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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I reckon Hunt wants some of the negative attention that OBJ has been getting. Pretty nice trade package. Hunt and OBJ ...to...Miami or Oakland? for one of their first round picks...... I never even smoked regular cigs.... but I'm pretty sure pot really helps players memorize their pro offensive playbooks.... buzzed wr/rb/OL: "oh, wow, man.....what is the snap count again?" QB: "Come on, man, I just freaking told you the snap count..." buzzed wr/rb/OL: "whoa, you did, man? Don't freak, man, we're cool, it's almost halftime anyways....chill, dude...(lol)" QB: "dammit - it's the middle of the third quarter. We need to win this game...." buzzed wr/rb/OL: "Dude.....I missed halftime? whoa...that is some strong stuff....so... what is the snap count again?"
  2. if Tiam or woodpecker can emote anything intelligent to this discussion, they are free to contribute.....
  3. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Crawfish+Pie&filters=ufn%3a"Crawfish+Pie"+sid%3a"a888511e-db77-5faf-07e0-a97da223629e"+segment%3a"generic.carousel"+secq%3a"crawfish+pie"+supwlcar%3a"1"+tsource%3a"EntitySegments"+catesegtype%3a"recipe"+cack%3a"95348d35-d13b-4c84-a0b7-2af443e4758e"+segtype%3a"UmVjaXBl"+ctype%3a"0"+mltype%3a"0"+eltypedim1%3a"Recipe"&FORM=SNAPCR&crslsl=0 Crawfish Pie Southdish.com · 1 review 1hr 20mins · 244 cals per serving · 8 servs Read full directions Ingredients (14) Nutritional facts (Per serving) Substitutions 4 tablespoons butter ½ cup celery (chopped) 1 cup onions (chopped) ½ cup bell peppers (chopped) ½ teaspoon cayenne ¼ teaspoon black pepper (ground) ⅛ teaspoon white pepper (ground) 1 ½ teaspoons salt ½ cup canned tomatoes (chopped) 2 tablespoons parsley (chopped) 1 pound crawfish tails (peeled) 1 cup water 2 tablespoons flour 1 pie crust (9 inch)
  4. then why come here? to bitch about being here? that is what woodpecker always has done. You should be better than that. You aren't a birdbrain.
  5. woodpecker - you haven't been involved in any intelligent discourse because you have never mustered any. You just sit back and smart off to people. You don't know much of anything to be able to contribute to any discussion. You always fail.
  6. say, remember the movie "Marathon Man" ? the "Is it safe?" bs? that is what this reminds me of. It's intentional bs designed to intimidate people who know better - into falling in line with liberal demands. I won't even post the clip from that movie. It's hideous. "is it...there are more than two genders...?"
  7. Stephen Sullivan - LSU - 85 1/8" wingspan. TE. geez. Let him grow to OT sounds like a great idea !
  8. Alex Taylor, South Carolina St. | HT: 6084 | WT: 308 | HAND: 11 | ARM: 36 1/8 | WING: 88 One of my favorite sleeper OTs.
  9. not under my radar. I had him in my last mock draft, in the third round, I think.
