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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you apparently miss the part about our freedoms. Constitution/Bill of Rights. Under hitler's regime, there WERE NO RIGHTS. Only oppression and profoundly hideous human rights violations, and horrific genocide. Unless you are going to say that is what Pres Trump is doing, you should sing the "I'm So Sorry" song.
  2. that makes you happy to claim, but it is not true. Clinton openly lied on national tv, and the stained dress of Monica Lewinsky was a match. That makes for hard core evidence that warranted serious LEGIT consideration of prosecution. You all have ZERO reason to prosecute. Your "dems" are trying to FIND some reason to justify their impeachment. Three freakin years of Muelller with a handpicked set of sixteen pro-Higgardly Trump Haters could NOT FIND ONE THING PRES TRUMP EVER DID WRONG. Must suck to be you guys. LOL Sorry, but the point is, Clinton WAS guilty. It was bipartisan agreement. Nixon WAS guilty. Bipartisan agreement. Pres Trump and bout half of America are only guilty of electing OUR PRESIDENT. No crime, no obstruction. The president is required by law to check about corruption before giving foreign aid to countries. The executive branch is an EQUAL BRANCH OF OUR GOVERNMENT. Therefore, it cannot be subservient to demands on the political whims of your corrupt democratic party. Without any real direct evidence, there is NO CRIME. Therefore, there is NO OBSTRUCTION. Why do I say that? " https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RL34304.pdf Summary Obstruction of justice is the impediment of governmental activities. There are a host of federal criminal laws that prohibit obstructions of justice. The six most general outlaw obstruction of judicial proceedings (18 U.S.C. 1503), witness tampering (18 U.S.C. 1512), witness retaliation (18 U.S.C. 1513), obstruction of congressional or administrative proceedings (18 U.S.C. 1505), conspiracy to defraud the United States (18 U.S.C. 371), and contempt (a creature of statute, rule and common law). All but Section 1503 cover congressional activities. The laws that supplement, and sometimes mirror, the basic six tend to proscribe a particular means of obstruction. Some, like the perjury and false statement statutes, condemn obstruction by lies and deception. Others, like the bribery, mail fraud, and wire fraud statutes, prohibit obstruction by corruption. Some outlaw the use of violence as a means of obstruction. Still others ban the destruction of evidence. A few simply punish “tipping off” those who are the targets of an investigation. A good number of these apply in a congressional context. Many of these offenses may also provide the basis for racketeering and money laundering prosecutions, and each provides the basis for criminal prosecution of anyone who aids and abets in or conspires for their commission. Moreover, regardless of the offense for which an individual is convicted, his sentence may be enhanced as a consequence of any obstruction of justice for which he is responsible, if committed during the course of the investigation, prosecution, or sentencing for the offense of his conviction. The enhancement may result in an increase in his term of imprisonment by as much as four years. This report is available in abbreviated form—without footnotes, quotations, or citations—as CRS Report RS22784, Obstruction of Congress: An Abridged Overview of Federal Criminal Laws Relating to Interference with Congressional Activities. Both versions have been excerpted from CRS Report RL34303, Obstruction of Justice: an Overview of Some of the Federal Statutes that Prohibit Interference with Judicial, Executive, or Legislative Activities. Other excerpted portions are also available as the following: CRS Report RS22783, Obstruction of Justice: An Abridged Overview of Related Federal Criminal Laws; CRS Report 98-808, Perjury Under Federal Law: A Brief Overview; and CRS Report 98-807, Perjury Under Federal Law: A Sketch of the Elements, all by Charles Doyle." ********************************************* We got facts. You all have emotions. We win. and Pres Trump is headed for a landslide victory in 2020 I believe. Not sure about the house. Too many emotional globalists who want a free ride out there in the huge cities. Come ON, man. fess up. The whole thing is a complete farce.
  3. how is it NOT debatable? My goodness.... if using Executive Privilege to establish the continuing necessary ability to converse with important staff at all, were considered "obstructing Congress".... come on, now. lol. I mean, seriously. lol When Clinton, Nixon and ObaMao used it, it was for glaringly legit reasons other than protecting the exec branch/presidency. Pres Trump - the mueller three year investigation turned up NOTHING. and that is with sixteen anti-trump aggressive prosecutors after it. Pres Trump gave a ton of evidence over to them. The lefties in the House have been on a tidal wave fishing exhibition. No good reason for it, either. https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/when-presidents-use-executive-privilege Bill Clinton The Clinton White House was mired in two major scandals involving Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky. During these investigations, President Clinton used executive privilege 14 times, which included protecting First Lady Hillary Clinton from testifying during the Whitewater hearings and protecting himself from testifying in both cases. His executive privilege claims, as well as his attorney-client claims in the Lewinsky investigation, were challenged in federal court. Citing U.S. v. Nixon, the courts determined that the prosecutor’s needs outweighed the confidentiality of executive documents and discussions. This ruling was not appealed to the Supreme Court, as the White House sought to avoid a headline-grabbing legal loss. Clinton was eventually impeached by the House but not convicted the Senate, allowing him to finish his second term. Barack Obama President Obama’s most famous use of executive privilege came during the “Fast and Furious” scandal. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms had run an operation to sell guns to Mexico, in the hope that they could track those weapons to major drug cartels and apprehend some of their members. The guns were not able to be tracked and one was eventually used in the killing of a border patrol agent. Representative Darrell Issa and Senator Chuck Grassley held hearings to determine what went wrong during the mission. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder both said they did not know about it until a few weeks prior to the killing and did not authorize it. Congress and the Department of Justice ended up in a standoff over the sharing of 1,300 documents, leading Obama to assert executive privilege in order to keep them private. In retaliation, Congress voted to cite Holder for contempt of Congress. Much like Nixon and Clinton, Obama’s claim of executive privilege was rejected by a federal court, and the documents were turned over. Clearly, in the last half-century, executive privilege has lost some of its luster. But while executive privilege may be on the ropes after several defeats in court over the years, history indicates that President Donald J. Trump and future Presidents will continue to call upon this power—and the courts will continue to judge its necessity. Chris Calabrese is an intern at the National Constitution Center. He is also a recent graduate of St. Joseph’s University.
