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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. The leftist dems are guilty of an impeachable offense - ABUSE OF POWER and their attempt to take over more and more power from the Senate and Exec Branch was shut down dramatically by the Senate. Thank GOD for the brilliance of our Founding Fathers. and this is an EXPERT on the Constitution https://www.theblaze.com/news/constitutional-law-expert-flips-the-script-on-democrats-explains
  2. From Bernie Sanders Supporters, Death Threats Over ... https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/17/us/politics/bernie-sanders-supporters-nevada.html May 17, 2016 · From Bernie Sanders Supporters, Death Threats Over Delegates. Supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders during the Nevada Democratic Party’s convention at
  3. it doesn't need to. the left is all in on going more and more confrontational, sensational, and violent at every chance. and obamao told his cult followers to get into peoples' faces. well, that is what they are doing. POLL: 64% Of New Hampshire Democrats Would Rather ‘A ... https://americantruthtoday.com/left-news/2020/02/07/poll-64-of-new-hampshire-democrats... Feb 07, 2020 · “According to a poll from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, 64% of Democratic voters would rather see ‘a giant meteor strike the Earth, extinguishing all human life’ than President Trump re-elected,” reports The Week.
  4. said it to a nice young lady who asked him about his chances after not winning IOWA. egad, what a moron.
  5. Too much mouth, too little brains. and just plain hater nasty. https://www.theblaze.com/news/aoc_fake_economist
  6. "just kidding...hahaha" yeah, right. https://www.theblaze.com/news/police-arrest-man-for-allegedly-attacking-trump-volunteers-with-van-political-motive-being-investigated
  7. AH HA ! I have Trautman taken by our Browns in the 4th round. That is higher than most, but the steelers are said to be very keen on him, some mocks have the steeles taking him in the sixth round. NOTE: the steelers do NOT have a pick in the first or third rounds. and TE isn't that high on their needs... unless they go for Trautman instead of a tall WR. Trautman is very athletic.
  8. Thanks ! Last night, my Wife walked in to the computer room and asked what the heck was I doing so long on the computer. well, she was watching this romantic movie ..... and I explained I was working on my mock draft. I'm really glad I can make her laugh - it made her day. She laughed, shook her head at me, patted me on the shoulder, and went back to her movie. lol Wills and Thomas, one or the other, are often said to be the best OT at this point. https://nflmocks.com/2020/01/08/2020-nfl-draft-jedrick-wills-scouting/ " Wills is a potential top-five selection who could easily end up being OT1 in the 2020 NFL Draft before it is all said and done. " https://www.newyorkjets.com/news/nfl-draft-profile-georgia-t-andrew-thomas "Overview Compared to the other top offensive tackles in this class, Andrew Thomas has the most experience at left tackle. Thomas started the past two seasons on the left side for Georgia after earning All-Freshman honors at right tackle in 2016. He became the first Bulldog to win the Jacobs Blocking Trophy in 21 years in 2019, which is awarded to the top lineman in the SEC. " "Thomas has all the makings of a top-10 pick, but he's going to be competing," Brugler said. "Is he going to be the first tackle drafted or maybe the third tackle drafted?" " ******************************************** I do believe the Browns would stay put and take Thomas, a terrific tackle with all that LT and RT experience. I came to figure, as I started getting done with the first pick...that both would go in the top nine picks. The Jags (PICK 9), Cards (8), Chargers (7) (they will surely go qb with their pick this high), the Dolphins (6) actually need a OT over QB, probably will go qb?), the Giants (5) WILL draft an OT, there is serious OT demand. I figure the Jags will take Simmons, though, and Miami will take a qb because they have two more first round picks later in the twenties. I think the chances are that both Thomas and Wills are taken by the time the Browns pick. It's complicated. LOL
  9. it could be - but here, in conclusion is the reason why is must not happen. You said I was interested in benefitting the reps, not true. As I stated above, the idea you have here, would benefit reps in California HUGELY. It would benefit Dems in Texas HUGELY. The problem, as I stated, is that we have already had giant controversies over close elections - we are so politically divided. Like Bush vs Gore. That was a fiasco, battling over Florida to see who is president. and of course, Trump vs Dirty Higgardly. SO, with your idea, instead of having controversies over the electoral college winner take all elections in important states... according to the rage and hatred...of the left, and the even political divide, no one would get to 270 votes. Meaning the DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CONGRESS would get to pick the next president. I showed that up above. and never knew that. So, THANK GOD we have our "winner take all" system, or the crisis above would probably take place every four years. or, the entirely of American voters would have their votes null and void ! The left blew up over the anger the left has over losing a desperately "must-have" election. The "deep state" has serious fear of Pres Trump - he isn't playing their game as usual. Bush Cheney/ obamao/biden/etc... didn't worry the deep staters in our gov. But, OUR ELECTED President Trump worries the hell out of them. The Clintons corruption, obamao/biden corruption, Comey/Clapper/Brennan/Rice/HiggardlyMcCabe were all dirty. Sure, democrats, since they have a corrupt leftwing majority control of the House, would love the change to your idea, so they could pick the president instead of us.
