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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. and it's an excellent deep draft for wr's. Nobody wants him to go anywhere - he's been a great teammate. But the current problem is, is it inevitable he hurts the Browns with his antics like he hurt LSU with his antics just after they won the National Championship? He was also removed from the LSU band area for trying to get them to play some bad lyrics song... and the money controversy, and the butt slapping controversy, there are other controversies in his past. He's a limit pusher for attention and negative drama. Good teammate, great player, but a headcase regardless. I think he craves his brand more than being the best football player. Even during a game, he got negative attention from the NFL. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27577756/nfl-speaks-obj-wearing-watch It's only a matter of time til he pushes the limits on the NFL's repetitive attention. https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2019/09/why-was-odell-beckham-jrs-visor-ruled-illegal-against-the-jets.html Some excellent viewpoints on OBJ's LSU Championship game behavior. Negative behavior, serious damage done - due to OBJ's selfabsorbed brand excesses. It must be fixed. Or, he's gone, imho. Excellent discussions:
  2. Say, here's another bet to make ! Will the Dolphins use their top ten pick on a qb ? Don't bet a bunch of bucks that they won't, imho. Several mocks have Miami picking Tua or Herbert.... https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/nfl/cardinals/2019/05/03/2020-nfl-mock-draft-josh-rosen-miami-dolphins-quarterback-nfl-draft/3655186002/ 2020 NFL mock draft: Josh Rosen could lose starting quarterback job to a No. 1 pick again ************************ rosen...is he that guy... nevermind. lol
  3. this isn't about a bet on one situation....not really "who are you watching".... if it needs to be merged, okie-dokie. I just wanted to concentrate on draft rumors. It occured to me because I've been working on a mock draft. Slightly different subject, ya? (btw, Congrats on winning Bowl Mania, how the hell did you DO that?)
  4. The left has gone full on Saul Alinski for permanent power no matter what America thinks. Subterfuge at every possible point. Undermining our Constitution, our laws, our government structure, our economy if they can, every single Real American institution that exists, family values. Christian churches, basic morality in schools, trying to disarm Real America at every chance again and again and again... using the law and their positions as a political weapon to that very end, undermining every single aspect of American life. It's a culture war, and we aren't fighting it. yet.
  5. I tried to fight the temptation - probably true - but having a lb that can drop back and cover most of the fastest TE's in the NFL would be cool. It's complicated, but yes, usually safeties fall to the second half of the first or second.... I will honestly say, though, that I was hoping to hear Simmon's name a lot during the championship game. They threw at him early, he was right there and broke it up. He was playing cb out wide. etc etc. I found this: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/news/2020-national-championship-game-isaiah-simmons-tee-higgins-highlight-clemsons-draft-prospects-in-big-game/ Isaiah Simmons, S/LB Simmons will be the biggest athletic freak show on the field in a game loaded with future NFL talent. At 6-foot-4 and 225 pounds with long arms and explosive acceleration that lends itself to outstanding range as a tackler and in coverage, Simmons represents the prototype for the modern nickel linebacker, although he's spent a fair amount of time in a traditional safety role this season. Before this showdown with LSU, the junior has 97 total tackles -- 14.5 of them for a loss -- with six pass breakups, three interceptions, and two forced fumbles. He's everywhere. ******************************************** er....nickel linebacker. "like I said" .... lol. I'm just amazed by him, seems he may not even last til ten... https://nypost.com/2020/01/14/clemsons-isaiah-simmons-had-giants-fans-drooling-over-nfl-draft-possibility/ https://empiresportsmedia.com/new-york-giants/new-york-giants-isaiah-simmons-the-new-top-defensive-draft-prospect/ New York Giants: Isaiah Simmons the New Top Defensive Draft Prospect Isaiah Simmons Stats and Highlights Isaiah Simmons is the most versatile player in college football. This year, Simmons played 104 snaps on the defensive line, 203 snaps as a box linebacker, 230 snaps as a slot cornerback, 106 snaps at free safety, and he even played 6 snaps at wide cornerback (Pro Football Focus). Isaiah has the athletic ability to line up and make an impact anywhere on the defense. He will be listed as a linebacker in this year’s draft, as that is his primary position, but Isaiah Simmons will make plays from any position. In his junior 2019 season, Clemson’s playmaking defender has totaled 93 tackles in 13 games. Additionally, Simmons has driven opposing offenses backward with 14.5 tackles for loss and 7 sacks. Isaiah has been a playmaker in coverage too, with 2 interceptions and 6 passes defended. ********************************************** If I assume Simmons goes before 10... after Chase goes in the top two or three... well, it is NFL mock draft hell. lol. and the combine is a long ways away.
