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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the dishonest inference is, that paying people on the leftwing side to protest, show up, etc... is the same as cash giveaways to communities, I think. Not the same thing.
  2. truth is, Rand Paul READ HIS QUESTION ALOUD later... good for him. I'd say, splash their dirty names all over the internet, dammit. https://www.theblaze.com/news/rand-paul-reads-the-question-he-was-forbidden-from-asking-in-senate-trial Rand Paul reads the question he was forbidden from asking in Senate trial 'I think this is an important question. One that deserves to be asked.' "I can tell you," Paul continued, "my question made no reference to any whistleblower." Paul read the question aloud, "so that," he said, "it could be part of the public record": Manager Schiff and Counsel for the President: Are you aware that House Intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the president before the formal House impeachment proceedings? "I think this is an important question. One that deserves to be asked," Paul told reporters. "It makes no reference to anybody who may or may not be a whistleblower."
  3. by secret design all along. of course they intended that illegal voting to happen. that is why they want illegals here.
  4. granted, true that. Between having to upgrade our military after "jimmy carters" trashed that spending, etc...and having to allow more and more social welfare spending, etc etc. It's an endless round train that never stops. only because he doesn't have line item veto. and you are right - I don't ever want the socialist Real America hating anti-Constitution/Bill of Rights sombeitches to ever have line item veto. It is complicated. But allowing illegals to flood in here by the millions, and give them SS, welfare, housing, health care will doom us all. And that is far, far, far greater than our expenditures on military readiness in wasteful spending....
  5. Ohio. I'm particular. Avocado was never on my list. I could have used it to greaze wheel bearings all these years, but I didn't know...............
  6. tunnels. illegal immigration/cartels flooding our country. gangs. Terrorist cells. https://www.theblaze.com/news/border-tunnel-cbp-discovered
  7. I supposed some of these? are Chinese citizens..who were born here? maybe. then the Chinese gov can reach out, find them, and extort cooperation with them.? who turns on their only country? (besides hard core democrat socialist communist corrupt sombeitches)
  8. the obaMao put corrupt dangerous liars all over our gov in places where they could keep being loyal to the deep state.
  9. all her guards keep the lawsuit from being served. Mentally deranged and criminally insane she is, methinks. https://www.theblaze.com/news/hillary-clintons-secret-service-detail-kept-process-server-from-delivering-tulsi-gabbard-lawsuit-lawyer
  10. so the other day, I decided to try avocado. I was buying fruit to dehydrate, and stuff to make steak kababs. a few friends are avocado enthusiasts - it's supposed to be good for you.So, I bought one to try. A close friend said to wait til they turn black, and softer, and then you eat them. So, I did. Should have known "turning black" was an omen...of bad things.I peeled it back, and cut off a chunk and ate it.Actually, I didn't, I tried, but it was nasty blah with a slimey texture like maybe... axle grease? lard? In fact, a chunk of lard would taste better, I think.Then I find out you are supposed to put it in stuff - like scrambled eggs...salad... Nope. I have a bunch of kiwi and mango fruit dehydrated chips, going to try papaya to see if that is any good. Dragon fruit is terriific. Too much like a jell, but very good. Not for dehydrating I think. I should probably just stick to BLTs. I love those, and regular fruit.
  11. Landry likes the look of it.... https://www.cleveland.com/browns/2020/01/jarvis-landry-on-odell-beckham-jrs-lsu-post-game-browns-lack-of-identity-no-hip-surgery-and-more.html
  12. I KNOW that. but it's just me speaking out, because of his programmed question to his own house sombeitch leaders. that was today, so, I vented today.
  13. There never was a land that was "palestinian" https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/truth-about-palestine-israels-modern-borders The notion that there was a large native Arab populace indigenous to the Holy Land is completely unfounded. The Jews, on the other hand, had a presence in the land for over 3,000 years, long before the advent of Islam. The idea that an Arab Palestinian label has any legal or historical legitimacy was clearly eschewed by officials of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in its early days. In an interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw on March 31, 1977, PLO executive committee member Zahir Moshen said the following: The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. (James Dorsey, Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden, Trouw, 31 March 1977.)
