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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. but the point is, and has always been - to drag on the farce to effect a defeat of a current president that is KEEPING HIS PROMISES to us that elected him, has the economy roaring, has redone/going to redo bad trade deals, put two HONEST Supreme Court Justices - helped and supported our VETERANS HUGELY, supported the LIVES of UNBORN and BORN CHILDREN, defended our gun rights, our first amendment,....etc. the left can't run on issues. they have no good ideas to fix any damn thing. So they invented the farce, drug it out til the voters went south on it in the polls, and now they want the Senate to drag it out for no legitimate reason. This manuscript of Bolton's has been out there for how long? a year? and just at the perfect point of controversy, it's "leaked" out there? enough of this crap. Bolton is just another turd. He wants to make money selling his book and be a popular contributor ($$$$) on CNN, and MSNBC... and, try to screw over the President that terminated him. Apparently, he's been a deep stater all along, from the Reagan days.
  2. weird. that link sends me to : "bad url timestamp" in the upper left hand corner of a white page..... ?
  3. the phony ? ! allegation that Pres Trump said to Bolton, that he wanted to withhold that aid until they announce the Biden investigations. whatever. I've said before - If I said I wanted to rob a bank and pay off our pickup truck... that isn't a crime. Neither is being a lying jerkface. Bolton has shot down any chance of being in government service again. But CNN/MSNBC will keep paying him big bucks as another dishonest innuendo/false rumor and propaganda hack. AGAIN - no "there" there. Nothingburger. Because Pres Trump never withheld the aid. I believe Bolton was one of the leakers earlier on, and that is why Bolton had to go. What a disreputable "witness".
  4. getting really bad. It's like it's Chicago and they are the organized crime figures back in the days.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/ted-cruz-slaps-down-reporter-for-child-question
  5. Wife and I never got flu shots for years - but this year, well early last year - we decided to go get them. This year, the flu season is supposed to possibly be bad. Don't wait til the flu hits all over, to go to your local drugstore for "Theraflu", which I guess is a very good thing to have.... because it could be all sold out. Dang, Tex, you are an OLD fart. No wonder you are so ridiculously contrary....
  6. Hannity has been saying on the radio - Bolton said that Pres Trump said to him, that he WANTED to hold up the Ukraine aid...til they started investigating the bidens. But that never once got back to the Ukraine, not ever. So, NO quid pro quo. That's similar as me saying I think I want to rob a bank to pay off my pickup truck. Except, of course, I would never actually do that. and then some liberal nutjob says "see? Cal robbed a bank " ! because he is a socialist dishonest anti-American lowlife coniving leftwing commie sombeitch, there's no truth of any crime there. the left is now "feeling" that they can live the book "1984" because they have all the power in the house. Time to put all this garbage to the dumpster, end it once and for all. It has been, they even admitted, a ploy to ruin Pres Trump's chances of being re-elected, in terms of covering up all the great things he has done.
  7. crap. I saved that post, the link was only text. So I edit it, paste it over the original. and THEN it posts as a link. What the..... ?
  8. you betcha. We can NOT be the world's welfare state. dammit. And OUR PRESIDENT keeps WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING. https://www.theblaze.com/news/supreme-court-public-charge-rule
  9. James Whitlock was talking about that this morning. He said Bryant was with his daughter, as noted, on their way to him coaching their basketball team. He said Kobe Bryant was surely the most intelligent, classiest basketball player in NB A history. Spoke...3? 4 languages? Apparently, his Wife (they married in 2001)...was not on the plane, too. Just a heart break, and I don't even follow much basketball. Serious sympathy to all his remaining family and friends.
  10. it's a very serious valid question. Thanks to Nixon, and all the others who have big deals benefitting China, they are well on their way to be the free world's most dangerous enemy. Interesting to note - America doesn't and can NOT stand still in military weapon/strategy dev: Mosaic Warfare: DARPA’s Answer to Combating America’s ... https://www.airforcemag.com/Mosaic-Warfare-DARPAs-Answer-to-Combating-Americas... Sep 11, 2019 · Mosaic Warfare is DARPA’s answer. The agency is pursuing a portfolio of programs designed to fill in US capability gaps, using advances in computing and artificial intelligence, networking, and a growing sense that the military no longer needs to pack all kinds of tools into one elite system to be the most effective. Pentagon Working on Radical New Fighting Style: Mosaic ... https://www.citizensjournal.us/pentagon-working-on-radical-new-fighting-style-mosaic... Mosaic warfare is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ’s solution to China’s growing military prowess. China’s generals have honed their military to cripple the U.S. military’s brain and nervous system—a strategy known as Systems Destruction warfare.