  6. wrong again. Now, Laura Ingraham sure.... we were clicking and saw OBJ on the background. There are always personalities, but behavior that makes the team look bad, distracts the team, hurts the team with suspensions... that is not *production*. Thank God Landry, who went to the same LSU, who was close buds with OBJ.. doesn't pull crap like that. Even LSU fans on "Tigerdroppings" rightly bashed OBJ. https://www.tigerdroppings.com/lsu-football/lsu-responds-to-video-of-odell-beckham-jr-handing-players-cash-monday-night/88036647/ "elcid 399 I have never turned from like to dislike faster for any LSU player than OBJ. I absolutely love Rohan, Tyrann, and several of the old LSU players being around the program and appreciate O’s willingness to bring them in, but OBJ is going to f up a great thing because he wants to be the center of attention everywhere he goes. He was yelling over O “It’s all about what ya’ll did!” I thought it was very disrespectful. Potential cancer to the program, he cannot keep away from controversy."
  7. Been thinkin on this for a bit. Watched Jason Whitlock on the Tucker Carson show...he was saying that OBJ cares about his BRAND. His social media following, and his endorsements. He was doing controversial crap months ago. He won't quit - it's who he is and what he wants to be. Winning a superbowl isn't on his mind, it seems. He isn't going to change anytime soon, maybe. They also showed the video Antonio Brown posted of himself cursing the police and telling his family to whatever cursing it was, etc etc. Whitlock says they crave negative attention and are addicted to being infamous on their social media accounts. I believe the Browns do NOT need the distraction. I think OBJ will just keep on being controversial, til it hurts the team, etc. I can see packaging OBJ and Njoku for some terrific advantage in the upcoming draft, for players with a determination to work at their craft, and who want to be winners on the FOOTBALL field. I'd trade him if a nice trade offer came along.
  8. for me, watching them both play.... I would go with Fuller, and then only? if Simmons is gone. Not sure about Delpit's tackling maybe.
  9. I can see LOT> hadn't thought about a top safety, outside of Simmons, a lb(s) Just how good IS Delpit? Especially if Simmons is gone? or is Jordan Fuller as good a pick, albeit a bit later? https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2020/01/16/lsu-safety-grant-delpit-declares-possible-browns-1st-round-target/
  10. somehow, all these blatant civil rights violating "laws" should have consequences for the perps, or they will just keep doing it all the time.
  11. I know, as soon as I re-read it just now, I said it backwards. The senate does the trial, the house submits the evidence. something like that. my bad.
  12. this garbage has to stop. https://www.theblaze.com/news/planned-parenthood-45-million-on-2020-election
  13. FYI - Tex - it isn't the Senate's job to conduct a trial. That is the House's job. The Senate decides if the House's case merits a concurring vote. Anyone with any decency and/or seriousness has to admit the House dems ran a political dishonest FARCE. So, of course, it's crap on it's arrival - it should be flushed.
