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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you betcha. Here is more EVIDENCE. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/10/29/seditious-conspiracy-sketchy-witness-schiff-blocks-questioning-of-nsc-staffer-alexander-vindman-to-protect-him-from-legal-exposure/?like_comment=7501816 Seditious Conspiracy / Sketchy Witness – Schiff Blocks Questioning of NSC Staffer Alexander Vindman to Protect Him from Legal Exposure… Posted on October 29, 2019 by sundance Holy smokes, this Alexander Vindman witness is very sketchy. Generally suspected of being “whistle-blower #2”, records show Vindman had numerous contacts with registered foreign agents, while a member of the National Security Council. [FARA link – pg 4] Additionally, it is highly likely Vindman leaked the content of presidential phone calls illegally while he was a member of the National Security Council; which explains why Adam Schiff would not permit Vindman to answer questions about who he talked to.
  2. yep, had no use for him before the primaries - I was a Cruz supporter - but later, I realized he was a Christian, and genuinely wanted to save our country from the corruption he saw up close and personal. And he has proven that to most? of America - he wants to do what is best for America. Just that about half of America thinks it's cool to hate irrationally. The deep state' clintons/obaMaos are dangerous figureheads who have destroyed our America's cohesiveness. The left is dividing America on all counts - hoping to win elections because their division has more people. so they demand illegals pour in to help with that dependence on big government, fake promises of socialist utopia. and guys like Tex, DH, and WannabeKing Tiamsies... just happily dance to their nonsense. Too bad. Pres Trump is doing GREAT things to make us a better country. More and more, the black community is fed up with the lies. (which also explains the left's need for ignorant, destitute illegals flooding in)
  3. you FEEL that you fixed it with lies, innuendo, and garbage claims. It's sad that lefties can't be honest. Truth is, reality and truth and facts negate the validity of their bitchiness and hatred. So, they disregard reality, truth and facts. DH I believe, is angry about mattis resigning and Pres Trump's pullout of our Spec Ops forces from the Syrian/Turkish border. I posted about MacGregor - and you can NOT get them to admit he is a truly legit military expert at these matters, too. They ignore it. Living only on emotion does that. No logic, just anger that they lost the election. over three years of investigation, the experts have NOTHING. and tex is no expert. so there ya go.
  4. from what I've read - sessions was terrified of the deep state. Maybe brennan and clapper had something on him.... who knows? if these dirtbags are not held accountable - then we've lost our country. Because they will be empowered to be even more openly ruthless in the future. That is the makings of a kgb kind of empowered group - although not official. More like organized crime in our government.
  5. leftwingers/liberals etc never solve problems - their solutions are emotionally and politically benefitting them - but their fake attempts just cause worse problems. they do it all the time.
  6. worse is...dirty traitor john brennan went to the ukraine with a fake passport to get/arrange dirt on the "dossier" to get Pres Trump https://www.bizpacreview.com/2019/10/01/rush-limbaugh-john-brennan-went-to-ukraine-with-fake-passport-to-dig-dirt-on-trump-832774
  7. Two years ago, for the fun of it, we went to this hunting/fishing huge event - I called it a "redneck woodstock"... redneck country folks everywhere. Thousands and thousands. lol My Wife was waiting in line for the portapotti, and I walked across the lane, and there was a guy sitting on the park bench next to a both. His daughter and son-in-law ran the booth. He was just hanging out whittling. Had a U.S. Marines baseball hat on. His veteran's story was amazing. Korean War, lost several friends. He ended up working with the Secret Service, at the White House in the sixties. He said the day JFK got murdered, our country was hurt and never been quite the same again. But he said of all the places he'd seen in his life, America was the one bright shining star. Amazing - the experiences he'd had. My Wife ended up sitting with us, listening. He was whittling a butterfly for his granddaughter. We thanked him for his service and the visit, and went on our way. So many have given so much - in the book I mentioned, the hundreds of stories and letters of families and surviving veterans is a heartbreak. So many heroes.
  8. baiting me just mocks the Hero veteran talked about in the video. Which I didn't watch. Too bad.
