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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. this keeps getting ignored in the media. I figure, sissy mason was irate at getting sacked, after being hurried, sacked...Garrett was making him miserable and po'd. 4 interceptions, 4 sacks for 43 yards loss, qb rating of 36.3 Why not guess that they wanted to bait Garrett to get him out of the game? Why the hell, after Garrett tackled him by pulling him down, instead of landing on him - and getting flagged... did blewdolph go apecrap enraged? I say, because he was P*(&(*&^ frustrated, and they wanted Garrett out of the game. Try to rip Garrett's helmet off, calling him racist term, kick him in the groin, then for good measure, try to go after Garrett's face while he was being held. That make any sense either? How can you try to rip off a defender's helmet, kick him in the groin - and then be enraged at the guy who tackled you again? well, Garrett did pull HIS helmet off in return... but the clincher was, after getting bonked with his own helmet, he immediately turned for show to the ref. Sadly, Garrett took the bait. and couldn't play vs the squealers in their game two weeks later. AND, watching the close up of mason later in the game afterwards, he had a bigass smile on his face. https://www.footballdb.com/games/boxscore.html?gid=2019111401 Pittsburgh Steelers Att Cmp Yds YPA TD Int Lg Sack Loss Rate Mason Rudolph 44 23 221 5.0 1 4 22 4 43 36.3
  2. "so you think drugged up gay woodpeckers can't be prostitutes?" Woody lol
  3. woodpecker does it a lot when he has left and then comes back, beak pecking furiously. after a while, his beak must get numb and he leaves again. Odd how woodpecker has little or no life, but he is an "expert" on marriage, the military, foreign relations, society, reading peoples' minds, seeing into the future , all political systems, oppression by governments, tyranny, the Constitution/Bill of Rights, ... except he doesn't know anything about anything. He just smarts off to other posters and thinks that makes him a superior picidae.
  4. seems like the left are happy and willing to be slaves to gov, as long as they get free welfare, etc.
  5. https://www.theblaze.com/news/video-granddaughter-of-elderly-hispanic-woman-slain-by-illegal-immigrant-slams-sanctuary-law
  6. https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article213525764.html https://lawandcrime.com/immigration/obamas-immigration-agencies-separated-children-from-their-families-too-2/ Multiple stories about those family detention centers written during the Obama era–just not by the mainstream media. In particular, dozens of stories about the Nogales Placement Center in Nogales, Arizona particular were written by journalists at Shadowproof, a reader-supported media outlet, alone. Journalists for Shadowproof also frequently reported on the T. Don Hutto Residential Center in Taylor, Texas. Most media declined to investigate these facilities until fairly recently.
  7. gosh. how many threads have you screwed up in most of the years? and now you don't like somebody messing up your ...one? thread? but you are "entitled" to be special because you always got participation trophies....
  8. no, I'm not. "shall not be infringed" doesn't mean "whatever gun control you want, it's fine.". you know that. Here: If ICE was acting illegally, beating up innocent people, raiding homes based on false red flag reports and kidnapping women, etc... I certainly would not contribute to that. But ICE is following our justified immigration law. There is no legit claim of objection. Corrupt political motives are not allowed. Try this: In the military, you are not to follow an illegal order. Now, if a commander says "shoot that innocent boy over there", of course, you tell him you will not, why, and refuse. but you can't refuse to dig a ditch because you don't want to, by saying it's an illegal order. that is nonsense.
  9. you are talking religion, but I am talking Christianity and morality. Slavery was repulsive, etc etc. And axes etc - was hideously immoral. cannibals in some remote jungle are not Christians, but that is ok because it isn't Christianity? the ....logic is a bit twisted.
  10. nope. but the DOJ is flooded with deep state hacks. Barr needs to start firing them.
  11. except the op refers to a democratic senate candidate, not just some whacko nutjob on the left or right.
  12. no, lol, but I remember Uranium One, the subject lefties won't talk about. and fast and furious - the scandal designed to implicate all US gun owners and associations for all the violent crime in Mexico. which, they DID SAY, they just had to manufacture some fake proof. but they got caught. and eric dirtbag holder got censured/whatever it was, for it. I remember when Americans died at Benghazi, and obaMao/higgardly etc, lied again and again, covered it up, lied some more, and then higgardly said in front of Congress "at this point what difference does it make?" and the left didn't care.
  13. see? you can't stop. It seems to me you're a sick bird, You can't take part in any discussion because you are too ignorant, then you go to personal attacks and personal arguments. You just have to peck at other people, belittle other people, for no good reason, to make you look like you are taking part in serious discussions. the entire board can see it, woodypeckerhead.
  14. yet, you deserve it, all your posts defending gay fake marriage and all. you would be licking a gay friends' toes, if you had a friend.
  15. I didn't say HE was a hopeless coward you moron. I gave his statements a category of "hopeless coward" statements. that is how it was meant. you really don't know how to contribute to any thread on this board. what a woodypeckerhead.
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