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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the pre-WWII nazi-like left uses the law to gain more power, and refuses to let the law stop them from getting more power. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/gregg-jarrett-michael-flynn-is-innocent-wrongly-prosecuted-by-mueller-to-hurt-trump
  2. lies, vicious lies, character assassination is the only way for the corrupt left. https://www.theblaze.com/news/president-trump-announces-his-miami-resort-will-not-host-g-7-summit-after-dems-introduce-thug-act
  3. Our friends' kids - so many are joining. It is alive and well. They LOVE our country, and their courage goes on forever.
  4. You have to look at the differences. The Kurds don't live in a UN established legal state. They MUST, eventually. But the UN is a hapless, corrupt black hole in history now. The Kurds haven't been persecuted for centuries and centuries, from the early history of the Middle East. Outside of Turkey hating them... the Kurds don't have countries/terrorist groups declaring that "the Kurds will be wiped off the map." Israel has several of them, most notably Iran, hamas, the plo, hezbullah,. etc. The hatred for the Jews is based on them refusing to leave their religion and culture and join up with the arabic/muslim groups. That is a fascinating history class in college right there. In the 70's, one of those years, our base was on alert for days over threats on Israel. Me and a Msgt manned the SAC phones for 24 hrs. Plenty of time to talk, trust me. He grew up a black kid on the poorer side of a small town in the south. The businesses hired the white kids on the other side. His Mom raised him in the church, and he was a good kid. but he couldn't find a job - there were none to be had for a poor black kid from the poor side of town. But, he said, Uncle Sam said he was as good as anyone else, skin color didn't matter. He said he dearly loved his Flag, his Country, everything about America. He said people are imperfect. But America - she was the perfect experiment in freedom for all, one of only a few in the world, and the greatest on earth. He said that poor kid was still there, in him, but he had a great career, wonderful wife, his Mom moved with them where they went, two beautiful daughters in medical college... life was good. America gave him everything he worked for. He talked about Israel - compared Israel to maybe being "a poor black kid on the poor side of town" - they also were good people, came from little, but worked so very hard and became a very, very successful country. And Uncle Sam made it possible for it to happen. You can learn a lot from listening to genuine people who have been places of the heart.
  5. sad, and very true. I see the "happy dedication to falsehoods" to emotionally manipulate opinion of the left. Just very strange.
  6. here in Ohio, until they changed the law, NOT informing an officer immediately if you are carrying was a felony, I think. They changed that, but still. You have a gun in your car? ccw? Then when pulled over, you had better be cool, turn on your dome light, hands on steering wheel, and inform the officer upfront that you have your gun on you, and simply comply with his instructions on getting out of the car, etc.
  7. Bombshell: Obama, Clinton, Podesta, Soros, Epstein ... humansarefree.com/2016/11/bombshell-obama-clinton-podesta-soros.html The following information is a new and chilling piece of the Podesta-Clinton email puzzle. It has even stronger connections to pedophilia and Satanism and connects some of the most influential people in the US, including: Barack Obama, George Soros , John Podesta , Tony Podesta, Hillary Clinton , convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and James Alefantis who is "one of DC's 50 most … Hillary, Soros and the political genocide of Christianity ... https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/300992-hillary-soros-and... There is a deliberate and comprehensive anti-Christian plan being promoted by Hillary Clinton and funded by George Soros because they believe that Christian principles are an impediment to the.
  8. Foreign documents purport to implicate Biden, Soros, Clinton. https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/foreign-documents-purport-to-implicate... BREAKING: A large cache of confidential foreign documents have just been leaked implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud's collusion and possible criminal activity in Ukraine. U.S. media sources have indicated that this looks awful for Trump.
