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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. say, go look at the ratbuzzards' Mark Ingram, running back - they are playing the rams right now. Look at his dark visor. On a night game. Remember when OBJ was instructed to leave the field during a scoring drive, to put on a clear visor? Does anybody think Ingram will have to also leave the field and put on a clear visor? stay tuned. I don't think so.
  2. The problem is, that Spencer was in violation of the UCMJ himself. He was in defiance of his Commander-in-Chief. Very, very, very bad. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/25/us/navy-seals-gallagher-reaction.html One veteran saw a double standard on clemency. Joe Kent, who recently retired after a 20-year career in Army Special Forces and Army Special Operations, said he supported Mr. Trump’s actions in pardoning two soldiers involved in war crimes cases and protecting Chief Gallagher from sanctions by the Navy. And he contrasted the reaction to those moves with the reaction to President Obama’s decision just before he left office to commute all but four months of the remaining sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Army intelligence analyst who was convicted of leaking classified information in 2010 that revealed American military and diplomatic activities around the world. There was “zero political grandstanding from the senior ranks of the D.O.D. or the intel community” over that move, Mr. Kent said: “I don’t remember anyone throwing a tantrum over Chelsea Manning.” But now, he said, “if you’re a career government guy, and you virtue-signal or try to take the high ground against Trump, now you get to be the golden boy” and be showered with praise. “Gallagher literally had his day in court and was acquitted, and for the Navy to now be like, ‘How many more pounds of flesh can we get out of this guy?’ seems really vindictive,” Mr. Kent said, adding that he was glad Mr. Trump had stepped in. More seriously - it was abuse and fraud of prosecutors. who were put there by.......obaMao. hardline prosecutors of our military in accordance with obamao's favoritism of Islam. https://www.independentsentinel.com/4-brutal-lawyers-in-trial-of-seal-eddie-gallagher-to-lose-their-medals/
  3. so is getting all pouty and declaring you put somebody on ignore, but after the boycott no workie, you went knee jerkie and came back and started fussing at my posts again. Hook line and sinker, and I never bait the hook unless they earn it by their behavior. But do have a nice day.
  4. The Browns played fiercely PROUD and AGGRESSIVE. and the pitiful sissies from pukesburg nearly lost to the even worse Bengals in a low scoring debacle. If only I could go to the squealer game, obviously not wearing any Browns garb, and watch the squealers lose again. Except I know I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut - I'd be cheering the Browns, I just know it. So... not a good idea. Besides, I'd have to go somewhere, before I got into the car...and change clothes and throw the other clothes away, because I've heard the steeler stink won't ever come out of em.
  5. heh. James Thrash is a former teammate of the other two yahoos. Go figure. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/11/22/james-thrash-complains-about-social-media-reaction-to-his-myles-garrett-decision/ On Thursday, former NFL receiver James Thrash upheld the NFL’s indefinite suspension of Browns defensive end Myles Garrett. The decision prompted a reaction on social media. Thrash has reacted to the reaction. “Please stop tweeting me about the decision,” Thrash tweeted late Thursday afternoon. “This was a grueling process and the outcome is final. Player safety is what’s most important!!!” ************************************************************* That logic goes out with the trash, Thrash. Player safety? what the hell about getting your helmet nearly ripped off, and kicked in the groin? starting the entire fiasco in the first place? what happened to the studio guy who said he HEARD it said ? Where is that audio? Did you interview the guy who said he heard it? Why didn't you suspend mason for at least one game? Player safety your ass. It's "superbowl teams make big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the NFL". AND, as Josh Cribbs is saying - "indefinite suspension" is not permitted in your so-called "rule book" that is supposed to apply to ALL TEAMS, NOT just your superbowl money making favorites ! Fans all over...most of the NFL - see how your "rules" don't apply when you don't want them to - and how your suspensions are not consistent. I wish I could Tweet you, you twit". (whine much?)
  6. You lose the bet. I used "slut" in describing him, baiting woodpecker. You, on the other hand, are a sucker, too. Let's see...a sucker is a fish.... clown.... yep. That's you - Habits All anemonefish, including clownfish, are hermaphrodites. They are all born male, according to National Geographic. They have the ability to turn themselves female, but once the change is made, they can’t go back to being male. Sometimes the change is made when mating. Two males will become mates and the larger, dominant fish will become the female.
  7. and Vindman, is either a psycho who feels that he is napoleon...or just a hard core liar. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/nov/13/alexander-vindman-claims-obama-not-trump-gave-jave/
  8. An excellent read: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/08/must-read-retired-navy-seal-carl-higbie-doubles-down-on-his-open-letter-to-rear-admiral-collin-green/
  9. The deep state runs deep. Arrogant, dangerously self-righteous sombeitches that want to run everything and have more and more power. as in, globally. Openly defying the Commander-in-Chief? Green is another napoleonic commander that needs to go.
  10. http://realnewsrightnow.com/2017/09/white-house-says-trump-in-frequent-contact-with-extraterrestrials/ White House Says Trump in ‘Frequent’ Contact with Extraterrestrials September 14, 2017by R. Hobbus J.D.
