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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yes, I said HIS OPINION WAS COWARDLY> i did not call HIM a coward. so what? if you accidently pour coffee on your pinko beak, does that make you a complete accident-prone feather-brained etc for your entire life?' no. except, you have a history of being a picidae. so there is that.
  2. given the artificial membership of political activism on the left, there is nothing "natural" about developing memes for group hatred on their own. it's kkk/nazi/arabic terrorist groupthink.
  3. your constant slurs only show that you have no class, except for picidae.
  4. no, you're a birdbrain. I keep giving you chances to respectfully be a part of this forum, and you keep licking moochelles toes. all that pecking must really get your beak kicked.
  5. not true. SOCIETY pays a price for the depravity that it ignores. and that includes fake "marriage", enforced by lefty Supreme Court judges, with a Chief Justice who has a gay sister that should have recused himself, except i think a couple others are also gay, and they should have recused themselves.....
  6. pick one, word abuser. go ahead, make my hay.
  7. you have to read my posts, Logic. the gun laws would be unConstitutional - further past where they are, they would be violating our Constitution. Illegal aliens violated our law by illegally coming here. Trying to stop ICE from enforcing perfectly justifiable law over left wing politics is just dangerous and corrupt. you are trying to defend a business refusing to do biz with ICE over politically leftwing refusal to abide by Constitutional Law. and "a democrat" is not a major Dept of our Government. I wouldn't do business with bloomberg, say, regardless.
  8. I'm disgusted. seems that the leftwing deep state pros attorneys all over the DOJ went to Barr and told him he'd better not pros mccabe, or the deep state would take him out or something. whatever,... nobody understands that decision. unless there is far more serious charges against him coming. that would explain that.
  9. sorry woodpecker, but when I said I never called him a coward, it was in response to his claim that I did it before. Of course i'm doing it now. He crossed the line. and you really need a friend somewhere, somewhere. sad. hope you get a friend someday.
  10. he would have been tex's lipstick stained poster on his wall......the president is commander-in-chief. We elect our president to make policy. not the dirty arrogant out of control deep state operators like kelly, traitor vindman, and the like. man - I hope somebody can catch some of the"Shooter" on rerun..., or the movie. It's almost like it was made to be a warning about what has really been going on. The assassination of JFK, attempted assassination of Reagan, and now the absolute hatred and attempted destruction of Pres Trump. both Bushes were well entrenched with the powers that be. the list is getting longer. obaMao, both clintons, holder, rice, lynch, mccabe, comey, clapper, brennan, kelly, vindman, the dirty carabella sp? fake whistleblower/liar, steele, the entire democratic party bar none, bidens, moochelle, blumenthal, gore, ginsburg, stephan halper, valerie jarrett, peter strzok and dirty mistress page, dirty john kelly, lois learner, terry mccauliffe, dirty john mccain, barbara jill mccabe, herbert mccmaster, joseph mifsud, dirty robert mueller and all his dirty "pitbull" dishonest pros attorneys, bruce and nelli orr, dirty milt romney, and this dirtbag: rosenstein..., some call it a "shadow government" - we call it the "deep state". they plan on running our country, and if a non-deep stater becomes president, or goes rogue contrary to their power - they will destroy all opposition. For all the talk about the clintons' people doing all the mysterious murders of clinton associates... I would suggest it's the deep state thugs who are taking people out. Just....like....in....the "Shooter" movie.
  11. Pennsylvania Woman Wants To Marry A Goat https://peopleoflancaster.com/pennsylvania-woman-wants-to-marry-a-goat/ GAP, PA – For one Pennsylvania woman love is in the air this Valentine’s Day but in a very unusual way. She found love with a goat and wants to marry him. Harrisburg resident Mona Lott was visiting the Gap Lighthouse when she came across a mysterious character and says it was love at first sight.
  12. Australian woman Jodi Rose marries a bridge in France ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2356774/Australian-woman-Jodi-Rose-marries... Jul 05, 2013 · Jodi Rose married Le Pont du Diable Bridge in Céret, southern France after falling head over heels for the ‘sensual’ 14th century stone structure.
