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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I honestly don't want to think that - but I look at some non-calls and calls that are obviously totally wrong. But like Richardson got a Unsportsmanlike Conduct for his hand grazing the facemask of the qb. Ok, good call if you always call that. But I've seen Baker get hands on his facemask, especially on that sack when a defender landed on him full weight... no freaking call. I suppose we all have to remember some things happen *away from the play*. I get it. But exactly where the action is, totally obvious, with the ref clearly looking right at the action? I've some players get up really po'd, looking right at the ref who didn't call, say, pass interference, when it was so blatant... THEN a flag can get thrown by another referee who also saw it. Now, the first ref didn't "see the penalty..." because.... the Patriot wr shove to the Browns' defender's facemask is the one that really gets me annoyed. The ref was right there, looking right at it. No call. Of course some players have noticed it all this crap. I understand not letting coaches players etc not letting the refs catch hell for a mistake or two. I do NOT understand why the the "commish" doesn't stop it ...see to it that those refs are held accountable, and some of the same names keep coming up. Years past, I've seen Gronk shove off like he's blocking a run play with one hand or elbow, except to turn and catch a pass in a critical situation. No...freaking....call. I just don't get it.
  2. I don't believe that anyone is saying that. The refs have obviously not given the Browns fair officiating. No calls - benefit the team they play against. Calls that are strange and controversial go against the Browns. Like - Garrett got two bad penalties for landing on the qb. So, the next time Baker got landed on , full weight? NO CALL. Patriots wr shoves Browns defender in the facemask, spins, and catches the ball on a very important down. NO CALL. Blatant facemask the last game - no call. The last game - Baker clearly had forward progress, got shoved back, and the ref ran over and marked it short of forward progress. Was it last year? or this year- Garrett clearly was tackled from behind by the LT... NO CALL. It keeps happening. And yes, it has happened to other teams. But nearly NEVER to the Patriots. Not very often to the ratbuzzards. or squealers. Generally, if the Patriots or squealers desperately need a first down, they simply throw the ball, and somehow, usually, they get a strange "pass interference". It's bad, they raise hell if they DON"T get the PI, even when it's so obvious there was none even a crooked ref couldn't call it. I've never seen it worse than this year, and it was really bad last year. It seems that the recurrent super bowl teams get the benefit of non-calls and calls, because they make the big money for the NFL. and, maybe a group of refs would love to have some of that big money? It's bs to say that all the crazy bad refereeing is just because of angles etc. That Patriot wr shove to the facemask was one of the most blatant screwups possible. The ball was going right there. Yes, the oline is failing - but the refereeing is affected the players. They are getting pizzed. Which, their fault - leads to them making more mistakes than otherwise, I think.
  3. yep. the left things lies are the way to power. no wonder Tex keeps issuing nonsense he can't ever back up with facts. It's condoned by the obaMao legacy of corrupt leftism. This is a warning, I suppose, to never vote democrat. They lie to get power. It's what obaMao even said in his book - he learned to tell white people what they wanted to hear...... https://www.theblaze.com/news/joy-behar-beto-orourke-should-have-waited-to-reveal-plan-to-confiscate-guns
  4. THANK GOD AND PRESIDENT TRUMP. and all of us who voted for him. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-officially-pulls-out-of-the-paris-climate-accord
  5. gets worse and worse. but the dems are frantically all soaked in Egypt. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hunter-biden-linked-firm-burisma-asked-obama-administration-for-help-amid-corruption-probe Burisma made contact with the state department before Joe Biden forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating the company (read all this, and look at the pic at the top of the article. Wow..)
  6. this should be in the barbershop, but it won't get Jaf much attention...
