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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, Troy Vincent SAID, Ogunjobi got a one game suspension because what he did could possibly have re-escalated the melee. my paraphrase. well, what does he call a kick to the groin, chasing after a held Garrett and trying to beat up on him? Troy, that is bogus hypocrisy and surely you know it. and the NFL broke their own rules again by keeping the indefinate suspension? first time offense? it's the Browns. They got po'd at all of us, and screwed the Browns over when we got them back. No other expansion team has ever been treated that way. Browns player takes off his helmet, immediate penalty called. ok. I've seen players do it every so often, it's never called. I'm just happy that Pouncey didn't get his suspension cut to one game, so he'd be back to play the Browns. I guess that would have been to obvious. Now we know - the squealers have yet another scumbag qb.
  2. racial slur - Kitchens referred to something rudolph said, that he wouldn't repeat. sure sounds like a possibility rudoofus baited Miles. on purpose. at least should be investigated.
  3. calfoxwc


    lol. sure. and I didn't invent it. Just thought it was....interesting. Just doesn't fit - they kept passing the ball...with only about 15 seconds left because......
  4. Didn't catch all of it - but Holmes heard it from Sondland who heard it from a friend...oh wait, he heard it from himself.... bigger nothingburger.
  5. while we have federal leftwing judges who try to stop him at every turn, we have leftists in congress, a majority, who are trying to destroy his presidency asap, and intel/law enforcement bureaucrats who are so long-entrenched, they have joined with the leftwing media, to destroy our Real America ability to elect the president WE WANT, that they can't control, and destroy the executive branch. Dangerous times, my friends. Brilliant speech (not short)
  6. I had no idea how my term "ObaMao mafia" had so much behind it. Just wait, the IG report is due out by Dec. 11. AG Barr has already laid the seriousness of the garbage done on the table.
  7. except the military defensive weapons were temporarily held up because Pres Trump wanted to be sure the corrupt folks were gone. They were, the military weapons were released. That's all. The Ukraine never knew the weapons were held up. Said weapons, btw, obamao and co. refused to send to the Ukraine anyway, because obaMao didn't want to annoy Putin. The timeline clearly shows that investigation of the bidens had nothing to do with it. But, secret spies in the Pres Trump wh decided it did... they were against Pres Trump anyways. Dirty Eric Ciaramella, vindman..... (who btw, was reprimanded at one point for joking around with the russians in a program, and running down America and the American people to them...and... was discovered to be the leaker in the WH and got fired...) I've listened to these bureaucrats and the anti-Trumpers/resistance are hell bent on owning America, and running the show globalist wise. As to the actual question - quid pro Joe Biden gets happy his son gets rich on the board in the Ukraine...and protects his son by openly demanding the prosector be fired or Joe Biden doesn't let any money get to the Ukraine. Of course, there is some serious wrong there: graft noun blackmail, bribery, corruption, fraudulent income, hush money, illegal profit, illicit profit, illicit revenue, inserere, kickback, money illegally accuired, political corruption, profiteering, property illegally acquired, unjust acquisition, unlawful gain Associated concepts: bribery, corruption, official misconduct
  8. calfoxwc


