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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, it just occurs to me, that all this division and hatred openly/publicly by the House dems, all dems,....and the 1.6 BILLION in CASH/GOLD etc to Iran by obaMao etc...it helped them fund the terrorist orgs, and gave funding of missile research, nuke research, missile site production a giant BOOST... It's the perfect time to ratchet up hostilities against the us and Israel, and the Saudis, push us into responding in self-defense... because they will figure we are at our weakest, and the dems will never allow a vote to go to war for any reason. even if Iran throws a nuke at us. "A house divided against itself cannot stand " Abraham Lincoln http://velivada.com/2017/05/08/nation-divided-castes-cannot-stand-walk-forget-development/ What does the Bible say about a nation divided against itself? The origin of the phrase ‘A house divided against itself cannot stand’ comes from the Bible. In the King James Version, the quote is found in Matthew, 12:25: “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”. Who said a country divided cannot stand? The expression “a house divided” was used by Abraham Lincoln in an address prior to his presidency on June 16, 1858. In that address, which came to be knows as “A House Divided Speech,” Lincoln said: A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free. Who said United you stand or divided you fall? Patrick Henry used the phrase in his last public speech, given in March 1799, where he said, "Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs."
  2. lol - the odds aren't good. I'll get out my credit card.... "snicker"
  3. Pres Trump will be speaking to America at 11 AM today, Wed.
  4. I thought there was American casualties - there were none, so far. But it wasn't for lack of trying - their missiles aren't that accurate. I think Iranian "militias" need to be taken out, in Iraq, regardless.
  5. It does sound like the other teams were in a horse race to hire a coach. Stephanski will interview with the Browns this Thursday.
  6. missiles and iranian "militia" fully funded by... obaMao and the rest of his globalist pro-Iranian dirtbags. WWIII started about that time. Just may have come to fruition on a small scale now. We'll take out their entire military.
  7. not many democrats left that have any decency at all. Maybe a few more will become republicans. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hunter-biden-linked-to-identity-theft-of-dead-brother meanwhile, a majority of Americans approve of the elimination of the dirtbag terrorist of Iran. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hunter-biden-linked-to-identity-theft-of-dead-brother
  8. they helped it happen, subsidized it with 1.6 billion in cash and gold etc. now, we have to possibly go to war with Iran to stop it from reaching WWIII proportions. now? the left and the left's media...is the enemy inside our own borders. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/24991
  9. now THAT is senate leadership ! https://www.theblaze.com/news/gop-resolution-could-end-impeachment-inquiry
  10. https://hannity.com/media-room/breaking-the-president-says-us-targeting-52-iranian-sites-representing-52-american-hostages-taken-in-1979/ ************************************* THAT IS REAL AMERICAN LEADERSHIP !!! That is how you STOP a war from occurring. And, you know they know Pres Trump does not do fake red lines. Our military supports Pres Trump hugely, too. Remember when the obaMao regime held up counting military election votes to negate them? didn't work.
  11. again, a friend of mine back then, ended up in the army. He was always a cantankerous leftie back in the day. Tried to get me to read "mein kampf" sp? and other stuff. So, he enlists in the army to not get drafted. lol Then, later years, he ends up in intel in Iraq. He told me directly one time...that if the American people knew what they aren't allowed to know - they would KNOW that we HAD to go into Iraq, ABSOLUTELY. That startled me, coming from him. The trouble is, he said we should never, ever have stayed. Said Muslim cultures don't jive with democracy/republics. But he would never tell me anything classified, even tough I teased him about it with questions. dammit. lol
  12. Minority communities are increasingly sooooooo tired, of voting for dems, who forget them after they win elections. Absolutely nothing changes to help them have better opportunities, safer communities. those dems/leftists are just so dishonest, even rashida terrorista talib is facing a possible recall. https://freedomoutpost.com/as-petition-nears-300k-to-impeach-rep-rashida-tlaib-evidence-exposes-her-lies-about-residency-to-run-for-office/
  13. our 2 quart pressure cooker - wow. It's FUN ! Fall off the bone ribs in about 40', perfectly peeling boiled eggs in six minutes (I've always wondered how the heyl you could hard boil eggs and have them peel without moon craters), roasts, stews in just part of the time. etc etc. We never had one before, but our friends got us one for Christmas. Collecting recipes now.
  14. my opinion, it's also the fault of some coaches who refuse to adjust their schemes for the talent they have. Whether it's arrogance, or ignorance, whatever. The Browns coaches tend to never make adjustments at halftime no matter how much it seems that their "gameplan" isn't working. That, and reports that Kitchens kept calling plays that weren't in the game plan, and weren't practiced all week. That's self-destructive, for whatever reason it was.
  15. what's really sad, is how the left is easily manipulated and encouraged by.... even foreign media, and hostile foreign governments. Just... sad. and dangerous, eventually.