  14. point of information: https://dawgpounddaily.com/2020/01/14/cleveland-browns-news-brett-favre-has-strong-opinion-of-kevin-stefanski/ "While Favre's two-season stint with the Minnesota Vikings in 2009 and 2010 may have been short-lived, it coincided with Kevin Stefanski's rise as an assistant. In both years that Favre spent in Minnesota, Stefanski served as the team's assistant quarterbacks coach and suffice to say, the former Penn defensive back left quite an impression on the 3-time MVP." "During the interview, Favre called Stefanski one of the "bright minds." The two worked together for two seasons in Minnesota and the young coach made an impression on Favre — who is a quarterback many compare to current Cleveland starter, Baker Mayfield." https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/5-things-to-know-about-kevin-stefanski (winner: Browns and all Browns fans. I think the Browns finally got it right)
  15. yeah, but he will think it through eventually and do the right thing. Hopefully. "red flag laws" are just a tool to be abused. The dems do not want to make frivolous abuse of the law a crime, just like they want to lend great assist to illegal voting. Because they want it to happen.
  16. Thanks. I've had to redo the cut and paste some of the links. Not sure why....
  17. Here is what the entire fake impeachment is about : "we be impeaching him so he can't be president while in office and to stop him from being re-elected" https://www.theblaze.com/news/sen-kamala-harris-calls-for-halt-on-president-trumps-judicial-nominations-during-impeachment Sen. Kamala Harris calls for halt on President Trump's judicial nominations during impeachment
  18. It probably is tempting for one year or so, but it's a very deep OT class. The benefits of drafting your own guy and letting him roll for a career are huge, I think.
  19. Ukraine--piggy bank of corrupt U.S. Democrats https://www.pickeringpost.com/.../12976/ukraine-piggy-bank-of-corrupt-u-k-democrats These same corrupt Democrats tried to hurt Poland, and it is not forgotten. President Duda promised to help Ukraine in cleaning up the mess the Democrats caused, and some very serious people here in Warsaw are on it already. More to come on that–and watch for breaking news on Romania. I don’t have enough corroboration yet, but the Democrats ...
  20. NOW, the dems are demanding we NOT INVESTIGATE possible crimes and corruption by DEMS... because.... it would interfere with the upcoming election. Oh, yeah. Hard to believe. https://nypost.com/2019/12/09/democrats-latest-impeachment-line-investigating-corruption-is-election-interference/
  21. The "everybody sucks" by the left is quite convenient - we never heard that during the eight years we put up with THEIR president, who was completely corrupt, and lied/deliberately broke promises he made to the American people, and ran us down all around the world - most notably, to European and Arabic countries. He was a dirtbag. But now, "everybody is just as bad". I call bs. bigtime.
  22. The danger of "red flag" laws, is just a culture war attack on American culture. "take his/her guns, hahahahaha" the left is a freaking farce - the only law they respect, is a law they can use to get power. Look at the House of reps. which btw, after they force illegals to be counted in the census... they use the census to determine the number of.... House reps. you betcha. https://www.theblaze.com/news/fraudulent-red-flag-gun-law-petition-against-cop
  23. he's done it before, too. appointed by...clinton. These dirtbages are all over our gov. https://www.theblaze.com/news/federal-judge-blocks-trump-policy-allowing-states-to-deny-refugee-resettlement
  24. I was on the Cruz train too. It wasn't til Pres Trump started taking the lead that I really started to listen. Then, after he was the nominee, I listened very closely. and I came to realize quickly that he was very serious. And he was sincere - he's been keeping his promises. The left is more and more sounding like the Manson family - they hate and are all in for sick reasons. Reality doesn't matter, and the truth is their enemy. A cult. It doesn't have to make any kind of sense at all. They are emotionally happy to be "all in"
  25. more and more. The government lie by Iranian thugs denying they shot down that airliner... and now https://www.theblaze.com/news/iran-bulldozed-christian-pastor-grave There will never be peace with Iran. War with this Iranian thugdom is inevitable, unless they lose power. You'd hope so for the Iranian peoples' sake.
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