  10. at least TRY to be serious. Mexico is stopping the caravans - which actually costs them $$$$$$, which helps us save $$$$$$ that we can then spend on the wall. It was your ObaMao commie that he would cut the deficit by half by the end of his first term. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2012/aug/16/americans-prosperity/obama-national-debt-held-accountable-one-term/ and Pres Trump said he'd cut it by the end of his eight years. Obamao's jobs "turned around" because he expanded gov jobs. NOT PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS. He put obamao loyalists everywhere in our GOVERNMENT. Your slurs are getting more childish as you lost out on the faked reasons for the mueller report, the phony "impeachment" witch hunt. give it up = it's been boring since you started.
  11. she said it was all lies. which obviously refers to all the introduction of the guests and all the wonderful stories and praise. that is just the visual point being made.
  12. well, I know kids who, as adults now, wish they had been home schooled in elementary school. The sexual intimidation, drug use, fights, bullying - which occurs in more public schools than those in inner cities.... made them hate it. When our best friends' kids were in a public elementary school, they were threatened with getting beaten up, their younger daughter got shoved to the ground by some inner city boys, and her brother jumped them to stop them from going after her, they converged on him and he got pounded while giving it right back at them. Then the hostility spread to the school bus. Then I was nominated by their family to "bodyguard" them. I just met them at the bus for the rest of the school year, especially after some white old sedan with some derelict old guy followed them from the bus stop, all the way home. He was eventually caught and arrested. Those were sad times they regretted. That changed when they went to a private Christian school. It saved their school years, and it was all positive. I'm just saying there is a flip side to public school benefits of socialization.
  13. I'm not getting that. Putting Justices on the Court that adhere to the Constitution/Bill of Rights as originally written and intended doesn't making it political. The left putting activist judges whose social liberalism lends itself to rationalizing into leftwing decisions -regardless- of having zero Constitutional bases. Not in terms of the Senate, but generally, in terms of reps in the House, sure. as it should be. checks and balances. BTW, if 270 delegates are required to win....that hardly is means it can be done with 20% of the overall vote. at least I don't think so, offhand.
  14. I think the killer leftwing inferno is out of control already. It's time for some people being assaulted by it fight back. It's more and more a soft civil war. so far.
  15. pretty unfair, since you are not a Christian and neither is? Tiam.
  16. not me. quite the opposite. So many kids get bullied in public schools anymore - I think all school shootings have occurred in public schools. I think. It is possible that some homeschooled kids do not get the social interaction - that is sad and inexcusable. But correctable. I don't see the problems with the public schools being correctable.
  17. all true, except it isn't a matter of helping the reps - it's a matter of NOT hurting the reps. The point is, the left was happy with the electoral college til it kept them from winning what and when they so desperately wanted to win. The last pres election was crucial to controlling the supreme court, adding more and more activist lefty judges federally, across the board, keeping the deep state as powerful as it could be, keep control of the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, DOJ,....etc etc. that is just the way I see it. It's the rage of losing that they have decided to focus on the electoral college as their enemy. I support the electoral college- always have, and like I said - America has shifted left to right, right to left on a fairly consistent basis. In that, I simply support the status quo.
