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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. OUCH. You can bet he will lose some weight and better THAT time. Actually, I really, really like Becton. He's a very big smart kid, loves the game, physical, far quicker feet that you'd think he'd have at 355/369 ? lbs. He's a leader... and some mocks have him in the first round...2nd and third rounds. I would think he's more a guard, in the pros...at RT? I think he may be a huge steal at ROG for the Browns. I thought he'd slide to the 4th or 5th, but it seems his stock is rising.
  2. I wish I could have written that opinion that eloquently. The left hates Pres Trump, primarily, because their utopian socialist emotionalism LOST in 2016, and will lose bigtime in 2020. This whole fake impeachment was their only recourse to reach the emotional leftist base. All that Pres Trump is doing wonderfully for America, is ignored. Their emotions rule, and free stuff/entitlement, and a mass feeling of fake elitism makes them "happy".
  3. well, good point - personally, the guy I want to be president is Sen. John Thune of South Dakota. I just see that there is no more America democratic political party any more. Whoever they muster to run, is a slut, and of course, the republican will be the better option.
  4. woodpecker, you make yourself a victim. I didn't give you crap while you were gone, first post, you start it up with me. You can't muster intelligent conversation about any subject. pretty pitiful.
  5. I do appreciate the post, Gip. But impeachment is not a political thing, it's referred to as being on the basis of high crimes etc. The left/dems have been saying they were going to impeach Pres Trump from day one, even before his inauguration. That's a fact. Brennan, Comey lied before Congress, that's a fact. Strzok and page referred to stopping Pres Trump from being president, etc. That, is BEFORE THE ELECTION. The FBI is now under investigation for corrupt behavior, out of control serious intervention in the Trump campaign. They softly stepped away from higgardly's crimes, including the deliberate destruction of 30,000 emails/texts AFTER THEY WERE SUBPOENAed. Instead, they went after Trump. They had Misfud feed information to Popadapolis sp? and used that to "investigate" him. Clinesmith, of the FBI, who was in charge of interacting with the CIA, ...the FBI asked the CIA if Carter Page was working with the CIA. The email came back that he most certainly was. Clinesmith, a comey hack, CHANGED that email to "IS NOT" a CIA asset. I watched hours of the fake "witnesses" blather on and on about nothing, except for their clear "no trump" demented hatemongering.Three years of mueller nonsense, they found NOTHING. The whole thing was a FARCE. You know better, you have been a judge for how long? or, you are too busy to have watched the asinine debacle. If the leftist dems' lawyer is right about anything - its that the holding up of the farce "articles" that were voted on and passed by only dems voting - are null and void after the 2020 election. HE even said it. For all the character assassination and slander/libel against OUR PRESIDENT WE ELECTED, this was a bogus political hitjob to manipulate 2020. That is right out of a KGB scenario it's so dangerously corrupt. If you don't think they are holding up on it to get more articles? They don't have any legit articles NOW. LOL LOL They know this bogus vote and "articles" are killing their poll numbers. If the Senate does have a trial, you just wait til they get to have THEIR WITNESSES FOR A CHANGE. Ohhhhhh, boy, the stuff will hit the fan and blow onto the dems you betcha.
  6. Tiamsies isn't woody, but woody is his groupie. Woodpecker is desperate for a friend or two, even if it has to be online.
  7. Princess Tiamsies is emotionally knee jerking. so, the idiot flag-burner was a bigtime repeat defender, so "those people" are allowed to burn flags. If they are leftwing sombeitches. on and on it goes. Tiamsies, you say some of the stupidest things trying to be the alpha bird of a forum. even your mistakes on the football side. Stop your tantrum hissy fits attacking people personally or go away. We don't have a tantrum emotional knee jerk hissy fit forum for you and woodpecker.