  4. When I had my knee replaced (what a wonderful change in my life), I had a prescription of oxycotin, but I think I only took one or two the first few days at home...and turned the rest in to my outstanding surgeon. He grinned and said he only gave me ten, wasn't enough to get me addicted at all, but he understood. It was the principle of the thing to me. Addiction has caused so much pain and suffering to the addicts, and everyone around them. It's so tragic.
  5. dangerous times, folks. the leftists in our country are internationally oriented globalists. and ObaMao put the dirtiest, most corrupt, all over our government to seal the deal.
  6. for instance - "Mifsud Bounced From One European University Job to Another, Earning a Reputation as Someone Who Was Close to Putin. Mifsud is a national of Malta. He earned his PhD at the University of Belfast, in Ireland, in 1995, writing a thesis titled about educational reform. " "In March 2016, shortly after Papadopoulos was named as a foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, Mifsud met Papadopoulos in Rome. They later met again in London, where Mifsud allegedly introduced Papadopoulos to a Russian woman that he falsely claimed was Putin's niece; Mifsud has denied this. At a meeting in April, Mifsud told Papadopoulos that he had learned that the Russian government had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. Papadopoulos repeated the information to the Australian High … Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license" What professor really told FBI about Trump, Russia and ... https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/404275-what-professor-really-told-fbi-about-trump... The mere fact Mifsud felt compelled, after his FBI interview, to write a follow-up email — repeatedly insisting that his contacts with Papadopoulos were innocuous — is an indication he didn ... No one can find Joseph Mifsud, mysterious professor in the ... https://www.businessinsider.com/where-is-joseph-mifsud-professor-in-russia-probe-2018-3 No one can track down Joseph Mifsud, a professor who reportedly met with George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, during the US 2016 campaign.
  7. Isn't there consideration to coerced admission of guilt? They were going to destroy and file fake? charges against Flynn's son unless he admitted guilt. Like they set up Papadaupolis sp? with Misfud, etc etc etc. Extremely dirty, extremely dangerous garbage by the bigoted ObaMao faces put into our FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. Now, it's reached critical mass - there are so many of them, watching strzok, clapper, brennan ( who even voted communist when in college), and the House "witnesses" to nothing testify - just seems like Nazis in the Nuremberg trials. The amount of dangerous corruption has been growing over several admins, for decades. They must be stopped. "An admission of guilt is legally defined as "a statement by someone accused of a crime that he/she committed the offense." In many cases, the statement is accurate, but there have been other cases where admissions of guilt have later been found to be coerced or otherwise manipulated for the sake of closing a case or making someone appear guilty. " https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobfrenkel/2017/11/27/will-michael-flynn-plead-guilty-and-cooperate-to-protect-his-son/#6bc9335b14fe
  8. once napolitano got suspended from Fox, he's been all leftie. He doesn't want antifa, the leftist half of the media coming after him. After Fox, he couldn't make any more appearances in the media. So, he had to switched sides. You'd think Juan Williams would have learned his lesson...
  9. It's one thing to be a comey...or strzok, page, rice, holder, clapper, clintons, bidens, brennan, clinesmith, dirty heil rosenstein, napoleon vindman, wiessman, mueller, etc etc etc etc. now you have nearly all the dems in the House.... (what a dangerous cast of mentally warped and supremely arrogant appointees the first list is) and putting guys like sessions and wray into office to drain the swamp. sessions was a coward. he was terrified to make any of them come after him, and he "recused" himself. and Wray - he has friends all over the FBI. It surely is tough to know who to trust, they are so many, built up over decades and decades. So, you have pre-WWII nazi types, gung ho groupies to them in the House, some spies in Pres Trump's admin, "trumped up evidence" to ruin anyone siding with Pres Trump, fake "witnesses" to try to destroy Kavanaugh, the failed attacks to undermine Pence and his Wife, it doesn't take much to make a sessions or wray terrified of rocking the boat. But these turds must be legally held accountable. Or, we seriously lose our America with them at war with...US. All of us who don't buy into the socialist fascism they are openly trying to sell. and illegals, millions of them destitute and unknowing of our Constitution and Bill of Rights..., are the easiest to sway. in spanish. They have grown so powerful, they have just gone for broke to win their war. or, fail and be held accountable. They will fake witnesses and fake evidence to the very end. right to the point of praising the attacks on innocent conservatives and POLICEMEN by antifa. Remember the black power members with nightsticks at polling places? it's been coming for a long time. Far bigger, far more serious trouble than I ever imagined.
