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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. their activist judges. The people wanted an abortion bill, the gov supported and signed the abortion bill.... but a jimmy "peanut brain" superliberal carter judge stopped it cold. If America voted 98% to stop a democrat from throwing political opponents into prison just because he wanted to... one of the democrat appointed leftwing judges would overrule it. Every single time. Elections only have consequences when naz...i mean, democrats win. https://www.theblaze.com/news/federal-judge-blocks-alabamas-abortion-ban-to-allow-aclu-planned-parenthood-legal-challenge-to-proceed
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/baghdadi-given-burial-at-sea-afforded-religious-rites/ar-AAJv84j?li=AAggbRN U.S. Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Pentagon news briefing on Monday that the U.S. military disposed of Baghdadi's remains "appropriately, in accordance with our (standard operating procedures) and in accordance with the law of armed conflict." burial at sea is the clincher.
  3. It all starts with blocking up front. The Browns offensive line as a whole has breakdowns. Like I've said before, Peyton Manning threw 4 interceptions in a playoff game - when his offensive line was outmatched badly. Outside of free agency - I figure the draft will go LT, RT, and ROG. But having said that, the shovel pass ...Baker should have just kept it and improvised on the instant of the total asinine breakdown.
  4. I honestly wonder - the referees benefit the NFL by favoring the money making/super bowl teams. and I suppose they can demand raises etc when the NFL makes more money..... because too many non-calls and bogus calls do NOT make sense.
  5. Hey Tiam - having fun with lies again? This is April 2019 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia/2019/04/isil-chief-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-appears-propaganda-video-190429163448332.html
  6. it's sickening. We were in the midst of the obamao-deep state beginning of their culture war to get power over all of America- permanent power.... and he pulled out of Iraq and Isis formed, paraded in a giant convoy ripe for taking out.... but he played golf and did nothing. NOTHING - just like his fake cowardly "red line". Fake - like he and higgardly allowing Americans to die in Benghazi, and covering it up.
  7. and obaMao commie started his political career in.... Bill Ayer's father's basement in Chicago. and regarding Saul Alinksi - and how to achieve permanent total revolution: "Saul Alinsky: Mentor to Hillary and Obama. Saul Alinsky was a dedicated Left-wing radical. He operated from the 1930's through 1972, when he died of a heart attack. He was a Chicago organizer. Jun 20 2019" Yahoo https://bolenreport.com/saul-alinskys-12-rules-radicals/
  8. remember this? Posted years ago? An FBI agent who infiltrated the Weathermen, the Leftist radical terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers, stated that the conversations that took place among the 25 top organizers of the group are enough to send shivers down the spines of normal citizens who actually have a conscience and a high regard for human life. FBI on Weather Underground: Eliminate 25 million people ... saynsumthn.wordpress.com/2010/06/15/fbi-on-weather-underground-eliminate-25-million-peopl…
  9. this leftist hate is skyrocketing right up to kgb communist levels. and pre-WWII nazi demand for power no matter how it has to be obtained. By lies, fake charges, intimidation, false promises/bribery, brownshirts and all. So much corruption - how is it going to be defeated? can't wait till the Horowitz report comes out. Just a few days now, I believe. But those movements arose out of extreme hate...and envy....and extreme arrogance. all emotions seen in most anything the American political mafia swamp says or does. And all violent (evenutally, in history) movements have labeled some group or groups as an enemy that must be socially, economically, culturally and politically destroyed. to the point of imprisoning and murdering opponents of their "superior" culture. Food for thought: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/08/heading_for_civil_war.html https://gatesofvienna.net/2019/07/is-america-heading-towards-a-second-civil-war/
  10. another farce. It is NOT a vote on a formal impeachment hearing. It's a fake step to emphasize they are pizzed about being razzed for their fakeness. It will just maintain the farce status quo.
  11. actually, you are correct... I keep seeing butticheck writing in a notebook whenever one of his players does get a dumb penalty. Maybe that was part of Robinson being benched. It should not be accepted that starters make stupid mistakes. If an offensive lineman is holding and getting called a lot...he has to go. The penalties hurt the team, obviously. It isn't unreasonable for fans to wonder what the heck is going on with the penalties. Trouble is, the Browns don't have a lot of depth at the offensive line. Right now, our LT isn't killing drives. I like Pharoah Brown...but come on. This one step forward two steps back has got to stop. It does seem to be time to say "if you can't play mostly error free football, go home". something like that.
  12. Did NOTHING. of course, he and higgardly let AMERICANS die at Benghazi, too. and sold our uranium to the russians. and gave many guns free to drug cartels, untracked. and gave Iran huge money to Iran. etc etc. I reckon DH shouldn't be proud of his icon of obaMao Poor Kayla. A corrupt leftwing U.S. president that didn't give a damn. https://www.theblaze.com/news/operation-to-kill-al-baghdadi-named-for-kayla-mueller--an-isis-hostage-who-refused-to-turn-from-christ-before-her-death
  13. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6098480100001/#sp=show-clips PRESIDENT TRUMP CHANGED THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT to help our troops DEFEND THEMSELVES and GET the terrorist scum. DH's obaMao homey tied our Troops hands behind their backs, the dirty anti-American sombeitch eggsucking weasel worst president in American history.
  14. https://video.foxnews.com/v/3721972287001/#sp=show-clips
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-northern-ireland-50190219/derry-international-choir-festival-attracts-singers-from-around-the-world
  16. I read reports where the scum terrorist leader was using three children as a shield. Our Special Forces, all of em, are the best in the world. and the other forces in on it also made the statement that terrorists can hide in any hole, any cave, anywhere on the planet, and they will be found and killed like the satanic cockroaches they are. I think the post and others simply want to antagonize Real America who KNOW terrorists are sick, twisted and dangerous, and deserve to be taken out. I hope the two hrs of intel gathering helps us rid our earth of this terrorist sick scum.
