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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. he made his big money. it's to save Quid Pro Joe's chances. Then he can make even more by doing it again later, only if Joe gets elected. Not going to happen.
  2. the "democratic" party is totally corrupt and out of control. except this is all coming out. No wonder Barr and co. went to the Ukraine. not supporting the reps and Pres Trump at this point is a disgrace.
  3. if you disagree with the communists, you get blasted. or imprisoned. or just have your life destroyed. and your guns falsely taken away. this is the democrats few of using the red flag laws. Harrassment and ruination of all political opposition. https://www.theblaze.com/news/eric-swalwell-says-red-flag-laws-should-be-used-against-ben-shapiro-over-his-lgbt-views
  4. this is EXACTLY true. Never before in our American history, has a party decided they THEY must win elections, or the election results will be fought and destroyed. The old saying "elections have consequences"...but the left insists there be no consequences for THEIR behavior. Anyone who opposes them, gets the book fraudulently thrown at them. It's the communist way. The left/democratic party is now pro communist power, they want it badly. For example: https://calcoastnews.com/2017/05/california-may-allow-registered-communists-work-government/
  5. Having met a few generals, many colonels, etc in the service, I really admire this guy, MacGregor.
  6. I did say, we should retaliate if turkish troops shell near our guys again. Mistake first time, second time on purpose.
  7. didn't answer, Tex. If you were stationed in Syria, would YOU want to stay there years and years ? btw, Here's a retired expert who applauds Pres Trump's move:
  8. Democrats fear condemning Antifa, the Brownshirts of ... https://prairiepundit.blogspot.com/2019/08/... Not One Democratic Presidential Candidate Responds to Question Asking Them if They Condemn Antifa Despite the well-documented violence of the radical left Antifa group -- the Department of Homeland Security classifies it as “domestic terrorist violence” – not one of the 23 Democrats running for president would condemn Antifa when repeatedly asked by CNSNews.com over the course of 12 business days. Author: Prariepundit
  9. I said it long ago - now... Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, their own brownshirts https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/08/... Aug 09, 2019 · Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, their own brownshirts By Thomas Lifson As America slips into what many are calling a “cold civil war,” not a single Democrat
  10. It's time for Turkey to leave NATO. They have never been a friend to us, are far closer to russia in most things. one more "mistake", and I'd launch a bunch of strikes against their guilty forces. https://www.newsweek.com/us-troops-syria-turkey-1464727
  11. that is excellent to know. We NEED TO KNOW what all has been going on. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/yovanovitch-blocked-ukraine-investigation
  12. it's sick. You do anything to legally protect yourself from the lies, and they call THAT OBSTRUCTION?
  13. I wonder how many fake, political lies are happening in cali right now, from lefties, angry spouses, etc.
  14. https://www.theblaze.com/news/youtube-removes-journalists-video-about-pinterests-censorship-of-christian-pro-life-content-without-explanation and, psycho Beto promises worse: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/oct/11/beto-orourke-blasted-call-strip-tax-status-churche/ getting worse and worse. like the pre-WWII nazi party.
  15. the deep state is pulling out every dirty trick they can pull. Poor Tiamsies - not a good judge of character, nor presidential candidate. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/joe-biden-worked-with-whistleblower-when-he-was-vice-president-officials-reveal
  16. I think she is actually a mental case. https://www.theblaze.com/news/elizabeth-warren-pow-wow-chow-ripped-off-recipes
  17. https://www.theblaze.com/video/trump-the-hardest-thing
  18. Tex - if you were stationed in Syria... would YOU want to stay there for years and years and years? sounds like to me, if Pres Trump promised to expand our boots on the ground, you would go ballistic about another quagmire, etc etc etc etc. what I said already, this article also says it: U.S. starts withdrawing troops from Syria but campaign not ... https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/u-s-military... Dec 19, 2018 · A complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria would still leave a sizeable U.S. military presence in the region, including about 5,200 troops across the border in Iraq. Much of the U.S. campaign in Syria has been waged by warplanes flying out of Qatar and other locations in the Middle East.
  19. well, having been in SAC, I suppose per Tex's ...feelings.... , I am an expert on global strategic initiatives. lol However, let's talk. There are apparently only 500 battle troops in Syria. Officially there are 503 troops in Syria and 5,262 in Iraq, according to the caps. But the new report from Defense puts the number of troops as 1,720 in Syria and 8,892 in Iraq. In Afghanistan, there are 15,298 active duty members of the military on the ground and another 1,202 Defense Department civilians. Now, why in the hell, if I were president, would I leave, 1,720 troops in Syria, given that number, when According to the MRG, there are around two-and-a-half million Kurds in Syria. According to the Syrian government sources, the Kurds comprised at least 7 % of Syrian population in 2003. So, after years of us training, with American spec ops and other forces there, and surely endless conflict, given that the Russians use a Syrian AFB for the next 50 years... imho, if Turkey goes in to destroy the troops we have actually working with... don't underestimate Pres Trump's ability to use missiles and aircraft to take those Turkish troops out. Also, imho, Turkey has gotten very, way too close to russia and iran. Turkey is in NATO, but I wonder that Turkey is going with Russia, Syria and Iran to be part of that groups domination of Syria, which Turkey would love to do. They equate all Kurds as terrorists as in their own country. How is it, that in 2 1/2 million people, they don't have a military large enough, that Turkey would not go after? The Kurds need to have a place to live. Where the hell is the worthless "United Nations" now? Give the Kurds their own country. Their own soveriegnty. Our 1500 troops on the ground, are supposed to fight with the SDF, vs Syria, russia, Iran AND turkey? Our troops are no longterm solution. The problem is... Americans are working with the SDF. NOT THE PKK. It's complicated. Stay tuned. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/turkey-had-legitimate-security-concern-in-attacking-syrian-kurds-pompeo-says
  20. Seriously? is there nobody that can legally stop this garbage? https://www.theblaze.com/news/taxpayer-funded-planned-parenthood-major-investment-to-elect-democrats
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