  14. so tired of his act. Works for ohio, then nancy counts on him like all the others - just going with any stupidass request. It will never end til these scumbags are out of office. Sherrod Brown has been a disgrace for so many years. He'd have licked obaMao commie's toes if asked to. just one sick loser. and wife beater. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/court-documents-sherrod-browns-ex-wife-accused-assaulting/ Senator Sherrod Brown Faces New Abuse Allegations - The ... https://thepoliticalinsider.com/sherrod-brown-new-abuse-allegations Oct 19, 2018 · The mainstream media is unsurprisingly silent on recent allegations of abuse levied against Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Congressional Democrats are going to have to take a break from providing cover only for Keith Ellison to now bury any potential blemish to another of their own after they spent weeks fueling the Kavanaugh circus.
  15. and yet, how many have succeeded, aren't informers/leakers for the deep state, that regard him as doing an excellent job for our country? You know. ECONOMY ? REAL AMERICAN SUPREME COURT JUSTICES? SUPPORT FOR OUR VETERANS ? TRADE DEALS ? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/12/30/trumps_top_10_achievements_of_2018_139046.html Trump's Top 10 Achievements of 2018
  16. the Tea Party was never "foaming at the mouth". The federal deficit is a dangerously huge problem. But the dems own the House. they create the budget. They control the purse strings. and far too many reps have kicked the can down the road. You can bet it would go down if Trump had the LINE ITEM VETO. eight years of obaMao commie inflating our debt, and we couldn't get ONE dem to talk about the concern.
  17. on a North Carolina elections board - more hatred from the left. more intolerance by the left. more intimidation by the left. It's a pattern - they are all in, and their leadership is in congress, around our gov depts, in our federal judiciary............ an attack on the Pledge of Allegiance. https://www.theblaze.com/news/democrat-majority-election-board-threatens-arrests-if-pledge-of-allegiance-is-recited-at-meetings Democrat-majority election board threatens arrests if Pledge of Allegiance is recited at meetings after protesting attendees say it on their own
  18. even in the media. they are very much like a bunch of angry zombies. https://www.theblaze.com/news/whoopi-goldberg-cuts-off-alan-dershowitz Whoopi Goldberg gets frustrated with Alan Dershowitz for making reasoned arguments, says ‘I’m cutting you off,’ then insists he show her respect
  19. then there's bernie sanders - the avowed communist/socialist sex object of woodpecker fandom https://www.theblaze.com/news/sanders-campaign-preparing-executive-orders Bernie Sanders' campaign is preparing ‘dozens of executive orders’ to bypass Congress in his first days in office, document shows
  20. from pocohauntus: (the dem queen of disinformation, lies, and more stupidity) https://www.theblaze.com/news/elizabeth-warren-proposes-criminal-penalties-for-spreading-disinformation-to-voters-online Elizabeth Warren proposes criminal penalties for spreading 'disinformation' to voters online
  21. read your own article, Logic. " Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton said on “Face the Nation” that Trump was describing the injuries as explained to him and “not dismissing the injuries.” Cotton, who served with the Army in Iraq and Afghanistan, said he was not upset by the president’s remarks. " context means everything. Concussions are not necessarily life threatening. "By definition, a concussion is not a life-threatening injury, but it can cause both short-term and long-term problems. A concussion results from a closed-head type of injury and does not include injuries in which there is bleeding under the skull or into the brain. " therefore, they are not as serious as life-threatening injuries. "doesn't plan things well" ??? I'd say this was well planned. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-signs-bill-implementing-new-north-america-trade-agreement-a-major-rewrite-of-trade-rules-with-canada-and-mexico/2020/01/29/961949ee-42b7-11ea-99c7-1dfd4241a2fe_story.html
  22. and the swamp/deep state is very, very real. like the phony "whistleblower" who is rumored to have been working in the WH as a recorder/greeter, but was actually more than that. A spy/mole/leaker. Serious business.
  23. https://www.bing.com/search?q=browns+news&pc=MOZI&form=MOZTSB 49ers’ Joe Woods expects ‘seamless transition’ to Browns DC; Excited to join Kevin Stefanski if it works out
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