republicans from defending our country, all of us, and our Constitution/Bill of Rights. The deep state has now gone nearly? full KGB - any dirty trick, any lie, any character assassination, any faked evidence......etc etc etc etc.. anything now, is in their playbook. If you read this report alone - just wait til we get to read the Horowitz report, and more and more from AG Barr. Horowitz’s report will likely provide new and damaging details surrounding the FBI’s use of the FISA court to spy on Page. More importantly, the conclusion of Horowitz’s probe frees Barr to conduct a broader and more exacting investigation into all aspects of the Russia collusion hoax. This Judicial Watch Special Report analyzes the Deep State, which comprises legions of political appointees, career civil servants and powerful private contractors who run the government no matter who sits in the Oval Office. No matter which political party con- Judicial Watch Special Report Exposing the Deep State www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/JW-Special-Report-Deep-State-2017.pdf
  7. I've taken the pills. I have forgotten about taking them for a while - been too healthy, no colds.... http://www.beepollenhub.com/bee-pollen-benefits/
  8. I think in the Rams game, the oline wasn't ready to roll, and Baker lost confidence in relying on the pocket being there most of the time. It did affect his play....
  9. raw honey has excellent health benefits, and the taste is superior. I get it free from a nieghbor who has a bunch of hives. really great stuff. A hell of a lot of work, it's nice I don't have em. lol
  10. this is EXCELLENT stuff ! if the Browns' defense stops the niners, they will stop the Patriots, I think !
  11. *WHAT* THE HELL IS MITT ROMNEY? - freerepublic.com https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/... Jan 02, 2019 · Romney is in the news bigly today, trying to tear down President Trump while simultaneously promoting his own self. This is actually a non-agenda promo, because the little slut just says whatevever he thinks will make Trump bleed—whatever twisted imaginings pop …
  12. https://www.nationalmemo.com/10-forgotten-scandals-surrounding-mitt-romney/?cn-reloaded=1 10 Mitt Romney Scandals That Shouldn’t Be Forgotten Henry Decker October 24, 2012
  13. Evil Slutopia: Let's Talk About Mitt Romney Talking About ... https://evilslutopia.blogspot.com/2012/10/lets... Romney's disrespect for woman is one of many problems with the guy but it goes to his character and vision. I supported the Lilly Ledbetter Act as did most men with a brain. Romney was against it. Romney had no women in high level positions at Bain. The worst thing about Romney is that he is a liar who works for the Plutocrats.
  14. Mitt Romney Biography - Affair, Married, Wife, Ethnicity ... https://marriedbiography.com/mitt-romney-biography May 01, 2018 · Mitt Romney Biography - Affair, Married, Wife, Ethnicity, Nationality, Salary, Net Worth, Height | Who is Mitt Romney? Mitt Romney is an American businessman and politician associated with Republican Party. He served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election. *WHAT* THE HELL IS MITT ROMNEY? – 🚨 Conservative, Right ... https://conservativerightwingnews.com/2019/01/02/... Jan 02, 2019 · Well. The failed, slime-master, Little Mittens “Kitten” Romney, forces himself down our media-guzzling throats once again. ARTICLE BY JEFFREY A FRIEDBERG Romney is in the news bigly today, trying to tear down President Trump while simultaneously promoting his own self. This is actually a non-agenda promo, because the little slut just says whatevever he…
  15. what an opportunistic weasel. We keep hearing from him bashing Pres Trump... what the heck? Mitt Romney Biography - Affair, Married, Wife, Ethnicity ... https://marriedbiography.com/mitt-romney-biography May 01, 2018 · Mitt Romney Biography - Affair, Married, Wife, Ethnicity, Nationality, Salary, Net Worth, Height | Who is Mitt Romney? Mitt Romney is an American businessman and politician associated with Republican Party. He served as the 70th Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election. *WHAT* THE HELL IS MITT ROMNEY? – 🚨 Conservative, Right ... https://conservativerightwingnews.com/2019/01/02/... Jan 02, 2019 · Well. The failed, slime-master, Little Mittens “Kitten” Romney, forces himself down our media-guzzling throats once again. ARTICLE BY JEFFREY A FRIEDBERG Romney is in the news bigly today, trying to tear down President Trump while simultaneously promoting his own self. This is actually a non-agenda promo, because the little slut just says whatevever he…
  16. https://www.theblaze.com/news/joe-biden-explodes-when-reporter-confronts-him-with-simple-question-about-ukraine
  17. yep - on audiotape. You won't hear this on cnn, msnbc, etc. https://www.theblaze.com/news/glenn-beck-reveals-bombshell-ukraine-audio Glenn Beck reveals bombshell audio from Ukraine that repudiates impeachment narrative
  18. of course. High ranking socialists live the high flying life. Everybody else suffers.
  19. and the old "if they bring a knife, we'll bring a gun" statement. and it will get far FAR WORSE if they win more power. https://www.theblaze.com/news/flight-attendant-mocks-trump-shirt-passenger
  20. There are so many Americans on the fence...or, used to be. NOW, more and more are seeing the dem corrupt socialists for what they are: corrupt. and that isn't Real America, Folks. Even freaking communist van jones says it's a lose-lose for the left. This is REAL AMERICA - we won't let a leftwing socialist "KGB" party take over our country. Because if they win - living in our Real America is going to be a disaster. https://www.theblaze.com/news/michigan-voter-reveals-how-democrat-push-to-impeach-president-trump-is-backfiring
  21. the niners had 5 turnovers on offense the last game - Really a fascinating matchup - they will try to double on OBJ and Landry, and take away Chubb having a good game. The Browns will try to shut down the wr Pettis, their running game.. and their fast TE. If they can stop Garropolo sp? from hitting a bunch of short outlet throws, and watch for screens.... If the defense scores, the Browns will win. I don't see them stopping Chubb most of the game. How are the niners going to stop Chubb, OBJ, Landry, Calloway?, Higgins AND Seals-Jones at TE? not going to happen, I think. I just wish Ward and Greedy were back. I think the Browns have the advantage in those objectives.
  22. she's a freaking corrupt toad. They can't issue subpoeans/arrests etc, without a formal vote to impeach. It's all fake narrative to influence people that somehow, Pres Trump and all republicans are guilty of something. They really think their entire base is that stupid. far too many are.... whatever.
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