  8. Princess Tiamsies and woodypeckerhead don't have a love of country, family values, and they don't care about anything other than their own egos. all they do is start fights with people on either forum, and bitch, bitch bitch. I heard Rush talking about this. It sounds like the guy who burnt the gay stupid flag could have been sent for psych evaluation, but 16 yrs was a political probably gay judge hate sentence. But you're allowed to burn the American flag, right? Tiamsies and woodpecker don't give a crap about that. Free speech, unless you aren't the left. The two resident sissy bitch birdbrains won't bird up and comment on the SUBJECT, so they attack the poster personally. This has been going on for many years, and it's predominantly the leftie liberals. They LIVE solely on emotions, no facts matter. Well, per the OP, which is justified: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/burn-that-rag-activists-to-desecrate-the-flag-at-trump-july-fourth-rally "Johnson is well known for winning a 1989 Supreme Court case that invalidated state laws against flag burning. He declined to share the time and location of next week's protest or say how many other activists will participate. " ********************* SO, IF FLAG BURNING IS LEGAL, HOW IN THE HELL CAN SOME LIBERAL JUDGE GIVE SOMEBODY 16 YEARS ??? THAT IS THE POINT.
  9. actually, yes. that mag has gone leftwing. Like the World Council of Churches went way, way leftwing decades ago. Like the American Council of Churches did, too. Big leftwing globalist money (soros) has bought many orgs around the world. The Religious Left Just Doesn't Get It: Socialism Is Anti ... https://www.crisismagazine.com/2019/the-christian-left-doesnt-get-it-socialism-is-anti... Sep 11, 2019 · This is why religious people, and especially the Roman Catholic Church, knew that communism and socialism were antithetical to religion: the communists and socialists told us they were. This is the crucial history that our modern Religious Left … The Catholic Church Has Gone Socialist - Accuracy in Media https://www.aim.org/aim-column/the-catholic-church-has-gone-socialist May 12, 2015 · The Catholic Church Has Gone Socialist by Cliff Kincaid on May 12, 2015 Since we published our article, “ Catholic Church Captured by ‘Progressive Forces,’ ” …
  10. it was............. obaMao that sent our country into a "pc police, wreck it all down, we demand all the power, protect criminal illegals even when they commit terrible crimes, Cloward-Piven us all, destroy every single Real American family value haha" tailspin to very, very, very big serious trouble, and corruption all over our government.
  11. https://madworldnews.com/charlie-daniels-democrats-wrath/ Charlie Daniels has a blog he calls his “soapbox.” In the last three years, it has turned into his warnings and encouragement for all Americans. Daniels’s thoughts turned to our past presidents before the impeachment and how they didn’t have to endure anything like President Trump: Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, W. Bush and Obama had their detractors and apologists, but no president in my lifetime has been the object of as much concerted scorn and downright hate as Donald Trump. Congressional committees, TV personalities, columnists, bloggers, Hollywood heavyweights, foreign leaders and pundits and talking heads of all strata and stripe seem to have boiled their reason for living down to one thing, remove Trump from office. With a booming economy, record unemployment, stratospheric stock market, rebuilt military, economy crippling restrictions removed, independence from foreign oil, and too many positive improvements to list here, it’s strange why – especially with an election in eleven months – this incredible and determined army of malcontents would be arrayed against a president that was elected by the people. Thanks for the wake up call Schiff,awakening patriotism in middle America and fair minded people who resent u and your band of political pirates trying to delegitimize their votes Welcome to the real world pale face,where people like you fade away like smoke in a west Texas wind — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) December 18, 2019 This is the Schiff Can used for deposit