  18. LOL. Newsweek now? LOL nice, the Russian people think the russians didn't need the help of America and the Brits to win the war. Except they probably don't know about the material aid and food, and trucks, etc etc etc etc and planes... LOL. 63% of those polled didn't want to end up in a prison.
  19. what it looks like to me so far. 1Josh Jones, OT,Houston The Browns will trade down a bit, and pick up a second round pick, and a fifth, where they didn't have a fifth. Josh Jones is climbing the draft so high some have him picked at 10, but I think the Browns could trade down about 5 spots and still get their LT. He really answered questions in the Senior Bowl. I keep being locked in on Simmons, but I think he is gone before the Browns pick. I will say this: I confuses me as to whether or not I'd trade, if Wills, OT, were here. Wills is apparently often figured to be the #1 OT in the draft. I'm going to assume that Wills went in the top nine picks, probably to the Giants. 2Kyle Dugger,FS/SS/OLB No Simmons, but Dugger is a terrific player in his own right. This kid is a ***football player***. Very, very smart football IQ, and a kickass tackler. About ten lbs lighter than Simmons, I'm great with this pick. 2Logan Wilson, LB, ?Wyoming I don't see this Wilson falling out of the second round. He is getting a lot more attention, and should. "Logan Wilson of Wyoming isn't going to be a household name during the pre-draft process, but he's been a consistent, high-level producer for the past three seasons and has NFL-caliber athletic gifts. He'll take center stage in this year's Arizona Bowl. " 3Marcus Norman OT, South florida I still think this kid has to be a Cleveland Brown. He will anchor the RT position for years to come. He is that good, and a very high character and football IQ pick. He'll start at RT. 3 Logan Stenberg, G, Kentucky The only trouble is, this kid may not last this long, He is getting very, very serious notice for his skills, feet, toughness, and football IQ.If he is even here, which I think he would be, he also will help make the Browns offensive line one of the best, at ROG. That would be rebuilding the Browns oline very nicely. 4 Adam Trautman,TE, Dayton So, because it made me happy, I went and traded down, and have a fifth round pick..... Trautman will be, imho, the player we all hoped Njoku would be. He's big, terrific ball catcher, soft hands, and very physical. He'll adapt into a terrific blocker and the Steelers will hate the Browns for getting him earlier than they could. 5DaVon Hamilton, DT, Ohio State Height: 6-4. Weight: 310. Projected 40 Time: 5.20. Big, powerful pass rusher/run stopper. Homer pick, true, but I really like it. 6Amik Robertson, DB, Louisiana Tech ah, if only Amik will last this long. He's a terrific, albeit short, cb. 5'9" limits him, but as a slot receiver db, inside, he will be amazing. 7 I don't know. PIck a rb?
  20. Conrad Black: Trump is fixing the most scandalous event in U.S. policy (Part 1) Jan 20, 2020 Guest(s): Conrad Black Financier, author, & columnist The influx of illegal immigrants has been the most “scandalous” event to hit U.S. politics, and since that flow of migrants has dwindled, lower income American families have seen increased incomes, this according to Conrad Black, author and media mogul. “The most scandalous event in the history of public policy in the United States in the last 50 years has been the bi-partisan toleration of illegal entry of approximately a million unskilled workers and their families, for 20 years,” Black told Kitco News on the sidelines of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.
