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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Exactly. I have admitted multiple times, I didn't have much use for Trump, even called him a "circus barker" from casually observing his tv show etc.... but I had no choice as an American to vote for him, because the other "party" is NOT AMERICAN. Thank GOD we elected him - because most of us never knew how many dangerously corrupt and powerful non-elected mobsters were lurking in our government, making millions/billions or only hundreds of thousands from global workings. Uranium one is just one example. The Biden Ukraine is another... What you need to know about Clinton and the Uranium One ... https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/14/hillary-clinton-uranium-one-deal-russia... Nov 14, 2017 · Several of Uranium One’s owners were also donors to the Clinton Foundation, giving $145 million to the charitable foundation, and critics have alleged that Clinton greenlighted … Author: Louis Nelson Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium ... https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians... Apr 24, 2015 · Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton... Author: Jo Becker, Mike Mcintire
  2. lol. yet, as our PRESIDENT, he has the economy booming, redoing our self-defeating trade deals, is standing up to lies, more lies, deliberate undercutting of everything WE WANT HIM TO DO, like stopping illegal immigration. Protecting our Constitution...our second amendment, our first amendment..... nominating two PRO-CONSTITUTION judges to the Supreme Court, etc etc etc. Serious question for you, Hoorta. If you think Pres Trump is crazy... how do you explain this craziness? *********************************** Obama administration wants to DEPORT ... - dailymail.co.uk https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2300568/Obama-administration-wants-DEPORT... Mar 28, 2013 · Obama administration wants to DEPORT home schooling family to Germany, where they were fined and threatened with prosecution for teaching their own children e … Author: David Martosko **************************************** then consider, how obaMao totally supports flagrant violation of our immigration rules... by destitute muslims from terrorist states, etc, and floods of thousands and thousands of illegal, destitute, uneducated, unhealthy people flooding across our border? You don't think that is insane? How about this: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/10/remember_obamas_civilian_national_security_force.html you don't think THAT is insane? But you think Pres Trump is crazy? Not getting what yer sellin thar. lol
  3. Well, Tex, I'm sure you have room for a mini-therapy horse - you NEED ONE, LOL. Why didn't YOU post the one I posted, then? because you cherry pick. I cherry picked. but it's okay for YOU, because you're a liberal lefty who hates that your higgardly LOST. Get over it someday, taz?
  4. you watch that last video - our America is in big serious trouble from the dangerous deep state swamp. and a lot of stuff is coming out soon.
  5. It seems that it's the "we had better stick together or we'll all get arrested" crime syndicate kind of cohesiveness. The rest of us - honorable, disagree sometimes - "circling our wagons" isn't required. What we are seeing - is desperation to get "us" so we can't get "them". In my experience- back at Keesler AFB, when I was there - my first roommate in our squadron, ...I found out he was smoking pot offbase with other pot smokers. I actually found out from a gal who was dating one of em, and was a friend of a friend of mine. Anyways, I talked to my roommate about it, he admitted it, but said they were a tight group, nobody has to worry. I said, yes I do, if we ever have a surprise inspection, and you have some pot in your drawer, you know where that pot is going to end up? Under my bed, dammit. You have to go find another roommate - another room, I'm not taking the chance on that. He knew I was right - transferrred to another room/pot smoker friend - pretty quickly. And my new roommate was a Christian guitar player, Bible reading fella from the LA bayou. I tolerated that just fine. lol Later that week, some husky guy I never saw before came after me, and just put me up into the wall, and said if Iever ratted on them, reported my exroommate or them...he'd deal with me. I calmly said If I was going to do that, I would have already done it, and said he should get his hands off me, and several friends came out of their room and he let go fast. They told him he'd better not come back (was from another squadron) or we'd all report them. So, I just remember that - thinking that corruption breeds paranoia of getting caught, obviously. Which, back to my point, the deep state is extremely paranoid, and is desperately attacking Pres Trump, who wants to drain the swamp, anyone who sides with him, and really, all of us - to keep us from ever re--electing another non-swamp president. They are in danger of losing careers, and in danger of being prosecuted. It's coming down the line. anonymous cia hack spies ...... it's a very large, dirty, corrupt group. Brennan, Comey, Mueller, sally yates, susan rice, strzok and page, clapper, lynch, holder, obamao, quid pro joe and hunter biden, higgardly clinton, bill clinton...bruce and nellie orr, mccabe, glenn simpson, bill priestap, .......... john mccain... https://conservativebase.com/new-irs-documents-sen-mccains-snitches-on-tea-party-for-deep-state-and-democratic-party/ even romney. AND Prof. Joseph Misfud, who the deep state players have said was a "russian intel asset". nope. He's a WESTERN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVE. mueller lied.
  6. this is for Tex. hope it helps (we ain't buying the nothingburgers you are trying to sell a thousand? times): The Two Approaches for Emotional Selling https://www.thebalancecareers.com/emotional-selling-2917210 Dec 15, 2018 · Prospects Benefits. Your job as a salesperson is to help prospects see the benefits that they'll gain from owning your product. Benefits all have an emotional hook; that's what makes them different from features and that's why they are effective for selling while reciting a list of features just makes a prospect's eyes glaze over.
