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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Actually, it's some excellent stuff. I've said a few things, and it probably wasn't the first time someone said it somewhere. If we are seeing it, ...come on, Kitchens. In a game of complicated chess, it seems Kitchens, who I support 100%, seemingly thinks that switching to checkers to protect his oline isn't working. It isn't fooling defenses. The "tells" are there. Maybe the worst was taking Chubb out on the qb sneak. First year head coaches make these mistakes. Learn from them fast, Kitchens.
  2. I still think not having a rock solid interior of yer offensive line is hurting the Browns' offense hugely. Losing Njoku and Higgins hurt more. Bitonio is doing double duty trying to help Robinson so much of the time... Just ...wait til next year. After the d word I hate to talk about so soon...
  3. COOL ! I'm not anywhere near the oldest, and I used to watch the old Roy Rogers westerns in black and white...on a black and white tv ! and my older cousin Shirley and I used to listen to Elvis records. I only remember "heartbreak hotel"..... Five years ago, she said she'll never forget the funny faces I made when we did that back then. egad. Elvis. Roy sang better than him... LOL I was always "Cactus Pete", and my parents and relatives could never figure out where "Cactus Pete" came from. Maybe I invented it, I have pictures of me in that black cowboy hate, boots and western pistols..., no idea here. lol any older geezer know? lol
  4. No wonder you're so set in your ways - you're an OLD GEEZER ! LOL CONGRATS !
  5. we had a stats guy in Savage, right? how did that work out? nope. If football is "90%" ? emotional, then....stats don't matter all that much.
  6. obaMao inspired outbreak of arrogant hate. We must turn our country around from the divisiveness and green light given to "browshirts" by the likes of obaMao, holder, moochelle, mad maxine waters, etc etc etc. https://www.theblaze.com/news/stanford-activists-protest-ben-shapiro-speech-by-depicting-the-devout-jew-as-an-insect-that-should-be-exterminated
  7. nope. Do a lot of research. I wouldn't. Power of Mexican drug cartels in Texas felt hundreds of ... https://www.rt.com/usa/410003-texas-mexican-drug-cartels-mafia One of the criminal groups, the Gulf Cartel, has a hold on Texas cities such as McAllen, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Galveston, Houston and Beaumont in the state’s tip and coastal bend area. The group mostly brings in marijuana and cocaine in through between the Rio Grande Valley … Author: RT Police Department Called Away From Fighting Drug Cartels ... https://cnmnewz.com/2019/03/14/police-department-called-away-from-fighting-drug... Drug cartels are known for causing chaos in society, but so are college students. The annual influx of college students to South Padre Island in Texas has caused the police to temporarily stop doing work against the cartels and to focus on the behavi
  8. what is sad, and very dangerous, is that the left doesn't care, they want that expanded destitute, dependent on welfare base - more votes, easier wins, more power, and turning red states blue. I conclude from all of the evidence - that the left has been trying desperately to overturn the last presidential election, want to destroy who won last time and who will win next time, by hook or crook. and they will flood our country with easily manipulated voters who will be, for the most part, totally dependent on the welfare leftist revolutionary party for their existence. that is important because a sizeable percentage of black voters are seeing the left for what it is- fake promises, no solutions, keep the problems as they are, to keep the votes, giant government, no jobs, same old same old.
  9. and the federal NEA, I take it. State legislatures contribute about $10 million a year to NCSL. Most of the remainder comes from grants from federal agencies such as the federal Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, and Transportation. heh. I wonder what state legistlatures give to the NCSL? don't know, but they keep track of republican/democrat control in nearly? every state: http://www.ncsl.org/research/about-state-legislatures/partisan-composition.aspx and... say, looks like a serious politcal data weapon, right? State legistlatures by GENDER. AND RACE, too !. Anybody else "smell a rat" ?