  10. Here's my take. It is absolutely essential to provide funds to private Christian schools. People against it act like Christian parents don't pay taxes, so why should they get aid to THEIR schools? The the point about government interference is not a bad point - it just isn't valid to prevent our gov also getting some funds to private Christian schools. The government is not allowed to establish an official accepted religion, and it cannot act to prevent a Christian school from existing. Those Christian parents PAY TAXES TOO. So, we have a bit of a quandary there. A simple solution is tax credits for the money paid in tuition to schools. Why should a poor Christian family not be able to pursure their hopes/dreams/Christian beliefs because they are too poor? What about THEIR "Life, Liberty, and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ?" Why demand that Christian parents go to public schools, only to have those kids educated to not accept Christian teachings? So many public schools are sold out to liberalism. Part of the reason is - the lawsuits against property taxes being the funding for our schools. Know why? Because with property taxes - the school system is completely beholden to parents/property owners - for their activities/teachings in schools. and those citizens sure as heyl won't put up with a constant barrage of liberal perverted teachings in their schools. So, eventually, lawsuits prevailed, and now funds come from higher up - the state - and those obaMao inspired/leaned on schools can teach outrageous anti-Christian truths at will, and parents have no way out - except to get their kids into a private Christian school... or home school. And guess how the nea, state "ea"s and teachers unions feel about that. THEY HATE IT. They can't control/groom the minds of young children if they don't go to their school. And the left is self-defined - as justified in controlling. and grooming a new generation away from Real American parents. So, Christian families PAY THE TAXES TOO, and that means they cannot, often, afford to pay for public schools, and still, to pursure their own Happiness, and Life/LIberty - have their kids go to the expensive Christian schools they choose. God already knows - that home schoolers are already under the watchful eye and basic regulations by the state education associations/state legislators anyways. So. The money paid by parents to send their kids to schools that don't teach constant violations of their faith, that don't put their kids at risk of physical harm, etc.... should be tax exempt - a tax deduction. The silly argument about "what if your tax dollars go to mooslim fundamentalist schools" ? If Muslim parents want their own school, I'm fine with it. But some of them - they branch off into terrorist teachings, etc. Then they should be immediately shut down, the perps arrested, lose citizenship, and sent to gitmo. I think you will never find Christian schools that branch off and teach kids to blow themselves and "infidels" up, etc etcetc. SO, two parents, obviously a man and a woman, in REAL AMERICA - make 60,000 bucks a year together. They pay ...well, I forget how expensive it is - let's say... average cost per year to the school is 7000 bucks. So, they pay taxes on 50,000 bucks with no other deductions. So, 60,000 x .15 (15% tax rate (just throwing out a number here) $9000 50,000 x .15 $7500. of course, there are other deductions. 2% of tax dollars goes to education. So, change the 50000 calc to .13. Now it's 6500. That saves about 3000 bucks right there. Per each parent- you would pay $6000 less a year. Single parent homes would have an extra deduction - getting them to the $6000 dollars saved mark. That's just a dumb calc off the top of my head. Anyways, CHRISTIAN PARENTS PAY JUST AS MUCH IN TAXES. They should get the same benefit in their children's education.
  11. you betcha. what a bunch of socialist fascist worms. https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/22/adam-schiff-trump-impeachment-bill-clinton/
  12. WOW. Pres Trump put only ONE judge on the FISA court. All the others were put on the court by... obaMao commie. deep state you betcha. They owned the FISA court. https://conservativepost.com/busted-there-are-11-fisa-judges-guess-how-many-obama-appointed/ Busted. There Are 11 FISA Judges, Guess How Many Obama Appointed… Obama is as crooked as Hillary! Of the 11 FISA court appointed judges, 10 of them were appointed by Obama, including the corrupt Rudolph Contreras that granted the FISA warrant after another judge rejected it. He is also the same judge who had to recuse himself days after the Michael Flynn plea. This is yet another inconvenient fact that the media and Democrats don’t want to discuss. The entire FISA court basically was full of Obama appointees. The one Trump apoointee to the FISA court also replaced an Obama appointee named Susan Webber Wright who’s term expired May of 2016. Keep an eye on the story about Rudolph Contreas though. That’s the big story that everyone seems to be missing from this memo release. Corruption at the judge level is even more frightening than corrupt DOJ and FBI hacks. Gateway Pundit reports: The Obama team’s actions with the FISA Court were not just corrupt – they were criminal! Now his appointed judges are in the news for suspect deep state actions. The FISA Court was put in place in 1978 when Congress enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The Court sits in Washington D.C., and is composed of eleven federal district court judges who are designated by the Chief Justice of the United States. Each judge serves for a maximum of seven years and their terms are staggered to ensure continuity on the Court. In addition, the entire FISA court in late 2016 was stacked with Obama appointees. The entire court as of March 2017 was Obama appointees. Now Obama appointed Judges to the FISA Court are in the news because of their suspect actions – 1. On Friday the House Intelligence Committee released its FISA memo that described the corrupt actions taken by Obama’s FBI and DOJ to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Obama’s DOJ and FBI used a document created from information by Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC funding to obtain multiple FISA Court warrants. The political anti-Trump sources of the information were not provided to the court when requesting the warrant and top DOJ and FBI officials were the ones partaking in these actions. As a result, Congressional leaders are calling for prosecution of FBI and DOJ officials involved in the criminal actions and FOX News’ Gregg Jarrett stated that the criminal acts by Obama’s scoundrels involved in the FISA crimes could qualify for sentences of up to 10 years in prison. It’s time to determine who signed off on the above warrants. Judges typically sit on the Court for one week at a time, on a rotating basis. Which judge signed off on the warrants with such flimsy information provided? The judge or judges who signed off on these warrants need to be investigated. Also, why have none of these judges announced that they are prosecuting the individuals who provided the fake information? This is their duty! 2. One Obama FISA appointee was also involved in General Flynn’s criminal case. We know this because he recused himself from the Flynn case. Obama FISA Court appointee and U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras recused himself from former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s criminal case in December. It’s yet unknown the reason for why Contreras recused himself. Why did he recuse himself and did he also sign off on any of the FISA warrants given to Obama cronies? 3. On Friday another Obama appointed FISA Court judge, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg sidedwith the Department of Justice after multiple news organizations, including CNN and USA Today, sued for the public release of Comey’s memos after their Freedom of Information Act requests were denied. (read more). The fact that any judge would currently side with this corrupt Department of Justice is suspect. What is in the memos and why is this being hidden from the public?