  7. Well, I made my $5.00 bet, and I've only bet that high once before. I'm all in. Browns will beat the Patriots.
  8. the trouble is, you use the word "lies" with no proof. Whether McConnell forgot the conversation, or whether Pres Trump has the wrong person he's trying to refer to, as in, wasn't McConnell... here's a teaching moment for you: lied; lying\ ˈlī-iŋ \ Definition of lie (Entry 3 of 6) intransitive verb 1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive She was lying when she said she didn't break the vase. He lied about his past experience. 2 : to create a false or misleading impression Statistics sometimes lie. The mirror never lies. **************************************** In conclusion, you don't know if it's a lie or not, but you WANT it to be, emotionally knee jerk wise. Presidents talk to many, many people every day. So does McConnell. You insist it's true with no understanding of it being true or not. You have zero evidence. But you run with it to create a false/misleading impression out of political expediency and TDS. THAT is what a lie is.
  9. the usual hypocrisy by Joe corrupt sob Biden : He is "outraged" at Pres Trump daring to use the "l" word.... except he did the same thing back in the day: https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-hypocritical-on-lynching-and-impeachment
  10. Wait for the knee jerk fake outrage.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/president-trump-says-democrats-are-lynching-him-with-impeachment-inquiry define the term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching then compare. Interesting, yes?
  11. I believe there are seven first year head coaches, and all of them are about 2-4 or worse. except for Green Bay. It takes time and talent. Kitchens has the talent to inspire the team hugely. They have played like it. Kitchens stays. Gregg Williams - 33-0 loss. I'll keep Kitchens.
  12. we were watching the Dallas-Eagles game? and right there, on national TV, they showed a player up close, on the field..during the game.... with a visor so dark it looked like a darth vader visor. The whole game, not one ref ever called for him to change visors. Interesting. and really aggravating. Why was it a big deal with OBJ ? (because the Browns haven't helped the NFL make big playoff/superbowl money? as well as other teams?) and it's gotten legal attention. because the NFL officiating is not just inconsistent - seems to be corrupt. Not all refs of course. But it's getting more and more attention, after this, back in July... call em fairly across the board, or don't call em. I don't excuse the flagrant inconsistencies. https://apnews.com/e56e602444514305ae73a5b5e8417702 " LeMon, whose lawsuit alleges fraud by NFL officials, has crafted his lawsuit to avoid having it taken over by a federal court, in part by keeping the damages sought low. He said Monday that he intends for any money won to go to former Saints star Steve Gleason’s charity to aid people with neuromuscular diseases. Gleason was diagnosed with ALS in 2011. "
  13. oh, and about the Patriots offensive line - it's actually rated #8 here https://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/teamoff/2019 Browns are #27
  14. I'm determined to win five of my bucks back from our close friend's daughter - a huge Patriots fan - who thinks Brady is so pretty. yeek. My Wife said that they were talking about how the Patriots study the referees - that some refs call some things, some don't. So, they act accordingly in a game. Very interesting..... if the (some are dishonest) refs are doing that, making themselves relevant...to the outcome of a game to a point.... then that is information to be used by the team. Maybe he learned that from being a disastrous hc with the Browns back in the day.... it will be a tough game - what was it? the defense has only given up a couple of rushiing TD's and only one passing TD ? Danny Shelton was still collapsing the pocket for the patriots. My five bucks says the Browns will beat em. (Gregg Williams...33-0. egad) Not enough defense there lol) But the Patriots will have to know they won't run much vs the Browns. I just hope Ward and Greedy are back...
  15. Having said that...I"m sure that if there were a legit emergency with someone who has been clinically designated as mentally ill/dangerous, they would act. But not without due process. My belief, is that the left WANTS fake flagging to intimidate all gun owners.
  16. I admire people like this. Our Constitution/Bill of Rights is our guarantee of freedeom. Without it... we end up devastated with no rights at all - like a lot of the world. https://www.ammoland.com/2019/10/speaking-with-sheriff-chris-brown-about-his-refusal-to-enforce-red-flag-laws/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=14603c9585-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-14603c9585-20770865#axzz635NEmrbb
  17. Sure. I showed up. What part of that didn't you understand? I didn't make the prosecutor not pick me. lol
  18. well, based on the first half, anybody still want gregg williams to be our hc? Meanwhile... first drive, flagrant holding on the Pat's LT. no call. Brady throwing to wide open wr's.... as usual. and what is the score at half time williams? nah. I'll keep Kitchens.
  19. One time I was selected for jury duty. It was a bad case - kidnapping, murder whatever else. When the prosecution interviewed me, I ended up explaining that I felt that the charges were so serious, they would never have been made and taken to court, unless the guilt and evidence was obvious, But I assured him I could be fair and objective, my duty to be that. ha. he excused me real quick. That was what I wanted. lol
  20. you've heard of hunter biden and joe biden, the corrupt two of Burisma fame. Ya have to wonder why dirty romney doesn't talk about the biden Burisma scandal.....clintons, all the dems Uranium One (a main scandal that Tex won't talk about) just follow the dirty money. The deep state has plenty to hide, and not all of them are democrats.... https://madworldnews.com/romney-adviser-burisma-board/ " Mitt Romney has been stirring up trouble for President Donald Trump. A true GOP swamp dweller, the Utah Senator is openly supporting the Democrats in this Ukrainian scandal and in impeachment. Well, now it’s come to light his adviser and good friend was caught sitting on the board of Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian company Burisma. You don’t want to miss this. "
  21. that's sad. I don't doubt that it's true, given the statements made by that whole corrupt bunch.
  22. http://conservativefighters.com/news/general-flynn-withdraw-guilty-plea-new-judge-government-misconduct-expert/
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