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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. The first time I had my homemade wild blackberry jam with baked chicken - it was an amazing combination. Which reminds me, on Christmas vacation with our friends in NC, we had banana pudding. Normally, I don't care much for the stuff. But this recipe had cream cheese in it, and it was amazing - the texture was like the very best coconut cream pie. Now I forget where they got the recipe. It rocked for dessert. Yesterday, cooked a nice small pot roast in the 2 qt pressure cooker - then cooked it a bit more with cut up potatoes, carrots.... Some fresh ground 4 pepper mix, salt... that was excellent. Only took about a half hr. Amazing. (browned big cut ups of roast in skillet before pc)
  2. https://www.theblaze.com/news/joe_biden_venezuela_confused_bolivia Confused Joe Biden claims there's a border between Venezuela and Bolivia, which are 700 miles apart
  3. getting sicker and sicker. https://www.theblaze.com/news/human_extinction_climate_activist
  4. the iranian gov is losing fast. https://www.theblaze.com/news/angry-iranian-protesters-flood-streets-demand-ayatollah-khamenei-step-down-over-shot-down-passenger-jet
  5. I seriously question the "sixty days". Where does that come from? An enemy blows up one of our embassies, skirmishes break out...and they go into hiding for about 55 days, and then the President, especially a Republican president who has been fought, lied about, falsely accused and falsely investigated, undermined with leaks, etc etc etc by the left... and we are helpless to fight back after 55 days? So the left refuses to declare war, they go on to slaughter Americans at other embassies, etc etc etc etc, the President is helpless to do anything, the leftwing Congress refuses to let him, and then come time for the presidential election, of course the left would ridicule the Presudent for not fulling his Constitutional Duty to protect us. Right now, we have congress people in the house who want America to fail at every turn. They can't be trusted with the truth - they will just leak it to the media.
  6. Balt is frustrated already - a few dirty plays, and they are getting away with so much offensive line holding it's a disgrace. Come on, TENN !
  7. it's pitiful. Collins, Paul, Lee are just a few of the attention whores that will get on the news by throwing tantrums like the left does.
  8. you can't even tell the TRUTH about anything. ....threats...from the Toronto "police" ? for justly calling soleimania a terrorist? What in the.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/toronto-police-reportedly-threaten-reporter-with-arrest-reporters-crime-referring-to-qassem-soleimani-as-a-terrorist
  9. weird. I didn't know about this: https://tennesseestar.com/2017/11/10/commentary-the-hidden-scandal-more-disastrous-than-uranium-one/
  10. Uranium One: Will Justice be Done? - American Thinker https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/10/... Oct 26, 2017 · Let’s underscore that the Uranium One scandal is a greatly disturbing -- and actually frightening -- affair. It sets a dangerous precedent – if real justice isn’t sought and rendered. High..
  11. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium ... https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians... Apr 24, 2015 · As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation.
  12. NEW EVIDENCE: Mueller Linked To Russian Deals That ... https://bigleaguepolitics.com/new-evidence-mueller-linked-russian-deals-undermined... Oct 29, 2017 · NEW EVIDENCE: Mueller Linked To Russian Deals That ‘Undermined National Security’. Mueller is also under fire for his role in the Uranium One scandal, in which his FBI ignored a Russian bribery plot connected to the sale of U.S. uranium to the Russians. Mueller’s first indictment in his Trump-Russia investigation comes out Monday.
  13. Why is Jeff Sessions hiding the Uranium One informant? https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/10/... Why is Jeff Sessions hiding the Uranium One informant? By Daniel John Sobieski. Perhaps as startling as the revelation that the FBI was investigating the Hillary Clinton/Russia/Uranium One ...
  14. Uranium One Deal: Obama Administration Complicit, Not Just ... https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/10/uranium-one-deal-obama-administration-doj... L et’s put the Uranium One scandal in perspective: The cool half-million bucks the Putin regime funneled to Bill Clinton was five times the amount it spent on those Facebook ads — the ones the ... Uranium One - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_One The Uranium One controversy is a complex conspiracy theory accusing Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, high level officials in Russia, the State Department, Uranium One, and the FBI of allegedly compromising national-security interests, bribery, and suppressing evidence.
  15. The Uranium One Deal Is a Clear and Present Danger to America https://www.lifezette.com/2018/03/the-uranium-one-deal-is-a-clear-and-present-danger... Mar 27, 2018 · The Uranium One Deal Is a Clear and Present Danger to America Consider this nightmare scenario: The Russian Uranium One deal is connected to the Clinton Foundation, former President Barack Obama,...
  16. Well, sleazy texie Trump hater goes off again. The TRUTH, which he can't stand, is.... John W. Huber - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_W._Huber John W. Huber (born 1967) is an American lawyer who has served as the United States Attorney for the District of Utah since June 2015. He was first nominated for the position by President Barack Obama in February 2015. So, an obama appointee gets to "investigate" obama's/higgardly's URANIUM ONE? and sessions was a blatant coward. He feared the deep state - was happy to take the job but wouldn't do the job. Just collected a paycheck.
  17. My Wife, retired teacher, just mentioned after I read the OP to her - that all the good kids will leave, and go to private schools, Christian schools will boom, teachers will bail and leave california, And empowering radical, defiant students probably gives the democratic/left a stronger voting base as time goes on. "See? we let you do anything you want. Stick with us when you start voting!" That's what I think it is basically all about.
  18. they would love to have more radical votes in the House to give them more power. this nasty nutjob should be living in gitmo.
  19. pelosi and the rest...as in...nearly all? are traitors. They will sell Trump out with every chance, and that means selling all of US out. He's doing exactly what we wanted. Even sleazy rand paul and sleazy susan collins would do exactly the same thing, the latter two, for media attention. The dems, because they have the corrupt deep state at their back, and they hate all of us because they lost the last election,
  20. subversion, that is what they are all about. Time to throw them into gitmo.
  21. He'll be in it. Has declared. Hope he doesn't fall to the stupid Patriots. How high in the first round if he goes go in the first round? An SI article on his best fit possibilities: If he jumps to the top ten, that could really help the Browns' chances of getting their top desired pick to fall to them at ten? https://www.si.com/college/georgia/news/jake-fromm-best-fit-for-2020-nfl-draft
  22. for "incompetentcy" LOL LOL LOL. An idiot only a woodpecker could identify with... https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-confuses-iraq-iran-twice
  23. I can see drafting a very good LT that falls to us in the second round, simmons (still hoping) in the first. Robinson could maybe switch to RT? and draft a development LT/RT later on.
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