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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. which is why the left is desperate to get illegals the vote. and on the census.
  2. read em and weep, Tex: NAACP's own poll reveals surge in black support for Trump ... https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/08/naacp... Aug 09, 2018 · Dependence on 90% voting support from African-Americans for electoral success is the jugular vein of the Democratic Party. President Trump's rising support among black voters is correctly seen as... Poll: Trump Hits Record High Approval Rating with Black ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/10/29/poll... Oct 29, 2018 · In August, the same Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll put Trump’s approval rating among black voters at 36 percent. It was just 19 percent on the same day a year earlier.
  3. well, if you ignore character, all too often it bites you in the backside. Win some, lose some. Too bad for the Browns.
  4. just another ignorant cheapshot on the president. Executive privilege exists for good reasons. also, Pres Trump has been far more transparent that any other president has ever been. he didn't have to - he is innocent.
  5. sophomore. asian. one dead so far. https://www.theblaze.com/news/breaking-one-dead-at-least-5-injured-in-los-angeles-area-high-school-attack
  6. Barack Obama's Trump-supporting half-brother Malik tweets ... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/barack-obama-half-brother-malik... Mar 10, 2017 · Barack Obama’s half-brother has once again repeated the discredited claim that the former US President was born in Kenya. Ardent Donald Trump supporter, Malik Obama tweeted a copy of what he
  7. Obama's Grandmother Drops Bombshell – Admits He Was Born ... https://worldtruth.tv/obamas-grandmother-drops-bombshell-admits-he-was-born-in-kenya Jun 03, 2019 · The interview was conducted in 2008, before Obama had won the Presidency. Apparently, Obama’s people had not yet instructed “Granny Sarah” to lie and say that Obama was not born in Kenya. Though she would swear that the President was born in the U.S. in later interviews, Sarah’s original story was always that he was born in Kenya.
  9. because most of America knows it has been over three years and you have nothing. Zilch. and trying to cooperate with a farce just keeps them from MAGA, which is part of the point - you all LOST THE ELECTION. Three year old temper tantrum. egad, that's just sick.
  10. Tex loves his hatred of President Trump. It's like he would bash obaMao for eight years for being a dope smoker in college. except obaMao was a globalist/socialist who lied about himself to get elected. URANIUM ONE. Tex. Admit it. BENGHAZI. "FAST AND FURIOUS". President Trump has NO SCANDAL except for fake ones you TDS haters invent that are not true at all. free stuff has it's addiction, I reckon.
  11. During the testimony, I watched a lot of it - it was brought out that according to law, the president has every freaking obligation to not send money where it will be wasted. ObaMao refused to sell weapons, even defensive, to the Ukraine, because he didn't want to antagonize his friends - RUSSIA. He was clearly russia's patsy. URANIUM ONE- the scandal no liberal will discuss here on this board. Actually, just ONE of several. 'What was really telling, in listening to Kent and Taylor - is their open admission that THEY set our foreign relations, and they feeeeeeeellllll that the president must not get in their way. Like meago millions made globally. Like the wealth Biden's son accrued. Like demanding a prosecutor be fired in six hours or they don't they one penny. THAT is quid pro quo. But the dems, especially the Charles Manson eyed Schiff4brains, are trying desperately to not allow the biden scandal to come forward. So much garbage fake investigation and lies, so little gained, actually they are going to lose because of all this deep state CYA and trying to convince voters that Trump is guilty of some kind of thing. They have failed for over three years now. This kangaroo court is right out of a movie about drunken pirates or something. and dissing Jim Jordan like Tiamsies did? lol. THAT was stupid really hateful knee jerkie. "I learned today that Jim Jordan might be the dumbest MF in and from Ohio." Tiamsies "well, how do you justify saying that, mr tiamsies?" "well...I...uh.....talked to a guy at the grocery store, and his cousin sells cars, and he sold a pickup truck to a customer who looked like Jim Jordan, but the customer's name was elmer smith...... LOL LOL. actually, it's more stupidass than funny.
  12. probably not, maybe. Pukesburg and cincy are probably a given, but maybe not so much Buffalo.
  13. you are missing something. The Bills had plenty of fans there. I was there. They got loud when the Browns offense was on the field. Which, btw, the Bills' fans were some of the nicest fans you could have in your own home stadium.
  14. the difference between Baker's play last year and this year, primarily, my opinion, is this year he doesn't have a rock solid interior offensive line. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2019/09/browns-offensive-line-had-baker-mayfield-scrambling-players-shuffling.html Ogunjobi had to go in and play offensive line once. Come on. I know there are times when Baker had plenty of time... but BAKER doesn't COUNT on that. He won't blame the oline, but the blocking is the engine. And the Browns' offensive line had some bad matchups this season. Engine sputters often, don't blame the driver all the time, even when he does make a mistake.
  15. except for the duplication of subjects. I don't care, but....
  16. lol. Nope - he sees through all this stupidity. "clear understanding" to the left means = "I formulated my clear opinion because I talked to somebody who also talked to somebody else, and then I heard from somebody else, and so and so didn't like Pres Trump and I don't either". schiff for brains has to be squirming in his seat badly. His circus is a freaking DUD.
  17. I'm fine even if the Browns have to line up in a wishbone formation and screw with the squealers minds. Just beat the steelers. Speaking of screwing with minds, like Kosar did, I loved the long throw on the first play of the game. Didn't connect, Baker overthrew it a bit,
  18. there are so many Real Americans going to show the farce for what it is. By their votes in 2020. https://www.theblaze.com/news/americans-at-lsu-alabama-game-give-cnn-an-earful-say-president-trump-is-being-treated-unfairly
  19. it would be intelligent to break it down by subject. It's a giant garbage can nobody wants to look through, I think, and comment on a certain point. It's a giant black hole. whatever. I just ignore it most of the time....
  20. sorry Tex, WE weren't around 125,000 years ago. I don't think there were any computer models, either. lol oops.
  21. I figure that allowing the lawsuit to continue - is there some kind of legal precident sp? for harm done by using some product incorrectly/illegally? Like, the 9/11 families can sue the manufacturer of the box cutters? yes, it is more financial intimidation of the makers of a product that can be used in crimes. so can pepper spray. car manufacturers, knives, ropes, you name it? if the lawsuit is actually successful, our whole legal system becomes their leftwing weapon of choice.
  22. lol. "FARCE" is not a strong enough word. An assistant...george? kent, from the State dept, gave a very long introduction speech. It was all about the history of the Ukraine, etc etc etc etc, and how the history led up to today. He didn't explain, unless I missed it - that obaMao refused to send any military aid out of love for socialism of russia. His entire point towards the end, is President Trump made a few decisions that the state dept and (deep state) didn't like, because it (made them look like weinies). Which, after ALL THAT, lol, has absolutely nothing to do with anything that means President Trump did anything wrong. Just an obaMao deep state bunch of holders who believe THEY are our government, and the president had better STFU if he disagrees with them. He skipped over, of course, quid pro joe and his withholding funds unless they immediately stop within six hrs of investigating HIM and his corrupt son. yeah. what a waste of space in Congress. Oh, and Kent made it clear the state dept didn't give him any guidance? on classified, so HE gets to not answer any questions that "might have to do with classified" materials, since he DIDN'T BRING ANYTHING WITH HIM. and, he won't answer questions he just doesn't want ot answer. LOL the fix has been in for three years plus. What a freaking farce.
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