    well, it's surely has to be a fact, that the steelers didn't want to face Garrett a second time.....so....
  9. turns out, while Sondland was making a fool of himself, nearly caused himself to end up in legal trouble, my opinion. See, in his testimony, he said there was a quid pro quo. Turns out... nope. He finally had to admit -THERE WAS NO QUID PRO QUO - NOBODY TOLD HIM THERE WAS. He was going by....his own presumption. yeah. So, He was asked what the president replied, when sondland asked him what he wanted....President Trump SAID "NOTHING, I DON'T WANT ANYTHING". NO....QUID.....PRO.....QUO. This makes so sense. Because...Rep. Jim Jordan asked him why that admission was NOT in his 28? page introduction report he read when he was sworn in. Sondland referenced the length of the report??????? nobody buys that. Truth is, his attorneys wrote the whole thing for him. and his attorneys are......(just saw it on Fox - Tucker Carlson)...... 4 hard core democrat contributions who have given thousands to the dem party. More farce to add to the circus, another not very amusing clown to add to the fake "hearing".
  10. sorry, that is true - but I'm talking about suspensions. It it's only a fine, kick every steeler qb or a steeler in the nuts, and it's just a fine. As in, don't worry about being suspended, "it's fine". Sorry bout confusing that.
  11. all hell is going to break loose. guess what? eric cariamella...apparently? is "charley"... who spied on Pres. Trump and his admin, etc etc....and worked with... peter strzok and lisa page. wow.
  12. what a nasty, deep state piece of dishonest work eric is. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=eric+cariamella&view=detail&mid=48D26F18B02BD8B7910048D26F18B02BD8B79100&FORM=VIRE no wonder they want to keep his name secret. He's a deep state hack.
  14. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/alleged-whistleblower-eric-ciaramella-shown-shaking-hands-with-barack-obama-in-oval-office-photo this is the picture:
  15. pitiful, dishonest try. You poor victim, you. Just another one-liner, like thousands you have spewed in the past, that shows your belligerent ignorance. I knew this back in college. To whit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slut The first recorded use of the word was a reference to a man, in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, in which he is referring to the man's untidy appearance.[citation needed]
  16. I just think after Troy Vincent reviews the play on slow motion a bunch of times.... he'll grow a pair and suspend rudoolphus for a game. Like, one of the next two. and the qb knows he instigated it, and re-escalated it. Meanwhile, on the news this evening - Jim Donovan reported that Ogunjobi appealed, but the one game suspension stands. https://www.theblaze.com/news/alleged-whistleblower-was-friends-with-current-schiff-staffer "As for Rudolph, Vincent more or less confirmed that nothing that he did rose to the level of a suspension, but he did say that “there could be multiple fines coming to him if we find another action that constitutes unsportsmanlike conduct”. He cited the quarterback’s grabbing of Garrett’s facemask after being illegally taken to the ground as an infraction. “The grabbing of the facemask, that is a fine”, he said, confirming that Rudolph will be short some money for his own role in the confrontation." TRYING TO RIP OFF GARRETT'S HELMET FROM THE BACK OF HIS HELMET ??? is FINE? HOW ABOUT KICKING GARRETT IN THE NUTS ? You think that is "fine" then I hope rudolph gets kicked in the nuts at least once every game.
  17. sound like he's the secret santa liar fake whistleblower to me. https://www.theblaze.com/news/alleged-whistleblower-was-friends-with-current-schiff-staffer
  18. it's about the left having absolute power. they crave it, demand it. even in our Congress. dangerous times. LIke the rise of the nazis pre-WWll https://www.theblaze.com/news/college-republicans-attacked-shut-down-loose-room-access
  19. Tiam - .....the profound abuse of leftists in gov positions, and the absolute asinine...ness of the entire witchhunt is just cause for incredulous shouting. Were it not so dangerous and worrisome, it would also be just cause for great laughter and ridicule. But this kangaroo court farce is serious dangerous business to our country.
  20. the only defenseless wide receivers are apparently with Troy Vincent's, Goodhell's, and some NFL refs' favorite Superbowl $$$$$$$$$$$ making teams.
  21. calfoxwc


    Do you mean fake indignity? Indigence is about a person being poor. But, maybe you were applying an oxymoron.....as in the Steelers, the bully who gets punched in the face, cry "poor poor pitiful me". Which makes them you know what? They and Rudolph are The Scut Farkas of the NFL. *************************************** oops. I meant "Indignant" as in, "indignance" but the latter wouldn't accept it as spelled correctly so... crap.
  22. calfoxwc


    Meanwhile, the girlieman qb of the pukesberg squealers saw the video of himself starting the entire fight, while looking like the biggest pouty puss in the NFL. Now, he is sorry for the way he acted. etc etc etc. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/i-should-have-done-a-better-job-pittsburgh-steelers-qb-mason-rudolph-explains-his-actions-in-cleveland-browns-incident/ar-BBX3LrH
  23. and.... in further grilling... Sondland admitted there was NO EVIDENCE of a quid pro quo at all. It's just that he surmised that there was. More slanted opinions contrary to evidence. It's a disgrace on the left, the dangerous deep state, and every single dem;/leftist liar in Congress.
  24. Tex laughs at weird crap.... here, Tex, from your own msn. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/blumenauer-calls-for-sondland-hotel-boycott/ar-AAIxzw5 really now. Sondland didn't want to testify, so the blumenauer freak wants a boycott of their family business. sounds like extortion to me. then sondland DID testify, and danced around like gerbil on lsd. guess what? https://www.wweek.com/news/2019/11/20/congressman-earl-blumenauer-tweets-gordon-sondland-welcome-to-the-resistance/ Congressman Earl Blumenauer Tweets: “Gordon Sondland, Welcome to the Resistance” Spokesman says Blumenauer's call for a Provenance Hotels boycott is over: "He's moved on." this is a BLOCKBUSTER !
  25. calfoxwc


    the steeler fans, including vagitron, are hypocrites. Their team intimidates with violence, "it's football you wimps, haha". But let another team do it to THEM ? They go apecrap with fake indigence. the squealers are the dirtiest team in all of pro football. Maybe still the steriodest? who knows.
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