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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. back around Thanksgiving https://la.eater.com/2019/11/25/20982463/attack-chick-fil-a-sunset-hollywood-machete-police-news
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/05/12/appalachian-trail-machete-attack-leaves-one-hiker-dead/1184619001/ Our close friends and us were talking about this today. She sent me the link - we plan to take some camping vacations together. It's just so dangerous at times anymore. Didn't use to be. But CCW is the way to go. Just hope I never have anything happen, hope I never have to use it. But going out west, fishing alone anywhere...hiking.... Just stay safe.
  3. My friend and ccw instructor is the had of their churches security group. Americans have every right to be able to protect themselves.
  4. I remember watching Roy Rogers and Have Gun Will Travel on our b&w TV. There wasn't any color tv ...wasn't invented yet.
  5. NO, DAMMIT. It's easier to know who the Browns should NOT hire as hc, by far.
  6. He's listed somewhere as an OG... RT.... but I go back and read up after you mention him, and you really have to LIKE the kid, plus, he has really been pass blocking at a very high level. I read where Wirfs' feet were just a bit questionable, but not Wills'. Now, his draft stock is rising fast. Just can't go into next season with Robinson at LT. Maybe Rt... eh...
  7. THAT is how he lost the rushing leader tag? only 13 carries? OMG. Somehow, this last Browns game didn't get recorded, we were vacationing in NC. Now, I can't watch it. Obviously, a good thing. lol
  8. I kept supporting Freddiem but lost it the last two games. As a "hc", he ran the team into the ground, lost em, however ya want to say it. I don't believe Dorsey was making the draft decisions all by himself, but the Browns players were just playing frustrated as all hell. With all the talent they have, the right coach will be WANTING the job, instead of avoiding it. And as Jigs said - that 3rd and one call was a killer. Just not smart. The play calling kept getting worse and worse, permanently alienating players, Njoku for instance, and some others I suppose. Another coach. But the Browns have the talent to win now. The right coach will have them winning big.
  9. George Soros is Trying to Hijack Christian Churches | The ... https://stream.org/george-soros-hijack-christian-churches Soros is but one of many Jewish oligarchs that have only one thing in their way for total economic enslavement of the world’s population. The Catholic Church. But even the structure of the Church and traitorous churchmen have been compromised. Soros Co-opting Churches to Push New World Order https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/... Apr 04, 2016 · After bankrolling everything from the Obama campaign and Occupy Wall Street to open-borders activists and revolutionary movements around the world, billionaire globalist George Soros has a new target: churches and pastors in the nation of Georgia that are worried about surrendering their future to the European Union.
  10. I didn't misfire at all. You want me to show maybe a hundred examples of quotes from your democrats on bashing Jews and Israel? racist comments from dems? it's a liberal thing. and confronting people "getting in their faces" exploded on the national scene after obaMao gave the green light, and it became mainstream American political life. ObaMao started it all. That this nutjob copied the behavior ...is just as screwed up. It's a liberal behavior, initiated by obaMao.
  11. plainly and simply, even though a birdbrain won't read it: https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/delaware-woman-steals-burns-flag-fallen-trooper-honor-police/2096189/ Iocco was arraigned and released on $275 unsecured bond. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/700 one year. not 16 even higgardly clinton said one year on a bill she sponsored.... https://www.politifact.com/georgia/statements/2016/dec/02/blog-posting/clinton-did-co-sponsor-legislation-decade-ago-jail/ denver.... if they catch them: https://www.denverpost.com/2019/07/20/ice-protest-aurora-colorado-flag-desecration-law/ Colorado’s flag mutilation law forbids anyone from destroying or damaging a U.S. or Colorado flag in public “with intent to cast contempt or ridicule upon the flag” or to “outrage the sensibilities” of people observing the actions. The law states that anyone caught doing so could face a misdemeanor charge that carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $750 fine.
  12. he isn't conservative either. he's several slices of bread short of a whole load. and he is anti-Semite and racist hugely, just like obaMao commie.
  13. the left says gays are special because a lot of them vote for the dems. they say they have ...special rights.... if they say they are transsexual gays, then you had better call them by their chosen gender, or face a judge. maybe get 5 years for that too. or maybe you have to pay them over a million bucks.....when gay/leftwing judges rule. for instance... https://www.theblaze.com/news/transgender-plaintiff-sues-former-employer-nike-for-exposure-to-incorrect-gender-pronouns
  14. Just some of my dumb opinions: If Freddie refuses to give up all playcalling, he should go. Maybe fire the OC. Seriously, Freddie. No mas. The 3rd and one with about 2 minutes left in the first half, and he runs wide to the left with a LT that still holds and still moves/loses the snap count, and can't handle the blocking on that play. And again, they seemed to know what the play was. The Browns need safety help. As in, two new starters. The offensive line folded, and the defense gave up. The ratbuzzards seemed to have attacked the safeties and stayed away from Wilson and Schobert as much as possible. That's just a guess on my part. After the first quarter, I thought we'd see more throws to Hunt and Chubb out of the backfield. Apparently, the oline can't block long enough to run those plays....