  9. follow the corrupt big money, Tex: https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/ukraine-prosecutor-viktor-shokin-fired NEW whistleblower: George Soros behind DNC pressure to fire Ukraine prosecutor at center of impeachment inquiry He says it's no secret in Ukraine why Joe Biden wanted Ukrainian chief prosecutor to be fired
  10. THANK YOU IG BARR !!! that is how slimey and corrupt comey etc are. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hold-state-dept-finds-hundreds-of-violations-in-clinton-email-probe-says-38-people-culpable
  11. for favoritism from quid pro joe. Tex is probably wanting to vote for him. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hunter-biden-paid-much-more-than-originally-thought-by-ukrainian-gas-company-records-reveal
  12. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHPljKtWkAEUhFJ.jpg:large
  13. the debt is nearing crisis point in the very near future, I think. Our country's biggest problem is the left goes full on opportunity bitching. They are happy with the debt if it gives them more power and bigger lefty gov. But they HATE the debt if a Republican is president. In the older days, guys like Tex would ridicule Bush and his gas well buddies for the prices of gas going up. But let a democratic president have gas prices going far higher... and the left doesn't peep about it. Silence is golden when the tables are turned - and there is no political benefit - it's the emotional knee jerks' way.
  14. that sicko may as well welcome the mexican drug cartels to move to california...
  15. There is something weird going on. It's like the "nothings" of society are becoming honory "somethings" by joining up with the hate party - the left. and they are going all in on doing what mad maxine waters and ObaMao commie said to do. Go after those conservatives, non-aligned with us Americans. All of a sudden, they are SOMEBODIES...to the left. Reminds me...oh yeah... the grandiose promise of...free stuff. free ride. free education. paying off student loans. the power to attack people and have it condoned - because they want that free stuff, free ride that is promised. ************************************************************************* "so many people joined the Nazi party because they thought that that was the way forward and the best option which would bring Germany back to normal Also, vast personal improvements were available if you were able to join; promotion, access to rare wartime goods and of course the ability to 'denounce' anyone you didn't like. "
  16. that is the US ARMY GRIGADIER GENERAL JONATHAN BRAGA in SYRIA. See that? In Syria.
  17. Well, I'M A VET, TOO, and I strongly disagree with you. You ignore Col. Macgregor's opinion. and, since you don't go for facts, read this anyways and try to THINK before you knee jerk: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/19335/american-general-in-syria-confirms-us-forces-killed-hundreds-of-russians-in-massive-battle American General In Syria Confirms US Forces Killed Hundreds Of Russians In Massive Battle US Army Brigadier General Jonathan Braga also said he was 'absolutely worried' the situation could have escalated in a bigger conflict. By Joseph TrevithickMarch 16, 2018
  18. even a few wannabes on this forum.... https://www.ammoland.com/2019/10/the-totalitarian-american-left-video/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=531f1a0f3a-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-531f1a0f3a-20770865#axzz62oigLAmu
  19. more dishonest bs. Here is the TRUTH: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/donald-trump-will-host-the-next-g7-at-his-own-resort-near-miami He said Doral would put on the event at cost, which he claimed would be as much as half what it would be at other venues. But he gave no estimates of the cost or comparisons. An important draw is the club's size -- 900 acres, including three golf courses, according to Mulvaney, who said all the foreign delegations and the press could be housed "on campus." "Listen, I was skeptical, I was I was aware of the political criticism we'd come under for doing it at Doral," Mulvaney said. "That's why I was surprised when the advance team came back and said this is the perfect location to do this." When he touted Doral at the last G7 in Biarritz, Trump brushed off critics who said he was pushing his brand and profiting from his office.
  20. Our country either stops all this deep state corruption, or we stop being America.
  21. There has been a mini-series of a few stories about the Revolutionary War. One was about a very brave 16 yr old girl who would walk through town, and gather up gunpowder stolen from British stockpils, and go back and give it to the American soldiers. Another was about Dr. Warren. Their courage was off the charts. I believe it was Dr. Warren who sent Paul Revere on his famous ride.
  22. well, obviously, the federal gov doesn't have fairs...and I did specify it was an Ohio State Trooper. You have to let them know you have concealed carry, it was his job to quietly explain and talk to the person about it, and explain the law that you can't ccw into the fair buildings.
  23. Exactly. Open carry is just not smart. Alienates some people, and can make you a target to get jumped to take it from you. Gun-free zones are an invitation to somebody wanting to commit violence.
  24. in Ohio, I believe it's still true that even with our farm, I need a CC permit unless I carry openly. Talking to an Ohio State Trooper a county fair, you can carry concealed with a license, except you can't go into gov buildings ! But you can simply pull up your shirt and carry openly inside the buildings... and must remember to ccw when you exit the building. Obviously true, I was still amazed. Didn't know that.
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