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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the next time to Alaska, I would love to try the smoked salmon. And, I've always wanted to try rattlesnake. Back in the day, at a pre-funeral get-together in WV, I tried to get my cousin to go with me up the mountain at night to hunt for a big rattler we could cook up for the big meal tomorrow. After being an advisor to S. Vietnamese troops in Laos/Cambodia/Vietnam.... I figured he'd go. He just said he'd been through a lot, faced serious danger a lot, been wounded twice....but wasn't going up the mountain at night to get a rattler, he said that would be too much for him. lol dammit.
  2. well, Tour, he didn't make it, but he signed the bill, after people like Van Jones worked on the project for a good while with the WH. even Van Jones praised Pres Trump for it: Van Jones Gives Trump 'a Salute' After Backing Prison ... https://www.mediaite.com/tv/van-jones-says-trump-give-trump-a-salute-and-applause-after-backing-prison-reform-measure/ CNN’s Van Jones offered a bit of rare praise for President Donald Trump on Wednesday after the president announced his support for the prison and sentencing reform bill. Van Jones praises Trump-backed criminal justice reform ... https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/422025-van... Dec 19, 2018 · CNN commentator Van Jones on Wednesday praised the Senate and the Trump administration for their efforts to pass a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill. Van Jones praised Trump on criminal justice reform. Now he ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/11/15/... Nov 15, 2018 · Liberal activist Van Jones, who has worked with the Trump White House on criminal justice reform for a while, was the recipient of much chiding on Twitter after he tweeted that Trump “is on his way to becoming the uniter-in-Chief” after his support for the bill.
  3. No, I wasn't endorsing anything. The Trump ad about Alice Marie Johnson was excellent, you dishonest beyatch. I even posted the video of Groundhog day, moron. I didn't post videos of the other.
  4. Nope - the Chief's oline was getting overrun - the niners outstanding defensive line kept controlling the los, ... until the Chiefs adapted in the second half, and started getting the ball out quicker - on shorter throws. I think the Chiefs had their wr's and Kelce to start winging it into open zone areas, and gave up running standard routes - the niners kept nailing them on those. Kelce/Watkins/Hill started spinning/reversing to get open. Just what I think.
  5. there is no excuse for your chicken behavior. I liked the Trump commercials. They were during the Superbowl. That was the subject of the thread.
  6. You laid the egg, bernie sanders boy, sit on it. man up, and keep your crap over there.
  7. https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/84019422_2674563875943600_6706350480743727104_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&_nc_oc=AQlTzrqcHMMhD8mj27a-y45bC3Nkmn5eH4j6Rf9zWw_EFaldnl5V3W3Rhg3g8rjiJRM&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-1.fna&oh=add96274386426839fa8f1f71dfee1f7&oe=5ED2175A
  8. your ObaMao said he had been to 57 states. that's far worse, but you are too afraid to admit it.
  9. First time we enjoyed an entire superbowl. Seems that Garoppolo started letting the pressure get to him. Seems that on the one TD, the player's foot was a bit out of bounds. I called PI on Kelce earlier in the second half, everybody agreed with me on the replay... there was no call. Which surprised us, because Kittle later on in the first half, was called for PI. A lot of folks in the media question that one. I have seen Gronk push off hugely, and it wasn't called in the past. Seems that the niner defense started getting a bit tired, and the Chiefs offense ramped it up. Mahomes was able to get rid of the ball on quicker throws, and Garoppolo had big trouble. Great game.
  10. The dancing cowboys were the best. The Trump commercials were really good.
  11. For Tex, Flugels, Canton Mike and Hoorta by request: https://www.newsmax.com/FastFeatures/Groundhogs-Day-2011-Recipes/2011/02/02/id/384547/
  12. you know...watching the "Shooter" series on TV - an org that actually has all the power in our gov - ran the supreme court, and leaned on the president to put their own choice on the Supreme Court. Just, very strange. you get in their way, you disappear. The series was dropped last year. eh....