  15. the flag burner on the flip side was a repeat offender. THAT is the point. If burning a flag gets all those years, why does the other get little compared? Justice should be equal. Under the law. Not a gay judge making a nut who burns a gay flag an object of extreme number of years in prison.
  16. Holocaust denying is the leftwing part of it. fuentes is just a nutjob. Liberal denial - Conservapedia https://www.conservapedia.com/Liberal_denial Liberals deny that Hitler and the Nazi party were in fact Liberals (anti-Semitism is a well-documented characteristic of Liberal Christianity as is the PETA-like Green wing of the Third Reich.). Fuentes, it says RIGHT IN THE OP, that he is a white supremist/racist/denier and controversial confronter. He isn't a conservative - he's nuts. The OP still stands. ObaMao made extreme social harassment mainstream. Most all conservatives are Pro-Israel. NOT ANTI-SEMITIC like the left. ObaMao was anti-Semitic and racist. Fuentes is anti-Semitic and racist. You thought you had a gotcha? is that all you want out of a discussion? Fuentes is no conservative. you lose.
  17. Go learn something somewhere. People live in those square miles, stupid.The point is, the big city areas voted for the left welfare state, and most of the entire country voted for our terrific PRESIDENT. If you ever get old enough to vote, if they let you out of your special room, voting is done by districts. That is a map of DISTRICTS. Ask yourself why most of the entire board knows you never add anything legit to any conversation.
  18. Getting worse? "Get in their faces" he said. ObaMao directly inspired this, ordered this, and still condones this. https://www.theblaze.com/news/ben_shapiro_harassed_by_holocaust_denier_nick_fuentes
  19. Well, certainly true. Pres Trump is keeping his promises. He didn't have to enter this destructive fray - it's out of control. I don't excuse Trump's character flaws, occasional offensive tweets. America needs a pres to stand up to all the corruption. For years, I, like many Americans, have wondered why the hell nothing changes with carter/clinton/bush/obamao.... the inner cities still reek of poverty, taxes are still too damn high and our national debt won't stop growing, and attacks on our freedoms keep increasing, and NOBODY stops the freaking destructive mass illegal immigration and the critically serious growth of foreign gangs in our country...and on and on. Finally, we see the deep corrupt state in action - locked in for decades bureaucrats who believe they own and run America, not the Supreme Court or the President, or even Congress. It's serious - and plenty of dumb conspiracy theories arise to ineptly try to explain it. but now, false accusations and false witnesses and now a bogus fake impeachment, and mccabe/brennan/comey/strzok/page/rice/veldman sp?/clinesmith, valerie jarret, obamao, ....the whole list of ofthem = some are already proven to have lied to Congress... it's a fight to avoid globalism, and loss of sovereignty - look at the EU - Britain fell into the same trap - now they desperately voted in conservatives because after a national vote in favor of brexit, the left has tried to stop them. It's right down to obaMao going around the world condemning us. America. Americans. seriously? Our Constitution/Bill of Rights is the Shining Document in history. It guarantees us our freedoms from tyranny and loss of sovereignty. Permanently. the last election - true - it was close. But ONLY because of the giant inner cities in certain states. If you check out the map below, you'll see. and flooding illegals to these cities - with destitute/totally dependent on gov welfare are planned to buoy up the sagging democratic huge welfare state voting numbers. That is why the left is desperate to get them the vote. and, this why the left desperately entertains getting rid of the electoral college. Look at all the red who elected Pres Trump.
  20. oh. heh heh. retired corporate programmer/analyst-business analyst didn't know that. LOL worked ! and THANK GOD we elected PRESIDENT TRUMP !!! https://www.facebook.com/FollowTheWhiteRabbit1776/videos/1037302636455188/
  21. on his own? like Clinesmith? or somebody is condoning this garbage. 500 dollar fine and 7 days? what??? https://www.theblaze.com/news/ex-fbi-agent-jailed-for-illegally-accessing-email-of-anti-mueller-activist-for-spying-purposes
  22. and that, is one of your finest posts ever. But I can't open the "we the people" jobbie....we don't "Face".
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