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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. too bad some make light of Pres Trump no matter what. They should admit that was the greatest SOTU speech in American history. That was a "America Come Together" speech. It was a heartbreaker at times. REAL AMERICA. Unless you have no heart, which I guess a few around here don't. Hate in the dem party is like a pandemic. What nasty pelosi did in tearing up the speech? not funny. not meaningful in a good way. Just hatred. For all their hate, that speech was Real America and they have to admit it.
  2. https://www.theblaze.com/video/live-now-state-of-the-union-presented-by-blazetv
  3. hate. nazi-like hate. The quest for power and wealth/sick greed...led them to it. and they have developed a subculture that has enjoined the sickness. Power and wealth to all the fake victims of society, mostly in inner cities. with colleges and universities....
  4. stopped by the drug store - they have been out of masks for weeks - and HQ can't get them in yet. not good. There isn't any rush here in America. But in China - "it doesn't spread between humans"... I think that is a lie. If it breaks out here in Ohio, we have food, water, to not go out for weeks.
  5. That was truly the GREATEST SOTU Address EVER. He showed how GREAT America is, how great we are doing as a country... and the left hates it. Nasty P and the rest should be ashamed of themselves. Landslide win in Nov, I think. we have to be all in for America. MAGA/KAGA. the left has gone anti-America so much that it was there for all America to see. All the good things happening, all the honors... they HATE them.
  6. LOL LOL. good thing I finished my coke....
  7. well, they got 8 years of the fake "post-racial - gonna bring America together" black guy.... they failed to get the nasty corrupt woman elected... so they will go with the gay failure guy. who "won" Iowa with a higgardly clinton swamp of supporters. pretty trashy. How's that 401k lookin, Bob? etc.
  8. come on, Bob - that is no reason to dedicate your votes for democrats. Mccain killed it, to not let Pres Trump have that victory. He even got thank you calls from plenty of dems, even ObaMao commie. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/22/john-mccain-obamacare-repeal-opposition-243036 the dems created obaMaocare as a political farce that blew up in their faces and hurt a LOT of people. the dems did the same thing with the phony impeachment. They created a farce of impeachment for political purposes, even after 3 yrs of mueller report found NOTHING. Time to consider voting for republicans, Bob. Union or no union. and I believe more and more unions will see the difference. (not the bigwigs of the AFL-CIO, though) Why Obamacare Will Continue to Be a Failure https://www.thoughtco.com/reasons-obamacare-is-and-will-continue-to-be-a-failure-3303662 Public Opposition. Obamacare has never been well-received by the public. Polls have been … Costs Continued to Rise. One of the central claims made by proponents was that insurance … Too Many Loopholes. One of the problems with a bill written by lobbyists and bureaucrats that was … Leaves 31 Million Uninsured by 2023. Originally, the bill was touted as a means to both cover the …
  9. Hired wr coach... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/02/04/browns-announce-chad-oshea-as-wr-coach-passing-game-coordinator/
  10. Seriously - would it surprise anyone if schiff declares that if the Senate doesn't convict Pres Trump and get him out of office, he will give earth to space invaders from another galaxy?
  11. and........... higgardly clinton's people ran the app that squooshed the dem primary https://www.theblaze.com/news/clinton-buttigieg-connected-to-firm-behind-app-that-crashed-iowa-caucus
  12. actually, we were glad at a few that left. After we noticed them missing. It took a good while since they added little good to the board in the first place....
  13. LOL LOL. yeah, but they were fine with Uranium One, the lowlife commies. Schiff4brains = "liar n thief" Meanwile, back at the ranch: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/whistleblower-tipped-off-schiff-before-filing-official-complaint-report/
  14. his mustache gives me the win. He IS Texas. and he WEARS the hat. At least in movies. I still win. and HE can ride a horse. Having said that, the two times I rode a horse... I came home from basic training on leave, and hopped on my sister's horse in this big indoor rink, after her and her friends kept taking turns having the horse go around in circles on a long lead, and finally decided to have me hold the lead while they ran to the bathroom. Next thing I knew, old Cloud was bucking like a wild buffalo, and I lost out, went flying through the air, and hit horse poop and a bunch of sawdust. So, those girls were laughing themselves silly, and I found out her new horse wasn't broken. It only knew how to go around in circles. the second time, we were vacationing with close friends, and we all went trail riding in Tenn. Except my horse freaked after slipping on the mud, stopped, and the horse behind me, my Wife's bumped us, and my horse took off like a bat out of hell down the hill, dodging trees, slipping in more mud, and I got her stopped down in the ravine. Didn't fall off, much to the amazement of our entire group. So, I'm not Texas at all, so there's that. And my Wife got bit by a fire ant when she was visiting while in college, and she told me I don't want to get bit by one. Texas is not my kind of place.
  15. some of your posts really sink...though. lol
  16. Thanks, but Munroe/West Munroe is way up on route 20, east of Shreveport - it's a straight shot from there to Dallas/McKinney Texas, where we would be going. You are way, way south down Houston way. There's no cell phone service that way, you would never want to break down, especially at night. Father-in-law is going on 98, ...we'd probably fly down anyways.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Elliott His parents were originally from El Paso, Texas, and Elliott has an ancestor who served as a surgeon at the Battle of San Jacinto.[1][6][7]🤣
  18. No one liked the bloomberg commercial - no one likes him. He's a twerp. It was a couple of commercials I liked. and you won't change that. I didn't even post links to them. Go groundhog day yourself. I -really- liked that commercial. Doritos are GREAT with coke, even moreso with a good root beer. and Sam Elliot is far more a Texan than you will ever be.
  19. oh, and the next time we are in Louisiana, I want to try a basket of crawfish and alligator. The last time we were there, in West Munroe- home of the "Duck Dynasty" Robertson family... both were out of season.
  20. actually, we are concerned a bit - they waited a bit too late to quarantine/stop flights around the world. I might go buy some good masks and theraflu in case it hits here on a bigger scale. I don't get the desire to "stop the public from panicking", then later, it gets out of hand because they limited the truth, and THEN it's not just panic, but real disease/disaster spread wider.
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