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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. that is a sickening blockbuster. Eric Cieramella, deep state john brennan hack was there all that time, and now got let go because he was a leaker - working to undo the results of the election against THE PRESIDENT WE ELECTED. Just incredible ! traitor [ˈtrādər] NOUN a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.. "they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy"
  2. dirty corrupt brennan's name AGAIN. this "whistleblower" is just a partisan, deep state spy. No wonder there were so many leaks. The deep state wanted to control Pres Trump one way or another. I hope they prosecute this little twerp. The CIA should fire him. WOW !
  3. He was very, very lucky. One day in hs, I went and bought a spark booster that went on the coil connect on the distributor cap. Supposed to make mileage better, etc. But I installed it, and my engine ran badly. So, I figured it was loose, so I reached down and pushed on it. I thought it was insulated. Nope. In about a half second, I slammed into the grass in our yard, my arm hurt like hell, my two friends only started lol after they realized I wasn't going to have to go to a hospital. FYI, I don't remember how much it is - but a hell of a lot of current? voltage? runs through a coil wire.
  4. tony grossi is a toad. Any Browns fan knows that calling on him is just going to reap ignorance. the same thing goes for mary kay cabbage. But the likes of Mary Kay and Grossi crave the attention from frustrated fans that jump on board.... I'm glad Baker is po'd. It's so much worse having a twit like Derek Anderson laughing after a terrible loss. The Browns are going to start winning next week, but the ignorance will still come from these two - grossi and mary kay are just terrible.
  5. the national divisiveness is a sickening legacy of obaMao and moochelle, and all the dirty deep state swamp rats they put into our gov depts, and the judiciary.
  6. it's the emotionalism of the left. Their emotions, the only thing they thrive on, are why. They don't care about military experience or national reputation...nothing... if it doesn't help them hate and GET TRUMP because they lost the election. Hate and power is an aphrodisiac for people who thrive on emotion. They do stuff like try to kick a nice Christian couple with kids from living here and becoming American citizens... all the way to the supreme court. yet, they demand to openly allow illegal immigration from all around the world, even those that sponsor terrorism. go figure.
  7. https://thinkaboutit.news/evils-name-is-george-soros-and-his-plan-to-destroy-america-continues/
  8. True. The msm is in the tank. I just wonder why.... Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations ... https://www.mrc.org/commentary/soros-spends-over-48-million-funding-media-organizations It's a strategy that Soros has been deploying extensively in media both in the United States and abroad. Since 2003, Soros has spent more than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news - journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations. And that number is an understatement. Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros ... https://www.mrc.org/commentary/over-30-major-news-organizations-linked-george-soros But that gift only hints at the widespread influence the controversial billionaire has on the mainstream media. Soros, who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets - including The New York Times, Washington Post, the
  9. couldn't refute it, right? yeah. Ridicule MacGregor and Flynn, but get phony outrage over the current leaker being a leaker disgrace because we all should respect HIS military record. what hypocrisy.
  10. Read those articles? what a conspriacy to undo our last presidential election, because WE, Real America, elected an American they can't control. Serious treason. This is why the dems/leftists/deep statists/power mongers are trying so desperately to stop Pres Trump and all of us who voted for him, or who will be voting for him in 2020. The deep state has now gone organized crime mode.
  11. facts are facts, folks. https://patriots4truth.org/2019/03/28/papadopoulos-was-set-up-by-mifsud-and-halper/ https://teapartypac.org/bombshell-deep-state-spy-who-set-up-papadopoulos-located/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/04/deep-state-spy-located-fake-russian-joseph-mifsud-who-set-up-trump-campaign-volunteer-papadopoulos-located-in-rome/ https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/05/14/rush_limbaugh_fbis_russia_investigation_was_a_setup_from_the_start.html#!
  12. when it emotionally and politically suits their intended purposes. but where was their fake respect for military service when they were gloating about getting General Flynn? They ridiculed him to the end. Meanwhile, apparently, recently, the comey fbi engaged in a conspiracy to GET Flynn because he was close to Pres Trump. Clapper, Comey...Brennan.... (brannan voted for a communist back in the day....)
  13. This is true - I try to allow for that watching games...but when all the action is right THERE, and the ref is looking right THERE. Just like the Patriot wr who shoves the Browns defender in the facemask, shoving him away from him right before he turns and catches the pass along the sideline. NO CALL ? It isn't away from the play, it IS the play ! and the ref is looking right at it.