  11. well, there are Fox folks like Mike Wallace, for example, who still shill for the left, because they want to be bigger time wealthy with a CNN contract. Sucking up to lies makes them money. It's the left's "15 minutes of fame and fortune" again and again.
  12. even a localized breakout of some disease like this one - bad idea to go to the doctor's office or local emergency room... or restaurant or laundromat ....grocery.... at least without a mask. and a hat... The bigger things are yep - meds. keep them current and in stock. and water. First aid supplies for small cuts/burns etc. If the grid ever goes out, we can heat our home with our enclosed fireplace. Even cook on it, and it isn't a stand alone. I've read a lot - where folks, we are all so spoiled - who don't at least think about "what if"... simply decide that they would hit the road with their family and stay with friends/relatives out of state. Trouble is, all too often, the expressway jams up at a standstill, and you can't even get on it. Nothing outlandish about having a couple weeks? of food stacked away, and plenty of properly stored water. Like going across country in winter. Hit ice at night, go over the berm and sit in a field. No cars are coming. You are miles from help, maybe hours. Can your family keep warm with a few sleeping bags? or, you only have your summer jackets because the car was already warmed up? Have water? some snack bars? or...you don't? We don't have pandemics and war hit us like in other countries around the world. A horrible pandemic out of control - America would not be ready. It would be horrific. And in a tornado/flood/whatever. I don't ever plan to go to one of those government refuge centers. You betcha. Having some supplies in case of emergency is just a smart idea.
  13. wait a freaking minute. Garrett hasn't done anything off the football field, right? Don't lump him in with the other two. OBJ, HUNT, and ABROWN would be valid. I just think, if a player gets into trouble more than once...football isn't that important to him. And you don't win with the players who don't care. Suspensions/investigations/scandals...late for meetings, locker room cancer... distractions can ruin a teams chances to focus on winning week by week.
  14. Either you do it right, or you don't do it. Haste makes waste. https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news/joel-bitonio-impressed-by-kevin-stefanski-excited-by-possibilities-on-offense
  15. eh.... good time to consider stocking up on some things from the grocery, etc. If it does hit over here, out of immediate control - near a town near you... ya won't want to be running to the mall etc. to buy stuff. Study shows HOW many millions could die around the world??? https://www.theblaze.com/news/medical-simulation-shows-shocking-number-of-people-could-die-of-coronavirus-in-just-18-months
  16. meanwhile, back at the ranch.... several dems are already indicating they are leaning towards voting to stop the impeachment crap. https://www.theblaze.com/news/multiple-dem-senators-already-considering-voting-against-president-trumps-impeachment-report-says
  17. anything that stands in their way - president...nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court... anyone of all of us... they till try to run over. It's for permanent power, and they mean corrupt serious business. Today, they were dealt a huge blow, and we got a great win for the truth.
  18. the communist news network never fails. sickening to Real America. guess what, cnn... https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump_poll_ratings_highest
  19. schiff and nadler alienated the moderate republicans - they are po'd at them bigtime, and insulted. We'll see if all the dems stay in line. Take back the house...apparently possible with schiff's and nadler's help.
  20. bias everywhere now. ALL the dirty socialist hating dems. All the ms media. It's socialist zombie birdbrain apocalypse. https://www.theblaze.com/news/watch-stephanopoulos-caught-on-air-frantically-signaling-to-cut-feed-of-trump-attorneys-presser
  21. the conversation part I got down pretty good, learned from experts. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cheech+and+chong&&view=detail&mid=87B28E250A5844299D9387B28E250A5844299D93&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcheech%2Band%2Bchong%26FORM%3DHDRSC3
  22. https://www.theblaze.com/unleashed/columnnist-fired
  23. I actually wonder if woodpecker had to have his exams read to him, or they used sign language in classes to reach him.... and Tiam = "air of superiority" you betcha.
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