  10. hmm. Let's do some research: "NCSL Redistricting Seminar: Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 24-27, 2019 www.ncsl.org/research/redistricting/ncsl-redistricting-seminar-columbus-oct-24-27-2019... Oct 18, 2019 · NCSL will host a redistricting webinar in Columbus, OH., for legislators, legislative staff, and other redistricters. Participants will learn the legal landscape and learn about the Census, redistricting data, technology and deadlines." *************************** http://www.ncsl.org/aboutus.aspx ok. "National Conference of State Legislatures" ...gets money from some federal agencies.... ? and a few foundations. Like the Robert Wood Johnson foundation.....who have on their website: https://www.rwjf.org/ "Our Homes Are Key To Our Health" ....uh oh. How Communities are Promoting Health and Responding to Climate Change Sep 30, 2019, 1:00 PM, Posted by Michael Painter, Priya Gandhi UH OH. There it is. More lefty crap. Annie Casey Foundation.... Children's poverty etc. ok. wait....NOT OK: "https://www.aecf.org/blog/children-harmed-by-unannounced-raids-no-notice-to-systems-that-help-kids-le/" those poor illegals... uh oh. Children Harmed by Unannounced Raids; No Notice to Systems That Help Kids Left Behind Community Organizing ...uh oh, obaMao. inclusion... uh oh. racial this and that about poverty... uh oh. Let's see..... Pew Charitable Trusts... yep. Global warming. Environment Science Good conservation decisions depend on good science. To better protect our oceans, we need a greater understanding of how serious threats—from overfishing, widespread pollution, and climate change—are altering marine ecosystems.
  11. every time the dems don't win in districts - they find a leftwing activist corrupt judge to order a redistricting. Happened around the country, here in there, in several swing states. Judges rule Ohio congressional map unconstitutional, order ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/judges-rule-ohio... May 03, 2019 · CINCINNATI — A federal court ruled Friday that Ohio's congressional map is unconstitutional and ordered a new one be drawn for the 2020 elections. Author: AP It's a country-wide war on America. They take over permanently or they raise hell, and they know who the corrupt judges are to help them. However: Supreme Court Halts Judge-Ordered Redistricting in Ohio ... https://www.theepochtimes.com/judge-ordered-redistricting-in-ohio-and-michigan-halted... May 26, 2019 · Supreme Court Halts Judge-Ordered Redistricting in Ohio, Michigan WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court has granted emergency stays halting forced congressional redistricting statewide in both Ohio and...
  12. hanoi traitor jane is back to. Only a leftwing nutjob would be fonda her. https://www.theblaze.com/news/jane-fonda-11-years-until-climate-catastrophe
  13. they weren't even in Mexico. hideous murders south of the border. https://www.theblaze.com/news/nine-americans-killed-in-ambush-in-mexico
  14. to unborn children. Just sick - pp was working to sell ..... just sick. All for money. Stop funding this crap org NOW. https://www.theblaze.com/news/texas-planned-parenthood-wanted-to-sell-aborted-baby-livers-for-750-each-daleiden-trial-reveals
  15. young ones can be. when I was kid on the farm, our relatives came in for a weekend... and everybody knew we had a huge meal, and added young groundhog to the mix for the fun of it. Dad and I went out and nabbed a few on our 147 acres. Well, I knew that my cousin Bobby didn't know it was groundhog, because we were out hiking, and I didn't tell him. So, during our big picnic, Cousin Bobby said "boy, that's the best chicken I ever ate" and of course, I took great joy in telling him it wasn't chicken, it was groundhog. well, he got sick all of a sudden and I got grounded for the next two weekends. Dammit, but it was worth it. lol
  16. so much hate, and they think it justifies endless lies and character assassination. oh, I wasn't necessarily...referring to Tex, he's just parroting them for some reason.....