  21. you reply with the WASHINGTON POST ??? lol No, I was correct. It's history. Consider that the Soviets had twice as many soldiers in the War as we did, sure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II "During the war some 16 million Americans served in the United States Armed Forces, with 405,399 killed in action and 671,278 wounded. There were also 130,201 American prisoners of war, of whom 116,129 returned home after the war. " https://www.quora.com/How-many-Russians-soldiers-served-in-World-War-2 How many Russians soldiers served in World War 2? A total of 34,476,700 Soviet servicemen participated in the fighting during the war years for the USSR. In the Army and the Navy, 490,000 women were drafted. According to the number of deaths in the Second World War from the USSR, the data is not accurate. According to the General Staff: the total irrecoverable losses of the Red (Soviet) Army amounted to 11,944,100 people. Among the victims of the war, 13.7 million people are civilians. The total number of dead Soviet citizens military personnel and the civilian population is from 26,600,000 to 29,592,749 people, including those missing. *************************************************************** as I already have shown - the historical fact is, without western (primarily American) weapons and material support, the Soviet army would have starved to death, wouldn't have had the trucks to deliver support. Including military and civilian deaths, the Soviet deaths count was about 3/4 of the entire amount of American soldiers who served in the war. If nothing else, Germany feared the soviet army's huge numbers. it was in their own country after the nazis invaded them, of course. The answer is, the Russians didn't have the transportation/material/aircraft supplies to be able to win. Look at how many died. The comprehensive truth is, https://www.reddit.com/r/history/comments/96czjp/america_and_soviet_union_in_world_war_2/ lsspam 12 points · 1 year ago It’s very complicated. Some people will try to give definitive answers, these answers typically zero in on one specific aspect and then support heavily with facts and figures. An American may go through the voluminous list of lend lease material given to the USSR explaining how the Soviet counter offensive would not have been possible without the US contribution (or at least painfully delayed). A Russian would probably cite the gross inequality of Germany’s commitment of men, equipment, and quality of troop to the Eastern front vs Western Front during the critical years of 42-44. And a British person might quietly remind both that neither did much of any fighting at all for the first 33% of the war anyways when Britain largely stood alone. These counter factuals are not productive. It is useful to evaluate how each nation contributed, but to weigh that and engage in counter factuals of “what if they didn’t do X?” is useless and better left to fiction writers. Russia bore an incomparable burden in terms of destruction and loss of life in World War 2, and faced the best and most of the Nazi army. They also received critical supplies from the Allies, were able to ignore Japan entirely because their other allies bore that fight alone, did not face the better part of the luftwaffe, and mind you actually aided Germany in 1939-1940 which created the very situation that they had to save themselves from because Germany was able to focus on France first and fought effectively two one-front wars consecutively until 1944 and not one two-front war like in WW1 (when Russia did in fact collapse).
  22. I disagree. The Russian troops would have failed without the huge influx of aid from America, and less so, the Brits. Were it not for our material/weapons/transportation(trucks/planes)... the Soviet Army would have lost the war. https://www.historynet.com/russias-life-saver-lend-lease-aid-to-the-ussr-in-world-war-ii-book-review.htm "Besides weaponry and food, Lend-Lease provided the Soviet Union with other resources, ranging from clothing to metals. With the start of the Cold War, Lend-Lease became a forgotten chapter in Soviet history and was only revived after glasnost. Now, thanks to Russian researchers and this excellent study, the West will have access to the real story. Lend-Lease provided vital help for the Soviet Union when the country was in desperate straits and made a significant contribution to the final victory. It also strengthened Josef Stalin, a fact that did not bother its chief architect, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who saw beyond the Allied victory and looked at Stalin as a counterbalance to the European colonial powers." " Without Western aid, during the war the Soviet population would have been in danger of sharing the fate of those trapped in Leningrad and the earlier victims of collectivization. Even with the American aid, many Russians died from lack of food. " " American aircraft, flown by Russian ferry pilots across the vast expanse of Siberia, were put to good use by the Soviet air forces even with planes that were less than popular with Western pilots. A case in point was the Bell P-39 Airacobra, used both as a low-altitude fighter and as ground support. Its odd shape gave Soviet censors fits because it was difficult to conceal that it was the favorite mount of their second-highest-ranking ace, the future marshal of aviation, Aleksandar I. Pokryshkin. "
  23. I disagree with Pres Trump. Johnny Bench explains why he should not:
  24. https://scontent.ftpa1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/84778469_1820275984776305_3680475557478268928_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_oc=AQkYNYXcvP_DRspOGffoXyjw44JwyDYR54IbU9MSTvDeuVKdtHv0rEq-BSZH7Vaqke4&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-2.fna&oh=23765935d4dc43ff0f32152f1476ced2&oe=5F0359DA
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