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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I think that Bitonio was having trouble blocking his guy, while trying to help the lt. That's just a guess. I'd go back and rewatch the game, but... but I can always find some farm work to do that would be more fun..... "sigh" 1st Round: trade down, get a star LOT 2nd Round: a star OG 3rd Round: a big, quick ROT Not necessarily in that order. crap. lol
  2. crap. I just knew I'd lose my five bucks in that bet. But not in a driving rain, the fumbles etc. adding insult to injury, the refs were jackass corrupt sombeitches. How the x can you call Landry for OI on that play? The patriots wr shoves his hand into the Browns defender's facemask, shoves him away and catches the ball...where the x is the pass interference call? etc etc etc. The Browns can't get to the playoffs with this offensive line. They need a star TE, LOT, ROG and ROT and a star safety in the draft. Where did Seals-Jones go to??? Meanwhile, the Brown's defense is playoff caliber. This offensive line is like throwing five marbles into a wall, and expecting them to all bounce back and land at the same spot. lol. ain't happenin.
  3. divided we cannot stand, which is apparently why soros is spending huge amounts of money to get left wing judges and officials elected. and ObaMao commie put so many of them in place all over our government. It's getting worse. What they heck is up with some leftwing federal judge appointed by obaMao commie, campaign indirectly? funded by soros.. constantly telling OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP that he can't do anything the left doesn't like? this garbage has to stop. It's time we had a national reciprocity act to say it's fine to ccw in ANY STATE because of OUR SECOND AMENDMENT. The need is great - you don't know if you are traveling if you can get murdered by an illegal constantly protected by the left, or suddently attacked antifa style, like in comminust portland oregon. The left, especially with support from the left in Congress...and corrupt left judges.. is at war with Real America. Their fake AmeriKa is way, way out there for the entire country to see - one (communist style) party with all the power to keep the power. Headed towards more and even MORE BIG SERIOUS TROUBLE. 7 in 10 Americans think we are possibly headed toward a civil war? Our country is tragically divided, and most of it started with....the left's obaMao getting into the presidency, and bringing all the corrupt dirtbags out of hiding. https://www.ammoland.com/2019/10/usas-newest-arms-race-america-vs-the-crazy-political-left/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=b4199bbaf0-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-b4199bbaf0-20770865#axzz63VYw5IUX
  4. not worth losing one American soldier with it all. Obamao spent years dwindling away the opportunity to stop all the garbage.
  5. I agree with what Pres Trump is doing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American-led_intervention_in_the_Syrian_Civil_War Coalition arming and training of the Syrian opposition Main article: Syrian Train and Equip Program By January 2015, the United States was set to send 400 troops and hundreds of support staff to countries neighboring Syria in order to train 5,000 opposition soldiers a year for the next three years.[187] The countries taking part in the train-and-equip program were to include Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.[188] The groups that were expected to be armed and trained by the U.S. government included fighters from the Free Syrian Army.[189] In October 2014, the Turkish government agreed to help train and equip some moderate Syrian rebels in Turkey.[190]The Pentagon confirmed that it had selected 1,200 Syrian opposition members to begin training in March 2015, with 3,000 to complete training by the end of 2015.[188] The successful experience in Kobanî had informed U.S. policy in regard to arming Syrian opposition groups other than the Kurdish YPG, with plans to give other groups technicals equipped with radio and GPS equipment to call in airstrikes.[165]John R. Allen, President Obama's envoy to the international coalition against ISIL, stated "It is clearly part of our plan, that not only we will train them, and we will equip them with the latest weapons systems, but we will also protect them when the time comes".[191] In March 2015, the United Kingdom announced that it was sending around 75 military instructors to train Syrian opposition forces.[192][193] The train-and-equip program started on 9 May 2015.[194] On 25 May, Turkey and the U.S. agreed "in principle" on the necessity to support these forces with air support.[195] However, only about 200 rebel fighters actually began training, the majority of whom left after being required to agree to fight only against ISIL and not the Assad government.[196] By mid-2015, only a group of 54 such fighters (Division 30) had been deployed – which was quickly routed in an ambush by al-Nusra[197] – and a further 100 had been thus far finished training in Jordan.[198] In September 2015, it was reported that a further 100-120 were being trained in a second wave,[199] with 75 more Division 30 fighters reported to have re-entered Syria at the end of the month; they were immediately attacked by al-Nusra.[200] Jane's Defence Weekly reported that in December 2015 the U.S. shipped 994 tonnes of weapons and ammunition (including packaging and container weight), generally of Soviet-type equipment from Eastern Europe, to Syrian rebel groups under the ongoing CIA Timber Sycamore operation. A detailed list of weapon types and shipment weights had been obtained from the U.S. government's Federal Business Opportunities website.[201][202] As of July 2016, extensive arms shipments were continuing.[203][204][205] It was reported in July 2017 that the Donald Trump administration decided to "phase-out" the CIA program to equip and train anti-government rebel groups.[206][207][208]
  6. I've said half our gov, the dangerously corrupt half, is at war with the good half.Mostly, un-elected arrogant power players/wealth makers are the deep state. The deep state just grows over decades. They tell themselves they are protected our Constution, etc. But they are really only perpetrating their own power. And any threat to their continued power...is the enemy. They will manipulate who gets on the Supreme Court if they can, who gets to run for president...who rises in the ranks of our fed government... There was a show on TV - "Shooter". who knew one of the "deep state" when they were both in the service. On the show - they called it "Atlas" ... a secret organization that RAN our gov. In the end, they had to murder some people who were a threat to their existence. The show was cancelled. But Atlas? was similar to the current deep state, except right now, it's only character assassinations and set up frames for crimes that were never committed. and the show has been cancelled. go figure... The GOP had better get tough and fight all this corruption, or we lose our country, our freedoms, honest elections, Constitution/Bill of Rights, ... I mean, you listen to the sick arrogance of the likes of strzok, page, brennan, comey, rice, holder, obamao, the list keeps growing... look at the weird arrogant look of strzok when he testified. He looked like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining" because he knows he is far from being alone. So much dangerous corruption. Honest judges and the GOP are the only fighters in the AMERICAN half of this battle for power and wealth ...globally - as the deep state would have it.
