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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. words have twisted meanings with the left. "Morality" <> "emotions" etc etc etc etc
  2. you won't believe it. they are serious - revolution. even if it has to be violent, with gulags. and now this: https://www.theblaze.com/news/guillotine_symbol_democrats
  3. he crosses her on any issue, and higgardly would end up being president.....that is the clinton/deep state way.
  4. every time I post a link, it's text, until I save the post, and repaste the link. I haven't been able to figure it out. crap. lol
  5. It does seem to be that we are at a tipping point. In the discussions on the subject long ago - I was all for civil unions to also be created for equal legal rights. I believe that is what the 63% means. If they were to have asked "do you support the gov forcing Real America to throw the definition of Marriage, and force them to accept a new definition that included ........" it would not have been a majority. Just my stubborn opinion on that. The left demands gov stay out of legislating morality - and has done so for decades. Then, when they get the upper hand, they demand that government legislate morality...because it would be in their favor. That is the inherent dishonesty in leftism emotion dominated people. They do not live on principle, they live on emotion, and self-benefit makes them happy. But let something make them unhappy, like losing their chance at dominating our gov for all time.............. and they go into a rage. It isn't just a few of us - about at least? half of America is Real America. I prefer to think that a sizeable % of the other side is also Real America - maybe the 23% that go to Trump rallies? ....and some are just misguided and can't figure out all the lies yet. I admire this Iranian who came to America so many years ago now - Real American citizen. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/01/the_rage_of_the_democrats.html
  6. because Real Marriage has already been established as a major institution in America and around the world. the court has no right to force Real America to redefine Real Marriage to give the left a major win with a gigantic blow to American Culture.
  7. you're a liar and a coward now. I've criticized retired military over their corruption IN CIVILIAN LIFE. I have NEVER once ridiculed their military service. you are apparently so corrupt in mind you gloss over the difference. Nice try, but you won't get me to respond in a way you can fake a complaint to the mods again. that is like "joebob was in the whatever union all these years, so don't you criticize him for raping that girl, even though he is in prison now, because you are dissing his union and all the good work he did in the factory and all those factory workers" you are so much like woodpecker - he doesn't add anything genuine (ok, he did once) to the forum.
  8. now - check out the contrast: if you are a member of the deep state, you can commit the same "crimes" or much worse, like traitor vindman...and you get nice nice from the deep state: Guess Whose House Wasn't Raided by the FBI https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/04/... Apr 11, 2018 · Michael Flynn was convicted of false statements to investigators, but Andy McCabe, who, according to Rep. Jim Jordan, lied four times to investigators, walks? ... They never raided the home
  9. NOW, read this - clinton foundation whistleblower. the left LOVES and protects whistleblowers. unless you aren't on the deep state's side. You cross the clintons/deep state corrupt half of our gov.... you get hammered and treated like a terrorist: Home of Clinton Foundation Whistleblower RAIDED by FBI https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/04/guess_whose_house_wasnt_raided_by_the_fbi.html Dec 03, 2018 · Trending: Federal Judge Drops Bombshell in Flynn Sentencing The article continues, “The bureau raided my client to seize what he legally gave Congress about the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One,” the whistleblower’s lawyer, Michael Socarras, told TheDCNF, noting that he considered the FBI’s raid to be an “outrageous disregard” of whistleblower protections.
  10. Framing General Flynn for a Crime He Did Not Commit https://www.bing.com/search?q=flynn+home+raided&amp;pc=MOZI&amp;form=MOZTSB Apr 28, 2018 · Former National Security Advisor Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a three-star general, was fired by the White House for allegedly misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his conversation with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. As it turns out, he did not lie to the FBI special agents who interviewed him at the White House in January 2017.
  11. it was a very dangerous dirty show of abuse of deep state power. right out of a movie that could be made in hollywood. read this about how they dirtied up Flynn and his family: Here comes Robert Mueller's FBI raid of Michael Flynn's ... https://www.bing.com/search?q=flynn+home+raided&amp;pc=MOZI&amp;form=MOZTSB Sep 13, 2017 · Here comes Robert Mueller’s FBI raid of Michael Flynn’s house Bill Palmer | 12:07 am EDT September 13, 2017 We all saw what happened when Paul Manafort testified before Congress about the Trump-Russia scandal in a manner which led Special Counsel Robert Mueller to raid his house the next morning before dawn.
  12. the deep state is deeper than I thought. If traitor vindman jumps the chain of command and leaks a distorted view of Pres Trump's call - surely vindman was told to testify about it, haha, because the public would never know because Pres Trump would never release the transcripts. Except, he did. and it showed vindman to be a screwed up in the head ass. I read the transcript, and listened to the entirety of vindman's supremely arrogant twisted testimony.... the rest of the folks listening in, as their job, knew that there was absolutely nothing in the call that was wrong. But vindman served his purpose, and the left is PO'd that vindman isn't their snitch/mole anymore. Yes, if vindman was a Real American, and testified FOR the defense of Pres Trump.... then all the dishonest hacks who have been making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ all these years would have screamed for vindman's prosecution. The corrupt deep state vs Real America. deep state = government bureaucrat organized crime. and obaMao commie dramatically hired thousands and thousands of loyalists into our gov. especially the DOJ and FBI. Drain the Swamp more and more President Trump.