  7. speaking of gus hall, Tiamsies should just go ask John Brennan who to vote for. John Brennan’s President… Remembering Comrade Gus Hall ... https://spectator.org/john-brennans-president-remembering-comrade-gus-hall Mar 30, 2018 · The reader graciously remembered my piece for The American Spectator in September 2016 in which I noted that the same Mr. John Brennan had supported Mr. Gus Hall for POTUS back in the Brezhnev era.... Remembering Communist Gus Hall -- John Brennan's Heroic ... https://www.accredited-times.com/2018/03/30/remembering-communist-gus-hall-john... Mar 30, 2018 · Brennan admitted to voting for Communist Party candidate Gus Hall, who ran for President on the Communist Party ticket in 1972, 1976, 1980, and 1984. Brennan made a wise choice. Hall, who sadly went to atheist heaven in 2000, long championed progressive Marxist-Leninism. Author: Black Lives Matter
  8. but you all on the left refused to admit to any of the scandals, refused to talk about them just like you refuse to talk about them even now. Top 20 Obama scandals: The list - NaturalNews.com https://www.naturalnews.com/041056_Obama_scandals_Benghazi_Fast_and_Furious.html IRS targets Obama's enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to... Benghazi : This is actually three scandals in one: The failure of administration to protect... Keeping an eye on The Associated Press : The Justice Department performed a massive cull... Rosengate: The Justice Department...
  9. bullhockey. You complain about conservative posts. I'm sure your ....ideas on how to make the board better don't have anything to do with stopping the hysterical unfounded incessant blathering about happy lies about our President. So, this board wasn't an "obaMao propaganda board for eight years" ???? You dang good and well should know it was. Except WE bashed obaMao for what he WAS DOING THAT WAS FACT. URANIUM ONE. BENGHAZI. "FAST AND FURIOUS". The sickening "IRAN DEAL". The IRS going after conservative groups scandal. The "REAL MARRIAGE IS BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN" lie scandal. The running down of America all over the world scandal. but WAIT - there are plenty more: images of Obama Scandals LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington... Asked to list the worst scandal under Obama, Margolis told Secrets, “There are many serious scandals, and therefore it’s hard to say which is the biggest scandal, but I believe Obama’s spying on the Trump campaign, which is starting to be fully unraveled now, will likely prove to be one of the biggest.”.
  10. then that is a wasted vote. there is no legit third party. dems won't vote 3rd party any more than a bunch of dems will break with nasty pelosi and the 7 stooges on any vote in Congress.
  11. I was pretty disappointed when Tex started with calling me a fool, and putting me down for asking about WHY he kept repeating the same thing all the time, and never explained why he said the stuff he says. Criticizing Steve, I believe, is only a leftie thing to do. If the mods won't protect your emotions and feeeeeelings.... you want another mod. Here's a clue: If you get hateful with people, like Tex did, and others, if you don't want the controversy. Because I don't see people on the middle or right starting the garbage. I get a little silly when people like Tex and others start it. But calling me a fool and I say one of your opinions, or lack there of, is cowardly, isn't calling you a coward. But you started the name calling, then quickly tried to get me in trouble for dissing one of your feeble, unsubstantiated, hate-mongering, egg-sucking emotional outbursts. It's always you-all that demand to own narratives, because they are emotional, and not thoughtful or based on facts etc. and it's you that fail to communicate any complex thoughts on complex issues. "King Orangeman" whatever. Everybody sees it on the national stage. False, deliberate hate narratives that just keep failing over the last 3+ years. No mod is going to fix that for you.
  12. I like this: https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/3-big-takeaways-from-the-browns-24-19-loss-to-the-broncos
  13. A. I said your OPINION was cowardly, AFTER YOU CALLED ME A FOOL. And how many times have you bashed Pres Trump for having "orange skin" ??? wouldn't you call somebody who ridiculed your obaMao for having black skin a "bigot" ? but you lefties can name call, but when you get it back, it isn't "fair" because you are happy to give it out, but you are SAD when you have to get it back. That is proof of your emotional knee jerk hypocrisy crap right in your face. On principle, I try to not name call, unless I'm getting crap in the first place. Lesson to Texie - think about that, if you can ever stop emotionally knee jerking. Yes, you are a combat vet...and I did NOT call YOU a coward, you liar. There, I called you a liar. Because you lied. Again.
  14. wow. I have to put that on our list of things to do! Never heard of those !
  15. yep. I said "Give it to CHUBB ! UP the mid..." and my Wife pointed out that Chubb wasn't in. dammit. I don't know.