  7. liar liar pants on fire. lol
  8. I heard on the local sports news that the Browns might switch up on the offensive line. I think McCray will be fine.
  9. that is GREAT stuff. I do have a question: It won't happen often, but Brady loved to throw to Gronk back in the day, when the defense least expected it, for important first downs, especially. Their top two TE's are out of the game - leaving the old veteran Ben Watson...and Eric Tomlinson, another big TE. What would you do, to keep an eye on the TE position? He has thrown little to the TE's so far.... and that could be a major surprise if the Browns don't watch for it. Just sayin... and I agree with you on Sanu - he and Brady are really getting on the same page. Brady says he bring the "juice" and Sanu says he also brings the "squeeze". He won't be happy with Greedy covering him.
  10. two pro libs on CNN. lol. could anyone NOT have predicted that?
  11. told ya - there was more to the story - the false narratives were negated again.
  12. Tex brought up his usual stupid slue against Pres Trump. He loves his obaMao and higgardly. So, like an entire platoon that had to suffer because one recruit keeps screwing up...... I'll delete a few of em, and will delete all of them after he deletes his anti-Trump crap.😎
  13. where is the proof? refs don't matter? nobody has said that? or the same people .... what same people said refs don't matter, and also said "...unfair refs." ?
  14. "sigh" I don't know why, but all I see is a bunch of numbers with two hyphens ?
  15. How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds | TheHill https://thehill.com/.../365393-how-quickly-ny-times-forgets-obamas-lies-and-frauds “Trump’s Lies versus Obama’s” was the headline in a Sunday Review New York Times piece aiming to drive a final coffin nail into Trump’s credibility. The Times claimed Trump has already ...
  16. about his nonsense and the haters there. and the cowardice of the administration - https://www.theblaze.com/news/pro-trump-former-beauty-queen-attacked-at-prestigious-college-as-white-supremacist-uh-shes-asian-american Pro-Trump former beauty queen attacked at prestigious college as white supremacist. Too bad she's not white.
  17. the secondary, especially Ward and Greedy, will make Brady cry. Wilson will intercept at least one pass and return it for a TD. The defense will sack Brady eight times, and shut down the Patriots' feeble running game. The Browns offense will make Butticheck cry. And at least one ref will call a penalty on our punter for kicking it too far..... I just really want to win my five bucks back from our "adopted neice" LOL
  18. look at our debt, Hoorta. We can NOT go on like this. I don't anything about "100 shot" anything, and nobody thinks Pres Trump is god. The entire bunch of dems are pitiful caricatures of stupidity and leftwing garbage. And Biden is worthless and just another fool who will play any game to continue his career. It takes a Pres Trump to weather this leftwing, corrupt "any garbage goes" attempted coup.
  19. yep. It's a serious problem - how can they dare do that garbage? Remember the dems and them passing obaMaocare back in the day? they refused to let the reps be a part of proceedings back then, and got away with it. My concern is, the left in our gov is now a runaway train that is fighting to keep it's momentum and power.
  20. My concern is, who the hell are the CIA and FBI heads and why would they cover up anything now? I believe Wray at the fbi was a terrible mistake. Just how deep IS the deep state?
  21. Unbelievable. and corrupt. Seriously - just like a communist party in charge of our House of Representitives https://www.theblaze.com/news/republicans-force-their-way-into-secret-impeachment-proceedings Republicans force their way into secret impeachment proceedings; Adam Schiff reportedly takes witness and leaves
  22. first year starting, first year head coach... they are not the problem. Calloway just getting back, double covered Landry and OBJ, Njoku being injured, Higgins being injured... reduces major responsibilities/concerns to just a few. That lets the oline be attacked, etc etc.
  23. I don't see "fishy"...yet. I think it's more like it is so glaring and complex, it defies a quick investigation, and so much more has been uncovered. Cia fake "whistleblowers"...the mysterious Prof Misfud, spying on the Trump campaign, corrupt obaMao appointed judges stopping Pres Trump from doing what the deep state left doesn't want him to do.... The glaring hypocrisy and political changes of how evidence is viewed, and what side gets arrested, subpoena'd, investigated...and what side gets a free pass.
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