  10. I think it should give Dorsey pause on giving another player that second chance after a player had problems with dope in college....without seriously questioning whether or not the Browns can afford it when they are so......sooo very close to being able to have a huge winning season. Calloway could have been a star with his ability.... looking past Calloway, where has Njoku gone? those passes to Higgins? are they in the coaches' doghouse? Lack of work ethic? what the heck is up with that? anyways, I'm working on my yearly stupid mock draft, but I'm determined to believe the Browns will play a great next two games. maybe. crap.
  11. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/odell-beckham-jr-what-browns-are-building-is-just-too-special-to-leave
  12. Please do. The rest of us are civilized human beings. you are just a stupid ass birdbrain woodypeckerhead harpy. Have a nice trans day, just go away. You have never added anything constructive or intelligent to this forum. not once, unless I missed it, of course.
  13. so what? we all know that. It's just that Wray is not cleaning out the garbage. and not responding to the FISA court appropriately now. So, it's like Jeff Sessions. was appointed, then did NOT do his job. So, he had to go.
  14. what the (&^& took so long? https://www.theblaze.com/news/court-rules-obamacare-ind-mandate-unconstitutional
  15. drain the swamp and throw the crooks in jail who are guilty of crimes. Wray is a coward/ and/or too close to the deep state. https://www.theblaze.com/news/fbi-releases-disgusting-and-inadequate-response-to-blistering-statement-from-top-fisa-judge
  16. you keep bashing and slurring us..and me, on your first post when you come back. So, no, you aren't a victim, except by your own doing. and no, you didn't come up at all. It was great, without your antagonism and stupid retorts. You should go grow up someday. or not. I don't believe anybody on this board cares.
  17. Pres Trump's approval is rising and the corrupt lefties cannot stand it. This whole last three years + has been a complete FARCE. But they have nothing to run on, and running against the great things Pres Trump has done for us is a kick to their asses. Did I mention that every single democrat in the House who voted to fake impeach...is a corrupt organized slime member? MAGA
  18. harpy [ˈhärpē] NOUN greek & roman mythology a rapacious mini-monster described as having a bird's head, and man's body and a bird's wings and claws or depicted as a bird of woodpecker species with a transhuman's face who identifies as a birdwoman. a grasping, unpleasant hating racist transhuman birdbrain.
  19. no you won't. It won't last long. maybe about a half hr and the farce will be with you, but OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP will still be MAGA. have a nice day. lol
  20. they've already started. Too bad we didn't impeach obaMao commie his first day in office. all democrats are scum racist sombietches. weird. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Pence-s-office-may-have-purposefully-misled-panel-14914314.php
  21. oh, hell no. IT makes no sense to go after a qb, even that kid from LSU - and still have the problems with the offensive line. Now, if I had a chance at Young...then....
  22. that last paragraph, I didn't know that. the deep state is seriously dangerously destroying anyone in their path, any political resistance. All these napoleonic sob's MUST end up in a trial and convicted, and go to prison. The truth is already known - legally verify the facts in court. the deep state is pushing America over the edge.
  23. the obaMao legacy - severe corruption and hatred, fraud and aggression from the left, by corrupt haters embedded deep into our government. Yep, America is at a crossroads, and the dems seem so much like pre-WWII nazis. It really is an assault on everything wonderful that America is. all for permanent control over America's wealth. And it seems there is absolutely nothing they won't do, if they inevitably have to, to get it. They are already inciting violence, extremely fraudulent character assassination and investigations on fake charges, applauding brownshirt violence against any conservative anywhere, using every bit of the law/leftwing corrupt judges, to win for themselves and make conservatives lose, attacks on American morality, using public schools as indoctrination centers (another pre-WWII nazi reference), planning to double the size of the supreme court to stack it when they get the chance, declaring war on the electoral college, well, the list goes on. two dems in congress are actually considering bolting to the republican party. there is not a real legit democratic party anymore. It's a huge upswelling of corruption...for permanent power over America's wealth. Like the weathermen discussing putting millions of Americans to death. They are mentally sick. It's like a socialist zombie apocalypse. Cool. I spelled it right the first time. lol
  24. oh, go away you prick. Sheply used to gloat how the conservatives were going to be gone in our country. Well, he made a fool of himself so often, he left and didn't come back. He was smarter than you. I don't believe you have ever once actually discussed politics. MMGW is your and sheply's fake truth. Go molt yourself, woodypeckerhead.
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