  16. Yes - I beleive between Dorsey selecting Corbett, which was a disaster, and trading our excellent ROG... the oline is hopeless. I really thought they would play a fine game ...but I was underestimating their defense. The offensive line makes this entire offense hopeless so far. Tomlin - inherited a playoff team. He's won only one challenge all this season, and lost two the last game. He's a scumbucket who once tried to trip a player running down the sideline. Harbaugh inherited a playoff team from Brian Billick. and they tend to draft players who love to hit, and love the game. The Browns in the past have seemingly drafted from draft magazines or something. I believe the Browns will draft a LT and a RT with their first two picks. and a ROG in the third. LOL. THEN, we go to the playoffs. But the talent the squealers and ratbuzzards have for years...makes me sick.
  17. What emotional trash? Do a "survey" that the left can overwhelm with bs ? You liberals have always tried to emote you hate crap on the football board, because you make belligerent fools of yourselves over here. You and I got along great until you got upset with my opinion on whatever subject, and me disagreeing with you. And you emoted, called me a fool or whatever, and then when I gave it back to you, you ran to the mods and complained I called you a name. The old bait and try to get rid of Steve if he doesn't do your bidding, you all bitch, moan and whine about not controlling the narratives on this board - you all always have. Your emotional kneejerks have screwed up many a legit subject. Showing you all how and why you are wrong if what you all can't stand. If you could just get rid of my voice, then you could go get belligerent and name-calling with OBF or anybody else. I just type very very fast, and tend to be verbose. I argue on principle, on legit opinions with legit supports and detail when I need to. When your side constantly ridicules Christianity, and those of us who are Christians, and ridicule God... that is your idea of "serious political discourse" ? give us all a break. You all raise so much hell over here, then whine that you left because there is no "order" around here. I'm calling a mountain of BS on that. I still respect you on other boards. But you bitch and ridicule on the other boards. go figure. It's what emotional knee jerks do. Your "let's all boycott" ploy has never worked. and your "gang up on just one guy and give him crap until he leaves or gets kicked out" ploy only worked once. If you all want to make it a better forum, then try to be better members. You all tend to be the bullies on the block, and when we don't let you win, you cry and raise hell, thinking the mods will give you control over everything in one fashion or another. Steve does a great job, and you actually hate that. Try winning for change, with legit honest opinions and why you have those opinions. Your biased slurs toward me and Pres Trump, and others makes you look like a cheap hypocrtie with emotional knee jerkie problems.
  18. Interesting read - really honest guy https://www.ammoland.com/2019/11/candid-conversation-dan-gross-the-former-president-the-brady-campaign/?utm_source=Ammoland+Subscribers&utm_campaign=a0be9573d4-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f6fac3eaa-a0be9573d4-20770865#axzz64Kg3Cmr7
  19. what I don't get, is the hater demand to change minds on political subjects. I don't try to change a liberal into a conservative, I simply try and support my own views, and everybody else can think I'm goofy or kinda correct for themselves. the left DEMANDS to get differing viewpoints to stop. They shout down conservative speakers, punch/kick/verbally assault/threaten conservatives, steal Pres Trump hats, and....try to get conservatives banned from a politics board. They demand the EMOTION of winning, of dominating crazy narratives, and they crave the power to intimidate anyone who doesn't play their game. I could keep right on posting Col. MacGregor's own words on totally agreeing the Pres Trump on the relatively minor pullout from the Turkish/Syrian border... they ignore it completely. It would make them unhappy. even very angry to admit a FACT that doesn't make them FEEL important.
  20. Sad - concealed carry is a sign of crime times. It's made far, far worse with illegal immigration and drug cartels traveling back and forth across the border.
  21. this is so sick and tragic. The scary part is, about 15 years ago, our big group of family was going to go on another group vacation - S. Padre Island was on the list of places to stop. Except I researched, and as soon as I explained why we should change to another vacation, it was quickly decided to cancel that idea and those plans. Image: cityrating.com South Padre Island crime 26,226 per 100,000 residents This region is policed by SOUTH PADRE ISLAND POLICE DEPT. South Padre Island has an overall crime rate of 26,226 per 100,000 residents. This is one of the most dangerous regions in the United States. This means that your chances of becoming a victim of any type of crime in South Padre Island is 1 in 4 if you reside there for a year.
