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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Sanders Clarifies His Gulags Will Be Democratic Gulags ... https://babylonbee.com/news/sanders-clarifies-his-gulags-will-be-democratic-gulags Sanders Clarifies His Gulags Will Be Democratic Gulags DES MOINES, IA—After a Bernie Sanders organizer waxed poetic over the beauty of gulags and the need for reeducating the people, Sanders clarified that his gulags will actually be democratic gulags. Bernie Sanders's refusal to fire violent pro-gulag ... https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/01/bernie_sanderss_refusal_to_fire_violent... Bernie Sanders has spent years convincing voters that his Soviet honeymoon, his support for the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, his admiration for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez were all a misunderstanding.
  2. https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/opinion-columns/victor-joecks/victor-joecks-sanders-campaign-workers-want-to-guillotine-the-rich-send-republicans-to-gulags-1948876/ VICTOR JOECKS: Sanders campaign workers want to ‘guillotine the rich,’ send Republicans to gulags
  3. THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE NEW NAZI PARTY - The Freedom … https://ronbosoldier.blogspot.com/2017/08/the-democrats-are-new-nazi-party.html THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE NEW NAZI PARTY Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats. Hitler learned some of his core policy strategies from the Democrats and American progressives. Progressives of the time recognized this and were proud of it. breitbart.com. Posted by
  4. Rush Limbaugh: Democrats Use “Hitler’s Playbook, Are Like ... https://matzav.com/rush-limbaugh-democrats-use-hitlers-playbook-are-like-nazi-party Home News Breaking News Rush Limbaugh: Democrats Use “Hitler’s Playbook, Are Like “Nazi Party ... Now, what are the similarities between the Democrat Party today and the Nazi Party in Germany? Well, the Nazis were against big business. They hated big business and of course we all know that they were opposed to Jewish capitalism.
  5. https://www.theblaze.com/news/pastor-blasts-leftist-thought-in-progressive-worship-song-that-mocks-trump-supporters https://www.theblaze.com/news/public-school-teacher-allegedly-tweets-its-awesome-that-cancer-stricken-rush-limbaugh-is-dying https://www.theblaze.com/news/ice-slams-california-sanctuary-law-after-data-shows-thousands-of-illegal-immigrant-inmates-released-in-one-county-alone Democrat Strategy? Rage, Smear, Lie, and Cheat https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/08/... Aug 21, 2018 · The Democratic Party, driven by rage at their loss in 2016, continues to use fear (all Republicans are racists, Nazis, etc.). ... like nearly every prop analyst on the network and cable news ... Jewish Conservative: Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2014/04/jewish_conservative_top_10_ways... Apr 29, 2014 · Don Feder, a Jewish conservative extremist, two days before Christmas, posted to a Tea Party website  an asinine screed, the “Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis,” which, given his religion, is an especially unfortunate assault. The ludicrous attack by Feder, of the ultraconservative World Congress of Families, includes right wing flash points like “Solyndra,” and “Jeremiah … The Rage of the Democrats - American Thinker https://tmp.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/01/the_rage_of_the_democrats.html The Democrats have thrown all their eggs into the "Hate Trump" basket, but that doesn't seem to be helping their poll numbers. It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America, and Democrats are not interested in stopping any time soon. The radical left enjoys controlling people from cradle to
  6. well, true, but I would think that's close enough. We'll see - not official yet.
  7. wait one flippin minute. Hoorta - you honestly don't know who ADAM SCHIFF IS? OMG. if you watched a half hr? of the fake testimony during the House's 100 percent farce, you surely would have seen him declaring lies like facts for hours. and hours. never one bit of legimate concusions or statements. I mean, come on, man.
  8. ah. woodpecker got nothin. as expected, never fails. He always plucks himself.
  9. Tiam's mayor buttplug and the rest - would have us join the EU. I'd say "lol" if it was funny. but it's as sad as woodpecker trying to add anything intelligent to this forum.
  10. you should go back to talking about a few "x's" and "o's" while you haven't disgraced yourself further, egad. Pres Trump never did anything to be impeached for. Experts all over our government, all over our country have said it. Even all four invited leftwing hater hack Constitutional experts ADMITTED IT IN FRONT OF THE DEMWAHACKS IN CONGRESS DURING THEIR FAKE IMPEACHMENT.
  11. https://www.illegalaliencrimereport.com/ Man Wanted In Brazil For Kidnapping, Robbery Picked Up By ICE In Massachusetts February 5, 2020 by Dave Gibson Six-Day-Long ICE Raid In New Jersey Results In Arrest Of 115 Violent, Foreign Fugitives February 5, 2020 by Dave Gibson Twice Deported Man Admits To Raping, Murdering New Jersey Woman February 5, 2020 by Dave Gibson Illegal Alien Charged With Incest, Rape In North Carolina February 3, 2020 by Dave Gibson Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Child Molestation In Idaho February 3, 2020 by Dave Gibson Corrupt Mexico: Three Cartel Kingpins ‘Escape’ Prison With Help Of Officials Illegal Alien Caught With 21 Pounds Of Meth, Headed To Prison February 2, 2020 by Dave Gibson Illegal Alien Raped 4-Year-Old Twin Girls, Gave Them Both Gonorrhea January 31, 2020 by Dave Gibson Illegal Alien Thought He Was Meeting 14-Year-Old Boy For Sex, Gets Busted Instead January 31, 2020 by Dave Gibson Filipino Church Busted In $20 Million Human Smuggling Scheme January 30, 2020 by Dave Gibson
  12. WE NEED A WALL ! Illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born ... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jan/26/illegals-commit-crimes-double-rate... Jan 26, 2018 · The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday, citing a new report based on conviction data.
