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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. this is what the left does. Incessantly go for more power, more control, more intimidation. Now, it's "by any means necessary". If this got out of hand nationally, all hell would break loose. ccw is a really important thing to consider....just sayin. Personally, if I were in the National Guard, I would consider an order to go take guns away from otherwise law-abiding American citizens an ILLEGAL ORDER, which would be completely legit to do, per the UCMJ. https://www.theblaze.com/news/virginia-national-guard-responds-after-dem-threatens-to-use-soldiers-to-enforce-gun-control-agenda
  2. I'm looking for Njoku on slants over the middle. Even another play where Mayfield goes out for a TD pass in the end zone again, except it will be a hand off or something .... lol
  3. so...Horowitz... his own facts in his own report glaringly contradict his sugarcoated conclusions that he found no absolute evidence of bias. It's a nonsense conclusion. I keep wondering why he made it. Because? Personal life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_E._Horowitz In 2000, he married Alexandra Leigh Kauffman in a Jewish ceremony in Leesburg, Virginia.[3] His wife is a former field producer for CNN covering economics and personal finance.[3] and... https://www.ignet.gov/content/michael-e-horowitz Michael E. Horowitz was sworn in as the Inspector General of the Department of Justice (DOJ) on April 16, 2012, following his confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Since 2015, he has simultaneously served as the Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), an organization comprised of all 73 federal Inspectors General. Mr. Horowitz was previously confirmed by the Senate in 2003 to serve a six-year term as a Commissioner on the U.S. Sentencing Commission. and..... from Yahoo: "Horowitz is also married to a former Democratic political activist, Obama donor Alexandra Kauffman Horowitz, who helped run campaigns for liberal Democrats before producing content for CNN 's Washington bureau. " **************************************** so.. where was he when a lot of obaMao crap was going on? He HAD to come out with facts. His conclusions are subjection, contradictory, and non-binding. and Durham and Barr are under no constraints of access like Horowitz was. Stay tuned.
  4. biggest? blockbuster yet? I think maybe... Clinesmith. Such a hot item - that Horowitz wouldn't say his name under oath... who was a CIA/FBI lawyer, ?, who has been said to have said "viva la resistance" in a text...who was asked to check with the CIA to see if Carter Page was working with the CIA as an intel asset. The email from the CIA back to him said... that Page WAS. After talking to...a superior ? at the FBI, Clinesmith ADDED TWO WORDS TO THE EMAIL "NOT A". Thereby, allowing the "reason" for investigating Carter Page, and the entire Trump campaign, to be energized. Of course, that is right up there with the lies and omissions to the FISA court, deliberately to falsely get FISA warrants. That is just a small part of the entire conspiracy. Still to come - who is the non-whistleblower "whistleblower" who actually had ZERO direct information ? Who was the superior at the FBI? Comey, you betcha. and Mccabe are in very serious legal trouble. blockbuster after blockbuster. and yes, Pres Trump's campaign WAS WIRETAPPED and SPIED ON like Pres Trump and his people said. There are thousands of employees of these depts of heroic, wonderful Americans who are sickened by the actions of... obaMao people. and handpicked loyal to obaMao subordinates up on high. I'll say it again - the left nearly OWNED the supreme court, our electoral process, our economy, and nearly had the power to throw out our CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS - which would have been SUPERCEDED by global treaties. Meanwhile, the British found out the hard way about losing their sovereignty with the EU, and just recently dramatically elected a LOT of conservatives instead. They elected to leave the EU with Brexit, but the left kept fighting to keep them in. Investment in the global economy is the left's big win if they could just own us. Stay tuned. The corruption in our government was so dangerous, we all had no idea. Til now.
  5. dirty higgardly surely wears more makeup than any actor-Klingon on Star Trek
  6. secret background blockbuster? https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-radio/fbi-fisa-abuse
  7. so they can have sanctuary cities for political/election benefit, and they can abuse their power of office to violate/trash our Constitution and Bill of Rights at their whim? I can see even fewer democrats getting elected across the country.