  13. bout time. Seriously? Just who the hell allowed this garbage to be approved? Who put who on the FISA court ??? https://dailycaller.com/2020/01/23/doj-carter-page-fisa-not-valid/
  14. https://dailycaller.com/2020/01/23/gop-senators-kids-toys-fidget-spinners/
  15. this is a terrific article. Sounds like I wrote it. LOL https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/liberals-moving-into-your-state "Conservatives argue based on principles and intellect while talking with someone operated by their feelings. There is rarely a cogent conversation when two people aren't even talking on the same level. Emotions dictate what thoughts and memories get remembered. The left capitalizes on that and drives their agenda based on emotions. Fine. Let's do the same. Before one can sell conservatism, we must first emotionally tie liberal failures with liberalism. Liberals don't associate the problems liberalism causes with liberalism itself. Otherwise they wouldn't keep voting for it then leave the mess of it and voting for it again."
  16. lol. Except, if the right guy isn't available, why just add a guy who ends up not working out? The Browns have been burnt by this. Get the right OC, even if you have to wait to get him.
  17. Why HC Stephanski is the real deal: Things like this. He's unflappable. Has a great sense of humor. and he is ready to roll. and his staff is looking stellar so far. Knows how to handle any situation, I bet. https://www.nj.com/giants/2020/01/nfl-rumors-browns-odell-beckham-must-explain-latest-bizarre-behavior-to-new-head-coach-kevin-stefanski.html
  18. The big question is. can the government NOT fund Christian schools, and ONLY fund atheist schools? The old hatred of God in schools because of "separation of church and state" is still extremely IGNORANT of what the Founders intended. as most all the time - the left twists and redefines words and clauses and paragraphs and ideals - soley to fit their twisted emotions. I believe it's a mental illness. Far too many people ride their emotions as the only thing in life that matters. Facts don't matter, definitions of words, etc don't matter. Reality doesn't matter. Morality doesn't matter - and the lives of unborn and born children don't matter. The economy doesn't matter - until you can be happy to use it as a weapon FOR THEIR cause. "Mentall illness" is just my best guess at explaining how they can be so offensive and wrong, even violent/way over the edge of dishonesty - and somehow go talking loud and fast, or acting out every time they are shown to be wrong.
  19. The left is all in on a "soft civil war". Like I've said before - they nearly had it all - the presidency, the house, their deep state leftist people all over our judiciary, Congress, IRS, of course, the NEA, the DOJ, and they wanted the Senate too - very badly. But they lost it. Lost the presidency, couldn't get the Senate, got the House, but lost the chance to OWN the U.S. Supreme Court... ended up with non-left Real 'American Constitution judges all around...and they can't stop it. They had the local media, but couldn't stop Fox News and conservatives. AOC even admitted it - they want the POWER. The power to control, and not ever lose the power and control. THANK GOD WE ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP. This last three+ year period has been their rage at losing their chance. They nearly had it all. and the hate us for it. Gets much worse - buy a few good guns, and ammo up. Or "antifa" groups could be kicking in the doors of folks who show any sign of opposing the leftist socialist fascist movement going on in our country now.
  20. some well deserved continuity is very good: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/browns-retaining-three-assistant-coaches-for-kevin-stefanski-e2-80-99s-staff/ar-BBZeRlx
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