  9. it was a tough first half. Was just watching some niners-arizona game tonight - geez - arizona was going with quick plays, runs, getting by, got a td... then tried to throw downfield, the nt? makes their center look like a fence post, Kyler Murry has no time, evades a tackle, spins and gets sacked after he ran way backwards. It was...3rd and 29 after that debacle. Then he throws a terrible int right to them, but they dropped it. The Browns are on the easier part of their season, meaning their oline should be holding up, and the offense will be getting back on track.
  10. ah, so diss my military service - I never did that to you or Tex or anybody else. But then, lefties can always make up their own rules, and violate them whenever their emotions knee jerk and it turns them into infantile hypocrites. and sometimes, like on the national stage... traitors, who want to keep being bigshots by being secretly in the deep state swamp.
  11. getting bad, and worse, far worse, than bad in our government. They want to have all the power. Yes, just like pre-wwii nazis. https://hannity.com/media-room/project-veritas-bombshell-video-exposes-resist-socialist-employee-inside-state-department/
  12. CNN is a bought and paid for deep state soros factory of crap. https://hannity.com/media-room/exclusive-cnn-whistleblower-discusses-deep-anti-trump-bias-at-network-calls-job-a-nightmare/
  13. https://hannity.com/ https://hannity.com/media-room/nunes-democrats-have-no-evidence-for-impeachment-just-unlimited-cooperation-from-the-media/ https://hannity.com/media-room/hannity-republicans-must-demand-to-know-if-whistleblower-was-deep-state-operative/ so there ya go.
  14. this cannot stand, surely. Colorado wants to ban guns, but allows a police dept to completely shoot up an American's home, and they don't have to fix it back up? Too bad they didn't have a gun, (and were home), and shot this armed shoplifter escaping from the police. They did not have to destroy the house. One window, tear gas. but look at the damage! 400,000 thousand freakin dollars? (who left a nine yr old home alone? they did. I would hope they had a neighbor available for the nine yr old to call for help...That is bad.) https://www.theblaze.com/news/police-destroyed-a-mans-home-pursuing-a-shoplifter-but-the-city-wont-pay-any-damages
  15. he didn't have bad play last year. He had a better oline, far better play on the right side last year. Teams know what the Browns offense can do with Baker at the helm, so they've figured out to run over the oline and that tells the tale. Even Brady got sacked when his oline failed. The Browns oline has failed often. and missing Njoku is another problem. Not many problems, but still a few.
  16. back in the day, the Akron Beacon had a negative nelli named Tom Melody, a real downer and critic of...everything Browns. eventually, he ended up off sports. Really so much like Tony "the gross one" - his questions and takes are just worthless.
  17. I love to go out to dinner on veteran's day. Not just for the free meal, but to be around the older guys, not many WWII left, but Navy, Army, Marines, Coast Guard, etc etc. It's such an honor to be around those guys. The one time Dad (who was in the Navy) and another older Navy guy talked while waiting in line - he served on an aircraft carrier, and told my Dad he wishes he could have run one of those small personnel landing craft. A good bit of a wait, but being around those older vets is priceless. We never have allowed hunting. But my friend and CCW instructor, 4.5 years special forces... just amazing to be around him - only told me a few stories and I don't ask. But he is totally allowed to hunt all deer season in our woods anytime. Right now, I am reading "The Greatest Generation Speaks"... a sequel to "The Greatest Generation". OMG. so many stories of extraordinary courage, loss, heartbreak... it is an AMAZING book by Tom Brokaw
  18. really. JOHN YOO ? Liberals even listen emotionally, so that what they hear, they can retort on. https://www.theblaze.com/news/msnbc-host-nicolle-wallace-calls-fox-news-laura-ingraham-others-chickenst
  19. our Troops can go find and kill/capture terorrists any square mile on planet earth. Actually, less than a square mile. So proud of our guys in uniform who do this stuff. https://www.theblaze.com/news/video-released-of-the-isis-raid
  20. just really weird. not so frightening, eh? https://www.theblaze.com/news/al-qaeda-leaks-blooper-reel-of-isis-militant-as-spat-between-feuding-jihadi-groups-escalates
  21. I wonder when cnn and msnbc will cover that...
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