  8. Browns LB Mack Wilson Calls Out Officials After Dolphins ... https://heavy.com/sports/2019/11/browns-mack-wilson-personal-foul Browns rookie linebacker Mack Wilson called out the refs after a bad call on a hit agains the Miami Dolphins on Sunday. Go to main menu. Heavy Browns Defender Calls Out Officials After Dolphins ...
  9. A. Of course ref's mistakes have occurred the entire history. But back in the day, they didn't have instant replay. You do realize that instant replay was because of controversial mistakes, right? And when a flagrant mistake/no call, gets reviewed now, and STILL doesn't get corrected??? B. It's hardly fake outrage. You pay all that money for season tickets, you go to a big game, and incredibly stupid calls/no calls are made. Then, on instant replay, it shows the mistake was made, and the original mistake gets UPHELD ? C. I do watch a good bit of the Patriots. Mostly, I keep losing the bets with our friend's daughter, who is now out of college. Almost never do I see the Patriots get hammered by refs, especially at critical times. I see them benefit by strange calls and no-calls. A lack of understanding, sure, depends on the rules... but when you have your retired ref? hard put to explain it? That is very bad. Back in the day, the game was far more violent toward wr's and qb's. Remember Jack Tatum? So, the game has more rules to try to prevent serious injuries. It's how the rules are applied. I posted before - a certain referee team was taken off one game, for both teams complaining about the mistakes... and put on another game. The Patriots...game. And, we have instant replay. "mistakes" should usually be corrected. Especially when the replay clearly shows the truth. and then... it DOESN'T get overturned??? NFL admits mistake in Lions-Packers game, as outrage over ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/10/15/officiating-lions-packers-game-sparks... Oct 15, 2019 · NFL admits mistake in Lions-Packers game, as outrage over officiating grows Lions defensive end Trey Flowers (left) was flagged for two key penalties that helped contribute to … NFL refuses to admit mistake while admitting mistake ... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/08/22/nfl-admits-refuses-to-admit-mistake... Aug 22, 2018 · 53 responses to “ NFL refuses to admit mistake while admitting mistake ” ... Because there was, supposedly, no “call” to be reversed since the refs missed the fumble! I see. The NFL Admits Refs Messed Up And Shouldn’t Have Called ... https://brobible.com/sports/article/nfl-refs-cowboys-patriots-tripping Nov 25, 2019 · The NFL needs to do something about the reffing situation because it's pretty bad week in and week out. During the Cowboys-Patriots game, refs called two phantom tripping calls against the Cowboys. The NFL Admits Refs Messed Up And Shouldn’t Have Called ‘Tripping’ Penalties Against Cowboys In Game Vs Patriots NFL admits mistake as Saints season ends in controversial ... https://www.houmatoday.com/sports/20190120/nfl... Jan 20, 2019 · NFL admits mistake as Saints season ends in controversial NFC championship . ... The one thing I respect about the refs today is they let the guys … ESPN.com: NFL - Report: NFL admits refs missed calls in ... https://www.espn.com/nfl/news/2002/1211/1475659.html The NFL acknowledged Wednesday its officiating crew made at least nine mistakes during Sunday's Green Bay-Minnesota game, including a pass interference call that negated a Vikings' interception on and it isn't only pro football, either. from 2017: https://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/the-alabama-officiating-bias-is-very-very-real-111716
  10. Not seein it. The Browns gave them permission to do the Patriots thing, NOT film the Bengals sideline. I guess there needs to be oversight. Perhaps a monitor to sit and watch? egad. I can't imagine the camera man doing it on his own. Lose his job because....why? There doesn't seem to be any motivation to do that at all, without figuring that there was a major benefit to the camera man. Meaning, someone on the Patriots org/team was paying the camera man in some fashion or another.
  11. say, guess what? The Nazis’ War on Christmas - HISTORY https://www.history.com/news/the-nazis-war-on-christmas Aug 31, 2018 · At first, notes historian Gerry Bowler, Nazis simply tried to take over Christmas as a party ritual. They inserted Nazi imagery and even Nazi party officials into things like nativity scenes and...