  17. and, note to Tex - I'd gladly have rootbeers and sprite with you, except you have to wear a white set of coveralls and a sanitary hat, because I can't let your TDS affect the groundhogs around here. It's a constant war. You rail about Pres Trump criticizing our intel services. Now, for once, would you just STOP and THINK about that? for once? clapper? brennan? chia brennan's pet fake whistleblower? Multiple Sources Claim Obama Intel Chiefs Placed Spies in ... patriotcrier.com/multiple-sources-claim-obama-intel-chiefs-placed-spies-trump-white-house Sep 28, 2019 · Multiple Sources Claim Obama Intel Chiefs Placed Spies in Trump White House September 28, 2019 President Obama’s Intel Chiefs Placed Spies in Trump’s ... https://ussanews.com/News1/2019/09/28/president-obamas-intel-chiefs-placed-spies-in... Sep 28, 2019 · The post President Obama’s Intel Chiefs Placed Spies in Trump’s White House Claim Multiple Sources – Opinion appeared first on Joe For America. Visit the USSA News store! Click this link for the original source of this article. http://patriotcrier.com/impending-declassification-bucket-5-spygate-docs-obama-intel-chiefs-panicking/ President Obama's Intel Chiefs Placed Spies in Trump's ... https://illicitinfo.com/?p=12203 Sep 27, 2019 · How much longer can seemingly corrupt Democrats keep the dam from bursting? Jordan Sekulow is the brother of Jay Sekulow, one of President Trump’s White House attorneys. Jordan serves as the Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a position brother Jay created and served in until moving to the WH.
  18. Yep. I remember that well, and I would have bombed those bases flat out.
  19. why the heyl would anybody blame the Browns when it happens in other games. Like Hoorta just mentioned - the Giants-Cowboys game just last night. and, it's referee history, they didn't whistle play to stop, and the Browns ran another quick play and spiked the ball. : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottlegate Events of the play The Cleveland Browns were in a position to get an unlikely playoffs spot at 6–6, but most likely needed to win the 4 remaining games of the season to do so. However, they were down 15–10 with 1:08 remaining in the game, and were faced with a 4th and 2 at the Jaguars 12 yard line. They had to try to convert, or else the Jaguars would simply kneel the ball twice and end the game. Quarterback Tim Couch took the snap and passed it short to wide receiver Quincy Morgan, who appeared to bobble the ball after a 3 yard gain, but the referees called it a completed pass. Couch wasted no time hurrying the offense to the line and spiked the ball with :48 remaining. The refs looked as though they were reviewing a fake spike, a penalty that would take 10 seconds off the board, but Cleveland would still have the ball. While preparing for the next play, referee Terry McAulay announced that the officials would review the 4th down conversion, even though the NFL rules stipulate that a play cannot be reviewed after another play has been completed. After an instant replay review, the officials confirmed that the pass was not completed and, as a result, the Jaguars would take possession of the football.[3][4][5]
  20. I FORGOT about alexandria chalupa ! it was Glenn Beck - same video, I forgot! and eric c was a willing dirty player - worked for dirty susan rice. Obamao damaged our government so terribly. If they are not held accountable... we may lose our country and it will spiral into a venezuela or something. Shiff, and his staff who WERE GOOD FRIENDS AND CONSPIRATORS WITH ERIC CHIERAMELA who is a turd should end up in a trial. along with clapper, rice, biden, brennan. and for a long while, the lefties around here laughed off the existence of the "deep state". These traitors were conspiring to keep control of our entire government policy...and all of us. what is really scary - during the obaMao years, I coined the term "obaMao mafia"... never thinking it was such a national deep state stinking scale of huge, dangerous proportions. The deep state is resembling the pre-WWII nazi party more and more.
  21. Last year, Bitonio, Tretter and Zeitler formed an outstanding core of the oline. The fa RT mostly? held his own, struggled at times. Keeping an eye on the blind side was far easier. Now, Baker has LT failing, ROG failing, and RT still trying to hang in there, not failing, or not often? Baker's pocket, which did exist last year dependably, is most gone. And yes, Baker has had time to throw at times, but not knowing when those times will be - he's lost confidence in their ability to block for plays as a whole. Some great qb's fall apart in their game when the oline does south. I've seen Peyton Manning get run over, and throw 4 ints in a playoff game back in the day.... and watching the defense look in despair at the failures of the offense...and bad calls by refs... It takes the confidence and just ruins it, that's just my goofy guess about it all.
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