of lies,innuendo, bad ideas, worst intentions, grandiose aspirations and other unmentionable things associated with Adam Schiff And its the exact and proper place where they belong. pic.twitter.com/vAcPUvNyYO — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) December 19, 2019 Its coming down to THEM AND US US is sick of being pushed around by THEM And THEM ain’t got no idea what the wrath of US can be THEM may have the power of the government behind them but US have the working people And truck drivers alone could shut this country down in two weeks — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) December 19, 2019 The country legend added a warning about a Revolution. “SOCIALISM AND PERSONAL FREEDOM CANNOT COEXIST AND AMERICANS WILL NOT GIVE UP THEIR RIGHTS WITHOUT A FIGHT THERE WILL BE A REVOLUTION IN AMERICA I ONLY HOPE AND PRAY IT IS THE BLOODLESS KIND,” tweeted Daniels on December 19. SOCIALISM AND PERSONAL FREEDOM CANNOT COEXIST AND AMERICANS WILL NOT GIVE UP THEIR RIGHTS WITHOUT A FIGHT THERE WILL BE A REVOLUTION IN AMERICA I ONLY HOPE AND PRAY IT IS THE BLOODLESS KIND. — Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) December 19, 2019 Daniels also weighed in and blasted the Democrats on his blog. “Adam Schiff and the Democrats have opened a Pandora’s Box that could well keep this Republic embroiled in political civil war for the foreseeable future. In essence, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and their Democrat majority are trying to strip We the People of our constitutional rights, to elect a president, with mere months to go until an election,” Daniels wrote. “If this sordid cancer metastasizes to its full potential, Heaven help us all.” Yes, heaven help us all. Charlie Daniels is 83-years-old. He has seen a thing or two. He knows that nothing like this has ever happened in our great country. He has never seen a political party so corrupt, and so full of themselves, that they would lie and fabricate evidence against a duly elected president — just to score points with their radical base. These Democrat criminals are a symptom of just how sick our culture has become. Charlie Daniels loves America, and he is warning those elitists who live on the coasts that they won’t know what hits them, if and when the real Americans, who go to work each day, decide they have had enough. We the People will never let this corruption stand. We will ensure Donald Trump gets re-elected, and they will be crying, once again.
  12. He got elected because he spoke like a REAL AMERICAN, and not a globalist leftwing scumbucket sombeitch like obamao and the rest of his organized slime mafia.
  13. take it from one lady who survived ... https://madworldnews.com/hitler-survivor-liberal-trump-nazi/ We have fascists labeling themselves “anti-fascists,” the intolerant blaming those with opposing views for intolerance, and modern-day Nazis calling Trump and his voters Nazis. You can take the Democrats out of Socialist Germany but you can’t take the socialism out of the Democratic Party.
  14. more bullhockey. Let's go back to actual definitions of words: conservative [kənˈsərvədiv] ADJECTIVE averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values. "they were very conservative in their outlook" synonyms: traditionalist · traditional · conventional · orthodox · stable · old-fashioned · [more] (in a political context) favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.Often contrasted with liberal. synonyms: right-wing · reactionary · traditionalist · unprogressive · establishmentarian · blimpish · ultra-right · fundamentalist · alt-right · Tory · Republican · true blue SO, advocating a redefinition of Real Marriage is not conservative. Advocating for NO WALL is not conservative - because you are refusing to stop illegal immigration at the expense of Americans who believe in American sovereignty, national security, and legit approved path to citizenship based on merit. TRADITIONAL VALUES. does NOT condone the rampant murder of unborn and born children. Does not condone wild changes that sound good, but that will skyrocket our already unmanageable national debt, and/or send us to the international groups to depend on them for our energy over the globalists' "energy