  12. at every turn, at every opportunity, across the entire spectrum of American life... the left is working desperately to destroy American life. That's us, folks. https://www.theblaze.com/news/science-says-christmas-music-is-bad-for-your-mental-health-oh-ok
  13. ObaMao started all this hate garbage. It's getting more and more dangerous out there. More like pre-WW11 nazis all the time. https://www.theblaze.com/news/video-14-year-old-boy-brutally-beaten-on-school-bus-over-his-support-for-president-trump "In 1933, new German laws forced Jews out of their civil service jobs, university and law court positions, and other areas of public life. In April 1933, laws proclaimed at Nuremberg made Jews second-class citizens. These Nuremberg Laws defined Jews, not by their religion or by how they wanted to identify themselves, but by the religious affiliation of their grandparents. Between 1937 and 1939, new anti-Jewish regulations segregated Jews further and made daily life very difficult for them. Jews could not attend public schools; go to theaters, cinema, or vacation resorts; or reside or even walk in certain sections of German cities. Also between 1937 and 1939, Jews increasingly were forced from Germany’s economic life. The Nazis either seized Jewish businesses and properties outright or forced Jews to sell them at bargain prices. In November 1938, the Nazis organized a riot (pogrom), known as Kristallnacht (the “Night of Broken Glass”). This attack against German and Austrian Jews included the physical destruction of synagogues and Jewish-owned stores, the arrest of Jewish men, the vandalization of homes, and the murder of individuals." '... Another consequence of Hitler’s ruthless dictatorship in the 1930s was the arrest of political opponents and trade unionists and others whom the Nazis labeled “undesirables” and “enemies of the state.” '
  14. America seems to be catching on to their lies. https://www.theblaze.com/news/joy-behar-blames-jersey-city-anti-semitic-murders-on-white-nationalism-appears-unaware-of-the-actual-identity-of-the-suspected-shooters https://www.theblaze.com/news/rashida-tlaib-blames-white-supremacy-for-new-jersey-shooting
  15. My concern, is about why the dems allowed this. Assuming that they are so corrupt and desperate to get permanent power of our government, making our elections worthless... that they would throw America into violent disarray and chaos, to justify legislating our Constitution null and void? An extension of Cloward=Piven? How can anyone rationally explain putting Americans in danger, rendering us unable to elect who WE decide to elect... while trying to get the power to tax us into submission, and legislate our rights away? Like... 1st and 2nd Amendment? etc? and wanting to rid themselves of our Electoral College? Openly advocating 56-92+ TRILLION dollar give-away programs while we are already 22 TRILLION IN DEBT already??? America is at a dangerous crossroads in 2020. Luckily, the dem leftists are their own worst enemy, as well as America's worst enemy.
  16. not much choice - https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/team/depth-chart Tretter doesn't even have a backup. egad.
  17. to be honest, as much as I don't like buttichek, it could be that he was never a part of the spying. I suppose it could happen via a defensive player or two... or a defensive coach... who knows? But he's still a low budget scumbag..........
  18. I've had some friends read mine - some quit after the first two chapters - it stopped being funny for a while... a few friends loved it, want me to get it published, and my Wife and friends Mom read it, really liked it, except for highlighting my mistakes - like run on sentences, too much descriptions in certain places. They were right. It's different when you write it, and then when you read it. LOL. I just wanted to get the adventure down officially.
  19. nah. I think that could be considered contempt of court or something. I'm far more subtle than that.
  20. Oh, I know. I'm fine if they ever pick me, I just don't want to help em pick me. If they ever do, I'll be the best juror on the jury. Probably the most analytical to a fault.
  21. nah. Your daughter is amazing - I wish I could get my novel published. I'll figure it out, about how to decide it's ready, and where to try. You still hit my threads when I least expect it. Think about that next time.
  22. lol. Actually, on a serious note, you would be doing a TV special. say, btw, did you watch the Brad Paisley special on TV? we lol'd like crazy. The title of it is "Brady Paisley thinks he's special". and included Peyton Manning as his "producer". We recorded it. and also, recorded Garth Brooks' concert at Yankee Stadium. that was spectacular.
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