  14. egad. this is exactly how the secret and lethal organization "ATLAS" did stuff in the "Shooter" series. You get in their way, you die.
  15. so, the feeble and self-serving lefties will hawk the military experience of any military person who wants to be a big player (out of arrogance or fear?) with the left. but don't ignore Col. MacGregor here.
  16. Here is RETIRED COLONEL MacGRegor's EXPERT OPINION: Pres Trump is absolutely correct. (btw, this week, after the mission that was so successful, the dirty House refused to fund these missions)
  17. that is so sick - she demands the power and total authority...that the soviets had to enforce that Armenian Genocide...so she and the rest won't disagree with the devastating means to their same intended ends
  18. the left knows better. But it's a national obaMao rabble-rousing as a street organizer/activist/manipulator/liar movement. Their ends justify any means. Which is how the nazis came to total authoritarism.
  19. winter is coming, heat is good. lol Really outstanding post ! The human condition is, we tend to take what we have for granted ...til we lose it. Break an arm, and you go for weeks or months realizing how you used your arm for years and years and never thought about it. and will be so grateful when you can use it normally again. As a society - societies do the same. Some parts of society not only take everything good for granted... they hate what is good. They think ("the grass is way greener on the other side of the fence") that fake socialist promises of euphoria and perfection and free stuff and....... is going to be the rule. The trouble is, those fake promises of the likes of fidel, sanders, etc etc etc etc... is simply a manipulation of the needy to get the votes/support to give the fake promisers the power to become the total authority of a society. It just has happened in history since the beginning. America is being deliberately flooded by the left that wants that total permanent authority over America. Consider this: The most glaring and dangerous leftwing intentions of desperately gaining PERMANENT AUTHORITARIAN POWER over all of us... are simply shown to be real is: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2524448/Evangelical-Christian-family-appeal-supreme-court-stay-U-S.html ObaMao and Holder went all the way to the Supreme Court to kick this wonderful Christian family out of our country. and demand to let destitute/and/or criminal/non-Christians from all around the world, especially flooding across our borders from mexico. There is no easy way to cover this up - and it shows a very serious evil intention. All the destitute many non-English speaking, will be totally dependent on a socialist gov giving them a free ride to at least poverty, and that depends on their VOTES to keep the socialist in power. Well, as long as there are any legit free elections. We lose our Constitution/Bill of Rights ....we lose our lives in freedom. It's easy to take freedom for granted...til it's "broken". They want our wealth we've accrued over all our years of hard work. They want to ruthlessly control society at every turn. They don't value human life - ours, or unborn children. They are all over half? our government, and are a dangerous minority more and more. They have no use for law and order or fairness - THEY demand to BE the Law. They demand to destroy human beings, born and unborn, that they have no use for. In history - it's the British in early American days. It's communists who murdered millions of men, women and children in a purge. It's communists in Russia - who forced millions to starve to death in the Ukraine. It's the nazis who murdered millions and millions. Socialists and communists are two labels for dangerous social eruptions that demand to own and control everything and everyone else who isn't with them. and one more time, an FBI agent warned of ayers/dorn and the weathermen, and how they seriously talked about exterminating millions of Americans who would never accept their new "government". Dangerous times are ahead of us. The sickness of insanity revolution is spreading in the leftwing part of America. This is real folks: An FBI agent who infiltrated the Weathermen, the Leftist radical terrorist organization founded by Bill Ayers, stated that the conversations that took place among the 25 top organizers of the group are enough to send shivers down the spines of normal citizens who actually have a conscience and a high regard for human life. FBI on Weather Underground: Eliminate 25 million people ... just because it's years...and surely years away of it ever actually being possible - its' the direction the left is headed. and that means a possible? civil war in the future years, unless we can avoid it by keeping our free elections, and voting the insanity (dems, now) out at every chance. and legally holding traitors in our government responsible for trying to OWN America...in courts of law.
  20. bizarro dh should go live there. would do him some good.
  21. lol hating and loving false narratives - seems like a zombie disease apocolypse sp? https://www.theblaze.com/news/right-after-announcing-formal-impeachment-vote-nancy-pelosi-admits-its-not-an-impeachment-resolution Right after announcing formal impeachment vote, Nancy Pelosi admits 'it's not an impeachment resolution' Wait, what?
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