  17. I'm saying the Browns are oh, so very close, but not ready to start winning most of their games vs the better competition. also, that Kitchens and the coaches did a mighty fine job, I don't care about a few second guesses on Kitchens. The Browns play as hard as any team in the NFL. Just can't quite click, and I think that is on a lack of talent at both tackle positions, TE, and maybe? ROG. I know the mistakes are killers. I think a few guys can't remember the snap count because they aren't good at it. Need new starters there. ("ahem"...Pharoah Brown? LT Robinson?) I'm saying six other coaches got their arses kicked in a blowout vs the patriots. Getting ANOTHER NEW COACH doesn't fix anything, and hurts everything they've built ....again. Outside of non-fumbling Chubb, who fumbled twice, and the oline collapsing faster than lightning on a shovel pass... the Browns arguably could have won that game. That isn't on the head coaches already. Some people need to get a grip on the frustration. and I'm also saying - does anybody think that if Brady was desperately running for a first down, but was being tackled, and a Cleveland Brown popped him helmet to helmet and knocked him out...do you think that Browns' defender would not be ejected out of the game immediated? read up on it here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/josh-allen-gets-knocked-out-of-patriots-bills-game/vi-AAI1U50 "doesn't rise to the level of..." a referees rear end.
  18. The Patriots aren't a team that gets a free 14 lead and loses. I hate em...however: 1 Sep 8, 2019 vs Pittsburgh W 33-3 1-0 2 Sep 15, 2019 @ Miami W 43-0 2-0 3 Sep 22, 2019 vs N.Y. Jets W 30-14 3-0 4 Sep 29, 2019 @ Buffalo W 16-10 4-0 5 Oct 6, 2019 @ Washington W 33-7 5-0 6 Oct 10, 2019 vs N.Y. Giants W 35-14 6-0 7 Oct 21, 2019 @ N.Y. Jets W 33-0 7-0 8 Oct 27, 2019 vs Cleveland W 27-13 8-0 ******************************** crap. had to get rid of the table formatting.... the first three patriot games were complete hideous blowouts vs the Pitts, Miami, and Jets. Then they played a tough game vs the Bills. Then they completely blew out the next three teams, Washington, Giants and Jets. And the Browns gave them three turnovers, 14 points, and lost by 14 points. Buffalo lost 16-10. But take a closer look - the referees favor the patriots. patriots make big money for the NFL. Why do I say that? This is why. In the Buffalo game, a steeler laid Josh Allen out on the turf with a flagrant and extremely violent head on collision HELMET TO HELMET. Like exactly what the NFL wants to stop. Yeah, the refs threw a flag. NO EJECTION. Now, how in the hedes can that not be "to the level of..." ? I understand that he's running for a first down. But the NFL is concerned about qb's being injured etc? If this ever happened to one of the qb stars in the superbowl, you sure as heyl would see the player ejected. He was being TACKLED at the time. The helmet to helmet hit was absolutely unnecessary and extremely dangerous. and the Bills still only lost 16-10.
  19. that excuse works for me so....lol I think the Browns wanted to win so badly to prove themselves they choked early the game, made mistakes. I think Chubb wanted to carry them to a win, took it all on his shoulders, and fumbled twice. that's all she wrote.
  20. I want to see a lawsuit vs nyc. littering our country. and kidMapping should be a felony. lol
  21. there is no lilly-livered fake "red line" with Pres Trump. and he doesn't give millions/billions to terrorist states like obaMao did.
  22. they are scum. https://www.theblaze.com/news/brother-of-sandy-hook-victim-blasts-joe-biden-for-blatant-lie-and-reveals-what-happened-after-tragedy "the Obama administration offered trips to Washington on Air Force One only to families who supported the Obama administration's gun agenda. "The Obama administration only offered a ride to DC on Air Force One to a select few who were lobbying for gun control," he said."
  23. "Last night the United States brought the world's number one terrorist leader to justice," Trump announced. "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead." Trump explained that U.S. special forces were present at al-Baghdadi's compound for about two hours, killing numerous terrorists during the raid. Trump said U.S. forced chased al-Baghdadi through a tunnel under the compound, where al-Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest under the shield of three children. Biometric tests later confirmed al-Baghdadi's identity. Before leaving the compound, U.S. forces collected a cache of intelligence documents, Trump said. Several ISIS fighters were also captured, Trump said, although he did not provide additional details about prisoners. "More dead than alive," Trump told reporters. No U.S. special forces were hurt or killed in the raid. The Washington Examiner reported that Delta Force operators carried out the operation. Al-Baghdadi was staying at a compound in Syria's Idlib Province, which has long been known as a save haven for terrorists, especially groups aligned with Al Qaeda. The CIA assisted in locating al-Baghdadi, CNN reported. American forces were also assisted by Kurdish-lead Syrian Democratic Forces and the Iraqi military. Al-Baghdadi has been one of the world's most-wanted criminals since his rise to power in the Middle East in the early 2010s. However, he has been in hiding since the fall of ISIS in 2017.
  24. I saw where there were about 6 or 7 first year coaches in the NFL. Only the GB coach has a winning season, the others were as bad a record, or winless. It's not on the coach - the Browns are playing 100% for Kitchens and the rest of the coaches. Some of you would have fired Chuck Noll after his first year: Chuck Noll Record, Statistics, and Category Ranks | Pro ... https://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/NollCh0.htm YEAR AGE G W 1969 37 14 1 1970 38 14 5 1971 39 14 6
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