  22. yes, you both crave attention. and once again, I honor HONORABLE VETERANS. It's sad to see you dishonor youself, and yOU are a veteran - so is DH. A veteran that commits treason, deliberation undermines his own country, his own Commander-in-Chief, spies on his own country... is a scumbag. He is not an honorable veteran. You seem to delight in slurs and lies, and you are empty when it comes to giving even one half-decent reason why you blurt out stupid stuff. You won't admit the flip side, so ? I clearly posted opinions of OTHER VETERANS WHO WERE THERE. same thing for your fake hero john kerry. and you see no reason to post anything of substance? LOL LOL. You never have. You are just a political bigot, and I guess DH decided you got negative attention he'd love to get. Your politics are a fraud. Vindman is a turd, and yet you still would give him great big smoochies because he has medals. Well, he became a turd, you probably should wash your mouth out with soap. Throwing constant garbage at the wall does nothing about conversing about politics. The plain truth is - you liberals or marxists or communists or whatever and/or haters - operate on emotion. You knee jerk like jerks. You demand to dominate any narrative that comes up, and you keep failing. You lash out, get mad, like Princess Tiamsies, when disagreed with, even when the evidence of legitimacy is posted and posted and posted. Then you lefties just get po'd that you lost the discussion/argument, and you get madder and leave, or go foul and belligerent hater mode to try to bait a conservative to say something you can get them banned with. haha. Been there, watched you all do it in the past. Only time it's worked, is with Mr. T. and, like was ADMITTED, the latest boycott was organized. You may as well leave, your emotions betray any intelligent thought you might ever want to post - and it comes out unsupportable. You little haters aren't in the majority, and bullying us out and off the board won't work. Never has. You'all just try to ruin any legit conservation/discussion on any point that makes you lose your false narratives.
  23. I've said before, of 7 new head coaches, only the Packers coach has a winning season. I think that idea has some serious merit to it. It takes time to grow a great head coach, look at buttichek.
  24. Ok, I give up. Freddie Kitchens MUST GIVE UP playcalling. My gosh. Two 3rd and ones, he runs off tackle both times, with the denver lbs offset to stop it. What in the hell....??? Trading our OG killed this season. for the offense, instead of two tackles trying to hold their own, and the interior outstanding, the ROG is worse that the RT, and the LT is hopeless. That was a first down by Baker. They marked the ball to the point he was pushed back. What the )(*&)&^* happened to forward progress? BTW, is it just me, or...did they screw Baker's keeper up by taking Chubb to the sideline. Hello? Does anybody think the defense was delighted to see that they were definately going to run the qb sneak? And, were I Baker, I would have followed my excellent center, instead of my lead foot ROG. Anyways....You can bet that would have been a first down if it had been Tom Brady, dammit. The biggest dumbarse on the defense is whitehead. I've had it. If he isn't getting really stupid penalties, like today, he goes up against a very good TE, and fakes trying to tackle him ABOVE THE FREAKING WAIST with half a shoulder and bounces off. When the denver db goes up against our TE, he takes out his leading lower leg. BTW, another blatant referee screwup - as in, deliberate non-call. they grabbed Chubb's facemask, turned his head around,... no call. More obvious this game - the broncs seemed to know what the Browns were going to do. If they don't fix this, the offense will just keep suffering. 4 times in the first half, I thought "look at the defense do NOT run the ball wide" and Kitchens runs the ball wide. Good luck trying to fix three positions on the oline next year. Because three won't be starting after all this continual oline failure. Whitehead ... gone. Robinson, ....gone. The Browns need another Mark Wilson fast lb. Both our qb's are going to get hurt at this rate before the season is over. Thank GOD for Nick Chubb. I have extra disgust over losing today. dammit, dammit, dammit.
  25. yep, you betcha. vindman is just a another deep state turd. https://www.theblaze.com/news/brit-hume-exposes-huge-fallacy-in-alexander-vindmans-testimony-to-house-impeachment-panel
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