  11. UFO Alert! Trump Is an Alien! | HuffPost https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ufo-alert-trump-is-an-alien_b_9471748 That’s not the point. I was drowning in Trump mania and decided to escape to the more benign craziness of believers in aliens from outer space. So there I was at the We-Ko-Pa Resort and Conference Center in Fountain Hills, Arizona, for the International UFO Congress, the largest UFO-related gathering in the country.
  12. well, we were always the huge turkey dinner. stuffed turkey real bread dressing, another dish of dressing in a cake baking dish...and whole cranberry sauce, real mashed potatoes,... creamed turkey over our own home baked bread... and we always made our own pumpkin pies. New Years - after we get turkeyed out...it was usually chicken and dumplings. God knows how many times over all these years I've tried to make those same dumplings. they were gently chewy, seriously flavored with cream of chicken soup and chicken broth... but I can never get the texture quite right. It's tough. Usually, they end up bland and mushy, I have to throw em out. Sometimes, they are like big almond-shaped hockey pucks and I have to throw em out. And the dressing. A couple of loaves of white bread, poultry and a bit of sage spices, mushroom bits, celery... I think with a couple of whisked eggs...not sure. But that dressing was the most wonderful dressing. I make it and it turns out dry, or doesn't taste quite right. But sometimes on New Years , it was sauerkraut and pork roast. Or, bbq ribs.
  13. because you worship the three rivers cultwagon?
  14. SO... I didn't want to take the time to marinade. I did that once with pork cutlets - apple cider, brown sugar...water...something like that. They were outstanding on the grill. But venison... ? I cooked the venison like I described... 350 degrees, for an hour, then turned it up to 375. But my Wife, who knows about most things, looked at me, shaking her head, and told me to turn it DOWN to 250 for an hour, or it could end up dried up and tough. So, I did that instead, and it turned out awesome. She doesn't like venison - a bit too much stronger than beef, but she said it was still good. The venison was as tender as any swiss steal, one of our favorite dishes, and was awesome, imho. The potatoes were excellent, too. You could actually pick it apart with a plastic fork ! A friend of ours, after we went to a gun show - tried some and said it just melted in his mouth. He said he wants to start deer hunting. The one thing is, on the bottom, I would not do whole strips of bacon - I'd cut all the fat off - as the fatty part tended to get stringy and mushy, even though the rest of the bacon...actual meat part... was really well done. I'd also add more potatoes and add carrots, which I didn't have at the time. I'll try different marinades and recipes with beef. Like marinated beef shishkabobs. I plan on squirrel hunting tomorrow - really want to try squirrel and dumplings. We've just been so busy...and still want to buy a half a beef that has been fed on grass - organically.
  15. It's all about usurping our PRES TRUMP, the power of the WH in general, and he violated the UCMJ and his oaths of office. The dirty trials he oversaw and condoned...were his own undoing. He went out of the chain of command. Most all veterans know you are NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT. Don't let the door hit ya, Spencer. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/11/24/boom-blackmail-confirmed-navy-secretary-richard-spencer-removed-by-defense-secretary-mark-t-esper/
  16. I reeckon hissy fit Tiamsies didn't have the nads to put me on ignore after all. Oh, darn. I guess his boycott no workie, so they finally came back to start trouble again. Say, how about those impeachment kangaroo court fake bs thingies, eh? Tiam is licked, I must predict. I'm not sure that it isn't woodpecker's fault........
  17. Troy Vincent played for the Dolphins back in the day..... lol https://www.nbcsports.com/boston/patriots/nfl-left-cleaning-troy-vincents-mess-super-bowl-replay The other discussion to have is, how can Vincent -- who’s in charge of the officials -- not know the wording of the rule? And how can he be so dense as to get on a national radio program and say that a touchdown in a one-score Super Bowl didn’t meet the standards for a catch and not think people would catch on?
  18. LOL. I thought of swiss steak !!! Here is what I did. I took our baking dish, bout a two quart? and lined the bottom with a pound of bacon, uncooked. Then I put in several potatoes, peeled, and cut up into chunks. Then... I added some green onion, sprinkled it all over that, then I coated the steaks with our very favorite - Kentucky Kernel Seasoned Flour. Added some more potatoes, and added a can of mushroom soup over all that. So, I invented a new recipe. It's a swiss steak/venison roast - with a Duck Dynasty bacon part, ... I'll bake it for ..well...I don't know. 2 hours at 350 degrees, then I'll check it. Yep. That is what I'm doing. It will be OUTSTANDING.
  19. well, I have a new venison steak given to me by a hunting friend....I've watched all sorts of videos about cooking up venison. Buttermilk, eggs salt pepper.... or worsheshire sp? sauce..... bacon wrapped. I'm thinkin simpler is better - maybe just salt/pepper/onions/ etc cooked up into a sauce, then rub the Kentucky seasoning into the venison and fry it tomorrow on high. So confusing.
  20. Warren - is she that stupid and corrupt, or is there something mentally wrong with her? https://www.theblaze.com/news/elizabeth-warren-private-school-lie
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