  13. instead of being a lazy woodpecker, go look it up yourself. Do your own research, don't you have any friends? or at least ONE ?
  14. https://rabblerouserruminations.blogspot.com/2008/07/i-am-one-for-whom-you-have-been-waiting.html
  15. I understand. The difference is... the abortion bill is based on the Right to Life - anti-convenient infanticide. The response is an angry? emotional response that is not based on any principle - but rather on belligerent payback emotion. The emotional/greedy basis that the left operates on - is why what they do does not solve problems, only creates more problems. Too bad - when the left fails, they don't admit their policy was wrong - they just insist that they weren't allowed to do enough of their policy.
  16. https://en-volve.com/2019/12/10/durham-was-right-ig-more-corrupt-than-democrats-horowitzs-report-whitewashed-rigged-investigation/ According to Intel sources who spoke with True Pundit, Crane’s allegations of widespread corruption were provided to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, CIA Dir. Gina Haspel, top ranking brass at the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And the White House. “It’s hard to say whether it reached President Trump,” one Intel insider said. “We provided it to John Kelly but it might not have reached the President.” Kelly is the retired U.S. Marine Corps general who served as the White House Chief of Staff for President Trump from July 31, 2017 to January 2, 2019. ***************************************************** Kelly was a supremely arrogant bull in a china shop. we did not elect his corrupt ass. We elected OUR TERRIFIC PRESIDENT TRUMP who is KEEPING HIS PROMISES TO US.
  17. Chief of staff John Kelly gives an exit interview: “To be ... https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/12/chief-of-staff-john-kelly-gives-an-exit... Dec 30, 2018 · In another portion of the interview, Kelly blamed then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the policy to separate families at the border, which caught the White House by surprise. “What happened was Jeff Sessions, he was the one that instituted the zero-tolerance process on the border... Author: Daniel Politi John Kelly: Wrong Man for White House Chief of Staff ... https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/08/john-kelly-wrong-man-white-house-chief-staff... That Kelly is a retired general is irrelevant; he is still widely perceived as a military man. We, along with the president, call him “General Kelly” for a reason. Watching a military leader quickly transition from general to controversial political partisan, as Trump demands,...
  18. The corruption of John Kelly https://www.theweek.com/articles/732632/corruption-john-kelly Oct 25, 2017 · The corruption of John Kelly reminds us that, no matter how accomplished and courageous one may be, Donald Trump's generals work for Donald Trump. He needs them on that wall — truth and decency be...
  19. I have read things like this in the past - martial arts can help train offensive/defensive linemen with hand fighting/leverage... not a bad idea. But Peters looks steriod raged in that picture.
  20. I respect Kelly for his service in the military. But now, like Mccain, he sold out his honor to become part of the deep state. And if I met him, he'd get violent? and THIS is your "hero" ? and I have never ridiculed your military service, and never ridiculed Kelly's service. but you just made a mistake, asswipe. You just ridiculed mine. That's how low your TDS will go? I feel sorry for you. You just slimed yourself. I don't respect slime.
  21. Somebody has to make sense out of your rambling nonsense emotional knee jerk birdbrain responses all over the board since you hatched. The "same thing for all couples". It doesn't have to be the same under the law. Did you just get into high school or something? The government HAD NO RIGHT TO FORCE REAL AMERICA INTO REDEFINING REAL MARRIAGE. The government would have been right by forcing the legal creation of civil unions - I've always said that. and yes, you nearly ALWAYS attack me and others personally, when you disagree with points. That's obviously because you emotionally vent, and have nothing else to explain your belligerence about ideas and beliefs on this forum. You FEEL for yourself. Or, FEEL YOURSELF. who knows. and yes, you absolutely are on the "I disagree with every single aspect of every part of our country that isn't left". ************************************************************ There is hope for you yet. Maybe you will meet a bisexual bird and have a civil union. But it will NOT be a Real Marriage.
  22. they are totally corrupt, and are completely at war, civil dirty tricks war, with Real America, and anyone who stands in their way. Mueller used a long time fbi informant to set up people on the right side of the political spectrum. Filthy, corrupt, dangerous deep state garbage that they desperately had to hide - and would have, with higgardly winning the election. But they lost, and all fear and hell broke loose, they had to fight to CTAs or they could be found out and tried for real crimes. I don't doubt, if higgardly had won, they would have collectively come after all of us, too. Because they would control who won elections from then on, because they would own the U.S. Supreme Court, have loyal leftwing federal judges all over our country, even MORE power to falsely prosecute anyone at anytime... and they know the next election is their "WIN.... or go to prison" time for sure.
  23. I can't find where it was already posted again... ***************************************** the number of former democrats that go to Pres Trump rallies - has been polled at 27% and 20%. She isn't alone. There are a sizeable number of liberals who suddenly start realizing that they have been operating on emotion alone. It felt good to be party of the "in" crowd, and others who lived on emotion alone just added to it. But in the real world, where truth matters, reality matters, FACTS matter.... emotional based existence is something that gets questioned. Eventually, often ? rejected over time. Jerry Rubin, a drug crazed anti-America anti-war activists in a very serious way - ("gotta kill your parents to be free") etc... became a business man in the eighties, well after the college years.
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