  13. "after the fall of reason and morals...and the beginning of the fall of society" https://www.theblaze.com/news/hgtvs-house-hunters-episode-features-first-throuple-drawing-polarized-reactions
  14. pick one? organic (ɔːˈɡænɪk) adj 1. (Biology) of, relating to, derived from, or characteristic of living plants and animals 2. (Biology) of or relating to animal or plant constituents or products having a carbon basis 3. (Biology) of or relating to one or more organs of an animal or plant 4. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or belonging to the class of chemical compounds that are formed from carbon: an organic compound. Compare inorganic2 5. constitutional in the structure of something; fundamental; integral 6. of or characterized by the coordination of integral parts; organized 7. developing naturally: organic change through positive education. 8. (Law) of or relating to the essential constitutional laws regulating the government of a state: organic law. 9. (Agriculture) of, relating to, or grown with the use of fertilizers or pesticides deriving from animal or vegetable matter, rather than from chemicals n 10. (Agriculture) any substance, such as a fertilizer or pesticide, that is derived from animal or vegetable matter 11. organic food collectively orˈganically adv
  15. 10 Generals/Admirals That Got Fired - History and Headlines https://www.historyandheadlines.com/10-generalsadmirals-got-fired On April 11, 1951 President Harry Truman had had enough, and fired General of the Army (5 star general) Douglas MacArthur. Firing the senior American general during a war, especially one that had been awarded the Medal of Honor (in World War II) and that was a national hero is not to be taken lightly;Read More
  16. 10 Generals Who Got In Trouble With Their Chief - Listverse https://listverse.com/2010/06/27/10-generals-who-got-in-trouble-with-their-chief Jun 16, 2014 · American General Stanley McChrystal was recently relieved of command by President Obama, for disparaging comments he made about the administration. He was the latest U.S. general to be sacked for crossing the Commander In Chief.
  17. Martin James Monti, United States Army Air Forces pilot, convicted of treason for defecting to the Waffen SS in 1944. He was paroled in 1960. ************************************************ I suppose Tex thinks this USAF pilot was justified because of Pres Trump. just stupid it is.
  18. U.S. military personnel have been convicted of $50 million ... https://publicintegrity.org/national-security/u-s-military-personnel-have-been... May 05, 2015 · Since 2005, 115 U.S. service members have been convicted of crimes valued at more than $50 million in Iraq and Afghanistan, including stealing, rigging contracts, and taking bribes.
  19. stick a cork in it, texsag. I knew officers in the military who were absolutely corrupt. I knew a dangerously racist and Christian hater/God hater msgt who came after a bunch of us in the military. he threatened me once. I won dramatically. You won't know the story, because you suck at being an honest human being on this forum. Of course people who served honorably in the military must have that service respected. but in civilian life- not even woodpecker would respect a murder done by a former military officer. What happens when a military person commits a crime off ... https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071006093959AAYK5i6 Oct 06, 2007 · He was an Air Force man who committed a crime off base in Hawaii and was court-martialed by the military. That was overturned by the Military Court of Appeals which ruled that crimes committed out in "civvie land" which don't involve military …
  20. I never once called you a coward. and a liar. and ignorant. Police officers, pastors, lawyers, doctors - some of them commit crime. some teachers commit crime. well ,hell yes some military officers commit crimes. That is why there is a UCMJ. While military service members are normally subject to laws and punishments under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), there are times when civilian courts also have jurisdiction over crimes committed by service members. This can happen when a service member commits a crime outside of a military installation. Civilian Criminal Law and Military Personnel https://military.findlaw.com/criminal-law/civilian-criminal-law-military-personnel.html While military service members are normally subject to laws and punishments under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), there are times when civilian courts also have jurisdiction over crimes committed by service members. This can happen when a service member commits a crime outside of a What Happens When Military Veterans Commit Criminal ... https://www.bajajdefense.com/happens-military-veterans-commit-criminal-offenses Jan 16, 2017 · An Army National Guard veteran who served in Iraq shot dozens of people at a Florida airport, highlighting the particularized needs of military veterans when they run afoul of the criminal justice system. 26-year-old Esteban Santiago received a general discharge from the ANG shortly after his tour of duty in Iraq.
  21. not in violation of federal immigration policy. by your...logic, Logic, businesses have the power to coerce the federal government to fail if they have a chance. Federal law, unless unConstitutional, rules. You can't not pay taxes because you "disagree with the gov". Banks are not a stand alone business - the loans are federally backed up. There are plenty of laws regulating the banking industry. Banks don't get to refuse to cooperate with the feds based on a dishonest whim of disobedience.
  22. but the left keeps loving lies as part of their hate. https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden_snaps_deportations
  23. the deep state civil war is nearing an early crisis point. https://www.theblaze.com/news/bombshell-buried-deep-inside-ig-report-fbi-gave-classified-info-to-british-spy-christopher-steele
  24. tomlin is a dishonest piece of garbage'. probably the only ones who heard it are Garrett and Rudolf the Rednosed Racist.
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