  16. Lineman Thayer Munford will return to Ohio State for his senior season SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Ohio State left tackle Thayer Munford plans to return for his senior season rather
  17. A. the vote has no legal authority. B. It was simply that ALL foreign forces leave. C. Which, the iranian forces will not. D. Iran is a Shiite country. Only? Shiites attended the vote. The Sunni and Kurds in the parliment did not attend. https://www.theblaze.com/news/iraqi-parliament-votes-to-take-action-against-us The resolution was backed by most Shiite members of parliament, who hold a majority of seats. Many Sunni and Kurdish legislators did not show up for the session, apparently because they oppose abolishing the deal. The resolution itself, which needs the approval of Prime Minister Adel-Abdul Mahdi, has no legal force, the Wall Street Journal reported. However, the resolution would begin the legal process to expel American forces from country, which have lawfully operated in Iraq since 2014 when Islamic State terrorists gained control over large chunks of Iraqi territory. "It's time for American troops to leave," Mahdi reportedly said on Sunday. Mahdi called Soleimani's death a "political assassination" and revealed that the Iranian general was in Baghdad for a meeting with him, Axios reported. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adil_Abdul-Mahdi n 1967. Abdul-Mahdi joined the ICP-Central Leadership, and continued being active until it gradually disappeared by the early 1980s. By that time, Abdul-Mahdi adopted Iranian Islamic ideas, eventually merging with the Islamists when Ayatollah Khomeini eradicated the communists and other liberal opposition groups in Iran. Abdul-Mahdi continued his association with Iran and gradually amalgamated his group within the ICP-Central Leadership with the Iranians, rejecting his Marxist past and devoting all his group's time to propagating Khomeini's ideas in France, where he lived at the time. He eventually was made a member of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, an exiled opposition party and militia that was formed by Iran in Tehran in 1982 but composed exclusively of Iraqi exiles.[8] In 2006, Abdul-Mahdi, outgoing Vice President in the transitional government, unsuccessfully ran for the United Iraqi Alliance's nomination for Prime Minister against incumbent Ibrahim al-Jaafari. He lost by one vote. He was reportedly considered to be a possibility for Prime Minister once again until Nouri al-Maliki became the UIA nominee. Subsequently, Abdul-Mahdi was re-elected as Vice President of Iraq. He exerted his limited authority in that role by delaying the first meeting of the National Assembly in March. He resigned from his position as vice-president on 31 May 2011.[9] In December 2006, the Associated Press reported that Abdul-Mahdi could be the next Prime Minister of Iraq if a new multi-sectarian coalition succeeded in toppling the government of Nouri al-Maliki.[10] On 26 February 2007, he survived an assassination attempt that killed ten people. He had been targeted two times prior.[11] In 2009, his bodyguards were the perpetrators of a bloody bank robbery in Baghdad.[12] In July 2013, Abdul-Mahdi announced his decision to give up his retirement pensions as a former vice president.[13] On 2 October 2018, Iraqi president Barham Salih selected Abdul-Mahdi to be the Prime Minister of Iraq. Mahdi had 30 days to form a new government.[2] On 25 October 2018, Abdul Mahdi was sworn into office, five months after the 2018 elections.[14] In April 2019, Abdul-Mahdi met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. He announced a $14 billion plan to upgrade Iraq's electricity infrastructure, with likely cooperation with German company Siemens. Merkel also pledged to strengthen economic and security cooperation between the two countries, and to continue German support for reconstruction efforts in Iraq.[15] Resignation On 29 November 2019, after weeks of violent protests, Mahdi announced that he would resign his post.[16][17] The Iraqi parliament approved his resignation on 1 December 2019. However, he will continue on in a caretaker role until parliament approves a full-time replacement.[18][19]
  18. you betcha we toldya. https://www.theblaze.com/news/bad_news_democrats_2020_census
  19. https://www.theblaze.com/news/iraqis-dancing-in-street-soleimani "Iraqis who have demonstrated for months against a government they see as beholden to Iran broke into song and dance Friday after a U.S. strike killed a top Iranian commander," the AFP reported. "Oh, Qasem Soleimani, this is a divine victory," the crowds cheered in Baghdad's iconic Tahrir Square. "This is God's revenge for the blood of those killed," one person added, according to the AFP, referring the hundreds killed during the demonstrations. Syrian-American journalist Hassan Hassan tweeted another video allegedly showing Iraqis celebrating in the streets following the news. In this video, hundreds of people are shown dancing around a banner that displays Soleimani's face with a large red "X" over it.P
  20. got it, except, the nfl said the suspension was because Ogunjobi "might have re-escalated"... and the other "could have escalated" into an all out brawl. But I get your point.
  21. speaking of favoritism.... watching the Eagles play the Seahawks... Wentz gets speared helmet to helmet and leaves the game. no call. later, a defensive player Seahawks was it? shoves the Eagles back up qb to the ground after the play.... no call. Apparently, the refs are "letting them play". But does anyone believe if it were the Browns in the playoffs, and a couple of Browns players did exactly the same thing...it would be ok, too? They would be flagged/ejected/suspended/fined...whatever. I don't get it. Ogunjobi got suspended for a game for a shove of a player to the ground after a play was over.
  22. https://www.theblaze.com/news/iranians-call-for-celebrations-over-soleimanis-death-bake-cakes-thanking-president-trump
  23. lol Pompeo when asked if impeachment weakened Trump: 'You should ask Mr. Soleimani' https://www.theblaze.com/news/pompeo_soleiman_trump
  24. you just wait til 2020. https://www.theblaze.com/news/turley_democrats_case_historic_failure
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