  13. I'm just curious - why judge based on nothing that you ...didn't hear or watch, but you made a point about it? Why can that make any sense to you? or, you are just going by what you heard from a hater and peer pressure influenced this outburst against Pres Trump
  14. sorry - we NEED THE WALL. https://thegoldwater.com/news/28155-DOJ-Releases-Shocking-2018-Illegal-Alien-Crime-Statistics-and-Media-is-Silent DOJ Releases Shocking 2018 Illegal Alien Crime Statistics and Media is Silent The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security have now released their 2018 quarterly reports on the arrests of illegal aliens inside the United States of America, and the statistics of those currently in federal custody pending trial or deportation are quite shocking. The mainstream media makes an effort to depict those incarcerated by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agencies as being “Dreamers” or “innocent children,” and in reality that's the furthest thing from the truth, according to the report on the Justice Department website. As a result of President Trump’s Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, there's a specific requirement given to both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for each government agency to collect the relevant data and provide quarterly reports on data collection efforts. The report finds that more than one-in-five of all persons in Bureau of Prisons custody were known or suspected aliens, a shocking misuse of our prison systems and a major burden on the taxpayers of this country. This could be avoided if a border wall were funded immediately. Even moreover interesting is that 93 percent of all confirmed aliens that are in DOJ custody are in the United States unlawfully, meaning that the ICE agency is accurately making arrests of those who shouldn't be in the United States of America in the first place. On June 7th of 2018, the DOJ and DHS released the full Fiscal Year First Quarter Alien Incarceration Report for download, complying with this order. First Quarter 2018 Alien Incarceration Report:
  15. what is all this bs? "what he did today" ???? I WATCHED IT AND WAS PROUD OF HIM. YOU DIDN"T EVEN WATCH IT ??? lol. Check yer diet - I think you are missing some vitamins. Hell YES he was wronged. Again, I'm retired, and watched/listened to HOURS of the fake asswipe testimony that proved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. then the dems failed completely, but to save their own buttfaces and make them FEEL better, they went for it ANYWAYS> as in, the MUELLER REPORT CAME UP WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AFTER THREE YEARS. maybe more sunshine? Vitamin D?
  16. Going to be very very bad. He let all of the wrong people into our America. Bad Islamic people from terrorist supporting countries, with zero vetting. https://www.theblaze.com/news/cair-calls-for-hate-crime-probe-against-palmdale-trump-protesters
  17. oh, baloney. The House develops the CASE, and it was fraudulent. Then they drug it out politically, then gave it to the Senate to review and acquit/convict. I am retired - and watched hours and hours and hours of the phony crap. Ok, I read books, shopped in my seed catalogs, researched vacation spots this year, etc...but still... the claims were all bogus. and the evidence was zero. But they had their hacks show up and "assume" and "think so" etc etc etc. But not one legit bit of genuine evidence. and they kept the reps and Pres Trump completely out of it while they manufactured the farce. they just got "enraged" because they wanted the asinine circus to continue over in the Senate. NOT THEIR JOB. NOT HOW IT WORKS. I didn't like Trump before, but I LOVE PRESIDENT Trump. I'll judge them on WHAT they do for America, not just parrot the lies the liars tell for dirty corrupt extremely dangerous partisan sombeitch reasons. And PRESIDENT TRUMP is KEEPING HIS PROMISES. Something obaMao commie never did, and liar higgardly never would have.
  18. and sticking your stinking feet into your beak, because you never know what you are babbling about. Rush has had a career of telling the truth and being maligned by the left for it. de niro is just a hollywood foul mouthed hater.
  19. Yep. Come on, Hoorta - Reagan was also hated, but was so popular and well liked it made it hard to hate him. the left just hates. they demand power and control of everything, yet cannot do anything correctly, and can't run anything right. Look at dem cities. look at the IOWA neonazi dem caucus. and they want to run everybody's health care??? There are those of us who didn't have much use for Trump. Until he became a candidate for pres, and was sincere. and that sincereness was genuine - look at all the promises he has kept in only his first term. Pres Trump IS GREAT FOR AMERICA. The left HATES now, because they nearly had the House, the presidency, the supreme court owned, leftwing federal corrupt judges all over America, they had the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ/EPA/State Dept - which corruptly would have given them control permenently. But they lost. We elected Pres Trump to stand up to them, and we saved Real America.
  20. Nasty did very serious damage - she ripped the hearts of Americans all over the country. Starting with: https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-sotu-guest-whose-brother-was-murdered-blasts-pelosi-after-she-rips-presidents-speech-ripped-our-hearts-out
  21. the dems are guilty of false accusations, political character assassination, and they are now the neo-nazi democrats - enemy of America - party. Dirty wife beater sherrod drunken ass brown is a disgrace to Ohioans. Time for him to resign. and Romney is less mature than any one year old kid.
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