global warmging mass immigration global control" over everthing. Our Constitution demands freedom. DEMANDS our rights. Conservatism is not your liberal emotional leftwing outlooks. Eight years of obaMao and eight years of Clinton, all we heard was "elections have consequences", "who cares about his private life", "who cares what he did before he was president" , "who cares what people LOSE their health insurance", "who cares if you don't want to be FINED for not having gov health insurance while your excellent private insurance goes away", "who cares if you can't keep your doctor"...and "WHO CARES ABOUT OUR NATIONAL DEBT" etc etc etc. Not one criticism of your precious democrats, regardless of all the major scandals.But NOW, we get a non-leftist as president again, and now all of a sudden you are "concerned" about our national debt. That's nice, Real nice. Where does that "concern" go when you have your democrat president elected? Out the window, that's where. Tiam's list is his own personal interests - since when is Pres Trump's "whiny petulant child-like attitude" have to do with "conservatism" ? Odd, liberal "conservatives" never had one complaint about eight years of of obaMao and eight years of clinton. The left condones infanticide. that's obamao, see? The left favors sky high taxes on anyone who isn't on the poor edge of economic income (poor edge is their BASE). GET THIS - Obamao and al lthe rest of the left demand to allow millions of UNVETTED illegals to flood here from around the world, they refuse to put up a wall where we need it, they want to get rid of ICE altogether, they give big benefits to illegals - driver's licenses, they want to give them the VOTE (of course), welfare, cares, a place to live, etc etc etc etc. Here's a clue about democrat "conservatives" Conservatives demand FREEDOM. Read up on the damage done by unfrittered millions of illegals obamao and the left want coming here. Then, read this: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2300568/Obama-administration-wants-DEPORT-home-schooling-family-Germany-fined-threatened-prosecution-teaching-children.html That's right, the democrat, left-wing ..."conservatives" want that well educated, wonderful Christian family ordered out of our country and refused to let them come here to live. So, thanks for visiting again to vent emotionally again - but until you can explain the above, up to "GET THIS".... Real Conservatives stand hugely FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP because he isn't violating our core traditional beliefs. He stands FOR not murdering unborn/born children, FOR OUR CONSTITUTION And BILL OF RIGHTS, FOR OUR SOVEREIGNTY, FOR OUR AMERICAN BUSINESSES, FOR FAMILIES HAVING JOBS, and on and on and on. President Trump IS KEEPING HIS PROMISES (sometimes delayed by the left out of spite of us electing him PRESIDENT)... and obaMao BROKE every promise he made. yeah. show up here and bash Pres Trump, and all of us who wouldn't buy into your liberalism, and won't sing that worship obamao song. and Have a Nice Day.
  15. as well as many other things. They didn't want to give Pres Trump bragging rights. So, they went and hurt America's farmers hugely all this time, all the while, perpetrating an absolute dirtball political circus. https://ofbf.org/2019/12/20/usmca-statement-ohio-farm-bureau/?utm_source=&utm_medium=email&utm_content=policy-usmca-approved-house&utm_campaign=2019-12-20-bfen
  16. LOL He has to go....because his personality grates on your nerves? But he is doing great things as OUR REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT? Pres Trump HAS to be who he is, to hold up vs the left's attacks.
  17. I don't know about Freddie being out. But I think that Freddie needs to give up the play calling - and fix it. My concern is that other teams have said they knew a lot of the plays the Browns were going to run. That means what? The first year simple schemes were studied and toast this year, and after they implemented a more complex offense scheme, it still is easy to read tendencies by lineups? or, watching film, defenses have figured Freddie out on his strong tendencies in calling plays. for the first time - the arizona game was a giant rotten egg laid at Freddie's doorstep.