  13. qw34-0ufsqapefj[s ====adjfasldiufapsouif
  14. any pre-WWII nazi-like brownshirt excuse to persecute all political/moral opposition. Here in our U.S., they are starting to do the same kind of thing. https://www.theblaze.com/news/swiss_air_partnership_pro_life_chocolate
  15. I still wonder why. Schiff says he doesn't know who the whistleblower is. But fights like hell to keep it a secret. Roberts then, shouldn't know who the whistleblower is, either. So, how did Roberts know to refuse the question? and who got to Roberts ahead of time to get him to not read that question? https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/01/31/rand_paul_alleged_whistleblower_friend_plotted_for_over_a_year_to_bring_down_trump.html Rand Paul: Alleged Whistleblower, Friend Plotted For Over A Year To Bring Down Trump "I didn't identify anybody or propose that anyone was the whistleblower," Paul said. "But I did identify two Obama partisans that have worked in the National Security Council. Sean Misko, who works for Adam Schiff, and then I also identified Eric Ciaramella. They're friends. They worked together on the National Security Council."
  16. https://www.bustle.com/p/17-black-women-in-history-you-probably-didnt-see-in-your-history-textbook-8092603
  17. http://www.black-history-facts.com/Black-History-Facts-Famous-Men/Black-History-Facts-Famous-Men.html List of Famous Men in Black History Frederick Douglass (1817 - 1895) - A famous abolitionist who fought against slavery and advised President Lincoln. George Washington Carver (around 1865 - 1943) - One of the most prominent inventors and scientists of his time. Best known for inventing hundreds of products derived from peanuts, including dyes, and plastics. William Harvey Carney (1840 - 1908) - He is the first African American to be given the U.S. Medal of Honor. He was given this medal for his gallant actions at the Battle of Fort Wagner in 1863 during the American Civil War. Blanche Kelso Bruce (1841 - 1898) - The first African-American to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate. Elijah McCoy (around 1844 - 1929) - A famous inventor who received approximately sixty patents. A fun fact is that his inventions were of such high quality that the expression "the real McCoy" meaning something of high-quality was coined after his last name. Booker T. Washington (1856 - 1915) - He became the most important black person of his time and pushed for educational and economic advancement for African Americans. He was an author, teacher, orator, and often advised U.S. Presidents. William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) DuBois (1868 - 1963) - The first black person to receive a doctorate from Harvard University. He is best known for being a founder of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Thurgood Marshall (1908 - 1993) - In 1967 he became the first African-American justice of the US Supreme Court. Jesse Owens (1913 - 1980) - This famous black athlete won four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympic games which infuriated Adolph Hitler who had hoped the games would prove the Aryan race (the Germanic race) was superior to all other humans. Jackie Robinson (1919 - 1972) - He was the first black person to play Major League Baseball; breaking the color barrier that had segregated baseball up until that point. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968) - The most famous Africa-American in black history. He was the most important leader of the black civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Dr. Guion Stewart Bluford Jr. (born 1942) - In 1983 he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger and became the first African-American in outer space.
  18. apparently up to 75,000 could be infected in Wuhan, expected by scientific model to.. DOUBLE every SIX DAYS ??? er... 75,000 x 6 is.... that would be....2.4 MILLION? in a month? egad. that isn't good, if true. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/70351/coronavirus-75-000-infected-virus-double-size-6-days/index.html 4 military bases have been selected to quarantine travelers from China: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pentagon-approves-using-military-bases-to-quarantine-1000/2020/02/01/ba11c4aa-4534-11ea-99c7-1dfd4241a2fe_story.html
  19. there has to been something mentally wrong with pelosi, schiff, nadler, warren....sanders.....mad maxine waters, etc etc etc etc. It's a longer list than I can muster off hand. Then there is blumenthal. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/richard-blumenthal-vietnam/
  20. My guess is, Tiam applied for the job and lost out. Her book on football far exceeded his "x" and "x", and "o" and "o", which took him 45 seconds to elaborate on. He's just mad. Too bad. He'll get over it.
  21. yall can't handle the truth. Liberals never admit they were wrong, they just run and hide, then come back later and talk about how "they were right all along". Then they find out they were wrong again. So, they leave again. Maybe we could label it the "woodpecker syndrome"...but it actually goes way, way back to the sheply and mz the pussy days. etc.
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