  18. Oh, bullhockey, Hoorta. It wasn't proven he did that. Paying the hush money was paid for by whatever lawyer it was, and doesn't mean guilt. It ...could mean "not wanting to be slandered just because he's running for public office". And, nobody on this board thinks Trump can do no wrong. AGAIN AND AGAIN - I had NO USE for Trump AT ALL before the primaries. Never liked his stupid show, he was the ultimate circus barker, pompous showman I SAID OFTEN back then. But, as a REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT - I started LISTENING TO HIM...and really wanted him to be sincere. And the more is LISTENED to him, I understood where he was coming from. I was betting on my belief it wasn't a farce. Listening to your Higgardly...she could NOT then nor EVER be a president. After WE ELECTED Trump - LOOK at the ECONOMY. The support for CONSTITUTION JUDGES. The support for our MILITARY. Your obamao was an utter failure. He didn't help the poor inner cities. He really didn't help anything at all. LOOK AT OUR UNEMPLOYMENT. All time lows ! For the black and hispanic communities ! I WANTED him to get out of the stupidass paris accord. The iranian deal was a crap deal. America has been a FOOL to be taken advantage of again and again and again. Enough is enough. Redo the stupid trade deals. All your hate towards Pres Trump? Despite his reputation in the past, he is being a terrific REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT. It is what he is doing as President that counts, Hoorta and the rest. You are just frustrated that your emotional venting towards PRESIDENT TRUMP doesn't work with the FACTS. You voted for obaMao commie TWICE? egad. I really appreciate Jblu's honesty - the entire fake "impeach" biz is a political hit piece. It's so much a farce that nasty Nancy doesn't want to send it over to the Senate. I watched hours of it. Well, only because I'm retired, and we were wrapping Christmas presents and working on a special woodworking project and researching vacations etc. Your obamao commie is a "fine upstanding gentleman" ??? He put the crooks all over our gov that went and colluded to stop us from electing OUR PRESIDENT that was never going to play the deep state's game. Obamao LIED again and again about what kind of president he would be. "post racial" he said. that was a lie. "bring America together" he said. That was a lie. He believed in Real Marriage - man/woman - that was a lie. He supported our 2nd Amendment. THAT was a LIE. He didn't know his pastor and mentor for 17 years...was a radical America hater? THAT was a LIE. Benghazi. "Fast and Furious". His leftwing radical appointments to the courts. "If you like your plan and doctor, you can keep your plan and doctor" you know that was giant lie, right? Don't run and hide - embrace the facts. We elected Pres Trump to be good for America. Your obaMao hurt America for eight years. It's our turn, you don't get to stop us from having our turn.
  19. well, so far, and I know it's ridiculous to do an entire mock draft, here is what I'm kinda coming up with. Just a preliminary look-see and guessing at the first three rounds. Browns first round pick - about the 15th? Isaiah Simmons, LB/S, Clemson, 6'3", 230 lbs,4.37 Think a blazing faster, just as instinctive Schobert. He is an ***outstanding*** tackler. He can actually play safety and be a star. Not sure about Redwine as a starter. He can gain some weight, and become a ray lewis type lb. Lewis was 6'1", 240. second round pick Josh Jones, LT, Houston, 6'7", 320 lbs A lot of talk about him going in the first round. But it's a deep deep draft for tackles, so I can cheat. He can step in at LT by the season opener. third round picks: Marcus Norman, ROT, South Florida, 6'6", 316 lbs Hubbard is just ok at best some of the time. But I really like this kid. A lot of fine OT's make this possible? Jake Ferguson, TE, Wisconsin, 6'5", 250 lbs ... can run a 4.65 maybe, but is a big pass catcher, willing blocker, and loves the game. Gets open for several catches in big games when their wr's couldn't do much. Maybe Njoku is traded...something is up with that.
  20. I believe registering as an independent is pretty good a thing.But voting for someone who will never win, so far, is just a wasted vote. It comes down to one choice or another for a better America. And obaMao did NOT make America better in any way. and obaMao and corrupt company went so far as to break a lot of laws and FBI, Intel policies. I understand that a lot of folks are not retired etc, but I've watched and listened to so much of the fake testimony by the dems. The complete partisan screwover the dems perpetrated in this entire fake, kangaroo court nonsense. Even one of the four "experts" testified. He was a democrat who donated to Obamao twice, etc. But he castigated the other three bigoted corrupt hacks and the process that was going on to effect a pretend conviction. It was a farce, this entire fiasco. You supporters should be terribly embarrassed - nasty nancy knows it - and knows it will be laughed out of the Senate. Not one direct knowledge witness sides with the dems' attempt to make believe land. "head up asses" is just a slur to try to show up political opposition, and negate anything they say. Not workin here now. It's a political, dangerous farce, this whole thing. And they will pay consequences in the coming elections. Hopefully, they lose the House. That would be a great thing, because our country deserves better than the dirty circus being shopped around the past 3 years.
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